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RoughCollie's Artery Is Bleeding Out As We Speak

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I am home, and obviously, I am alive!


Thank you very much for your prayers, concern, and positive thoughts.


One of the arteries with an incision in it started bleeding, and the doc had told me to call 911 if that happened, so I did.


I don't have an aneurysm or anything else. They did 2 kinds of ultrasounds and a doppler to discover all this. They had a 2" high gauze bandage on this wound, and it was saturated, along with a paper towel I had folded and placed where it would catch any further bleeding. Because of the thick bandage, there wasn't any geyser of blood or anything.


The bleeding clotted at the ER and finally stopped! They were planning on putting another thick bandage on top of the original one, but the doppler guy loosened it so much it may as well have not been there.


When they went to re-bandage it, the clot was gone and the bleeding had stopped, and the nurse and dr couldn't figure out where the clot went.


I could have told them you all prayed and thought it away ... but decided you are my secret!


It is 1 a.m. and I am very tired.

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I am home, and obviously, I am alive!


Thank you very much for your prayers, concern, and positive thoughts.


One of the arteries with an incision in it started bleeding, and the doc had told me to call 911 if that happened, so I did.


I don't have an aneurysm or anything else. They did 2 kinds of ultrasounds and a doppler to discover all this. They had a 2" high gauze bandage on this wound, and it was saturated, along with a paper towel I had folded and placed where it would catch any further bleeding. Because of the thick bandage, there wasn't any geyser of blood or anything.


The bleeding clotted at the ER and finally stopped! They were planning on putting another thick bandage on top of the original one, but the doppler guy loosened it so much it may as well have not been there.


When they went to re-bandage it, the clot was gone and the bleeding had stopped, and the nurse and dr couldn't figure out where the clot went.


I could have told them you all prayed and thought it away ... but decided you are my secret!


It is 1 a.m. and I am very tired.


Thank God!!! Get some sleep, friend. :grouphug:

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I am home, and obviously, I am alive!


Thank you very much for your prayers, concern, and positive thoughts.


One of the arteries with an incision in it started bleeding, and the doc had told me to call 911 if that happened, so I did.


I don't have an aneurysm or anything else. They did 2 kinds of ultrasounds and a doppler to discover all this. They had a 2" high gauze bandage on this wound, and it was saturated, along with a paper towel I had folded and placed where it would catch any further bleeding. Because of the thick bandage, there wasn't any geyser of blood or anything.


The bleeding clotted at the ER and finally stopped! They were planning on putting another thick bandage on top of the original one, but the doppler guy loosened it so much it may as well have not been there.


When they went to re-bandage it, the clot was gone and the bleeding had stopped, and the nurse and dr couldn't figure out where the clot went.


I could have told them you all prayed and thought it away ... but decided you are my secret!


It is 1 a.m. and I am very tired.


So glad you're home and about to get some much needed rest. We'll keep praying for you! :grouphug:

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Hello, denizens of the Well-Trained Mind forum. This is RoughCollie's son, who will remain nameless. I'm here to talk to you good people today about my mother's arterial condition.


As I'm sure some of you may know, RoughCollie went in today to get stents put in. It was a simple operation, but not one without possible misgivings. She came home this evening, needing rest, and so she went upstairs -- but, unfortunately, one of the arterial incisions in her thigh started bleeding. We have called an ambulance and she will be on her way to the hospital shortly.


It's funny, actually, that she wanted me to post this thread so soon. There are three more children besides me, and her husband, of course, and so this is what I can do to help. Ha.


Anyway, please pray for her.


"Her husband"? You mean your dad?


Praying that she has a swift recovery!

Edited by aggieamy
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When they went to re-bandage it, the clot was gone and the bleeding had stopped, and the nurse and dr couldn't figure out where the clot went.


I could have told them you all prayed and thought it away ... but decided you are my secret!


It is 1 a.m. and I am very tired.


Yes, we did pray it away. Praise the Lord! I hope you can rest well tonight.

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I am home, and obviously, I am alive!


Thank you very much for your prayers, concern, and positive thoughts.


One of the arteries with an incision in it started bleeding, and the doc had told me to call 911 if that happened, so I did.


I don't have an aneurysm or anything else. They did 2 kinds of ultrasounds and a doppler to discover all this. They had a 2" high gauze bandage on this wound, and it was saturated, along with a paper towel I had folded and placed where it would catch any further bleeding. Because of the thick bandage, there wasn't any geyser of blood or anything.


