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No Bin Laden photos released?

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I don't think that it's a matter of appeasing the crazies... but a matter of refusing to provide them with images that would provide a rallying point around their "martyred" leader. The same reasoning behind burial at sea (no desire to aid in the establishment of a shrine or place of pilgrimage) holds for this. They don't want them to have an icon to rally around.

:iagree: This is exactly how I thought of it. I think it is a wise decision to not release the photos. We may all be a bit safer because of it and those who doubt would doubt even with photos.

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Really? This roll over and submit attitude is really amazing to me! Why all of a sudden is it not appropriate to show a dead body to the world----of course of THE #1 MOST wanted Terrorist-----when we see gore each and every day from all over the world. But all of a sudden....it's time to just...stop? Since when do people just take a politician's word about something, with no proof. Just his word. Bush was raked through the coals for just about everything that he did or said. Seriously----I'm amazed at what I'm seeing (reading). :confused:


My sentiments exactly. Duplicity.

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So what do you think of this? If Bush had said 'We found the WMD's, just take our word for it. You don't need proof!' what would have happened? Geez---I still just find this whole situation very weird.


I don't see it as being weird at all. I think you can certainly disagree with the decision not to release photos and have good reasons for that but I think the arguments for not releasing them are pretty compelling and straightforward as well.


There's a lot of room to disagree with that decision without letting yourself (nd I mean that in a general sense, not you specifically) be seduced into thinking it's a conspiracy or the gov't is hiding something.

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:iagree: This is exactly how I thought of it. I think it is a wise decision to not release the photos. We may all be a bit safer because of it and those who doubt would doubt even with photos.

I'll third this sentiment. The crazies do not need a rallying point.

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Really? This roll over and submit attitude is really amazing to me! Why all of a sudden is it not appropriate to show a dead body to the world----of course of THE #1 MOST wanted Terrorist-----when we see gore each and every day from all over the world. But all of a sudden....it's time to just...stop? Since when do people just take a politician's word about something, with no proof. Just his word. Bush was raked through the coals for just about everything that he did or said. Seriously----I'm amazed at what I'm seeing (reading).
:iagree: 100%

I read the transcript of the White House/reporter questions and oh my goodness, the man couldn't give a straight answer to save his life. I do not believe for a second that all of this is on the up and up...not at all. There are too many holes.

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At least to quell the 'crazies' in our own country! We don't need any more divisiveness in our own country over this now.


But by fervently posting about this, aren't you in danger of promoting just that?


I'm a fiscal conservative, but have never been registered to a political party. Most people would probably label me a Republican. I have no problem with the current administration's decision. So heap distain on me if you must, but I'm a realist.


Why would our administration decide right now to lie about him being dead? Why not any time in the last almost 10 years? And, if he's not dead, don't you think a video will make it to a news source showing him holding up a newspaper with a date on it?? :confused:


Also, if one has never seen a real head blown off, it is quite disturbing. R. Budd Dwyer comes to mind. Notice how I can rattle off his name in a heartbeat. Yeah, it never goes away.

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Since when do people just take a politician's word about something, with no proof. Just his word.

Since Obama was not physically present when OBL was killed, obviously he got his information from the military and intelligence people who were there and did see the body and the DNA results, so it is their "word," not Obama's, that we are taking. Are you implying that Vice Admiral McRaven of JSOC, and all the other military and intelligence personal involved in this mission, could be lying? Really? :confused:


The military and the CIA are the ones who requested that Obama not release the photos, because they felt it would put US personnel at additional risk. The photo is supposedly extremely gruesome, with a large chunk of OBL's skull blown off. But you think Obama should have dismissed the concerns of military and intelligence personnel and released the photos anyway, so that a few nuts in tinfoil hats can be sure OBL is dead? Or that the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 would really choose to put our military at additional risk just so they could see a photo of OBL with half his head missing?



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Why would our administration decide right now to lie about him being dead? Why not any time in the last almost 10 years? And, if he's not dead, don't you think a video will make it to a news source showing him holding up a newspaper with a date on it?? :confused:





:iagree:I was just thinking about these same questions. I really don't think there's any need to lie about it now.


