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I Understand Now...(Baby Names)

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I finally get it.


I understand why some choose not to tell the name they've chosen for the coming baby until after the baby is born.


Both my younger brothers went that route. Granted, the names they chose were unusual, so I figured that was why.


Since we choose pretty classical names, with spellings to match, I never really considered keeping it a secret.


Should have known better. :glare: My mom flipped when we named Tazzie, apparently I have a cousin I've never met, didn't even know existed, has the same name. MIL had a hissy over us a) not giving her a vote on names, and b) not naming Princess after her.


So, here we are at #5.


Since the boy name I have picked out is also my younger brother's name, my mom is good with it. She's miffed at the middle name. Its Wolf's first name. She wants us to add in my Dad's name too. Nope. My oldest brother has my Dad's name as a first name, younger bro has it as a middle name, I don't see the need, thanks.


Mom also is ticked about the girl's name we have picked. See, about 17 yrs ago, my brother was engaged to a girl by the same name. So, now, despite the fact he's been married to someone else for about 15 yrs, has 2 kids, the name is EVIL. Oh, and we aren't even considering using her name as a middle name.


*eye roll*


Just to take the idiocy further, its been demanded that this baby be a girl. Btwn my cousins and my brothers, the last 7 babies in the family have all been boys. Princess is the last girl. I've been warned that another boy isn't really what's wanted at this point, so I'd 'better be having a girl'.


My family is just nuts. Well, at least my mother is. :glare:


MIL hasn't asked about names. Other than demanding to know if the baby was planned, telling me I can't cope with another child, freaking out b/c she's decided the baby will be special needs (I'm guessing b/c I'm over 35), and just generally expressing her disgust and displeasure, she's not interested.


No wonder Wolf and I are married. Nobody else could possibly handle each other's family. :lol:

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When I was pregnant with Cora, and we picked her name, my mother flipped out. She hated the name because she went to school with a Cora back in the 60's who was a "mean conniving b*tch and it is a horrible horrible name". I just rolled my eyes and named her that anyway. Sometimes people are so weird.

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Mom also is ticked about the girl's name we have picked. See, about 17 yrs ago, my brother was engaged to a girl by the same name. So, now, despite the fact he's been married to someone else for about 15 yrs, has 2 kids, the name is EVIL. Oh, and we aren't even considering using her name as a middle name.



Oh, this happened to us with our 3rd daughter. MIL was upset that we'd use the same name as dh's former fiancee. So upset that now, 19 years later, she still refuses to call said child by her given name and has only used her middle name all these years.


While I'd love to reassure you that your MIL will get over it, some people just never let go.

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When I was pregnant with Cora, and we picked her name, my mother flipped out. She hated the name because she went to school with a Cora back in the 60's who was a "mean conniving b*tch and it is a horrible horrible name". I just rolled my eyes and named her that anyway. Sometimes people are so weird.


I love that name and when I first saw you post your dd's name, I momentarily wished I'd thought of it for my daughter!

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When my dd was pregnant, she wouldn't tell us what the real name was (I called him "Schmooey" :D), mainly because her mil was so pushy about wanting to know, bless her heart. What dd did say was that his name was Excaliber Skywalker.:lol: (Happily, he turned out to be Devon.)

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When I was pregnant with my twins, my mom was seriously ticked that a) we didn't name one of them after her, and b) she thought she had the right to name one of them herself. :confused: Like, completely pick the name and just expect us to go along with it. Um... no. We don't tell names anymore, either. :glare: Not worth the drama, especially when I'm pregnant and already hormonal.


:grouphug: Imp :grouphug:

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When my dd was pregnant, she wouldn't tell us what the real name was (I called him "Schmooey" :D), mainly because her mil was so pushy about wanting to know, bless her heart. What dd did say was that his name was Excaliber Skywalker.:lol: (Happily, he turned out to be Devon.)


I'd be tempted, but all holy Hades would break loose. Not worth the drama and harassment!

