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How many book shelves are in your school area?

How many bookshelves do you have for school books  

  1. 1. How many bookshelves do you have for school books

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I voted 5, but really, if I had the space to put all of our bookshelves for school in ONE room, that number would increase ;) I have a large un-used entertainment center that I use for storage (counted as 2), and then 3 additional bookshelves in our dedicated school storage area. That doesn't include the tall bookshelf in DS's room that's strictly for books (that don't fit on the raingutter shelves above his bed) and one other tall shelf in his room that would also be in the dedicated area if it could fit...so it *would* be like 8 or 9 I am sure :lol:

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Three cubes (half wall height) which hold various art, math, and science supplies, plus our current year's curricula. One floor to ceiling shelf that holds books ranging all subjects, readers and my teacher training books.


We also have a shelf in the living room that holds the grown up books (plus stacks on the fireplace and in the bedroom. We really need more shelf space for those. Then each kid has a full sized bookshelf with their favorites and lots of books at their level.

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I'm not home right now, but I'm mentally counting and I'm pretty sure there are ten. These are in the Living Room/Dining Room, where we do most of school. There are six other bookcases in the house, but they don't have school related stuff in them. We need more, as there are books spilling out onto every flat service in the house.

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We need more, as there are books spilling out onto every flat service in the house.




This is us to. Right now I have 2 huge stacks on both sides of me on the computer desk. They need a home. Then there is a big stack on both sides of the computer desk. Then there are 2 boxes... UGH. I am working on downsizing and the book that are for off history years I am going to get big boxes or totes to store them in... Ohhh that is an idea- get those under the bed storage totes for off history/science years! Thats what I am going to do :D


I knew this question served a purpose :lol:

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In our school room, we have 7 (including a large wall-sized Ikea-like cubed one that I built). But, we have 19 throughout the house (soon to be 20). We recently got rid of seven large boxes and one huge tub of books trying to downsize. Library book sales and used book stores are an obsession for both dh and me. :blushing:

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We don't have a school room-we do school everywhere! We also use real books for most of our homeschool so I would have to include all my book storage as school book storage. We have books everywhere! My china cabinet holds books-not china. My large entertainment set has the t.v. in the middle and all the rest of the shelves are filled with books. My husband built floor to ceiling shelves in our bedroom along one wall and they are mostly covered in books. He thinks I have too many.:glare:My son has a bookshelf in his room and my daughter just has books everywhere. I also have a bookshelf in my kitchen that holds the books we're currently using.

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I have one large built-in bookshelf that takes up a good portion of the wall. I love it because part of the shelves have doors, so I can close off the messy stuff. It's perfect. The kids each have a small bookshelf in their room, and in the den we have a book basket.




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I wasn't sure how to vote. First off we don't have a dedicated school area. Dh built floor to ceiling bookshelves on one wall in our living room and one wall in our dining room. I need another wall done in the spare room, a couple of shelves in each of the bedrooms and a shelf or two in the kitchen.

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I have just two large bookcases in the dining/school room of this house. Before we moved, I had more like five.


I'm schooling only one child nowadays, and he's heading into high school. So, before the move I purged a lot of stuff I knew we wouldn't need again.


Of course, these two bookcases hold only school-specific books and materials. There are two more in my bedroom where I store all of the old binders and portfolios. And there are six more tall ones and six short ones in the living room that hold our general library. Both kids have at least two big bookcases in their rooms for their own books, too.

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I voted other....I have 2 plus a dresser and a half wall (in which I have olaced some nice book sets) in our school area. There is another bookshelf in tye kids bedroom, one in the playroom, two in the family room. 6 total bookshelves plus the wall and dresser.

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Shelves or cases? I have three book cases in my computer room/den area, with 13 shelves between them. Plus an old china cabinet that I converted and now use for school and art supplies. Plus a supply closet. And I'm constantly "in danger" of running out of room for more books lol.