We live in such a different world these days where we have to have details, photos and a you tube video RIGHT NOW. And if we don't have it there is distrust and a conspiracy theory. :glare:


I don't think there is any good reason to put photos out there, I don't think anyone would feel any better. :confused: Actually, the less I hear or see about it, the better.

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Keep in mind the whole birther issue. The gov't has had plenty of proof as of late that it can release definitive proof of something and still people won't accept it. Very likely the photos would still not satisfy a lot of people and simply serve to put some others at increased risk.


Again, I can see why people would disagree with the decision but I don't get why they couldn't see the reasoning on the other side of the issue.

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:iagree: 100%

I read the transcript of the White House/reporter questions and oh my goodness, the man couldn't give a straight answer to save his life. I do not believe for a second that all of this is on the up and up...not at all. There are too many holes.


Please list he "holes" you discovered from the transcript.


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Since Obama was not physically present when OBL was killed, obviously he got his information from the military and intelligence people who were there and did see the body and the DNA results, so it is their "word," not Obama's, that we are taking. Are you implying that Vice Admiral McRaven of JSOC, and all the other military and intelligence personal involved in this mission, could be lying? Really? :confused:


The military and the CIA are the ones who requested that Obama not release the photos, because they felt it would put US personnel at additional risk. The photo is supposedly extremely gruesome, with a large chunk of OBL's skull blown off. But you think Obama should have dismissed the concerns of military and intelligence personnel and released the photos anyway, so that a few nuts in tinfoil hats can be sure OBL is dead? Or that the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 would really choose to put our military at additional risk just so they could see a photo of OBL with half his head missing?





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I haven't read replies, but will say that I do want to see the photos. Why not? For weeks, months, and years I have seen photos of the dead bodies he killed. Now, I would like to see that bullet in his head.;)

Gee, I don't feel very Christ-like writing that-but that is how I feel.

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So what do you think of this? If Bush had said 'We found the WMD's, just take our word for it. You don't need proof!' what would have happened?


:confused1: Really?


May 29th 2003


THE PRESIDENT: We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories. You remember when Colin Powell stood up in front of the world, and he said, Iraq has got laboratories, mobile labs to build biological weapons. They're illegal. They're against the United Nations resolutions, and we've so far discovered two. And we'll find more weapons as time goes on. But for those who say we haven't found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they're wrong, we found them.


October 7 2004


President Bush on Thursday defended his decision to oust Saddam Hussein by force, saying a report concluding that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction after 1991 supported the idea that Saddam was a growing threat. (snip) Bush said Thursday that while Saddam may not have had the sought-for weapons, the former Iraqi dictator "retained the knowledge, the material, the means and the intent to produce weapons of mass destruction and he could have passed that knowledge on to our terrorist enemies."



Hate on President Obama if you must, it's a free country and it's your right, I suppose. Just don't slide into incoherence by dragging Bush's missteps into it to defend your point. It just makes my head hurt.



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: Why 'appease' the crazies who already have found fault in the situation? Yes---politicians lie and our Govt has and will continue to lie.....sometimes for 'national security' reasons but more often than not for other more nefarious reasons.


What is our goal here? Revenge? Or removing a dangerous person from this planet and taking steps to create peace or, at least, more security for our nation - both here and abroad. I am sure most people who have loved ones in harms way are breathing a sigh of relief that the pictures were not released. Showing the pictures would not only incite the crazies to get even crazier, it could elevate OBL's martyr status even higher. It could also create more ill will among the more moderates who do not like us very much right now. It is not about appeasement, but about trying to create a more peaceful world - one where our soldiers can come home.

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My sentiments exactly. Duplicity.


Not exactly. I don't really think those people would have demanded photos of this from Bush either on this issue. Most of the issues people had with Bush were when he was was responsible for meeting a certain burden to justify an act of war. Obama is not justifying anything, he's simply passing on what happened on a certain day.


