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Garage sale clothing---am I too paranoid?

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I have always had an issue with used clothing (and books). I'm a germaphobe, and the thought of wearing someone else's clothes icks me out. I always imagine them being infested with lice or bedbugs or...heck, I don't know...cooties. :lol: However, my MIL spent the weekend garage saling and bought my kids some nice and very much-needed clothing. I can't turn it down because it was really kind of her and we really DO need the clothes. So, ease my mind: Will a trip through the washing machine take care of any potential *critters* that I'm so concerned about?


(Yes, I realize I am probably being irrational. It's just one of those things that bothers me, you know?)

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OMGness! Finally! Someone who understands!


I am so with you. The idea of wearing someone else's clothing grosses me out totally.


Rationally a wash or two should take care of any concerns.


Were it me, the clothes would just kind of eventually find their way back to Goodwill without ever having been worn by me.

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I *wish* I had access to the good second-hand stores in our old city. We're in the country now and have a horrible selection. At least half of what we used to wear was expensive label clothing and second-hand.


We're not dead yet, nor do we carry cooties ;).

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I completely understand your thinking.


Although my children do wear hand-me downs/2nd hands. Not so much from any stores,cuz I just never have time to go, but mostly from other HS'ers who will offer them free to our HS group, neighbors etc. It really has been a huge blessing when it comes to clothing three children, thoughout the different seasons. I pass down my own boy's clothing too to other HSers.


I wash them and they are fine.


But that all being said, I don't know that I could personally wear 2nd hand clothing. Just kind of gives me the skeevies.....I know, completely irrational. Nevertheless, how my brain is working....and why I have a very limited wardrobe lol.

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I have always had an issue with used clothing (and books). I'm a germaphobe, and the thought of wearing someone else's clothes icks me out. I always imagine them being infested with lice or bedbugs or...heck, I don't know...cooties. :lol: However, my MIL spent the weekend garage saling and bought my kids some nice and very much-needed clothing. I can't turn it down because it was really kind of her and we really DO need the clothes. So, ease my mind: Will a trip through the washing machine take care of any potential *critters* that I'm so concerned about?


(Yes, I realize I am probably being irrational. It's just one of those things that bothers me, you know?)


OMGness! Finally! Someone who understands!


I am so with you. The idea of wearing someone else's clothing grosses me out totally.


Rationally a wash or two should take care of any concerns.


Were it me, the clothes would just kind of eventually find their way back to Goodwill without ever having been worn by me.



More kindred spirits!!! My dd and I are the SAME way :tongue_smilie: I've had problems with other people's clothes since I was a kid---it's not just about being spoiled or anything. I have a beautiful wool sweater given to me by a friend who is a used clothing-aholic----and yet STILL 7 years later I get the 'icks' wearing it. So much so I can only wear it maybe once a year during the winter. I prefer super discount sale racks over used....any day.


But-----a triple hot water wash with extra soap and extra Oxiclean and a hefty dose of mental 'clean' imagery just might make those clothes 'safe' for you :tongue_smilie: Otherwise, just give them away secretly with the excuse that they didn't fit right.

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Ah! What an excellent mixture of reassurance that it *will* be okay (even though of course I already knew it would be) and understanding. I'm so relieved that someone besides me feels this way! And thanks for not calling me crazy (even if you were thinking it!). :)

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I have a thrift store a town over from us that is next to a very upscale area. There is a woman that donates her clothing, often still with tags, and she is the exact same size as me . I am only 5 ft tall and have pretty much given up on finding nice petite clothes. I am so grateful that this other petite "upscale" woman donates her clothing. I have no problem wearing her clothes. I almost view her like a friend that is passing on her clothes to me. I especially love her jeans, they fit perfect.


I also grew up wearing thrift shop clothing and so have my kids. Just wash it and maybe extra inspect it in this age of bed bugs. But then again, if what I hear is true, begbugs can be anywhere, even in dressing rooms .I do wash all clothing, even new bought from a dept. store as who knows how many people have tried it on. Once it is washed I am okay with any clothing.

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I have always had an issue with used clothing (and books). I'm a germaphobe, and the thought of wearing someone else's clothes icks me out. I always imagine them being infested with lice or bedbugs or...heck, I don't know...cooties. :lol: However, my MIL spent the weekend garage saling and bought my kids some nice and very much-needed clothing. I can't turn it down because it was really kind of her and we really DO need the clothes. So, ease my mind: Will a trip through the washing machine take care of any potential *critters* that I'm so concerned about?