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I had nine bookcases in the dining room, three in the music room, one in the living room, three in the kids' room, and one in my room. I needed one more. These were all the type that go up higher than a person's head and are at least two feet wide. That's eighteen total. I downsized when I moved. I think I could do it with eight now, but I currently only have the equivalent of four. We have books crammed in edgewise and creatively stacked between and on top of bookcases. Sigh. Soon we will be moving into a more permanent location. Then I will be able to go purchase furniture and I can get the books into the homes they deserve.


I voted nine in the poll because that's how many I had in my school area.

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We have six of varying sizes and I am out of room. All of my daughter's new Core 100 books are currently in a neat pile on the floor because I have nowhere to house them.



I've been trying to find some at garage sales, etc. but book shelves are too expensive to buy new right now, and even at garage sales it seems the price is too high.


I might have to take old SL books and box them up as I have heard others do, but I hate boxing up books. I like to have them accessible for when the mood strikes.

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We school in the kitchen and family room so none of our school books are in there, just one bookcase in the family room for younger kids books. My entire front hallway is floor to ceiling bookshelves for school work, two bookcases just for all the SL K-100. The kids each have one or two bookcases in their rooms. One entire wall in the playroom is bookshelves. I just bought 4 of the huge floor to ceiling bookcases from the Borders Bookstore that is going out of business. I'm trying to figure out where they are going to fit, luckily I have a few weeks to figure it out. I try to keep all our casual reading to books from the library or downloads for the various readers, but face the fact that homeschooling with living books takes a lot of books. :lol:

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I voted 4. Four in our school room with school books, school supplies, and children's books (which is also the dining room). BUT there are also 2 bookshelves in the family room with not currently in use school books and photo albums on them, 3 bookshelves in the living room with our adult books and library books, one bookshelf with video games in the living room, one large plastic shelves in the hallway with board games, and 2 bookshelves in my bedroom with craft supplies. Also in the play area (which is half of the family room) there are 5 half sized bookshelves with my preschooler's toys and learning fun stuff. She also has a workbox/bookholder deal in the dining room. This will hold preK fun for her this school year. Used to hold blocks, toys, and books. So lots of bookshelves for storage around here. I love them. :)

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I said 2 or less, but there are 3 in the living room where the guys do some of their school work and 6 in the basement. I just moved one from the school area to make room for another desk. Someday I'd like to be able to keep them all together, but I still don't want to do school in the basement. We have a wood stove down there which makes it much too hot all winter.

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Dh says I have to many. I have 12 (:blush:) I am working on downsizing books and a storage plan. AND dh is going to make me a bookshelf that should replace 3-4 (a really long one to go along a wall :001_smile:)


Sooo, how many do you have? Please tell me I am not alone!!


You can't have too many. :D

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I read the question incorrectly and voted 3. I have 3 bookcases---the six foot ones, mostly not double-stacked---so more like 15 shelves. For one child. :D That does include a shelf that has things like school supplies and the microscope along with books, however.


I am working diligently on taking things as we finish them to the homeschool consignment store and being more judicious about what I pick up, even if it's a great deal. I did manage to get 6th grade history down to one shelf including the textbook and student/teacher guides (it was closer to two before that). I've also sworn I won't buy things for high school yet (but I have most of middle school covered now).;)


To put it in perspective, my husband just finished cataloging the books in the house (not including any of the school books, cookbooks or any of the books on the 4 bookcases in my daughter's room) and we have 3500+ books. This is after much weeding and taking to used bookstores. There are worse obsessions, right?:)

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Just so you don't feel bad.....


We have 7 in our school room, 5 in the family room, 2 in the girl's bedroom, 1 in the playroom, 1 in our master bedroom and a stack of books I brought home from the used bookstore last Thursday that still need a home. I briefly contemplated removing my yellowware bowl collection from my antique stepback cupboard in our dining room and replacing it with more books, but then I came to my senses!

