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What were YOU fed as a baby?

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I was chatting with my mom last night and she asked me how our newbie is doing on his lactose-free formula (doc suggestion) - he's doing much better :D I told her…then, she mentioned that when I was a baby, I had tummy troubles so she switched me to homogenized milk at SIX WEEKS OLD. :001_huh: (evidently mine weren't lactose issues!)


Yep, normal milk - 3.25% - from the grocery store…then her doc said to use 2% instead or I'd get fat. :tongue_smilie:


Anyway - when I expressed shock at that (and told her that the current recommendation is no cows milk until one year old - at which SHE was shocked) she then told me that she and her four sisters were raised on canned milk as babies! (she was born in '53 and is the 2nd oldest of four)


It's amazing how these things change eh? What was 'normal' then versus now…


Anyway…do you know what YOU were given as a baby?

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I was breastfed for six months with solids and milk starting around 3 months I think. MY mom was very insistant that I BF my own and I thin it's beccause she did it at a time (1973) when it seemed nobody else did. Of course when I wouldn't introduce solids for 6 months and BF for 2 years she gave me her opinion on that as well. :glare: But she listened when I told her it was not up for discussion. :D

Edited by WishboneDawn
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Canned milk here, too. Just the way it was at the time. Apparently, I had colic and that's all I would take (whole milk wasn't cutting it, lol). Breast milk apparently wasn't even on the table as an option in the mid-1960s. Unless you were one of those "hippie-types"...which my mother was most assuredly NOT. :lol:

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My grandma gave her kids sweetened condensed milk from the can. She also tried to give me directions for making a sugar teat -- it keeps them quiet, she assured me!


My mom breastfed and (later) apparently gave me lots of soft French cheeses. I guess I was a fan of dairy.

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Whatever formula was used in '75. Mother didn't breastfeed me (because she initially had me up for adoption and in foster care with visitation). I was a terribly colicky baby. No explanation...just that my crying made her want to toss me out the window. She breastfed her two sons though (stepdad was a lactivist :D )

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I was given formula (whatever the 1980 version of that was), but my brother was given evaporated milk and corn syrup. My mom got really sick right after he was born, was hospitalized and lost her milk supply. When they put bro on formula, it made him really sick (respitory). They tried every type of formula, including meat based, and nothing worked. He was very, very skinny and my mom was getting desperate. Finally, she talked to my great grandmother, who suggested the evaporated milk and corn syrup. My mom had nothing to lose, so she went for it, and sure enough, that was the ONLY thing that my brother could take without the horrible reaction. So that's what he grew up on! He was a terribly sick child for several years, but after his tonsils were removed, he got much better. He's 6'3" and very healthy now!

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I was breastfed for 3 months (my mother was always ahead of herself lol. She didn't know anyone who breastfed) and then got the standard whatever formula there was. My mother also gave us all rice cereal at about 3/4 mos, although my youngest sister was 6 mos.

Edited by LibraryLover
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I don't want to know what I was fed !


I was born when breastfeeding was actively discouraged. I'm sure that my mother gave me whatever horrible garbage doctors pushed, which was canned, or reconstituted with water. I suspect that it was way worse than the formulas available today.

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I was having severe allergic reactions to foods through breastmilk, so they tried me on soy formula and goat's milk. It was just as bad with both of those and out of desperation my mom tried Carnation dried milk powder, as she's heard through word of mouth of moms in similar situations having success with it. I know it sounds like a nutritionally horrifying solution but I was covered in exzema in high summer temps in California so she did what she had to do.


It turns out she was right on target--I can tolerate some milk products but those that are high in butterfat like homemade ice cream or whipping cream are the most likely of all to trigger asthma and really bad sinus congestion.

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She also says I almost choked to death on a Cheeto when I was about 3-4 months old. She had given it to me to hold and bite.




I was sooooo tempted to give our newbie a little taste of my popsicle yesterday - he kept staring at it with a "what IS that bright orange thing??" look on his face… he'll only be 2 months this weekend though, so I settled for letting him feel it and watching the funny looks and grins as he realized hey, that's COLD! :laugh:

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I was breastfed for about a year or more. My mom was a rebel; everyone was using formula in the 1960s! New babies and their moms were kept in the hospital for weeks then; my mom's doctor couldn't understand why she always wanted to go home in a day or so after her babies were born.


My grandmother died right after my oldest sister was born and my mom's milk dried up. So my sister had formula made from raw cow milk and karo syrup. I know it was heated to kill pathogens; I've seen the recipe but I don't have a copy of it. We grew up a farm, and after we were a year old, we drank raw milk straight from the cow, no heating.


We had homemade baby food at about 1-2 months.

Edited by LizzyBee
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I had breast milk.


MY mom was given evaporated milk with corn syrup. :svengo:


My mom had to bottle feed all of us, and with her last two she used the recipe her mom used for all 7 of her children, which was evaporated milk, corn syrup, liquid vitamins, and water. She and all her siblings are very healthy, and my younger siblings are as well (and they are only in their young teens so far, so this wasn't that long ago).

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My mother weaned me at the doctor's recommendation when I was a few months old and put me on formula. I had lactose issues and she switched me to soy formula. She was a first time mom. :) Later children were breastfed for much longer and weaned around one year of age I believe.

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Watered down mashed potatoes and formula. I have no idea why the potatoes were a big deal to them, but they fed them starting at birth.


I LOL when I read this, because my in-laws have this thing with potatoes and little kids. My M-I-Law told me that my hubby grew up on potatoes and gravy!


When my kids were younger and we went to my inlaws for dinner, she always made potatoes or gravy (white flour, milk, butter and salt!!!) for my babies. I never complained, though because she was making them something to eat and I am not a confrontational type.