I think that if, for instance, Sadam Hussein had been killed in a similar manner while Bush was in power it would have been accepted without demand for photos. I'm betting some anti-Bush people would have had a lot to say about it and whether the killing were justified (and maybe that would be where you might find some real hypocrisy) but I highly doubt they'd be claiming Bush might lie about that.

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I haven't read replies, but will say that I do want to see the photos. Why not? For weeks, months, and years I have seen photos of the dead bodies he killed. Now, I would like to see that bullet in his head.;)

Gee, I don't feel very Christ-like writing that-but that is how I feel.


Part of me feels the same way. However I don't think I really want to humour that part of me. :)

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Really. I am left wondering what you think might be accomplished by this viewing other than that it would further p*ss off a whole lot of dangerous and already unstable people. :confused:


Yep. I don't agree with Obama on much, but I do agree with him on this.

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Really? This roll over and submit attitude is really amazing to me!


I haven't read through the entire thread yet, but I find this comment rather rude - just because someone doesn't see the need to pass around photographs of a dead body doesn't in any way imply that they have a "roll over and submit attitude".


(Nor, for that matter, does trusting that the truth has been told.)

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Now, I would like to see that bullet in his head.;)

You can see photos of the other dead bodies here (these were released by Pakistanis, not the US). The photo of Bin Laden is supposed to be considerably more gruesome, since part of the skull is blown off and there is "a lot of blood and brains." I'm not sure why seeing that would make anyone feel better, but I can certainly imagine the effect those photos might have on followers of Bin Laden.



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2. To see the pictures for "closure"...I don't understand that at all. Not even slightly. He is dead. The idea of actually seeing the photo making anyone feel better - there is something wrong with that. To me that is an even farther step of "celebrating" his death that what has already taken place. And definitely a contradiction for any who say they are celebrating the military victory...what does a picture of a dead person have to do with the military victory? Sounds way more like personal vengeance that way.

Yes, it speaks to me far more of revenge than of knowledge.

I've been in the position of loosing a loved one as a direct result of the actions of another person, 3 times. I also understand the desire for revenge, but it's not healthy, and it's not a reason for a government to release photos that could have issues for yours, and other nations, security and military personel.


Why would our administration decide right now to lie about him being dead? Why not any time in the last almost 10 years? And, if he's not dead, don't you think a video will make it to a news source showing him holding up a newspaper with a date on it?? :confused:

:iagree: And this is a world wide issue, well I guess Bush lied to the world about WMD, but I trust your govt has learnt from that experience. If Bin Laden were not dead, there would be videos plastered all over the internet already proclaiming it.


I'm glad they decided not to release photos. I think it shows that the US still has some dignity.


Edited by keptwoman
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In this day of easily altering pictures I don't see what it would accomplish. They did DNA testing to verify his identity.




And it's not like what was left would have resembled him the way we saw him last in any way anyway. :001_huh:

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1. Pictures of the body would not have appeased anyone who is going to claim he isn't really dead. Pictures would be accused of being doctored or fabricated. So I don't believe showing the pictures gives anybody reason to "trust" that he is dead, if you dont' already do so.


2. To see the pictures for "closure"...I don't understand that at all. Not even slightly. He is dead. The idea of actually seeing the photo making anyone feel better - there is something wrong with that. To me that is an even farther step of "celebrating" his death that what has already taken place. And definitely a contradiction for any who say they are celebrating the military victory...what does a picture of a dead person have to do with the military victory? Sounds way more like personal vengeance that way.


:iagree: Very well said.


I'm also not sure how anyone thinks they're going to be able to look at a picture of a guy who was shot in the face and make a positive identification. "Oh yeah, this half of a dead Arab guy's head is definitely the same guy as in these other pictures, no possible question or doubt."


Seriously, 4wildberrys: if the photos were released, how would you go about ascertaining that it really was bin Laden? What would your strategy be? This is an honest question.


Then who is it about? I'm sorry, but I guess I don't see how we, the general public, or anyone else for that matter, is entitled to view the pictures. Maybe someone could explain that to me. Sincerely asking.


