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A tribute to the man he has become


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22 yrs ago, I was hugging my large belly and dreaming about the baby boy I longed to meet. I tried to envision what he would look like, what type of personality he would have, and where life would take him. As all parents know, reality and dreams rarely meet. With my ds, reality has exceeded my dreams.


As the yrs have flown by, my son has repeatedly demonstrated that he is an incredible individual: responsible, motivated, loving, driven, faithful. But today, after 4 days of incredible turmoil, his life has been altered forever. Today he became a father.


I have always admired my son. But the strength of character that I have witnessed over the last few days have left me in awe of him. His wife went into very premature labor 11 hrs from their home. He has been a pillar of strength, tender and compassionate, loving and steadfast, and prayerful. As much as I thought I knew who he was, I really had only had glimpses. As his life was being turned upside down and altered forever, the man that he really is was revealed more clearly by the hour.


I am daunted by his depth of character and so incredibly proud to be called his mother.

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That is beautiful. I hope you will copy it, print it or rewrite those very words and gift them to him. I'm sure he'd cherish it. Your tribute brings tears to my eyes, especially as a mom of two boys.


:grouphug::grouphug: Congratulations and...kudos to you, too, for raising such a fine young man. May your growing family tree be richly blessed.

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You said, "Very pre-mature labor." I will be praying today for the little one and hope that all is well.


Love to all!



Thank you everyone. :blush5:


Yes, she is very premature. They were here visiting and she went into labor at 27 1/2 weeks. There were many miracles involved. They could have been on the road on the way home (they were supposed to leave in the morning). They could have been at home in their very small town in rural TN. Instead, they are in a top neonatal hospital. She was able to make it over 48 hrs with the medication for lung maturity. She made it to 28 weeks.


Her name is Sarah.

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Thank you everyone. :blush5:


Yes, she is very premature. They were here visiting and she went into labor at 27 1/2 weeks. There were many miracles involved. They could have been on the road on the way home (they were supposed to leave in the morning). They could have been at home in their very small town in rural TN. Instead, they are in a top neonatal hospital. She was able to make it over 48 hrs with the medication for lung maturity. She made it to 28 weeks.


Her name is Sarah.


:grouphug: Praying for all of you!

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I just saw this thread. Praying for your son, his wife and their precious new baby. We have a friend who also had a baby girl at 28 weeks. She is now a busy 6 year old girl with absolutely no effects of her very scary start in this world. Praying for a similar outcome for Sarah. :grouphug::grouphug:

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Any update? I'm hoping all is well.


Your tribute spoke volumes. Enjoy your "babies!" (Again, hoping/praying all is progressing well!)


Thanks for asking. His wife finally turned around last night. She was having a horrible time of it. It was so difficult watching ds be torn between being with his wife who needed him and his baby who did as well. Dil was doing so much better by this afternoon that they discharged her.


Sarah is doing as well as can be expected. They told us that they only talk in terms of days. So far her days have been good. She is not digesting breast milk and green bile was building up at the end of the feeding tube. I honestly don't know what that means, but that is concerning.


It is a very sad place. A couple of the babies in the NICU are doing very, very poorly. I have no experience with premies, so I am way out of my comfort zone. I have no idea whether and when they tell us things if they are huge hurdles or small ones. :confused:

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Thanks for asking. His wife finally turned around last night. She was having a horrible time of it. It was so difficult watching ds be torn between being with his wife who needed him and his baby who did as well. Dil was doing so much better by this afternoon that they discharged her.


Sarah is doing as well as can be expected. They told us that they only talk in terms of days. So far her days have been good.


So glad to hear this!

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Thanks for asking. His wife finally turned around last night. She was having a horrible time of it. It was so difficult watching ds be torn between being with his wife who needed him and his baby who did as well. Dil was doing so much better by this afternoon that they discharged her.


Sarah is doing as well as can be expected. They told us that they only talk in terms of days. So far her days have been good. She is not digesting breast milk and green bile was building up at the end of the feeding tube. I honestly don't know what that means, but that is concerning.


It is a very sad place. A couple of the babies in the NICU are doing very, very poorly. I have no experience with premies, so I am way out of my comfort zone. I have no idea whether and when they tell us things if they are huge hurdles or small ones. :confused:


I'm glad your DIL is doing well and will definitely keep Sarah in my prayers. Thanks for the update.:grouphug:

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22 yrs ago, I was hugging my large belly and dreaming about the baby boy I longed to meet. I tried to envision what he would look like, what type of personality he would have, and where life would take him. As all parents know, reality and dreams rarely meet. With my ds, reality has exceeded my dreams.


As the yrs have flown by, my son has repeatedly demonstrated that he is an incredible individual: responsible, motivated, loving, driven, faithful. But today, after 4 days of incredible turmoil, his life has been altered forever. Today he became a father.


I have always admired my son. But the strength of character that I have witnessed over the last few days have left me in awe of him. His wife went into very premature labor 11 hrs from their home. He has been a pillar of strength, tender and compassionate, loving and steadfast, and prayerful. As much as I thought I knew who he was, I really had only had glimpses. As his life was being turned upside down and altered forever, the man that he really is was revealed more clearly by the hour.


I am daunted by his depth of character and so incredibly proud to be called his mother.


How beautiful!! I often wonder who my kids will become when they are grown. I can only hope they will turn out as noble as your wonderful boy. Sounds like he has a pretty great mother as well to turn out as well as he did. Thank you for sharing. :grouphug::grouphug: How is your grandbaby doing?? I pray that all is well.

That is beautiful. I hope you will copy it, print it or rewrite those very words and gift them to him. I'm sure he'd cherish it. Your tribute brings tears to my eyes, especially as a mom of two boys.


:grouphug::grouphug: Congratulations and...kudos to you, too, for raising such a fine young man. May your growing family tree be richly blessed.




ETA: I just read the other pages. Praying for baby Sarah.

Edited by Ibbygirl
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If anyone is still checking to see how Sarah is doing and would like to offer prayers, please pray that her digestive system starts working. This is a major hurdle that her little body must overcome.




:grouphug: Praying for Sarah.

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:grouphug:Sending prayers for Sarah, and her family.:grouphug:


If anyone is still checking to see how Sarah is doing and would like to offer prayers, please pray that her digestive system starts working. This is a major hurdle that her little body must overcome.



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If anyone is still checking to see how Sarah is doing and would like to offer prayers, please pray that her digestive system starts working. This is a major hurdle that her little body must overcome.



:grouphug: I'm praying for Sarah and your family.

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