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Let's play...Weird Combinations of Items at the Checkout!!

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Do you ever bring your stuff up to the checkout at a store and realize the checker MUST be wondering about the strange combination of items that you're purchasing? Why THESE and why *together*?? LOL


My most recent weird combo:


Preparation H




What's yours?? :D

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I always feel self-conscious when the majority of my items are junk food and the rest are healthy. I feel like people are thinking I tossed in the 1 or 2 healthy items to make it look like we weren't totally junking out. :lol:


The most recent trip was this past weekend. Sometimes the kids and I like to have a movie night. We have popcorn, soda and candy. I had to run to the store for soda and candy. Naturally, everyone wanted a different type of candy. I had a 12-pack of caffeine-free Pepsi, 5 different types of candy and 2 bananas. I was craving the bananas. :tongue_smilie:

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I always feel self-conscious when the majority of my items are junk food and the rest are healthy. I feel like people are thinking I tossed in the 1 or 2 healthy items to make it look like we weren't totally junking out. :lol:



Oh, I know what you mean! I've had days when I've bought my meat, fish and produce at the farmers' market. I've gotten the tofu and bulk whole grains at the co-op. So then when I go to the regular food store, my basket is filled with corn flakes, yellow mustard, and wasabi peas. It takes all my self-control not to explain myself to the cashier (who, I'm sure, couldn't care less what I'm buying).


As for weird combinations, the only one I recall is when I bought whole (and very spiky) artichokes, a bottle of hot sauce, and a cheap paring knife. The checker dryly asked if I was planning to hurt somebody.

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Duct tape, very large plastic container and hamster treats. At the 24 hour Walmart at 6 am.


Not a serial killer, I promise, although the cashier clearly thought it was a possibility.


My dd's hamster kept escaping, and we had to be at church for a baptism that morning. So I was duct taping the wire cage, putting the whole thing in the container and tempting the little bugger with treats to stay put until we got back. Oh, and none of it worked anyway. We had to buy a glass aquarium. :D

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Back in my younger days before dh, I stopped at the store to get a few things I needed but honestly weren't all for the date I had the evening. I had a bottle of wine, a box of condoms and a can of whipped cream. :lol:



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Do you ever bring your stuff up to the checkout at a store and realize the checker MUST be wondering about the strange combination of items that you're purchasing? Why THESE and why *together*?? LOL


My most recent weird combo:


Preparation H




What's yours?? :D

Dh once came to the check out with epoxy glue and underpants. :D.


I still laugh about that.

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Guest Dulcimeramy

At Walmart: A can of Pam cooking spray, a cast-iron skillet, and a bag of live goldfish from the pet department.




















I just remember that one from a similar thread at mothering.com about 10 years ago! :tongue_smilie:

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Once, about 2 years ago, I was in Wal-Mart with all the kids, (think kids hanging off the cart, in the cart, and a little in a sling), picking up a few things that couldn't wait until the big trip for the month. Among the items on the conveyor belt were wipes, condoms, and a pregnancy test. The woman behind me, (who had been giving my kids the stink eye for the entire time we had been in line), looked at my purchases and had the nerve to say, "Well at least you've figured out what causes it." :001_huh:

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Once, about 2 years ago, I was in Wal-Mart with all the kids, (think kids hanging off the cart, in the cart, and a little in a sling), picking up a few things that couldn't wait until the big trip for the month. Among the items on the conveyor belt were wipes, condoms, and a pregnancy test. The woman behind me, (who had been giving my kids the stink eye for the entire time we had been in line), looked at my purchases and had the nerve to say, "Well at least you've figured out what causes it." :001_huh:

Oh, how rude!





I cannot think of anything weird I've pulled out of my cart lately.

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A set of knives, duct tape, and garbage bags.


Yeah. It was fall. We were going to carve pumpkins. The garbage bags were for raking leaves. I forgot what the duct tape was for. It still got a very strange look.


Could be worse. At least I wasn't getting a box of condoms as well.

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This is a classic thread. Very funny. Interesting how often pregnancy tests figure in.


