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Found a 2 ft. black snake stuck to a glue trap

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It was on the trap in my garage. I thought it was dead because it was lying very still. Two days later, ds14 informs me that he touched it with his flashlight and it moved and opened its mouth. Today ds informs me that the snake and the trap are no longer there. I assumed dh took them both and pitched them in the trash. Nope. The snake is wandering around my garage with the trap stuck to it. I do not know where it is. My washer and dryer and freezer are in my garage. That is all.

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It was on the trap in my garage. I thought it was dead because it was lying very still. Two days later, ds14 informs me that he touched it with his flashlight and it moved and opened its mouth. Today ds informs me that the snake and the trap are no longer there. I assumed dh took them both and pitched them in the trash. Nope. The snake is wandering around my garage with the trap stuck to it. I do not know where it is. My washer and dryer and freezer are in my garage. That is all.


Poor thing. :(

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It was on the trap in my garage. I thought it was dead because it was lying very still. Two days later, ds14 informs me that he touched it with his flashlight and it moved and opened its mouth. Today ds informs me that the snake and the trap are no longer there. I assumed dh took them both and pitched them in the trash. Nope. The snake is wandering around my garage with the trap stuck to it. I do not know where it is. My washer and dryer and freezer are in my garage. That is all.


Snakes don't really like cold places. Is it hot where you are right now? If so, the snake could be anywhere. If it's kind of moderate or cool, snake would most likely be curled up in the warm coils in the back of the freezer.


There's not much a snake cannot escape from. He may have left the garage entirely.

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So when are you moving?:lol:


So far I have had three, THREE!!!!!! snakes in my home. I told dh I am seriously moving if I ever find another inside my house. I have no problem with the snakes I see outside, but I have a line, and that line is my door.

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Poor thing. :(


I know. When ds told me it opened its mouth I felt sorry for it. But those traps are super, super, super sticky and I know I wouldn't be able to free it without getting stuck to it myself.


Snakes don't really like cold places. Is it hot where you are right now? If so, the snake could be anywhere. If it's kind of moderate or cool, snake would most likely be curled up in the warm coils in the back of the freezer.


There's not much a snake cannot escape from. He may have left the garage entirely.


We had a high heat advisory here today - not cold at all. He could be anywhere.


I'm just thankful it's not a copperhead. I've had several of those in my garage in the 20 years I've lived here.:svengo:

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I know. When ds told me it opened its mouth I felt sorry for it. But those traps are super, super, super sticky and I know I wouldn't be able to free it without getting stuck to it myself.




We had a high heat advisory here today - not cold at all. He could be anywhere.


I'm just thankful it's not a copperhead. I've had several of those in my garage in the 20 years I've lived here.:svengo:


Dude, seriously, when are you moving? Luckily the snakes in my house were just rat snakes. A couple were baby rat snakes. But still. I don't do snakes.

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It was on the trap in my garage. I thought it was dead because it was lying very still. Two days later, ds14 informs me that he touched it with his flashlight and it moved and opened its mouth. Today ds informs me that the snake and the trap are no longer there. I assumed dh took them both and pitched them in the trash. Nope. The snake is wandering around my garage with the trap stuck to it. I do not know where it is. My washer and dryer and freezer are in my garage. That is all.



All snakes can be managed with a shovel, more specifically a spade -- the flat edged shovel -- using the flat edge with extreme prejudice.



Sometimes I feel bad for thinking like that, because there are no poisonous snakes in my province. However, I was raised in S. FL where pretty much every snake is a deadly little nasty beast. So.... shovels are my friend, and my go-to snake response kit.

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I know. When ds told me it opened its mouth I felt sorry for it. But those traps are super, super, super sticky and I know I wouldn't be able to free it without getting stuck to it myself.




We had a high heat advisory here today - not cold at all. He could be anywhere.


I'm just thankful it's not a copperhead. I've had several of those in my garage in the 20 years I've lived here.:svengo:


Oh well, then this is easy peasy. :D


I actually live with a snake (DS 14 has a ball python) , but still would not like the idea of knowing one was loose somewhere--and not knowing where it is.

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I think RSPCA and other animal organisations are trying to get bans on glue traps. they are pretty cruel. I have heard that snakes also get their heads caught in soft drink cans. apparently you can pick them up and stick the whole snake in the fridge to cool it down, then remove the can . every snake that is around my area is extremely venomous so I wouldn't be trying it. I think Australia has 9 out of the top 10 most venomous snakes in the world.

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All snakes can be managed with a shovel, more specifically a spade -- the flat edged shovel -- using the flat edge with extreme prejudice.



Sometimes I feel bad for thinking like that, because there are no poisonous snakes in my province. However, I was raised in S. FL where pretty much every snake is a deadly little nasty beast. So.... shovels are my friend, and my go-to snake response kit.


