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Would this weird you out?

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I reserve a lot of books at the library and they organize things by first four letters of last name. The woman that has the spot right next to mine must be my clone. A few times we've had the same book reserved at the same time. A few other times I've looked through her books and gotten ideas of books that I would like. Seriously, it's odd. She has lots of read alouds, homeschooling books, cooking from scratch books, art with children books, stuff like that. The exact kind of stuff that I'm getting! I've got plenty of friends but DH is trying to pursuade me that this gal and I probably would get along fantastically and probably lives right in our neighborhood. So here's the part that I'm afraid would be strange - my DH thinks I should put a note in one of her books giving her my first name, a bit of background, and my email address or phone number to see if she'd like to contact me. I'm concerned that it's going to come off very strange and that she'll report me to the library police and I'll be banned from the library or something. What would you think if you got a nice, short, handwritten note like that?


PS - DH thinks my clone must be on WTM because the second a book is recommended on here either she or I have it on the reserve shelf. So, if you happen to reserve books at the library off of "L" Street and 87th Street please PM me. :001_smile:

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I'd write something similar to what you wrote above and see what happens.


Before doing that though I'd set up a new email account specifically for this lady (or anyone else who might find your note) to use to contact you. That way you get a bit of wiggle room if she is weird or someone else perv finds your note. Just have the new email forwarded to your regular email.

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What would you think if you got a nice, short, handwritten note like that?



I would think it was weird, like "why is a stranger keeping track of my books?" I wouldn't mention it to the library but also wouldn't email you. But I tend to be very shy, so someone who is more outgoing might be fine with it and glad you did.

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I'd write something similar to what you wrote above and see what happens.


Before doing that though I'd set up a new email account specifically for this lady (or anyone else who might find your note) to use to contact you. That way you get a bit of wiggle room if she is weird or someone else perv finds your note. Just have the new email forwarded to your regular email.




I think it would be cool and would respond by email if I received such a note (and I'm not an extrovert). I met my DH online and have met online homeschooling friends for dinner in real life, though, so I don't think it's that strange or weird to meet people in unconventional ways like that.

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I would think it was weird, like "why is a stranger keeping track of my books?" I wouldn't mention it to the library but also wouldn't email you. But I tend to be very shy, so someone who is more outgoing might be fine with it and glad you did.


We have the same first four letters in our last name so we have to look very carefully to get my books instead of hers. It just kind of jumps out at me when I'm looking at the stickers on the spine that list who reserved them that I checked out half of those same books last week. Once DH had actually grabbed her books because he saw them sitting there and though, "Canning book, homeschool book, Tales of Desperaux on CD, and Jane Austen. Yep. Those are the books my wife would get." It wasn't until he started checking out that he noticed his mistake.


Normally I have very few stalker tendencies.


I'm an introvert who pretends to be an extrovert. I would not find it creepy or weird; I'd be amused and at the very least hope to run into you in the library, or email you to see if we know each other IRL and just don't recognize each other's last names.


I've actually tried staggering my times that I visit the library hoping to run into her but no luck yet. I know she's there a lot because her books turn over quickly like mine do.

Edited by aggieamy
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Have you actually seen her? Do you know when she goes to the library. I think I would try to have a conversation with her first. I think both of you would have a better idea if you wanted to pursue a friendship if you at least had some casual meeting. Something like "oh you're the person next to us. We've almost checked out your books a couple times"

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If I got a note like that, I would think it was great that you took the initiative (assuming your note was friendly, non-stalkerish, and you sounded like a "normal" person :)).


I would probably respond, or perhaps put a note back in one of your books so we could continue a "tag-you're-it" kind of note exchange over the next several months until the library staff caught on and corralled us to force a meeting... :D Just kidding - I'd respond to your email. Go for it!

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That would weird me out in the extreme, sorry. I'm sure the titles of your 'neighbor' are easily readable, but books that other people are checking out at the library are like weird noises in a public bathroom or spectacularly bad haircuts - one should pretend not to notice them.


Could you do a meet-and-greet at the library for people who are interested in classical education? Suggest a special event at a homeschool-friendly time? Or pick up your books at varying times to increase the chances of bumping into her in person? No need to mention specific titles in that case, just say, "Oh, you have tons of books on hold, too. Are you a homeschooler?" and take the conversation from there.

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I would think it was weird and I wouldn't email you (sorry). And I am someone who has no problem chatting with people I don't know and exchanging emails/phone numbers after a brief meeting. But just b/c someone has the same interests as me, that doesn't make me think we'd get along. She could have a really irritating personality (or she might find me irritating)! I think an in-person conversation would be best... I'd just keep going at different times in hopes of bumping into her.

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I'm an introvert.


If I got a note like this..., "Hey, I'm the name next to yours on the hold shelf. We seem to share a lot of the same interests. I'm a homeschooler, like to can, etc. You've given me some great book ideas. Thanks."


And it was signed with a name and email...


It would make me smile but wouldn't make me feel like I HAD to respond. It also wouldn't make me want to avoid the library for the rest of my life.


I'm on a first name basis with the librarian and I'd probably ask her if she knew you.

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If you've got good librarians (and a small enough branch) could you ask one of them to pass along a note? I think that would be less weird to me than finding a note in a book.



I agree with this too. If it was me getting the note, I would be pleased. New friends are fun and what a neat way of meeting. :001_smile:

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I'm an introvert.