I mostly just feel like I'm cringing if we're going on a trip and the cart is full of junk I never buy. Bottled water, soda, cookies, wipes, plastic cups, paper napkins, etc. I feel like a trash-a-holic, junk-food-guzzling bottom-feeder. :tongue_smilie:


And, there are a few products I can never work up the nerve to buy at my local Walmart, because I constantly run into someone from homeschooling coop or church and I don't want to be shoving the Astroglide underneath the bag of cat food.

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The other day I was running through Walmart to get mayonaise to make sandwiches for the boys' lunch then saw underwear and a few other items on sale. I ended up at the checkout with mayo, women's underwear, men's deodorant, batteries, and fish food.

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And, there are a few products I can never work up the nerve to buy at my local Walmart, because I constantly run into someone from homeschooling coop or church and I don't want to be shoving the Astroglide underneath the bag of cat food.


Tell me about it. My husband is a preacher. Almost everytime I go to the store I see someone from the congregation. Now we have two kids, so I *know* that they *know* we brew TeA, but having a conversation with them in the WalMart while holding a questionable item (astroglide, condoms, pregnancy test...) is a whole nother thing.

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Oh, I can't wait to read through this thread. A checker actually DID say something to me about a strange combination recently.


duct tape

kitchen gloves (really cute ones!)



The checker looked at me without saying anything at first and just before handing me the bag she said, "I have to know... what are you doing with this stuff?" :lol:

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A set of knives, duct tape, and garbage bags.


Yeah. It was fall. We were going to carve pumpkins. The garbage bags were for raking leaves. I forgot what the duct tape was for. It still got a very strange look.


Could be worse. At least I wasn't getting a box of condoms as well.



:lol: This is similar to one my husband did. It was fall and we need some storage stuff plus pumpkin carving stuff. He bought:


a set of cheap butcher knives

4 packages of nylon rope

a jumbo box of jumbo garden trash bags

2 huge plastic containers


At the checkout the clerk asks "Did you find everything you wanted today?" and he says, "Well, no. I really wanted the dark plastic containers, not the clear ones. You could see inside the clear ones. I don't want that. Do you have opaque ones?"


She called her manager. It was only on hearing the exchange the second time around that I realized what the looks on their faces were for.


Needless to say, he didn't get the opaque containers, and I felt super creepy walking out of there with him. :lol:

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I ran into Walgreens on my dinner break recently with the intention of getting a bottle of diet Pepsi and something chocolate. I happened to notice they had "feminine hygiene" products on clearance. I grabbed all 7 packages they had left (they were .75 each!!). I then got my 2 liter of diet Pepsi, a large bag of peanut M&M's and headed to the check out. Only when I had my 7 packages of pads on the counter did I get embarrassed. I even said, "I don't normally buy this much of this at one time" and the young man who was ringing me up said, without batting an eye, "Hey, they're on sale! No judgment from me!" I think that guy will make a good husband some day. :lol:

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  • 1 year later...

We get stuff for science experiments all the time.


Just today I had litmus paper, an apple, a small bottle of o.j., some ammonia, lye and rubber gloves.


Another time we had a light bulb, a box of zinc coated screws and a cucumber - we were making a cucumber battery. My ds had a great time explaining the whole concept to the cashier.;)


We're in a community where the cashiers all know us. They frequently ask us what experiment we'll be doing next.

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Shopping at walmart or costco is the worst for that. Walmart I end up with my groceries, pet food, little girls panties, copy paper, batteries etc. When I was picking up a combination of supplies for science experiements, colds and home repairs I am sure the cashier thought I was building a bomb or something. Costco, same deal only on a bigger scale. Nothing like looking like you are feeding a whole army while paying for what appears to be bomb making supplies lol


The only time I had a cashier comment on my purchases is once I ran into the walmart to pick up baby diapers (in 2 sizes) and tampons for me. While there I saw some knives I wanted were on sale. So all I had on the counter was diapers, tampons and several large, sharp knives. The cashier kind of chuckled and asked "bad day?"

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