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What Time Do You Go to Bed?

What time do you go to bed at night?  

  1. 1. What time do you go to bed at night?

    • Before 9pm
    • Around 9pm
    • Around 9:30pm
    • Around 10pm
    • Around 10:30pm
    • After 11

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11-12 but I really need to be in bed around 10. I'd like to get up between 5:30 and 6am because I love how quiet the morning is and I love to watch the sunrise while I do yoga. I also like to be the first one up. The problem is that Ds is supposed to bring his laptop and phone to the living at room 10pm and have lights out at 10:30. I can't relax until that's all done.

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I haven't voted yet. I have been very tired here and have been going to bed too early. In Va, I went to bed usually around 11:15 to 11"30 and woke up anywhere from a bit before 6am to 6:30 am. For whatever reason, I have been going to bed earlier here and getting up a bit later. Maybe it has something to do with my B12 deficiency.

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I think you need a choice that says, "Too Late". :lol:


I put 10:30 because that is when I begin the routine of checking on the kids, washing up, brushing teeth, determining clothes for the next day, etc. By the time I actually get in bed, it's probably closer to 11, and then I have to read (part of my nighttime ritual since childhood), so I probably end up falling asleep closer to 12-12:30. It's too late since I need more sleep, but I'm a work in progress on this one. :tongue_smilie:

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I voted 9:30. There are some nights that I get in and nurse ds around 8:45 and then read until like 9:30. When I first has ds I was in bed going to sleep at 8:30.


I think of it as being totally pathetic.:glare: I wish I could function with out going to bed so early. Ds wakes me up at 7am lately. I think I still need so much, because he still nurses intermittently in bed during the night disturbing my sleep pattern.

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I voted for 10:30 but usually it's right at 11:00 p.m. when I get to bed. I'd like to go to bed earlier but I often need the quiet after everyone else has gone to sleep. If I get up at 5:00 a.m. or after, at least one child gets up too. So, the only quiet time is late at night or before 5 a.m.


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My husband works from 3pm-10pm. I always wait up for him and we talk for a while. I try to be in bed ready to sleep by 12. I also work part time in the morning a few days a week from 8am to noon. On those days I have to be up by 6:30. Most days my husband and the kids sleep in until around 10am.

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On a night with insomnia? Any time between 2 and 4am


Or without? Any time between midnight and 2 am.


You and me both. Right now it's just gone 1am, and I still have some math to mark and a bit of planning to do for tomorrow. It's rare for me to get to bed before midnight and I'm sure it shows!

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I put at 9pm, ideally it is 8:30pm though but usually we talk abit before sleeping. I don't get staying up late, I really don't. I like feeling well rested and I like to have time awake before the kids and the only way to do that is to go to bed early. Sleep is soooooo important to me!!!! I'd be a bear and not getting anything done if I stayed up as late as most.

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Between 10:30 and 11:30. I wish it were earlier, I really need more sleep. Stress is wearing me out. But I stay up to keep dh company, because he is happier that way - which keeps me happier. :) One kid is usually up a little after 5, 6 if I'm lucky. Plus the 3yo has started waking in the middle of the night again. I think I'll ask for sleep for Christmas. ;)

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I have always been an early morning person, but I really hate being tired, so I have trained myself to go to bed by 10pm most of the time. 2 nights ago I was asleep by 9.30. Lately, sometimes its closer to 11. But 10pm is my average bedtime.

I think I learned when I went to school, how horrible it is to be tired all day, dragging myself through the day. I learned to put myself to bed on time.

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Between 12am-1am and sometimes a little later. Every morning I vow I'll get to bed earlier :glare:.


This exactly. I have a high-needs infant who is not easy to get to sleep and he wakes several times before he'll finally settle in for an hour or two without waking, so it's usually quite late by the time I can read, watch tv with dh, or whatever I want to do to relax for awhile.


I should go to bed earlier since he still wakes multiple times a night and I'm always tired. But he does at least sleep in until around 9:30.

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It varies wildly. Ideally I like to go to bed between 9 and 10. But, with the new baby, it's really dependent on him. Some nights, if he seems like he's going to sleep a long stretch early, I go to bed around 8 and then am up with him for a couple of hours around midnight. Other nights, he'll have his before-bed feeding around 11, and then we sleep for a while and he gets up around 3.

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Kiddos head up to bed at 7pm (asleep by 8), dh is up by 3am for work (yuck), so he heads to bed right after the kids (8:30p). Kids get up between 5-6am, no matter how dark the room or when they go to sleep. So I go to sleep between 8:30 - 9:30, unless I'm up late with a migraine. :x. DH shift is changing so he'll be able to sleep in until 4am, which will put us back on a much more pleasant 9:30p bedtime (work nights I miss our private time, but I'm spoiled since he's home by lunchtime). :D


Even before kids, we were more an early up (commute), early to bed. If you start turning down/off lights after sundown it helps your body adapt to a more natural clock, I think. I'm just thankful the kids are all on the same basic schedule!


'night! :lol:

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I am usually up till around 1am and sleep till between 8:30 and 9. After 11 (when the kids are FINALLY in bed - this summer it has been really hard to get them to go to sleep before 11 since we don't even come in from outside until 9:30 or so) is when the house is quiet and I can watch what *I* want to on TV...or I can spend time on the computer without "MOM...HEY MOM" every 30 seconds. Some nights I am just willing to give up my me time earlier than other nights! ;)

Edited by Tree House Academy
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I generally go to bed between midnight and 1am and get up between 7am and 8am. I used to get up between 8am and 9am, but after construction going on behind my house for months, I started automatically waking up early every day.


My 15yo tries very hard to be in bed by midnight because she has a hard time getting to sleep after that.


My 13yo goes to bed between 10:30pm and 11:15pm.


My 18yo is gone to college now, but she was going to bed any time between 10pm and 3am this summer.

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