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So, is the world going to end in 2012? Yay or nay?!?

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No, we have much more that needs to come about before the end will come. See Revelations.;)


No because the Bible says we will not know the hour.


Besides, what should we do? Go into a holding pattern and wait and see? Nah. Get on with getting on.

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There's a group around here convinced it's May 21 of this year (as in 2 weeks from now). I'm pretty sure they're wrong, but I guess we'll find out soon. ;) I'm pretty sure the 2012 thing is also wrong. My reason is just that of all the predicted ends, no one has been right yet. There's always a first time, but I'm no more convinced by these than by any of the other dates that have come & gone already.

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guess we'll find out won't we? I don't think so.....but it will be interesting to see what does happen....even if it's just in the alignment of the planets or solar system or whatever....yeah those vans spouting about May 21 have been around MS too....wonder what they're going to do May 22? LOL

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We were driving in Detroit and saw a bunch of vans that say the world is going to end on May 21, 2011. http://www.familyradio.com/index2.html


We're throwing an end-of-the-world party on the 20th!!! :lol:



So does that mean I can quit agonizing over next years curriculum choices?? :D




BTW, I want to go to your party! I have family in Mich :D Can I invite myself :lol:

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guess we'll find out won't we? I don't think so.....but it will be interesting to see what does happen....even if it's just in the alignment of the planets or solar system or whatever....yeah those vans spouting about May 21 have been around MS too....wonder what they're going to do May 22? LOL


LOL about May 22nd!!!!


BTW, I want to go to your party! I have family in Mich :D Can I invite myself :lol:


Of course!!!! Come on over! We'd love to have you!

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Nope, it's silly. I don't believe the Mayans meant to indicate that was the end of the world in the slightest.


Also silly is the May 21st thing. I don't govern my life by the wackadoodles.


The Bible says we will not know. If I was God and was planning on having it May 21st I would change it just to be a foil.

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There's a group around here convinced it's May 21 of this year (as in 2 weeks from now). I'm pretty sure they're wrong, but I guess we'll find out soon. ;) I'm pretty sure the 2012 thing is also wrong. My reason is just that of all the predicted ends, no one has been right yet. There's always a first time, but I'm no more convinced by these than by any of the other dates that have come & gone already.




I have heard May 21, 2011, December 21, 2012 and who knows when else...The Bible says we won't know, so I beleive we won't :001_smile:...Could be tomorrow for all we know...That would sure throw people for a loop!


I think we will still be here in 2013...

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Mark Twain said that when the end of the world came, he wanted to be in Kentucky........ because Kentucky is 10 years behind everyone else.


Sorry to my Kentucky neighbors.


No i think the Mayans just ran out of room in their calendar and planned to add some more later.

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:iagree: Reason in part is this portion:


Q: Does the Mayan calendar end in December 2012?

A: Just as the calendar you have on your kitchen wall does not cease to exist after December 31, the Mayan calendar does not cease to exist on December 21, 2012. This date is the end of the Mayan long-count period but then -- just as your calendar begins again on January 1 -- another long-count period begins for the Mayan calendar.

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The world will not end, but human kind may soon if we don't start taking care of the earth.


Phfft. We'll end when God has ordained that we will end. I think it's hysterical that people think we can bring an end to the earth with our pitiful little doings.

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We're throwing an end-of-the-world party on the 20th!!!


Haha. Can I come? Sounds fun!!


Sure!!! It's going to be a really fun party!!! I mean, if the world is going to end, you might as well go all out - right?!




But an end of the year party sounds fun!


You are welcome to join us!!!

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Phfft. We'll end when God has ordained that we will end. I think it's hysterical that people think we can bring an end to the earth with our pitiful little doings.

:iagree::iagree: Any reason to have a party sounds good to me at this point, though. :tongue_smilie:

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No, I don't think so. Why? Because I think things will get worse than they are, and I don't think we will reach that point by next year. But who knows... Obama might actually be re-elected. :tongue_smilie: J/K

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The ancient predictions call for the end of an "age," which would probably differ significantly from end of the "world" as in an imploding/exploding planet with no life remaining on it.... The Bible does not call for an end to the "world" either, as the new Jerusalem will descend from Heaven and the select will reside there while Lucifer serves out his time in the lake of fire, etc. And then what?

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And if you think it will or won't, what's your reasoning for believing it?


Will not, and I don't believe the ancient Mayans thought the world would end in 2012 either.


I was talking to a Mayan tour guide when I was in Mexico. He was very knowledgeable about history of his people. He said the Mayans believed a new era would start in 2012, not that the world would end completely.

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I predict Wal-Mart will run out of canned goods and batteries (and alcoholic beverages) on May 20...will restock on the 21st...and will not miss a beat on the sale of summer-ish plastic merchandise.


The party sounds fun! :D

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I predict Wal-Mart will run out of canned goods and batteries (and alcoholic beverages) on May 20...will restock on the 21st...and will not miss a beat on the sale of summer-ish plastic merchandise.


The party sounds fun! :D


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No, I don't think it will end, but it may be even more interesting than this year has been so far.


I wouldn't be surprised if things were a little shaken up in many ways, but I don't expect the end unless someone decides to start a nuclear war. If that should ever happen, I want to be in the path of a direct hit.

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No, I don't.


My XMIL claims that the Holy Spirit has told her when the end of the world is, but she can't tell anyone. :001_rolleyes: But then she also says that the reason EX's broken foot isn't healing well is because he has radiation poisoning from Japan. :blink:

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