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Just to take the idiocy further, its been demanded that this baby be a girl. Btwn my cousins and my brothers, the last 7 babies in the family have all been boys. Princess is the last girl. I've been warned that another boy isn't really what's wanted at this point, so I'd 'better be having a girl'.


My family is just nuts. Well, at least my mother is. :glare:


MIL hasn't asked about names. Other than demanding to know if the baby was planned, telling me I can't cope with another child, freaking out b/c she's decided the baby will be special needs (I'm guessing b/c I'm over 35), and just generally expressing her disgust and displeasure, she's not interested.


No wonder Wolf and I are married. Nobody else could possibly handle each other's family. :lol:


*eye roll*

I don't think my in-laws are thrilled we are having a second. Not sure why. But the reaction has been MUCH more muted than with our first. But they have not done any of that


(They tried to co-opt the name but my husband squashed it. We chose Ruth Abigail and they started calling the baby Abby right away -- which made me start wanting to change her name to Lydia RUth and drop the Abigail altogether. DH said that was silly and went right to his family and informed them that if we'd wanted an Aby we'd have called her Abigail Ruth, not Ruth Abigail. They could call her Ruth or Ruthie. But until she was old enough to choose her own nicknames, she was not Abby.)

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Don't you love the "it better be" comments? Like as if you have the tiniest amount of control over that now and what are they going to do? Deny them if they're not the "right" sex?


My grandma called me the week I was due with DD and said "Just so you know, we're all expecting a girl, ok?"

Edited by Stacie Leigh
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Yeah, I floated the lead balloon of baby names around my family. One of the girls' names we picked out early on elicited howls of laughter. Dh's deceased mother was named Ruth. All my family could think of was "Baby Ruth" the candy bar and the scene from Caddy Shack of the Baby Ruth in the pool. We stopped asking for input after that :).

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Yeah, I don't get the 'it better be...' comments either. In fact, I told my mom I prefer to have another boy. She seems smugly confident that she'll get what she wants, which makes me want to smack her.


I also told her to go bug my brothers or cousins. I have 2 dds already, which is 1 more than in the last 6-7 generations of the maternal side of the family (until Princess, each dd only had 1 dd), so I've done my bit :tongue_smilie:

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My MIL didn't speak to me for a couple weeks after I called and told her we were having boy #2. I told her to discuss that with her son! She still isn't involved in their lives even though she lives less than 15 minutes away. It's because they are boys. She raised 5 boys (2 girls) and wanted more girls. *grumble*

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That's the ironic part.


My family lives across country from us. My mom has met Tazzie a grand total of twice, and last summer was the first time she met Princess. My dad met both Littles last summer.


Its not like they're a regular part of our lives, so why the gender or even name would matter is beyond me.


Granted, we were hoping to move to my home province this summer, but that's not happening now. We still hope to move, but heaven only knows when/if that will happen.

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:svengo: I didn't know your mother was like that too. :grouphug: I learned with Pigby not to start sharing names. For him we considered Gavin, which my mom said sounded like a gay person's name :blink: and Nathan, which my FIL said needed to be Nathaniel so he could have a formal name and just go by Nathan :confused: Why not just go with Nathan then? I don't know. Also, when I finally picked Pigby's name a few days before he was born, I posted on my blog that I picked a name. I didn't post the name, just that I had thought of it, but my mom threw the biggest hissy fit that I told my blogging friends before I told her. The whole reason I didn't post the name was because of the grief her and FIL had already caused! :svengo:


After Pigby was born, my SIL wouldn't tell us the name they had chosen for their baby (born 4 months after Pigby). Turns out because they had already picked a name before Pigby was born and it was the same middle name as Pigby and thought we would get upset. I was so NOT upset, I felt bad that she had even worried about it. Of course other members of the family wanted me to be mad and start drama:glare:


Then once Digby came along, I thought about naming him Gavin just to p*ss her off (I'm a witch like that), but a certain hero's name from the show Firefly was just calling to be used.