(Yes, I realize I am probably being irrational. It's just one of those things that bothers me, you know?)


You're being irrational. OPG (other people's germs) are surely no worse than your own and I doubt you burn every piece of clothing after use. ;) Soap, water, dryer. Hang 'em on a line in the sunlight if you really need peace of mind, but yeah...used things are not any more likely to bore into your ears and eat your brain as things on a rack in the store. :001_smile:

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Do you stay at hotels? Go to hospitals/dr's offices? Buy clothes at a store that also has dressing rooms to try those clothes on?


Second-hand isn't much different.




You don't want to know what your clothes go through before they get to the store!



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The stories we could tell.... :lol:


Probably not unlike insider info dh has on certain restaurants...he is a plumbing contractor and has seen some atrocious things that would make you never set foot in a ___________ restaurant again...:tongue_smilie:

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I remember reading somewhere that normal household dryers do not reach high enough temperatures to kill bed bugs…..


I won't go near our Salvation Army thrift store anymore….there have been reports of thrift shops being infested with bed bugs (from used furniture - and this one takes beds and everything) ….yard sales don't bother me like that though.

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I understand getting the icks. But you'll most likely be pleased to see how nicely the clothes turn out after being washed on hot and dried. Do it a few times if you like. If you're seriously concerned, give the clothes a good going-over before you even bring them in the house - visually inspect to see if there are any signs of problems. Most people are good honest folks who wouldn't pass on something they knew had a problem. 90% of the clothes my kids wear are second hand, and most of mine are too. We are able to dress so much better this way - nicer brands, higher-quality items, minimizing waste, helping to create a viable market for second-hand items to encourage folks who buy new to buy quality (for the resale value).

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I would do what the others suggested (hot wash, hot dry, possible sun) if it makes you feel better, then try not to let it bother you. If it does, it does, and just toss them or pass them on. :) Honestly, life is too short to stress yourself out. :)


I understand your concerns- especially the bed bugs. I wash any and all clothes that come into this house before they are worn (dh doesn't understand why I do this :confused: and I don't understand what's not to understand :001_huh:). Thing, is, with what I've been reading about bed bugs, I don't think used clothes are any worse. Those things can be anywhere. Plus, in this day and age of decent customer service & generous return policies, there's no saying that any giving item in *any* new store hasn't been bought, worn at home (and put on a bed bug laden couch ;)) and then returned and put back on the rack. :willy_nilly:


I don't think new clothes are any "safer" especially given all the chemicals on them on top of how many times they've likely already been tried on. :001_huh:


There. Does that make you feel any better? :w00t:

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A hot wash and dry would allow me to put those clothes on my son with immune system issues. I wouldn't intentionally expose him to someone else's germs because he would get sick. Hot water matters but yes they can be clean. Put them in the washer immediately rather than letting them sit around and you don't need to worry about bedbugs either. Oh, it's a hot dryer about 15 minutes past dry that kills bedbugs interestingly!

Edited by sbgrace
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Do you stay at hotels? Go to hospitals/dr's offices? Buy clothes at a store that also has dressing rooms to try those clothes on?


Second-hand isn't much different.




Also, sit on upholstered furniture at restaurants, doctor offices, or other public places?

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Ah, OP, I see that you are my husband. Could you please hang that mirror today, if you have the chance? Thanks! :tongue_smilie:


I completely agree with everyone that hot water and a dryer should get rid of any icks. And I brought bedbugs home from the *hospital*, so really, no place is safe.


DH and I have a 'don't ask, don't tell' policy for used books and clothing. Also for any food that I drop on the floor and then wash before cooking.

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Thing, is, with what I've been reading about bed bugs, I don't think used clothes are any worse. Those things can be anywhere. Plus, in this day and age of decent customer service & generous return policies, there's no saying that any giving item in *any* new store hasn't been bought, worn at home (and put on a bed bug laden couch ;)) and then returned and put back on the rack. :willy_nilly:



Was this supposed to be helpful? ;)


Ah, OP, I see that you are my husband. Could you please hang that mirror today, if you have the chance? Thanks! :tongue_smilie:



DH and I have a 'don't ask, don't tell' policy for used books and clothing. Also for any food that I drop on the floor and then wash before cooking.




OK, they're in the washer (hot) right now. It'll be fine, I'm sure.

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Yes, a trip thru the washing machine will make them *safe*. :tongue_smilie:


You could even run them thru twice if you were nervous.