Right. I'm sure that people who need to see the picture are seeing the picture: the military, the intelligence community, the leadership of both parties in Congress, leaders in the international community (particularly, I imagine, Pakistani, Afghan, and Saudi Arabian governments), etc.

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Well, I don't particularly care either way, photos, no photos. I do believe he is dead.


Now, someone asked about entitlement to see the photos...If I am not mistaken, families of murder victims are permitted/invited to executions of the guilty party. I wouldn't go myself. But, I believe that families are given that choice. So, one could say that families of 9/11 victims are entitled to see those photos (if they wanted) under this same umbrella. One could argue farther still, that our whole country was victimized and might feel this same way.


I, personally, dealt with my feelings about 9/11 a long time ago and already have my closure. But, I can see how others might feel differently. I honestly don't know what I would have done in the President's shoes, but, that is why they pay him the big bucks and not me. :D

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I haven't read through the entire thread yet, but I find this comment rather rude - just because someone doesn't see the need to pass around photographs of a dead body doesn't in any way imply that they have a "roll over and submit attitude".


(Nor, for that matter, does trusting that the truth has been told.)


Just to clarify---I meant the collective attitude I am seeing when I read internet news and then comments----I wasn't speaking about this site at all actually ;)


I don't see this as a party line issue either. It's more like 1950's-style subterfuge of Trust Us, We're the US Govt. And someone mentioned CIA---oy---EVEN worse! :001_huh:

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Isn't there enough horror in the world without putting those pictures all over the tv and internet? Good grief, people. Let's just not give that man one more minute of attention. He is dead. Let's spend our time praying that his followers don't plan something even more horrific than 9/11.

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Simply because, it is not about them.


:iagree: So true. But if it lays it to rest for allies, citizens of other countries not to mention ours, prevents conspiracy theories or doubt, then it's worth considering (showing a photo).


The crazies and the ones who blame us for everything will do it over an ink sketch or (false) rumour of their book mis-handled or ..... anything.


You're right, it's not about them and we shouldn't be worrying too much about "them."


For that matter, when did we start getting all concerned about details of the raid? After the 10th simulation of troop movements, after the details of items confiscated, after pictures of bloody rug and room in disarray, after info on items sewn into clothes?


Imnsho, we should be a bit more circumspect about the mission, show a photo that's not too grisly but that people can understand for the evidence and move on to other pressing matters of the days ahead.

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Pictures can be photoshopped, so even then there would be people who would say the pictures are fake.


If you don't believe he's dead, you don't believe he's dead. Oh well. :confused:


And if he's still alive, I'm sure we'll find out. What do you think? That he'll pretend to be dead? That's not his style.

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I have no doubt he is dead; I don't need photographic evidence. Also, who wants to see that? I don't want that image seared on my brain for all time.


I haven't read the comments past the first page so hopefully this is still the topic, but i totally agree with this poster. They have DNA evidence and witnesses to the death and burial, that's enough for me too. I don't want to see the guy's blown off head. :ack2: shudder. Brian Williams was on David Letterman the other night and he was saying that they did the burial at sea so that nobody could make a shrine of his grave site make a martyr out of him. Made sense to me.

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1. Pictures of the body would not have appeased anyone who is going to claim he isn't really dead. Pictures would be accused of being doctored or fabricated. So I don't believe showing the pictures gives anybody reason to "trust" that he is dead, if you dont' already do so.


2. To see the pictures for "closure"...I don't understand that at all. Not even slightly. He is dead. The idea of actually seeing the photo making anyone feel better - there is something wrong with that. To me that is an even farther step of "celebrating" his death that what has already taken place. And definitely a contradiction for any who say they are celebrating the military victory...what does a picture of a dead person have to do with the military victory? Sounds way more like personal vengeance that way.


:iagree: This exactly. Very well said!


I am not an American and I have no problem in believing your government. There are sources other than the American Govt. (people on twitter and the Pakistani Military) who have given independent corroboration of the military action that took place on Sunday. If OBL was not dead, we would have had a video of him by now mocking the rest of the world. There is also an eyewitness account in the form of OBL's 12 year old daughter. I believe that the footage of Navy Seals entering the building and then exiting has also been released, though I have not personally viewed this.


