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I need to say this out loud or I will explode

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Are you feeling like this: :party: or like this: :willy_nilly:? Either way, I am sure you will adore your new bundle. Congratulations!


Yes, a little of both. I don't keep secrets well. After 2 very early miscarriages I won't tell friends/family/work until 8-10 weeks.

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Yes, a little of both. I don't keep secrets well. After 2 very early miscarriages I won't tell friends/family/work until 8-10 weeks.


Congrats! May the next 3-4 weeks pass quickly and uneventfully for you!


I was into my fourth month before I fessed up to one of my pregnancies. So yeah, holding back on the info really does add to the feeling that you're going to explode.

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