:iagree: My whole family has been clothed in thrift store clothing for many years (in the kids' case, since birth) and we've never had ANY problem. We just wash it when we bring it home and its good to go.

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Since some of you asked...


Your clothes are being made by people, some of them that I have worked with were not very clean, or they had the flu and came to work anyway coughing and sneezing on everything in sight. Or the ones that go to the bathroom and don't wash their hands and then finish sewing your shirt. I worked in a place that had a rat problem at one point and smokers were allowed to smoke at their machines. Some sewing plants contract out so the garments are made in someone's home...no telling what is there.


In the sewing plants that I have worked at nothing is washed before it is shipped so if it has been sneezed on or there was a rat in the basket with all the material in it the garment will go out that way as long as there aren't any stains.


I wash everything, even new stuff.

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I wash everything, even new stuff.


Me too! In fact, it's not allowed in my religion to wear unwashed new clothes.


I have not been in a clothes factory, but we already know these things, don't we? Even if the clothes are new, we know they have been handled by many people. It only makes sense to give them a good wash when we bring them home from the store.

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(Yes, I realize I am probably being irrational. It's just one of those things that bothers me, you know?)


Well, I'll be your irrational companion. I don't do yard sales or thrift stores for clothing.


ETA: My issue isn't with germs. I just can't help but think that someone's n*ked body was in those clothes. It just seems quite personal I guess.

Edited by Night Elf
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:iagree: My whole family has been clothed in thrift store clothing for many years (in the kids' case, since birth) and we've never had ANY problem. We just wash it when we bring it home and its good to go.


That's a good point. Problems can happen, of course, but they are rare, and serious ones are very rare. We've been thrift-clothing several people over twenty years, and never had a problem beyond an item with a cigarette smell that wouldn't come out.


When, for ds, I can get a pair of Banana Republic pants, a Ralph Lauren shirt, a Burberry jacket, and a Museum Artifacts tie for $16 total, when I couldn't buy even one of those items new (even in a lesser brand) for that price, I'm all about the thrift.

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I wash everything, even new stuff.


I was my new stuff too.


ETA: My issue isn't with germs. I just can't help but think that someone's n*ked body was in those clothes. It just seems quite personal I guess.


Well, there's that, too....:ack2:

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I don't have an issue with used clothes (mostly) but am sensitive to smells and sometimes no matter how much I wash them I can't get the odor of their detergent or other stuff out. So often times the things given to the kids by their grandmother do end up back in the donate pile. Not always though it's just dependent on odor (and what it looks like, there have been a few things that my daughter wouldn't like).

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It doesn't bother me to buy/wear used clothing AT ALL! I do wash any yard sale/thrift store items as soon as they get home - straight from the car to the laundry room. I went yard saling with a friend this weekend and got probably $300 - $400 worth of clothes for $15. If I had to buy all clothes new my kids would never be able to take music lessons, art classes, etc.

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ETA: My issue isn't with germs. I just can't help but think that someone's n*ked body was in those clothes. It just seems quite personal I guess.
I won't do used undies, swimsuits, or socks for that very reason.


But I'm fine with most other used clothing.


(I won't do shoes either. Both because of thinking about someone else's stinky feet and because I've heard it's not so good on your arches, etc. to wear shoes that have formed to someone else's feet.)

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OMGness! Finally! Someone who understands!


I am so with you. The idea of wearing someone else's clothing grosses me out totally.


Rationally a wash or two should take care of any concerns.


Were it me, the clothes would just kind of eventually find their way back to Goodwill without ever having been worn by me.


:iagree:This is soooo me!:lol:

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See, now the germs don't phase me. But, I do worry about bedbugs. I have a terrible mold allergy and that stops me from entering most second hand stores. I can't even get in the door without getting ill. But there are a couple places in town that are better about such things. I was buying from them, but now I am worried about bedbugs.


Will a wash in hot water and a trip through the dryer REALLY kill the little beasties? I could leave them in a hot car for a few days. I also have a chest freezer and I could stash it in there for a week. Do those things really work with clothes?


My second hand buying has really taken a downturn in the last four years or so

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OMGness! Finally! Someone who understands!


I am so with you. The idea of wearing someone else's clothing grosses me out totally.


Rationally a wash or two should take care of any concerns.


Were it me, the clothes would just kind of eventually find their way back to Goodwill without ever having been worn by me.


:D You people. We are a family of used clothes and hand-me-downs.


To the OP - if you're REALLY worried you can stuff the clothes in the freezer for a few days and then wash them. The cold will kill anything that might be on them.

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