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I have one TALL bookcase and one LONG low bookcase in my school area, for a total of 9 shelves. I also have a hutch full of school materials and audiobooks, also in the kitchen/school area. But I have 6 other bookcases throughout the house that are full. I am obsessed with books! I wish I had room for more so I wouldn't have to sort through them every year...

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Guest Angelika

We have 3 big bookshelves - one in the study area and would probably need another one because it is overflowing or maybe better organization. There is one smaller shelf in my daughter's bedroom (mostly her guided level readers), and one big tall bookcase in our office.

Edited by Angelika
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Dh says I have to many. I have 12 (:blush:) I am working on downsizing books and a storage plan. AND dh is going to make me a bookshelf that should replace 3-4 (a really long one to go along a wall :001_smile:)


Sooo, how many do you have? Please tell me I am not alone!!


I already voted and commented, but then got to wondering: Do you mean bookcases (as in shelving units with multiple shelves) or bookshelves (as in the individual shelves on a bookcase). Because, if it's the latter, I have a very different answer!

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My husband has built bookshelves into the wall--we have them all throughout the house. We also have 4 stand alone bookcases. That would probably equal about 12 bookshelves? We used to have more space devoted to bookshelves at our other house, but we downsized a little.



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I voted three, but that's total bookshelves in the downstairs of our house and not all of that is school books. The shelves hold school books, free reading books, sewing supplies, National Geographic magazines, a box of manipulatives, a shelf of games, and some knick knacks/decorative items.


But -- we moved here from the US with what we could pack in our luggage and one pallet shipped over (roughly 24 boxes, each box 12"x12"x24" more or less). We had to seriously downsize books at that time; it was gut wrenching.


I also have one and a half bookshelves upstairs in the boys' bedroom where they keep their more "fluff" sorts of books, and a very deep shelf in my closet for the "school books not being used this year" as well as boxes stored in various attics back home. We take home the books we don't need/won't need again for a while to make room for what we do need each year.


Not ideal, but what we have to do right now.


Oh, and I have a Kindle and get as much for all of us (myself, dh, the kids) in that format as possible.

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I wasn't sure how to answer. Our school room is also our library. We have three bookcases that are floor to ceiling shelves and six crates more in the closet that are waiting for another bookcase. Plus the older boys have a full bookcase in their bedroom and the little guy has three bookshelves in his bedroom. Out of all those 27 + shelves only four are dedicated for this year's school books.

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Dh says I have to many. I have 12 (:blush:) I am working on downsizing books and a storage plan. AND dh is going to make me a bookshelf that should replace 3-4 (a really long one to go along a wall :001_smile:)


Sooo, how many do you have? Please tell me I am not alone!!



There is no such thing as too many bookshelves!!!


We have books in literally every single room of the house.

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Three huge ones in the school room (basically, two whole walls covered in books) a small one in DD's room, book baskets in the living room, two in the computer room, and books scattered throughout the house. Oh and six file boxes of music books/music teaching materials. This is AFTER serious downsizing and sending something like 6 boxes of books to the used bookstore/library book sale.

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5 bookcases, but that's not including the kids bookcase in their room (non-school books) and my school storage cupboard. My dh gave me a kindle for my last b-day and as he handed it over he said, "This is so we don't have to buy any more bookcases." I just LAUGHED.....I've already picked out the ones I want for christmas!:D

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I voted 10+, as we currently have about 10 bookcases. We also have several long (and several short) raingutter bookshelves, but I just counted them as one bookshelf altogether. We just got a local IKEA, so I have a feeling that this fall, we'll end up with several more!


My "Kindle" shelf is also loaded up with free classics and the books I read myself.

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Shelves, or bookcases? I voted shelves! I have 2 floor to ceiling cases (5 shelves each) and 2 shorter ones (2 shelves each), plus 3-4 more shelves full of kids books in another room, plus 6 shelves full of my husband's books (seminary & such), plus my writing books...


We like books! Can one have too many shelves?

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