In addition, the footage of Obama, Biden and Clinton watching the operation live - it is unbelievable to me that the President of the United Stated, no less would stage something like that. There will always be crazies and conspiracy theorists (for example those who believe the moon landing is a hoax). It would be stupid to try and satisfy them.


As far as the release of videos of Saddam hanging are concerned, they were not released by the US. I was horrified to see the head of a State being treated like that. That footage made me sick and I cannot see how anybody could have got closure from seeing how human really he was.

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I see no need to show the photo, and it has nothing to do with the terrorists that hate us. It's because, what's the point? What exactly is showing the picture going to accomplish.


I'm already saddened by the rejoicing over his death. I couldn't help but think of the the people dancing in the streets when our towers where bombed when I saw news clips of our citizens out celebrating in the streets over this man's death. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely understand that the two scenes really aren't comparable, but I still don't feel good about how our citizens have responded.


I heard someone make a comment about making toilet paper out of the picture of his death. Really?! I get that this was a vile, evil man, but he was still a human being. A human being that met his Creator unprepared. I can understand feeling relief over this man's death, but not joy. No, not one bit. And showing the picture of his death does nothing more than to promote the bitterness that America has (generally speaking) towards this man.


I'm sure what I'm saying will be turned into something completely not at all what I mean. I have strong memories and feelings about what I woke up to see on tv on 911, and I still hold those strong feelings. But, at some point, to move forward, that hatred and bitterness has to be let go. JMO.

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Just to clarify---I meant the collective attitude I am seeing when I read internet news and then comments----I wasn't speaking about this site at all actually ;)


I don't see this as a party line issue either. It's more like 1950's-style subterfuge of Trust Us, We're the US Govt. And someone mentioned CIA---oy---EVEN worse! :001_huh:


There are times when a Govt lies to cover up something. The WMD issue comes to mind.


What happened here was not a cover up. It was a staging of an elaborate hoax. I can easily believe that Governments lie, but to believe that they stage managed a elaborate false operation in foreign territory is pushing my incredulity to the limit. It is going into "conspiracy theory" territory.

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Imnsho, we should be a bit more circumspect about the mission, show a photo that's not too grisly but that people can understand for the evidence and move on to other pressing matters of the days ahead.


According to reports, bin Laden's head was half blown away. He was unrecognizable. So what would it prove? Do you really want to see that?

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There are times when a Govt lies to cover up something. The WMD issue comes to mind.


What happened here was not a cover up. It was a staging of an elaborate hoax. I can easily believe that Governments lie, but to believe that they stage managed a elaborate false operation in foreign territory is pushing my incredulity to the limit. It is going into "conspiracy theory" territory.


Exactly. Does anybody really think Obama is going to make this annoucement only for Bin Laden to release a video proving he's alive? I'm not a huge fan of Obama, but there is no way he would do something like that. It's asinine that people would even think that. I don't really pay attention to news much, but are people really claiming that his death is a lie?

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I really don't get why people want photos. According to some of my fb friends it's not even so they have proof (they believe he's dead) - they just want to see him dead. Why????? I hope they are not swayed and they keep those photos confidential. I'm sure some will leak out from other avenues but I don't want it to be from the US.

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According to reports, bin Laden's head was half blown away. He was unrecognizable. So what would it prove? Do you really want to see that?


No I don't. I don't want to see photos and I'd rather they not be out there. My point is that I find it interesting that nearly every other minute-by-minute detail is out there, but the decision of whether to show/not show any photo should be made without worrying about some crazy reaction from extremists. I think we've covered that here -- it's pretty much a given that this is what their reaction will be, it's pretty much their reaction to most everything.

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I see no need to show the photo, and it has nothing to do with the terrorists that hate us. It's because, what's the point? What exactly is showing the picture going to accomplish.