If I got a note like this..., "Hey, I'm the name next to yours on the hold shelf. We seem to share a lot of the same interests. I'm a homeschooler, like to can, etc. You've given me some great book ideas. Thanks."


And it was signed with a name and email...


It would make me smile but wouldn't make me feel like I HAD to respond. It also wouldn't make me want to avoid the library for the rest of my life.


I'm on a first name basis with the librarian and I'd probably ask her if she knew you.


:iagree: I think this is a great idea.

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I'm an introvert, I would not think it was weird, but nice, specially if you mention you homeschool.


Since your hold books are right next to each other, I'm betting she has been noticing that you both have the same tastes in books, also. I'd say go for it.

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I have a hard time connecting with people but I would not find it weird. In fact, I probably would have already been wondering about you too. I'd be tickled to hear from you. Having library books in common is just too wonderful!


I agree the initial contact is a bit tricky. You need to give that some thought. But the overall intent, I think, is good.


ETA: I wouldn't mention the WTM board on first introduction. There's but a small chance you have that in common. You don't want to say something that she'll find puzzling (if she's not on the board). Clearly you *do* have much else in common. Stick with that at first.

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That's kind of fun, but I would not leave a note. There is actually a sign in the ILL pickup area of our library which gently mentions privacy...I can t quite remember how it's worded, but it s a reminder to patrons that one is not to go riffling through the books of others. Further, the librarians wrap a piece of paper around the books, fastened with a rubber band, so that titles and covers are not not easily seen.

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Thanks for including the library location. For a minute I was thinking, maybe....


But your kids are younger than mine.


Those hold tags have the first four letters of the patron's last name. Why don't you pull out your MPE directory (I'm assuming you have one?) and see if there are any families that match up. Then you could call or email from that source.


I'm not sure I'd stick a note in one of her books. Sometimes I order books that are sorta odd (not evil stuff!), and I appreciate the semi-privacy of self checkout.


But I would not be above stalking the hold shelves, hoping to catch a glimpse of this like minded potential new friend! You could explain how You always look carefully at the tag since you seem to often reserve the same titles and your names are so similar... so it's not like you're approaching her out of the blue.

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I'm an introvert.


If I got a note like this..., "Hey, I'm the name next to yours on the hold shelf. We seem to share a lot of the same interests. I'm a homeschooler, like to can, etc. You've given me some great book ideas. Thanks."


And it was signed with a name and email...


It would make me smile but wouldn't make me feel like I HAD to respond. It also wouldn't make me want to avoid the library for the rest of my life.



I might also invite her to the WTM boards, with your board name. If she's already here, that would give her an easy way to contact you.

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I'd find it weird and be totally tickled about it - like finding a treasure map in an old attic book.


But I'm weird like that. ;)


This is me - I'd find it intriguing and fun. Doesn't it sound like a great way for two people to meet in a book? I would not be weirded out in the least.

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I would prefer to try and catch them in person but since that hasn't worked it wouldn't bother me. I think email is easier though. If someone was offended by it then I would think oh well, guess we wouldn't get along after all.

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I'm sure the titles of your 'neighbor' are easily readable, but books that other people are checking out at the library are like weird noises in a public bathroom or spectacularly bad haircuts - one should pretend not to notice them.





I'd feel flattered, tickled, and I'd look around for a hidden camera or stalker-looking lady ... but I'd also feel weirded out a bit, and forevermore self-conscious about what I was putting on hold. It'd totally change my library experience for me, sort of like having to time one's exits to avoid certain neighbors, you know? I technically know other people know what I'm checking out, but I can pretend librarians are too busy to notice; if I got a note from another patron, I'd have confirmation that others really are paying attention. Ick.


I like the idea of going through the librarian, via a "so, know any other homeschoolers?" conversation, and then ask the librarian to pass along a note on your behalf to anyone who might share your interests ... including Patroness X. My librarians did this with me - they gave me the name and contact information for another patron who was interested in meeting up with other homeschoolers in our small town. It wasn't weird at all :)


I'm an extrovert. I strike up conversations with anyone and everyone, and I'm the one holding up the drive-thru line because I'm chatting it up with the employee. I enjoy getting to know people, meeting people, and will regularly strike up conversations with people in grocery or book stores who appear to share my interests. I'm the chatty neighbor most people plan their exits around LOL. I just find it a bit invasive to be approached indirectly, rather than directly. I fancy my library habits somewhat private.


Whatever you do, I hope it ends up being a great meet-up! It'll make a fabulous story :)

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Just a thought--it could be a man. Would that change how you view the situation?


Also, it is possible that this person has thought the same upon seeing your books. I like the idea (in a post somewhere above) of leaving a note pointing the person to these boards with your board name.

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I'd feel flattered, tickled, and I'd look around for a hidden camera or stalker-looking lady ... but I'd also feel weirded out a bit, and forevermore self-conscious about what I was putting on hold. It'd totally change my library experience for me, sort of like having to time one's exits to avoid certain neighbors, you know? I technically know other people know what I'm checking out, but I can pretend librarians are too busy to notice; if I got a note from another patron, I'd have confirmation that others really are paying attention. Ick.


yes, what if one wanted to read about incontinence, marital help or (gasp) books about naughty children? I'd maybe put up a notice for homeschoolers or something.

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My library handles reserves the same way and person immediately following me was a person with my same name so I always had to sort through all of our books to find which ones were mine. I occassionally found books that seemed interested that I later checked out. My last name is somewhat unusual although somewhat less so here.

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