Shovel, flat edged - got it - thanks. Ds is going to be given a flat-edged shovel first thing in the a.m. :)


Oh well, then this is easy peasy. :D


I actually live with a snake (DS 14 has a ball python) , but still would not like the idea of knowing one was loose somewhere--and not knowing where it is.




Yup - It's the not knowing and going out there to look for a roll of paper towels or a book or something and having him slither towards me, trap and all, and then having to go change my underwear. Oh, sorry, tmi.:D

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I know. When ds told me it opened its mouth I felt sorry for it. But those traps are super, super, super sticky and I know I wouldn't be able to free it without getting stuck to it myself.




We had a high heat advisory here today - not cold at all. He could be anywhere.


I'm just thankful it's not a copperhead. I've had several of those in my garage in the 20 years I've lived here.:svengo:


Aren't black snakes the same as rat snakes? They keep the copperheads away. As far as snakes go, they're good guys.


Yes, it was always hard to convince myself of that "good" guys part.

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So when are you moving?:lol:


So far I have had three, THREE!!!!!! snakes in my home. I told dh I am seriously moving if I ever find another inside my house. I have no problem with the snakes I see outside, but I have a line, and that line is my door.


Did not like the one time a snake got in the house, don't know how you survived THREE! I refused to go to bed until dh inspected the house from top to bottom. Now I've got the eebie, jeebies....

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All snakes can be managed with a shovel, more specifically a spade -- the flat edged shovel -- using the flat edge with extreme prejudice.



Sometimes I feel bad for thinking like that, because there are no poisonous snakes in my province. However, I was raised in S. FL where pretty much every snake is a deadly little nasty beast. So.... shovels are my friend, and my go-to snake response kit.


I'm shocked. These are creatures of nature that eat rats and mice. You should leave them in peace.



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I'm shocked. These are creatures of nature that eat rats and mice. You should leave them in peace.




Which is why I like them outside. But they should know once they cross that line (my door, my flipping washing machine) they are subject to a shovel. Or cat. Or nerdy homeschooled 8yo boy. Or pot placed over them until dh can come home and remove them from my flipping kitchen.

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Which is why I like them outside. But they should know once they cross that line (my door, my flipping washing machine) they are subject to a shovel. Or cat. Or nerdy homeschooled 8yo boy. Or pot placed over them until dh can come home and remove them from my flipping kitchen.


It was in a garage. And one where there were sticky traps set so presumably there was a problem with vermin. A problem snakes help solve.



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It was in a garage. And one where there were sticky traps set so presumably there was a problem with vermin. A problem snakes help solve.




Ugh...it's still a snake. Can it do the problem solving outside, far away???

Kathleen, if I were in your shoes, I'd have nightmares about snakes stuck to sticky paper...or I may not sleep at all.

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Ugh...it's still a snake. Can it do the problem solving outside, far away???

Kathleen, if I were in your shoes, I'd have nightmares about snakes stuck to sticky paper...or I may not sleep at all.


Not if the vermin are in the garage and the snake isn't ;)



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I know. When ds told me it opened its mouth I felt sorry for it. But those traps are super, super, super sticky and I know I wouldn't be able to free it without getting stuck to it myself.




I thought she meant you when she said poor thing :lol: I don't like snakes.

Edited by Quiver0f10
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Oh my...I would have my husband and son tearing the garage apart looking for it. No one would sleep until we were sure it wasn't in there. Shudder!!


Yep, no one would sleep or rest until the snake was found around here. I have an irrational fear of snakes. I would be having nightmares!

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Yep, no one would sleep or rest until the snake was found around here. I have an irrational fear of snakes. I would be having nightmares!


This would be me too. I'm one of those who was probably born with a fear of snakes (yes, there are studies suggesting SOME people are born with that fear).


Hubby knew when I met him that he would be responsible for removing any snake on our property if we were to get married. He does a good job! A couple of my boys have learned the trade for future wives. ;)


Cats make effective vermin eliminators around here. We certainly don't use glue traps.


I've learned to tolerate snakes on hikes in state and national parks (and wouldn't think of killing them there even when I didn't tolerate that well) and I can tolerate them in zoos or classrooms or other areas where I know they will be, but that's it. If I were hiking by myself and didn't have snake locaters to go ahead of me my hiking would be lessened a ton.

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Am I the only one who noticed that she left the snake alone in her garage for 2 DAYS??? If I came across a snake stuck on a glue trap, it would be disposed of immediately after my DH got home from work (No way on this great earth would I be the one disposing of it:scared::scared::scared::svengo:)





We have some garter snakes that live in my yard. I tolerate them, only marginally, because they keep the bug population down. As long as they're slithering away from me whenever I see one, they can stay.


It's taken me 2 years to get to this point. I scream every time I see one, despite them all being garters, but I no longer make DH hunt them down and dispose of them. Because.....


