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Seething with anger at the moment & need to vent

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Just found out that one woman who has been trash talking my DD because she is pregnant and unmarried has an older (16-18yo, not sure of the exact age) DD born out of wedlock herself; she does not have custody of her DD. This woman is 34 so she was younger than my DD when she gave birth.


Really lady? You are judging my daughter and you did the same thing?


This woman wouldn't hire my son to mow her yard because of DD's pregnancy. Evidently, the association might set a bad example for her children.



Edited by The Dragon Academy
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I'm so sorry. That lady obviously has unresolved issues and is not at peace with herself or her past. She deserves to be pitied... but I'm so sorry her issues have turned into venom towards your family. :grouphug:




Sorry you are having to go through this. People can be so hurtful. It is great that you are supporting your dd. Congrats.



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:grouphug: She reminds me of my dad: a man that has divorced 4 wives & 6 children, who is currently on his fifth family.


When I told him my husband was going to be deployed (army) for a year, he was disgusted and said, "What kind of man would leave his family for a year?" :confused::cursing:


I don't know if he caught the sick irony of his comment or not. I didn't wait around to find out.


Sorry you've met a blankety-blank as well. Some people.

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There are words to describe my feelings but they are rather impolite for a public forum :ack2::ack2::ack2:.


I hope your son finds mowing jobs and for decent people. I don't think I'd want my son around HER!


Should probably say a word of prayer for this person in an effort to apease my desires to smack the back of her head! :D


I hope your precious grandgir,l along with her mamma, comes through safely and in good health! Enjoy your bundle and don't let ignoramuses steal your joy. My niece had a little one under similar circumstances and dear Rosie is the family pride and joy.



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There are words to describe my feelings but they are rather impolite for a public forum :ack2::ack2::ack2:.


I hope your son finds mowing jobs and for decent people. I don't think I'd want my son around HER!


Should probably say a word of prayer for this person in an effort to apease my desires to smack the back of her head! :D


I hope your precious grandgir,l along with her mamma, comes through safely and in good health! Enjoy your bundle and don't let ignoramuses steal your joy. My niece had a little one under similar circumstances and dear Rosie is the family pride and joy.



Aw, thank you.



Thank you all for the support.

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Oh was that the crashing I heard earlier today? Her glasshouse shattering around her.




Congratulations to you* and your daughter. Babies rock. That is all.





*I put you first 'cause grandbabies are, according to my parents, more awesome than your own children :tongue_smilie::D

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Oh was that the crashing I heard earlier today? Her glasshouse shattering around her.



That may have been my jaw hitting the floor.

Congratulations to you* and your daughter. Babies rock. That is all.





*I put you first 'cause grandbabies are, according to my parents, more awesome than your own children :tongue_smilie::D

Thank you. I'll let you know about that in November.

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Man, I went shopping and I was still thinking about this and irritated.


Forget being exposed to someone who has a pregnant sister, your son shouldn't be around her because he might be exposed to someone with a raging case of asshattery.


Asshattery is more contagious than pregnancy.


Keep your son safe!



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Man, I went shopping and I was still thinking about this and irritated.


Forget being exposed to someone who has a pregnant sister, your son shouldn't be around her because he might be exposed to someone with a raging case of asshattery.


Asshattery is more contagious than pregnancy.


Keep your son safe!






Some people! I was once in your dd's shoes. I can't tell you how important having my moms support was! Good for you for supporting your dd and being excited for a new grandbaby!!!

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Man, I went shopping and I was still thinking about this and irritated.


Forget being exposed to someone who has a pregnant sister, your son shouldn't be around her because he might be exposed to someone with a raging case of asshattery.


Asshattery is more contagious than pregnancy.


Keep your son safe!




I hope your shopping trip was enjoyable despite your irritation. I am glad that he isn't doing it.

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Some people! I was once in your dd's shoes. I can't tell you how important having my moms support was! Good for you for supporting your dd and being excited for a new grandbaby!!!


Thank you. I have been surprised at how I have handled this. It is only through grace, believe me.


There are many things I wish I could say about the past 18 weeks but I want to honor DD's privacy. I can tell you that this situation has blessed me in many ways.

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*I put you first 'cause grandbabies are, according to my parents, more awesome than your own children :tongue_smilie::D


I think my parents would agree. They come to see ds, not me. :lol::lol:



that's kind of the good thing about mean people, you can recognize them when they open their mouths. Otherwise they can appear very normal, not at all like zombies, which DO appear un-normal most of the time. :tongue_smilie:

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I had to deal with the exact same thing when I was a single parent.


All I can think of is how incredibly small and miserable this woman must be, to try and make others so unhappy.


Taking that tactic kept me from storming up to the woman who pulled the same crud on me and stomping on her head.

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Just found out that one woman who has been trash talking my DD because she is pregnant and unmarried has an older (16-18yo, not sure of the exact age) DD born out of wedlock herself; she does not have custody of her DD. This woman is 34 so she was younger than my DD when she gave birth.


Really lady? You are judging my daughter and you did the same thing?


This woman wouldn't hire my son to mow her yard because of DD's pregnancy. Evidently, the association might set a bad example for her children.




Ugh, I would be angry myself.


I got pregnant with my DD out of wedlock. I was about to get married to her dad when I got pregnant. I ended up a single parent later on. I was 20 when I had her.


We need to support young moms. They can do an amazing job and they need that support and love. My DD is an amazing girl! Your grandchild will be too!


Also, my mom has told me she's actually really happy that I had her when I did, mostly for her, lol. She wasn't thrilled in the beginning but her relationship with my DD has been one of the closest of her life. My DD worships her, lol



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Ugh, I would be angry myself.


I got pregnant with my DD out of wedlock. I was about to get married to her dad when I got pregnant. I ended up a single parent later on. I was 20 when I had her.


We need to support young moms. They can do an amazing job and they need that support and love. My DD is an amazing girl! Your grandchild will be too!


Also, my mom has told me she's actually really happy that I had her when I did, mostly for her, lol. She wasn't thrilled in the beginning but her relationship with my DD has been one of the closest of her life. My DD worships her, lol Thank you for sharing this with me. This is what I am praying for.




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