Wow, sorry for the novel. Apparently I've had something that needed to get off my chest.:lol:

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I find it difficult to "forgive and forget" how disappointed and upset my family was when we found out our 4 year old was a boy. I had the only grandchildren of the family and they were both boys. Now I have 3 boys and my brother has 2. He and his wife are trying for another baby now and it makes me sick to hear him and the rest of the family talking about how important it is to have a girl. It's not just that they think a girl would be fun or cool; it's really important to these people! Ugh!!


It makes me furious (not much does) when people make stupid comments about our boys. "Trying for a girl with that last one, huh?" "What? You aren't going to try again so you can get that girl??" "Poor thing. All boys?? Wow"


UGHGHGHGH!! :rant:

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My MIL didn't speak to me for a couple weeks after I called and told her we were having boy #2. I told her to discuss that with her son! She still isn't involved in their lives even though she lives less than 15 minutes away. It's because they are boys. She raised 5 boys (2 girls) and wanted more girls. *grumble*

:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry, that's so completely ridiculous.

That's the ironic part.


My family lives across country from us. My mom has met Tazzie a grand total of twice, and last summer was the first time she met Princess. My dad met both Littles last summer.


Its not like they're a regular part of our lives, so why the gender or even name would matter is beyond me.


Granted, we were hoping to move to my home province this summer, but that's not happening now. We still hope to move, but heaven only knows when/if that will happen.

:grouphug::grouphug:I'm so sorry, I don't know why gender matters to some people. It's a baby! Boy or girl it's destined to be cute!

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When I was pg with #6, I told my mother that if it was a girl what we would name her. She hated the name. For weeks after she was born my mother kept asking what her name was and I kept telling what it was. After a while she finally said "So you are really going with that then?"

Funny how she changed her tune after we got so many compliments on it. Now she loves it, AFTER other people told her it was a beautiful name.

As for my MIL, she only likes boys. My first 3 were girls, when the first boy came along she told everyone she finally had Grandchildren. Blech.

Dh and I keep hoping that we remember this stuff so we WILL NOT do this stuff to our kids.

Edited by ilovemy6kids
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I find it difficult to "forgive and forget" how disappointed and upset my family was when we found out our 4 year old was a boy. I had the only grandchildren of the family and they were both boys. Now I have 3 boys and my brother has 2. He and his wife are trying for another baby now and it makes me sick to hear him and the rest of the family talking about how important it is to have a girl. It's not just that they think a girl would be fun or cool; it's really important to these people! Ugh!!


It makes me furious (not much does) when people make stupid comments about our boys. "Trying for a girl with that last one, huh?" "What? You aren't going to try again so you can get that girl??" "Poor thing. All boys?? Wow"


UGHGHGHGH!! :rant:


Here's the other thing...I have boy, girl, boy, girl. How its become *my* responsibility to provide extended family with a specific gender b/c nobody else has since my last dd's birth is beyond me! :lol:

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when i was pregnant with dd #3, we chose her names and told folks who asked. SIL was pregnant at the same time, due earlier, and had told everyone she was having a boy. when they asked us, we told them and when their daughter was born several weeks later, they named her exactly what we had chosen for ours. both names. really.


so we chose new names for dd#3, which suit her ever so much better than the original choices. thank goodness.


but i am still 13 years later, working on truly letting go of that one.




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When I was pregnant with Cora, and we picked her name, my mother flipped out. She hated the name because she went to school with a Cora back in the 60's who was a "mean conniving b*tch and it is a horrible horrible name". I just rolled my eyes and named her that anyway. Sometimes people are so weird.


Well, my oldest would argue that "Cora" is the most awesome name in the universe;).


I too don't get why family members seem to go nuts around pregnant women. The preggo ladies are the ones that get to be crazy, not everyone else. My mil seemed genuinely offended that we had a third kid. She only had two (a girl, then boy, just like our first) and just couldn't imagine why we would want to ruin our "perfect" family. Baby girl is 4 and mil still has issues including her. Mil always wants to take the older 2 but complains that baby girl is just too much work. Lady, if you cannot take care of three kids you really have no business teaching a room full of 20+ second graders.