The bleeding clotted at the ER and finally stopped! They were planning on putting another thick bandage on top of the original one, but the doppler guy loosened it so much it may as well have not been there.


When they went to re-bandage it, the clot was gone and the bleeding had stopped, and the nurse and dr couldn't figure out where the clot went.


I could have told them you all prayed and thought it away ... but decided you are my secret!


It is 1 a.m. and I am very tired.


Oh My Word you have had us all worried. Thank God you're ok and home resting.


RC - I will be in PA next month. I'm not sure where you're located but I wanted to know if there's anything I could do to help your family. If there's anything I can bring from New England. Anything. Please PM me if you'll allow me to do something to help!!!



PS - maybe I could bring your puppy home for a month while you recover? I need a puppy fix. I'm sorry - this isn't about me...... I mean I can help you because I'm sure your kids aren't good at letting the dog out. :lol:

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"Her husband"? You mean your dad?



Yes, he means his dad. We couldn't figure out who posted -- I knew I asked DS1 to post after I called 911. The kids thought it was DS3 because of the writing style. Turned out it was DS1, Andy. I think these kids have been through enough. DH, too. He was completely wiped out b/c he's recovering still from last week's stroke. I was glad he had enough energy left to drive all of us home.


This time, we had a 3-ring circus going on at ER. The 2 kids with laptops didn't update b/c they thought DS3, who was at home, was going to do that. DS1 ... I don't know what was going on with him, except that he accompanied me and my stretcher everywhere. None of them thought to call DS3 to update him. The ER people wouldn't let more than 2 people at a time come to my room. This led to the communication breakdown.


And, of course, no one listened to me. When I called 911, DS1 had just finished making supper. I told everyone, except DD, who wanted to ride in the ambulance, to eat, then come to the hospital. The food was hot, and DH was hungry. Heck, they could have eaten while they waited for the ambulance. It got stopped by a long train, and then lost. A paramedic from another ambulance company showed up in an SUV to make sure I was okay during the delay. He stayed with me in the ambulance, and an EMT from the ambulance company drove his SUV to the hospital.


One of the kids called our landlord's father, who lives down the road, to tell him what was going on so he didn't worry. We may live in the country, but the grapevine is alive and well ... everyone knew we had a puppy before I told them because I took him out at 5:30 a.m., when the roosters were crowing, and a farmer drove by and saw him.


Meanwhile, the doctors here give a lot higher dose of Versed and other drugs when they do cardiac caths & stents. I guess it is because I'm not used to mind-altering drugs, because this stuff didn't wear off for a long time, and when I was given it in Boston, that didn't happen. By evening, I barely had my wits about me, and that was only with great concentration.

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RC - I will be in PA next month. I'm not sure where you're located but I wanted to know if there's anything I could do to help your family.


I live near Pittsburgh. You know PA is about as big as New England, right, except for the parts of Maine in which no one lives unless they are related to Paul Bunyan? At least it seems that way to me.


If you are coming to western PA, I'd love to meet you. But you cannot take Aidan home. He thinks I am his mother, and sadly, so do I.

Edited by RoughCollie
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This morning, both bandages are white. The doc was supposed to put 2 stents in (one on the left side of my abdominal artery where it branches to the legs, and one on the right). He ended up putting in 3, and the "surgical procedure" took 2 hours instead of 1. I'm not clear about why 3 were needed, even though the doc drew me a picture. The extra stent was put in the side whose artery had the problem last night.


I knew the docs couldn't find a pulse in my right foot or ankle, which is one indicator that I have peripheral artery disease. Afterward, they did find the pulse.


Then the weird thing happened that evening. I felt my legs and feet, and they felt warm! I am so used to being and feeling cold all the time, that this was quite a revelation. Usually I take a hot shower to thaw myself out, and apparently that is not normal either. Cold was normal -- warm was not. Turns out warm is normal! It makes me wonder if before I felt like a corpse.


I am up to feed Aidan and give him his meds (he has an ear infection). After that, I'm going back to bed.


The greatest news of all is that the doc said I cannot do *anything* until Monday. No driving. No pushing, pulling, or lifting. No walking the dog -- he has to be carried to another part of our lawn because we put fertilizer down on Wednesday, and then it didn't rain like it was supposed to. There are some things I cannot do for 10 days to 2 weeks, but I don't recall what they are. Either way, it's a life of leisure for me for at least a few days!


Thank you all again for your prayers and positive thoughts. My kids know the routine: first, call 911; then post on WTM. I hope they don't have to do that again anytime soon.

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