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what a mother experiences when she walks into the bathroom and finds her 3 year old blowing bubbles in the toilet bowl (that he'd just pottied into!!!!)with a straw.


Ack. :svengo:



:grouphug: to you mama. I haven't experienced that one yet, and truly hope never to. :ack2:


Where DO they get these ideas??

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That. is. awesome.



I once caught my daughter chewing gum at Target. I asked her where she got it. She said a lady gave it to her. I asked, "What lady?" She replied, "I don't know. Whatever lady left it on the floor behind the potty."





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Oh my can I relate. My currant 5 year old daughter would take toilet paper from an unflushed toilet and suck on it. Talk about freaking me out!! She is the youngest of 12 and for years I've had toddlers and the rule was to always keep the bathroom door shut and the toilet flushed but alas there were always those moments when that wasn't the case. I actually called poison control it freaked me out so bad. But she's 5 now and healthy as can be so I guess there weren't any repercussions from it. Just a sickening in my stomach.

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yes. I am just hoping that blowing through the straw was all he had done. Irefuse to consider any other possibilities.


Just keep telling yourself "Pee is sterile, pee is sterile" :lol: (well maybe not so much AFTER it goes into the toilet.:001_huh:


And I thought my SPD DD who licks every public surface she comes across was the grossest child on this forum :lol:

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That's NOTHING... I caught my dd (just under a year) with feces in hand and she was bawling because she'd just taken a bite. (I want to puke just thinking about it.) The worst is that it was from one of her siblings who had left it in the toilet. :ack2: :barf:

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That's NOTHING... I caught my dd (just under a year) with feces in hand and she was bawling because she'd just taken a bite. (I want to puke just thinking about it.) The worst is that it was from one of her siblings who had left it in the toilet. :ack2: :barf:

Ewwww!!! She will love that story when she grows up!!!:001_huh::lol:

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I was washing the boys' faces in the bathroom once and had to run to the hall closet to get more soap or something. When I came back they were dunking the washcloth in the toilet and slurping the water out of the cloth. I'm pretty sure they've drank out of the little frog potty chair too.

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what a mother experiences when she walks into the bathroom and finds her 3 year old blowing bubbles in the toilet bowl (that he'd just pottied into!!!!)with a straw.


:lol: Too funny.... you really will laugh later if you haven't yet...

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What a feel-good thread!! Nice to know that the children of others are just as disgusting as mine... :D


I had a stern talk with our dog the other day, for pooping on the walkway that leads up to our back door. I stepped in said poop, and thought it was very odd, because our dog is very good about doing his business on the far reaches of our property. Yep, you guessed it - it wasn't dog poop... :001_huh: In defense of the child in question, he said he was trying to get to the bathroom but knew he wouldn't make it. We live out in the country so no one would have seen him. However, he did let the dog take the blame for it for a full day before confessing to his crime, and he made zero effort to pick up after himself. Maybe I should keep some of those little doggy bags hanging on a tree outside in the event that this becomes a habit... :tongue_smilie:

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I have never laughed so hard reading a thread... I'm crying.


I used to babysit our niece and nephew (who were one and two at the time). My oldest two children were one and three. One day, they were all playing in my childrens' room, and I went in to check on them. They were playing with a toy dish set. I quickly realized they were "serving" something and my nephew was eating it with a toy fork. Yup, you guessed it. My niece had taken poop out of her diaper and served it to everyone.


ETA: Just wanted to add that my nephew "offered" me some when I freaked out.

Edited by Jinnah
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