Families are weird. Sometimes they are downright stupid. Ignore them all and enjoy anticipating your little baby.

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Well, my oldest would argue that "Cora" is the most awesome name in the universe;).


I too don't get why family members seem to go nuts around pregnant women. The preggo ladies are the ones that get to be crazy, not everyone else. My mil seemed genuinely offended that we had a third kid. She only had two (a girl, then boy, just like our first) and just couldn't imagine why we would want to ruin our "perfect" family. Baby girl is 4 and mil still has issues including her. Mil always wants to take the older 2 but complains that baby girl is just too much work. Lady, if you cannot take care of three kids you really have no business teaching a room full of 20+ second graders.


Families are weird. Sometimes they are downright stupid. Ignore them all and enjoy anticipating your little baby.

Thanks :001_smile:


I know why MIL is ticked off w/us having another baby. She figured the kids were old enough now, that it was time for us to take care of HER. Another baby completely screws up her plans.


As for my mom, she's a control freak. She's smart enough, now, to have figured out that she can't pull that kind of carp with DILs without risking being cut out of their lives (my eldest and youngest brothers have nothing to do with our parents) but seems to think that b/c I'm her dd, she's entitled to pull this nonsense.

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My youngest was born the day my dad died. I had his name (Evan) picked out for months. It was a boy name I loved for YEARS. As far as I was concerned, that's who he was and everyone was okay with that. For a middle name, I picked Daniel which is dh's first name.


Fast forward to 10/29/03 and my dad dies hours before my son's birth. I named the baby as planned and my mom was actually upset with me for not changing my plans and naming him after my dad.


Her main reasoning was that people would expect it since the baby was born that day, and I was his youngest child. :001_huh: People would expect that? Really? I guess I should not have been surprised that her main concern was what "people" would think. It's kind of her way...


My dad's name was Chester. :tongue_smilie: She said "You could have at least used his middle name". Dad's middle name was Roy. I like Roy, but I liked the name I picked more. I actually picked that name the day I had an ultrasound to confirm he was going to be okay (I had had some gushing bleeding @ 12 weeks and was convinced I might lose him.). To say I was pretty attached to his name was an understatement.


Oh, and I loved my dad. He was not the father of the year however. He was mostly just distant with us (This because of his relationship with his abusive father no doubt.). I don't think he ever expected such a thing of any of us (I have 4 siblings, 3 of which have children and NOT ONE used a family name for any of their kids--not even a middle name.)


She was upset about this for years. As far as I know, she still is but just doesn't bring it up anymore. I have since told her that if I had wanted to honor my father in that way, I would have named one of my two older sons after him so I could do it while he was still alive. (My two older sons are glad not to be named Chester either btw. :D)


Oh, and I told her this about three years AFTER my dad died. Don't want anyone to think I said that to a brand new widow...

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When I was pregnant with Cora, and we picked her name, my mother flipped out. She hated the name because she went to school with a Cora back in the 60's who was a "mean conniving b*tch and it is a horrible horrible name". I just rolled my eyes and named her that anyway. Sometimes people are so weird.


After hearing similar comments, I brought up that discussion in a room with many of my family members. After crossing off a great deal of names because at least one person in the room had a bad story for each name, I finally got them to understand that unless I invent a brand new name, any name can end up associated with a bad story! And I had not even included my DH's family. We joked that we should have named our children 'Child A', 'Child B', etc.

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I totally understand keeping baby names a secret until your decision is final. We didn't tell anyone what we were naming our first until we were completely sure. Then, it was announced and there was no room for discussion.


With our second, my nine year old told my mother in law what we were thinking about. My mother in law didn't like the middle name and told her. Now, she constantly says, Grandma doesn't like Emma's middle name.


