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What brand of coffee do you drink?

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I hate to admit it, but I only drink Starbucks coffee. The price is ridiculously expensive, although I buy mine at Sam's Club so it's not as bad as if I bought it at a Starbucks. We started drinking it a few years ago, when prices weren't so terrible, and now I don't enjoy anything else. I'd have to cut back somewhere else before I'd give up my coffee, but I do cringe whenever I think about the cost. :ack2:

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we drink Walmart's Great Value 100% Columbian in the purple can. It's around $3 for the small can, and I think around $6 for the big.


Before you knock it, several people I know are coffee snobs. I've had a handful ask me what kind of coffee I brew because it "tastes like Starbucks". I've never had a straight Starbucks coffee (I like the fancy stuff), so I don't know if it's true.


Right now I'm drinking Maxwell House, because it was on sale and I had a coupon. I like the GV better.

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We used to buy the big 40? oz. bag of Starbucks at Sam's for ~$18. Based on Consumer Reports (just because we wanted something cheaper), we now buy Eight O'Clock at Walmart, 12 oz. bag for about $4.


On a funny note, Consumer Reports rated Starbucks at the bottom of the taste test. I use enough creamer that I can't tell the difference WHAT kind of coffee I'm drinking, but dh drinks it black.



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Community or CDM Coffee & Chicory is the daily grind. ;)

I have some Starbuck's Casi Cielo for dessert coffee, some Whole Foods Organic Espresso Roast for making espresso, and we usually buy something good looking at Costco when we want variety.


I'm fond of Starbuck's new blend. I blew through a half-pound sampler of that right after it came out. Not bad. Certainly better than most of what they've sold over the last decade.

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I get ours mostly at a local shop that does their own roasting, and I get whatever they have on sale, which generally runs about $6-7/lb. If I'm at Trader Joes at the right time I'll pick up a can of Ethiopian Fair Trade which is a bit more -- about $7 for 12oz. We go through about a pound every two weeks.

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Right now I'm drinking Starbucks Verona (whole bean.) It cost about $11 for a pound. It's ridiculous, I know, but I like it very much and I am the only one who drinks it, so it lasts longer here. I recently bought some Peet's at the grocery store, but it wasn't as good as the mail order kind.


Awhile back I read an interesting piece in Cook's Illustrated that described the actual difference in coffee beans. It turns out that you can judge the true quality by the number of "quakers" that you find in a random sampling. I can't locate the original article right now, but it actually went through several of the brands we've discussed in this thread and rated them for quakers (bad beans.) The quakers are lighter in color and just look different than the other beans. When they're ground they contribute a bitter flavor to the finished product.

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Most recently, the Archer Farms brand from Target. They had a coupon for $1.00 off any Archer Farms coffee, so I loaded up on the little $0.99 sample bags. I stuffed a bunch of Christmas goodie bags with these, along with some homemade caramel corn. Then I saved the rest for myself. I'm finishing my last bag today. Not sure where I'll buy my next stash, but the cheaper the better!;)

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I usually drink Maxwell House but..... I really love to order coffee from Gevalia, it is so good!;) I can't usually afford such extravagance but when my pot starts getting old and slow I usually sign up to get one of their nice free coffee makers with the lovely carafe and to do this you purchase, I believe 2 packs of their coffee. I usually stay in their club for about 3 shipments, then I have to give it up till my pot wears out again.:glare: Dh doesn't mind if I do this because we really love their coffee makers and they would probably be fairly pricey.


Dunkin Doughnuts coffee isn't half bad either.

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Most recently, Dunkin Donuts.


I've had some Trader Joe's decaf that is really good, but I don't live near TJ's. :glare:


I like Starbucks when I'm out, but I haven't bought it to use at home.


We have some Millstone Hazelnut Cream.


I also drink Folgers instant, but I don't like Folgers or Maxwell house brewed coffee.


We have a variety of Gevalia coffees too. Some are really good and some are not.

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I love Gevalia. I used to belong to their coffee club, but it got too expensive so I cancelled my membership. Right now I'm drinking a store brand, which isn't half bad.


I also like to get coffee at Sonic, of all places. Everyone in awhile I will stop and get a cup. It's only $1.09 for a large cup, much more affordable than a cup of Starbuck's.

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Seattle's Best - breakfast blend


And I just realized that I am OUT of coffeemate! How could this happen? I don't know how I'll function without coffee in the morning... couldn't even consider drinking it w/o my coffeemate!

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I rarely buy coffee any more that is not both organic and fair trade; those standards are important to me. I also prefer to support local companies that are directly involved with the co-ops growing the beans. Prices range from $9-$12 per pound. Expensive, but we use a French press and don't drink it in great quantity.


We buy a brand called Stewarts. Prices have recently gone up more than $2 for a 23oz can, so it's now over $9/can. So what are you all drinking and what are you paying?
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