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S/O: First major motion picture you saw?

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I was discussing the thread about earliest memories of news headlines/political events with my husband and we got on the subject of movies. I thought it would be a fun spin-off.


I remember going to see Bambi and ET in the theatre. First non-kid movie I really remember watching was Back to the Future.

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I don't remember going to many movies at all when I was younger, but the earliest one I do remember is one of the old Star Trek movies (The Wrath of Khan, I think) at a drive-through. I'm not sure it technically counts because I slept through most of it.


Yes, I come from a family of Trekkers. Not fanatic (no one has every dressed up as anyone), but we all love a good Star Trek episode.

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Jaws. I was 4. I still have water issues.


Then they took me to see The Godfather at the drive-in. I didn't fall asleep as planned.


I think the first age-appropriate movie I saw on a big screen was Star Wars, I think. (also at the drive in)


I saw the normal childhood movies on tv - the Sunday night family movie - Wizard of Oz, Bambi, the Hobbit, Rikki Tikki Tavi.

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The Care Bears Movie - is the earliest that I remember...


and my first 'went to the movies at night' [cuz that was a growing-up milestone] was Crocodile Dundee…you wouldn't think it would interest a 9 year old that much, but I loved it --- it's still one of my favourite movies. :D

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2001: A Space Odyssey with my sister and her boyfriend (now her dh). They took me on their dates when my sister had to watch me. I was only 5 and I remember not understanding a thing.


The first kid movie I remember seeing - Snow White.

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I'm sure it wasn't the first, but "who framed Roger rabbit". Our good friends and neighbor came with us. The boy was the same age as me. He got scared? Excited? And threw the mostly empty popcorn box on his head.


Another time when at home we were watching, "the last unicorn". He cried and blew his nose into some kleneex. After doing this for awhile he ate the kleneex. :confused:


That's all I really remember about those movies.

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We lived out in the country and it was a long drive to see a movie, so we didn't do it often. I remember going to the drive-in to see Bedknobs and Broomsticks and Freaky Friday, but I don't know which one was earlier.


ETA: B&B came out in 1971 and FF in 1976, so I guess B&B was the first movie I saw.

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My first that I remember was Bambi. I think it had been re-released to theaters. I remember the beginning but fell asleep before the second half. I thought I liked it and it was years before I realized his mom was shot! It was traumatic the next time I saw it because I was expecting a happy movie. LOL!

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I don't remember. We were actually at the movies when I had to go to the bathroom. I was about 5. I went by myself, couldn't reach the paper towels and climbed on the sink to get to them. I fell and bruised my collar bone. I had to wear a sling for a few days. I have no idea what the movie was. We were in Italy at the time. This would have been 1971-2.


The next movie I remember seeing is Fantasia. Or maybe it was the Apple Dumpling Gang. I don't remember which I saw first. It would have been the mid-70s and I was about 8 or 9.

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The first movie I remember seeing at the theater was The Black Stallion. I just looked it up and that was in 1979 so I was 7. I'm wondering if that was really my first movie or just the one I remember.


My older dd's first movie at the theater was Batman and Robin. She was in love with Batman :D She was 2.5 yo.


Younger dd's first movie at the theater was Finding Nemo. She was 2.5 yo.

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I vaguely remember going to see a Pippi Longstocking movie, but I don't think that qualifies as a "major" motion picture.


The first blockbuster-type movie I saw was Star Wars. I was shocked when I watched it on DVD recently and there were characters added to some scenes that weren't there when I saw it in the theatre.

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Apparently I saw Star Wars on opening night in 1977, but I was only 3, so I don't remember it. My mom assures me I was there though.


The first movie I ever really saw (meaning I knew I was going) in the theater was the Aristocats. I still love that movie.


The first movie I ever went to by myself (with friends, not parents) was Back to the Future.

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Here's the thing: I grew up with a pair of movie lovers as parents. They weren't big on babysitters. So, I "saw" a lot of movies in my childhood, many of which I shouldn't have seen and several of which still provoke nightmares. (Wait Until Dark, which was released when I was three, for example.)


Every weekend, my parents would load the three of us in the car and go to the drive in. Often, it was a double feature, with something vaguely kid friendly first and then the grown-up movie. Sometimes, I went to sleep in the backseat as I was supposed to do, but not always.


Anyway, the first movies I remember being taken to see on purpose were Snow White (must have been the re-release in 1967) and The Jungle Book (also 1967). I'm not sure which one I saw first.


As an aside, we chose our daughter's first-movie-in-a-theatre very carefully and took her to see the re-release of the original Star Wars triology when she was about three. It must have worked, because she just keeps getting nerdier as she gets older. I'm glad we planted that seed!

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