I love it and think it is great so I'm not worried about it, but I would have preferred that my mother in law keep her dislike to herself.


Oh well, you can't please everyone and I think Emma Constance is beautiful!



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This bothers me on so many levels. As someone who has lost a child, I get so irritated when people start demanding "it better be" instead of being happy for a healthy baby. Also, what about all the couples who struggle to have a baby...I imagine they would be happy with whatever they got, boy or girl. As far as naming the babies, I'm always surprised at how people think they should share their negative opinions about a name. Also, regarding avoiding names that remind people of someone they didn't like. I named our first dog the same name as a girl in high school that I loathed, we loved our dog dearly, now everytime I think of that name (Holly) I think of our beloved dog & not that awful classmate!!:001_smile:

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I think you should name your children whatever you want. The grandparents aren't raising them. I know in some families the grandparents help pick names, but that should be your choice. I wouldn't feel bad about not giving them the choice. They are your kids.




And I am a grandparent. It is one of those things that should fall into the, "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" category.


My problem isn't with the grandparents. My MIL expressed her dislike of our chosen middle name for our son, but she will just have to deal. I do, however, have trouble using a name that the older siblings don't like. But it is really hard to please everyone.


Susan in TX

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This bothers me on so many levels. As someone who has lost a child, I get so irritated when people start demanding "it better be" instead of being happy for a healthy baby. Also, what about all the couples who struggle to have a baby...I imagine they would be happy with whatever they got, boy or girl. As far as naming the babies, I'm always surprised at how people think they should share their negative opinions about a name. Also, regarding avoiding names that remind people of someone they didn't like. I named our first dog the same name as a girl in high school that I loathed, we loved our dog dearly, now everytime I think of that name (Holly) I think of our beloved dog & not that awful classmate!!:001_smile:

There's the other thing. My nephew was born with 2 heart defects. He's had 1 surgery, and is to go for another in the next month or two. Given what my brother and SIL are going through with their baby, you'd figure that the health of the baby would be paramount, not the rest of the carp. But, noooooooooooo.



And I am a grandparent. It is one of those things that should fall into the, "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" category.


My problem isn't with the grandparents. My MIL expressed her dislike of our chosen middle name for our son, but she will just have to deal. I do, however, have trouble using a name that the older siblings don't like. But it is really hard to please everyone.


Susan in TX

My kids don't care about names, lol!

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We never share names with anyone before the baby arrives. People are quite happy to criticize a potential baby name when you're pregnant, but much less likely to actually say anything negative about a name when there's a baby with that name sitting there all sweet and cuddly. Basically, I'm of the stance that if I don't want your opinion, the best way to ensure I don't get it is not to ask. ;)

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We don't tell our name ideas. Once DH and I have agreed on a name and it's "official", we tell everyone. We just told everyone our name for this baby last week. Our family is good about it. We tend to pick unique names and the only thing they say is "we'll have to get used to that." And now, of course, they cannot picture our children with any other name.

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I've told my mother before that, "I am informing you of our decision, not asking for your opinion." which usually gets me hung up on, but oh well.


She was so upset that my brothers kept the names they choose secret that I thought she'd just be happy that we didn't do the same. Apparently not. :glare:

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Yeah, when MIL sneered at the name I said I liked for my first child, I decided right there never to tell the names ahead of time (actually I did tell the names to a couple of people who I trusted, but MIL never knew that). I lost that one very early, so I don't even know the gender, but now I call her by that name.

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We haven't even stopped the birth control yet to start trying to conceive yet and my controlling mother in law has already demanded to know names we've picked out.


I, not knowing better, mentioned the one name we had kinda sorta mumbled about (we don't really want to put the cart in front of the horse, so to speak...let's wait until we're pregnant and then we can start talking names....) and she flipped out saying how ugly it is and how horrible the name sounds with our last name.



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I feel your pain. MIL doesn't like girls. She had 2 boys and she wants her boys to have only boys. So far she has 2 granddaughters and 2 grandsons. She was counting on us to have another boy and was irritated that we aren't. She's at least OK after the baby gets here...