Oh and this is also the same M-I-Law who recently brought my 14 month old at the time, son home with his OWN Oreo Mcflurry. Yeah, I just about flipped! I now tell her that he can't have much sugar because it makes him go wild!


I know that my mom bf me for a couple of months but then went to a formula.

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I was born in 1977, and I was breastfed for over a year (as were all of my younger siblings, and actually, my MIL breastfed my DH, born in 1975, and his sister as well). I don't know exactly when Mom started giving me solid foods, but I know she says that they were recommending six months or later, so I assume it was at least that. I doubt she bought much prepared baby food; she is the type who did her own canning and freezing and such, so for both health and financial reasons, I suspect she probably gave me homemade baby food.


Now, my mom, otoh, was fed evaporated milk and corn syrup back in the mid 1950's. She was a bit of a rebel for wanting to breastfeed before it was really back in vogue, but thanks to her example, I never considered any other way of feeding my babies. (Her mom, even though she didn't breastfeed, was a rebel too, in that she refused to be knocked out for her babies' births. I come by it naturally. :) )

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Breastfed for 16 months. My mom did what she knew to be right, even though doctor's advice at the time would have been different. Trying to remember my baby book here, but I *think* solids were introduced in the 9-12 month range. I do remember seeing a few entries where I had a tablespoon of juice earlier though.

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My mom was a rebel hippie type :) She did start bfing me, but she gave in to the pressure of my grandmother who still tells me how I was starving during that time. This same grandmother still thinks my girls are too skinny and blames my bfing on it (one of mine nursed for 6 mos, one for 3 yrs.)


So after that I was fed formula. But my mother was fed this by my grandmother:

MY mom was given evaporated milk with corn syrup. :svengo:




It shocks me every time I think about it. I wouldn't give my big kids a cup full of sugary corn syrup right now. One little sucker a day is enough. I can't imagine giving them cups of it several times a day!

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BF until I was almost 2. All of my siblings were bf for that long and I know my youngest sister wasn't weaned until after she was 2. My mom got a lot of flack from friends and family over choosing to bf us.


My mom use to bake her own bread and make homemade yogurt. She canned fruits and veggies every year and made homemade baby food. We all wore cloth diapers and she made most of our clothing until we were old enough for school.


Now that I think about it my mom would have fit in very well with the hive.

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I was born in 1981 and was breastfed until I was two, and given homemade baby food.


My mom was most definitely a Granola Woman in the middle of the Working Woman 80's :D. My dad's mom (who we lived by and who had never, ever even considered nursing) had no idea what to do with her - but just tried to smile and be supportive anyway.


I, in turn, breastfed all of mine for as long as they would let me and continue to walk in her crunchy footsteps :lol:

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I was breastfed for the most part. I had the occasional bottle of formula when she had to be gone. I remember her pumping for my sister when she had to leave the house, but I don't think she had a pump with me.


We didn't have solid food until we close to a year old, so we were very much breastmilk babies.


I don't know when I weaned, but I remember my sister nursing well into toddlerhood, so I probably nursed well after she introduced solids.

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My mom nursed me, when no one else did... because she read "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding"... I think. She also nursed my brother... I nursed both of mine. I think I got formula a couple times when my dad was taking care of me. If I couldn't nurse, I would have fed goat's milk.... yuck.. but would have been my choice.

I think my mom was nursed, too. Formula wasn't available, and my grandparents were poor.

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I, in turn, breastfed all of mine for as long as they would let me and continue to walk in her crunchy footsteps :lol:


I couldn't imagine this with my youngest, he might still be breast feeding - which wouldn't be okay with me. :) He was the Milla Monster. (Milla being how he first said milk.

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Watered down mashed potatoes and formula. I have no idea why the potatoes were a big deal to them, but they fed them starting at birth.
The potatoes were to make it so you could go for longer between feedings. My aunt recommended rice cereal. You know... whatever you need to do for sleep. Anyway...
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I was born in '66 and my mom was apparently going to BF me even though it was definitely not the norm - that was until I was born and she didn't make any milk! She tried for two days to BF in the hospital - and tells me about the "poor lady" next to her with ice packs on her boobs because they hurt so much because she wasn't going to BF...and here mom was, wanting to BF and nothing - no milk, no pain, and her boobs were smaller than before she got pregnant to boot! My mom wasn't a "hippie-type" though - it was just normal in her family for women to BF their babies.


Anyway, at first my mother actually considered a wet-nurse, but that was too expensive....so I was fed some type of homemade formula - my mother said at first she made the canned milk-corn syrup-vitamins type, but then her grandmother had her switch me to goat milk (for its higher fat content) and (YIKES) raw egg yolks blended together - which finding goat milk in NYC was a feat unto itself, so she and my dad drove to a farm in NJ to get it each week! My mom also gave me some baby vitamins the doctor had prescribed and had me taking cod liver oil too.


I was switched to whole (4% back then) cow milk (wasn't homogenized either) around six months when I started to also eat solid foods....apparently had the cod liver oil daily too - my mom stopped that when I was around seven!

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I had breastmilk.


MY mom was given evaporated milk with corn syrup. :svengo:

:iagree:Yep. Exactly.


I was born in 1981; she was born in 1954.


She breastfed me for 1 year, though this wasn't common among people she knew. My grandmother was very supportive of me breastfeeding my son and thought it was so wonderful.

Edited by AndyJoy
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My mom swears she breastfed me for 6 months. Knowing my mom, it was closer to 6 weeks, but... I don't exactly remember. ;) After that, it was formula, probably for a couple of months before that got too expensive, then milk. I'm not 100% sure, though, I should text her and find out...

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