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Pregnancy cravings... what are yours?

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I craved milk during all three pregnancies. I could easily finish a half gallon in a day. LOL But after the baby, I craved red meat while I was nursing. It was bad... found out after baby #2 that I am slightly anemic.

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Depends on the pregnancy.


#1 was large pieces of meat - esp steak (which I HATED before).

#2 was vinegar and tomatoes.

#3 was spicy mustard.

#4 is currently onions.


Of course with all of them I couldn't get enough chocolate and peanut butter, but I think that had more to do with me indulging myself, rather than actual baby related cravings.

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With my eldest, bubble gum and blue Icees. Harvey's onion rings and gravy.


Diva, ice and Mountain Dew (caffeine free in Canada), and a memorable occasion with a huge jar of baby dills and pineapple juice.


Tazzie, protein. Fruit made me gack.


Princess, fruit.


All 3 youngers, ice was a big craving.

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In this pregnancy, I've been craving Brussels sprouts roasted in the oven with crushed garlic, olive oil, and salt and pepper. Beforehand, I could take or leave those things. Now, dh can bring home a bag from the store and I prepare and eat pretty much the whole thing! :tongue_smilie:

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With DS- guacamole, bacon, french fries (specifically dipped in a chocolate shake/frosty), and pizza loaded down with lots of meat and cheese.


This pregnancy - Chili's Chicken Crispers w/ honey mustard sauce, licorice (specifically Red Vines), whole wheat bread with honey butter.

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With my first, it was vegetables and Dunkin' Donuts' chocolate cream-filled doughnuts.


My second: I can't recall for some reason...I'll have to ask dh...


Third: Chalupas from Taco Bell


With all----a HUGE aversion to poultry.

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#2 Mexican food--which put Dh in heaven, because before #2 I would keep track of how much mexican food we had and make him take me to Japanese resaurants the same # of times


With #3 I would literaly bite DH's hand if he had even one piece of my fried okra. I could eat an entire bag (stillwells) in one sitting and want more. (several times a week)


#4 buffalo wings (before #4 I couldn't stand to even smell these)



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What's interesting to me about the things that I craved when I was pregnant . . . is that my daughter LOVES those foods to this day! (And I wasn't crazy about them before I was pregnant with her.)


And, see, my eldest wouldn't go near a chocolate cream-filled doughnut and it was practically a staple during my pregnancy with her :D

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No. 1: I can't recall


No. 2: Cherry tomatoes. I ate a pint a day!


No. 3: Organic Valley whole milk


No. 4: Organic Valley whole milk


No. 5: Toast and tomato sandwiches, eggs (I am limiting myself to 2 a day, but I could eat eggs over easy at every. single. meal! Sometimes I get up and make them at night after everyone is asleep).


With all of them I have craved salty foods, but I have low blood pressure and was advised by a cardiologist to make sure I get enough salt to help keep my blood pressure up, so maybe that explains it. Also, Sonic chewy ice towards the end.

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I was just generally hungrier, especially the last few months. I did not have any cravings.


My husband craved ice cream! It was funny.


Also, I was once in charge of dessert for a large event when far along in pregnancy with my daughter. Ice cream was a favorite, so a bought several different kinds. (And, since it was not on my way home and I didn't need anything non-perishable, I just bought ice cream--a lot of ice cream. You should have seen the looks and jokes.)

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I will be 31 weeks on Sunday....


I always crave ice during pregnancy. I had no idea this was a common thing.


This week, it's red and orange bell peppers, raspberries, watermelon, and Arby's roast beef sandwiches with the fake plastic-y cheese stuff and barbecue sauce.


It seems to change drastically every couple weeks though, and things that I was crazy about suddenly disgust me (like a few weeks ago, when I couldn't get enough A1 sauce - ick - and I ended up drinking it straight from the bottle. Still can't believe that didn't make me gag...haha).


Pretty much the whole pregnancy this time, I have been very into red meat, super spicy things, produce (especially fruit), and avocado (obviously produce too).

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Violet Crumble. Every time. I make myself wait until close to my due date and then have my parents send me a couple of bags that I tuck in my hospital bag and take with me when I go in to deliver. The boys really loved visiting me when I was in hospital with Dd! :001_smile:

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With my DS it was Boston Market's creamed spinach. I could not get enough of it. I think there were 3-4 months where I'd have my DH pick some up for me every night on his way home from work.


With my DD, it was salty stuff, mostly oven fries.


This time, I haven't had too many cravings, but I did have about a month where I wanted Combos (the pretzel kind with the cheese inside) a lot.

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#1 was watermelon, fresh peaches and cottage cheese. I ate so much watermelon that summer, it is just crazy.


#2: I actually craved Whataburger but can't get that here so I had to settle for the closest I can get Steak and Shake. Bacon cheeseburgers specifically. This was my severe hyperemesis pregnancy though so not a lot of anything was actually consumed. When I could eat, I wanted cheeseburgers.


Interestingly, child #1 hates fruit for the most part and loves cheeseburgers. Child #2 will eat any fruit under the sun but loathes cheeseburgers and dislikes red meat in general.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh--this is the most embarrassing food pregnancy ever. I've been informed by dh that I'm a pretty conservative eater. I don't like any kind of chips, one kind of salad dressing--you get the idea. Until a year ago, I wouldn't touch Asian food, & now it's still pretty rare.


But this kid? I can't get enough Thai food, ketchup, and Cool Ranch Doritos. :blink:


Pickles are standard pg food, right? But this relationship I have w/ pickles now? It's religious. And banana peppers. And jalapenos.


I usually get REALLY picky when I'm pg. This time? EVERYTHING tastes. so. good. But that works both ways, thank goodness: salads & fruits & veggies also taste better. And I'm not extra hungry, so *hopefully* it's not as bad as it sounds. Hopefully.


#1 was oranges (can't stand oranges normally)--20+/day (red head)

#2 was blueberries mixed w/ mangoes

#3 was honeydew melon (normally hate these)--1+/day. Oh my. That's a lot!

#4 was popcorn. I HATE popcorn. And root beer. What. a. boy! LOL

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With ds17 - Portillo's Italian Beef sandwiches and Oberweis Vanilla Malts. I didn't indulge in the Portillo's very often, but I would have a vanilla malt once a week and we would go for a walk afterwards.

With ds14 - Pepperoncinis. I would put 5 -6 on my salad every day.

With dd10 - Food. I wanted to eat 24/7. I ate very healthy - I was keeping a food diary for my midwife.

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Expecting Twins


Taco Bell. I could eat it every day. I have eaten more taco bell in the last eight months than I have in all my entire life.


And Quesadillas-frozen ones when I can't have taco bell (which of course I can't have it all the time...)


Nothing tastes as good to me as Taco Bell- and for the first seven and a half months it was the only food I could count on that made me feel good- I never never ever got sick on it, never got heartburn, it never woke me up in the night, etc.


Sadly- now the heartburn is so intense- even my beloved Taco Bell has let me down.


I have been eating it since the first trimester. I can't believe it. Ew.



(currently 32 weeks and looking forward to Taco Bell AFTER my 32 week appt. this afternoon.:D )

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#1 - Sheer volume of food. Nothing specific, just lots of everything. Might be why I gained so much weight :)


#2 - A Hershey bar every single day. We started buying them in bulk :lol:


#3 - Chipotle, Milk, Beef. I was a little anemic :D


#4 (Current Pregnancy) - HOT WINGS. Sweet fancy mother, I could eat Buffalo Wild Wings every night, heartburn be danged. Yum yum yum!

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