I'm already saddened by the rejoicing over his death. I couldn't help but think of the the people dancing in the streets when our towers where bombed when I saw news clips of our citizens out celebrating in the streets over this man's death. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely understand that the two scenes really aren't comparable, but I still don't feel good about how our citizens have responded.


I heard someone make a comment about making toilet paper out of the picture of his death. Really?! I get that this was a vile, evil man, but he was still a human being. A human being that met his Creator unprepared. I can understand feeling relief over this man's death, but not joy. No, not one bit. And showing the picture of his death does nothing more than to promote the bitterness that America has (generally speaking) towards this man.


I'm sure what I'm saying will be turned into something completely not at all what I mean. I have strong memories and feelings about what I woke up to see on tv on 911, and I still hold those strong feelings. But, at some point, to move forward, that hatred and bitterness has to be let go. JMO.


Yes. Hatred and bitterness hurt us more than they hurt the target. I have been dismayed, too, by the celebrating of some. Light drives out darkenss, not more darkness. I am deeply saddened by what happened on 9/11, but it doesn't make me want to rejoice now to see OBL killed. It may have been what needed to happen, but it is still sobering to me. I have no desire to see images of him dead (or anyone else for that matter).

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Yes. Hatred and bitterness hurt us more than they hurt the target. I have been dismayed, too, by the celebrating of some. Light drives out darkenss, not more darkness. I am deeply saddened by what happened on 9/11, but it doesn't make me want to rejoice now to see OBL killed. It may have been what needed to happen, but it is still sobering to me. I have no desire to see images of him dead (or anyone else for that matter).


:iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree: My feelings exactly. Well said.

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I'm just continually blown away that people think putting out pictures of a bloody corpse to appease a conspiracy theory is more important than protecting our husbands. Just blown away.


there have been lots of comments i agree with, but this one resonates deep down. :grouphug:



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What about all of the graphic images in books about 9/11? What about the images of Saddam captured and his son's killed? I still get choked up just reading any account of 9/11 and don't even need to see the photographic evidence amply documented----and yet THE Mastermind supposedly behind that day.......get's a nice quiet burial at sea and the 'dignity' of not having his death shown to the world? :confused:




I would rather hope they did it for our dignity.

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When I look back through the annals of history at all of the murder, tourture and mayhem, I ask myself, "How could people have been such barbarians?" Even though I know it not true I would like to think that we are better than that and if we are not, I don't want to know about it and I certainly don't want to be part of the angry mob dragging the dead through the streets as trophies.


I would hope to maintain my own personal dignity by not taking pleasure in the fact, celebrating the death or parading the evidence. I would like to believe with all my heart that the decission to not show the photos was made with the best interest of all of the people involved. I would like to believe that we are different than the terrorist and that we have not stooped to their level.

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I don't think it's necessary. I didn't think it was necessary to show pictures of Sadaam and his sons, either. It's just like throwing gasoline on an already raging fire.



:iagree: For some reason, we feel we have the "right" to see them, and I don't agree with this notion. It's done, and we've seen enough footage and heard enough information. There was a day where we were not privy to any of the information we receive today. We don't have to know everything that our military does in all the minute details.


And trust me, Americans already know a lot more than some other countries. :)


I have no desire to see photos of someone shot in the head.

Me neither. I never wanted to see the Saddam ones either and thought it was really awful that they posted that.


Our government must concern itself with the security of our nation, not the wants of individual citizens.

Bingo. :hurray:


I am amazed at the level of distrust:(

Me too.


I'm just continually blown away that people think putting out pictures of a bloody corpse to appease a conspiracy theory is more important than protecting our husbands. Just blown away.



If you don't believe he's dead, you don't believe he's dead. Oh well. :confused:


And if he's still alive, I'm sure we'll find out. What do you think? That he'll pretend to be dead? That's not his style.


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I'm just continually blown away that people think putting out pictures of a bloody corpse to appease a conspiracy theory is more important than protecting our husbands. Just blown away.


Amen, sister! My dh's safety (and that of our friends) is far more important IMO than appeasing the masses by showing a gruesome photo. What would it prove?

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