My mother, on the other hand, hates boys. She got *mad* at me when I told her we were having another boy. She still treats DS like he's 2nd class because he's a boy.


With DD, we announced her name and everyone had something negative to say about it. And then they got mad that we wouldn't change it. With DS, we didn't tell ANYONE till they came to the hospital after he was born. We still got negative comments about it. I've decided that people aren't going to be happy with whatever name they pick because it's not the name they'd pick. @@

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It is tiresome when certain family members insist upon being jerks. I'm sorry your MIL is like that.


Our eldest is technically a step, so dh's family obviously had no input on his name. Our second child (first bio child together) is a Jr. and our third has both first and middle family names (from dh's side) so they couldn't criticize either of those.


I had to listen to my MIL b*tch about our fourth son's name for the entire last half of my pregnancy and beyond! She still 'teases' and calls him by another name half of the time, the name she suggested, rather than his real name. He's nearly 3 years old!


We picked out a name for this baby months ago, before we even knew the gender, but there's no way that I'll tell her that now. We are keeping a tight lid on this kid's name until she is born.

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With all the MIL and Mother stories I see here on the board, we really should take advantage of the extensive experience and wisdom that is shared here and compile a "Guide to Being a Great MIL". It would be a best seller. I can see that expectant parents could give it as a gift to the new grandparents!:glare:

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With all the MIL and Mother stories I see here on the board, we really should take advantage of the extensive experience and wisdom that is shared here and compile a "Guide to Being a Great MIL". It would be a best seller. I can see that expectant parents could give it as a gift to the new grandparents!:glare:


I'm tellin' ya, I'm taking notes! I think I might get a pretty journal to write down all of my reminders in for when my kids marry!

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when i was pregnant with dd #3, we chose her names and told folks who asked. SIL was pregnant at the same time, due earlier, and had told everyone she was having a boy. when they asked us, we told them and when their daughter was born several weeks later, they named her exactly what we had chosen for ours. both names. really.


so we chose new names for dd#3, which suit her ever so much better than the original choices. thank goodness.


but i am still 13 years later, working on truly letting go of that one.




:svengo:Did they ever say anything to you about it?

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I feel your pain. MIL doesn't like girls. She had 2 boys and she wants her boys to have only boys. So far she has 2 granddaughters and 2 grandsons. She was counting on us to have another boy and was irritated that we aren't. She's at least OK after the baby gets here...


My mother, on the other hand, hates boys. She got *mad* at me when I told her we were having another boy. She still treats DS like he's 2nd class because he's a boy.


With DD, we announced her name and everyone had something negative to say about it. And then they got mad that we wouldn't change it. With DS, we didn't tell ANYONE till they came to the hospital after he was born. We still got negative comments about it. I've decided that people aren't going to be happy with whatever name they pick because it's not the name they'd pick. @@

my mom was ticked when not only was she not consulted about names, but then when she flipped, she got told she was being informed, not being asked her opinion.


I don't get the whole gender bias bs. Really, truly, don't.

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I just don't care. My granny told me she did not like the name Lily. My mom's name (her daughter) is Lillian. LOL

I will one day, God willing, have a Magnolia Belle. We'll be calling her Maggie. :D I'm not going to hide her name either.

I just really don't care what people think of my names or even if someone steals the name. (Though I think ol' Maggie Belle will be safe. LOL)

I love names and I think about them a lot. I try out different names together.

I even spend time thinking of twin names. Boy/Boy. Girl/Girl. Boy/Girl. They have to sound right together.

It's a weird hobby I guess. :tongue_smilie:

I feel that way about family size too. Just don't care. I told DH that Lily was our freebie. We'd adopted the other five children and after 9 years of infertility people were thrilled when we announced our pregnancy. I said next time people are going to start questioning our sanity. Oh well.

I'm sorry you have so much drama, Imp. Just know we're here to support you.

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