I'm shocked. These are creatures of nature that eat rats and mice. You should leave them in peace.



The summer DH got rid of 5 snakes for me, we ended up with mice in our house that winter. So now I let the snakes live, but I don't like them. I just like them more OUTSIDE than mice INSIDE.

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Just to clarify:


The traps are for mice, but they do not have the ability to determine what is crawling over them. I rarely have snakes in the garage (only about 10-15 in 20 years). We actually saw the snake go in the garage and ds tried to grab it before it was too late but it was waaaaay to fast for him. I don't like the idea of catching snakes on the traps, but, like I said, the traps don't have a mechanism for determining what's on them.


I don't mind black snakes outside.


It was out there for 2 days because I thought it was dead at first. Dh is my snake disposal guy, but he works two jobs and doesn't get home till late, so I didn't bother to mention it to him. Today is his day off and I figured he'd get to it today. Also, the trap wasn't anywhere near my laundry area or freezer. It was actually in a spot quite far from those things near the front of the garage.


If I had known about the vegetable oil thingy, I would've tried that right away.


I haven't been out there today - I'm afraid to open the door. Dh and ds have that on their agenda for today. In the meantime, I am content to stay inside and enjoy the ac on this third day of record-breaking temperatures.

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I sure hope they find it. I'd need the peace of mind to go back out there.


Just to clarify:


The traps are for mice, but they do not have the ability to determine what is crawling over them. I rarely have snakes in the garage (only about 10-15 in 20 years). We actually saw the snake go in the garage and ds tried to grab it before it was too late but it was waaaaay to fast for him. I don't like the idea of catching snakes on the traps, but, like I said, the traps don't have a mechanism for determining what's on them.


I don't mind black snakes outside.


It was out there for 2 days because I thought it was dead at first. Dh is my snake disposal guy, but he works two jobs and doesn't get home till late, so I didn't bother to mention it to him. Today is his day off and I figured he'd get to it today. Also, the trap wasn't anywhere near my laundry area or freezer. It was actually in a spot quite far from those things near the front of the garage.


If I had known about the vegetable oil thingy, I would've tried that right away.


I haven't been out there today - I'm afraid to open the door. Dh and ds have that on their agenda for today. In the meantime, I am content to stay inside and enjoy the ac on this third day of record-breaking temperatures.

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Egads!! This is how I feel about it:

:blink: :eek: :scared: :smash: :ack2: :nopity:



and then having to go change my underwear. Oh, sorry, tmi.




I thought she meant you when she said poor thing. I don't like snakes.


I thought "poor thing" was referring to the Kathleen in VA too.



I haven't been out there today - I'm afraid to open the door. Dh and ds have that on their agenda for today. In the meantime, I am content to stay inside and enjoy the ac on this third day of record-breaking temperatures.


Well, one good thing....maybe you can get out of doing laundry and have dh and ds do that job for awhile. :D

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:eek::svengo: I don't. do. snakes. I'd move. The snake could have the garage. (((shudder)))


:iagree: We had one snake in our garage 3 years ago. I almost stepped on it and ran screaming bloody murder. DH came running out of the house. The neighbors who were walking by stopped to make sure I was okay. 3 years later, I still am VERY cautious when I walk around my garage.

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LOL--We have several around here.


I remember the first year we moved here--the boys were in school and dd was just a toddler. I opened the garage door and found a 5 ft black rat snake entwined in my son's bike spokes! There was a good foot of him left over...Called our dear sexton, just a little scared! LOL


They are good for eating bugs...I keep telling myself that.

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Thanks to this thread I'm putting on shoes and sitting Indian style in my chair. I've got real concerns that a snake is going to slither over my barefeet at any moment. *shudder*

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When I said 'poor thing', I meant the snake....


I don't like snakes much either, but I firmly believe in letting non poisonous ones live....trouble is that even though I've been born and raised here I can't for the LIFE of me EVER tell if a snake is poisonous. :glare: I even have a book....but snakes generally don't stick around while you retrieve the AR snake book from inside the house in order to identify it.

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I know. When ds told me it opened its mouth I felt sorry for it. But those traps are super, super, super sticky and I know I wouldn't be able to free it without getting stuck to it myself.






Olive oil. Well, if you find him. Our cat got his paw caught in one and it came right off. And he was stuck good- frantically running around the room. Probably any oil would work, now that I think about it. But we used olive.

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Thanks to this thread I'm putting on shoes and sitting Indian style in my chair. I've got real concerns that a snake is going to slither over my barefeet at any moment. *shudder*

Me too! I don't know why I do this to myself- reading these threads! I'm going to have nightmares tonight and wake up poor hubby to make sure there are no snakes in bed with us! (And we've never had snakes at our house but no I'm terrified of going out to our garage!)

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