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Confession Thread

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My sails are hanging limp - I've about given up on everything that really needs attention.


I have given up on doing therapy with my 6yo. Just have no will to even try. Same with his lessons.


I got frustrated with my 8yo this morning because she couldn't remember how to how to do her math. After explaining it to her twice and going through 4 problems with her. (Writing down the time from a clock.)


I wish I had a freezer full of cookie dough. It'd be gone by lunch.


I have 2 mostly dead poinsettias on my kitchen counter.


I need to give up on our family trip to Germany. There's no way I'll be able to get 8 tickets at a decent price. We've been pinching pennies like crazy, but we're just not going to make it.


I gave my kids a 5 minute summary of the last 100 pages of our read-aloud "With Pipe, Paddle, and Song" because it was so unbelievably boring. Plus there were those skinny-dipping/love scenes.

Edited by Susan in TN
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I have slacked off in other areas of my life (housework, exercise) because once I start reading a book (even non-fiction) I can't stop and I end up with half the sleep I need.


My kids bedtime is 12:30 AM. I tried to get their schedule straightened... I was getting my kids up early every day and we still wouldn't get them to bed on time. The result was cranky sleep deprived kiddos. So I started letting them sleep late... the immediate result was peaceful, but now bedtime gets pushed back and pushed back. UGH.

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I identify with so many of these. But I gotta say, someone mentioned that they go back to bed after their dh leaves for work. Well, I don't get up before dh leaves for work- ever. Unless I'm up with a sick kid, I don't see dh at all in the am. And he doesn't leave particularly early (7:30-8ish), I just don't want to get up.


And the kitchen floor is filthy right now because the other day it was dirty and it bugged me so I literally scrubbed it on my hands and knees. An hour later, it was sticky. I gave up.


It's 11:30 and one kid is still in pjs.


We did play a letter game this am though.....so that's something!

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Do we confess because we feel secretly guilty? Otherwise, why confess?
I feel better when I read stories of others having the same weaknesses/problems/what have you. I put mine up so that I can help others who may be dealing with similar things. I am also hoping someone will respond with... it's okay honey, we all do it.
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2. My house is a disaster zone... it's rarely what one might call "clean."


3. I'm supposed to be working on (insert anything on my to do list, including school!) but instead I've spent far too much time on the computer.


6. I'm not paying nearly as much attention to my dd14's academics as I should this year.


7. we don't eat as healthfully as we should.


Edit: Oh, dear. I thought of more.


8. I'm sick to death of teaching Sunday school and wish more than anything that I could get out of it for the rest of this year.


9. On a similar note, I'm supposed to be organizing our church's VBS, and I don't want to do that, either. I wish I didn't have to do it at all.



I'm sure there's more, too.



I've added to and left alone some of a pp's confession because I thought I heard an echo!:D


Oh well, life is too short for this, gals, except if it actually helps. But I have seldom found that it does. So I think I will get off the computer and go play with the kids! I'll never be the perfect Mom I wish I was, but I can just try to be happy I'm me, I suppose. Good luck guys, but don't wallow-remember to be a Queen Bee!



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I'm letting my kids watch Prince Caspian right now. It is a rainy day and the 4yo wanted to watch a movie.:blushing: All they have to finish during the movie is math. And I'm going to make them sort socks, I think.


I am still reading The Spartan to Dd (it has been almost 2 months) and I still have 100 pages to go. It is the book that never ends. Since I have only been reading The Spartan, Dd7 has had to read all her other history books to herself. But, then, Dd7 is pretty much teaching herself at this point. You'd think she'd resent that.


For Dh's birthday I told him I would do the ironing. He upset me a tad a bit ago and I told him I would do his ironing only when I had everything else done.:blushing: It had something to do with me working late into the evening while he watched TV. Over the last few days while the baby has been sleeping or outside with the kids, I have ironed over 60 items of clothing. 60! Can you imagine the pile?


I was going to do year round schooling, but I decided I couldn't handle finishing in August. Now I'm only on week 22 of school and am stressed out. Math will be done this month. Hopefully, that will free up some other time. But we have a good 12 weeks left of some subjects. I am only halfway done English. Oh my. And the kids are watching a movie.:001_huh: What am I thinking?


The house is never all picked up. Never. I will not use the boys' bathroom unless I have just cleaned it.


I drink Dr. Pepper in the morning. I hate tea and coffee.


I have 8 inches worth of papers to file.


My kids have repeatedly and respectfully asked me to sew on their Awanas and Tae Kwon Do patches. I hate sewing on patches. Oh, that reminds me, I stopped working with them on their Awanas verses. Ds6 teaches himself one a week and Dd7 has done her second book in the past two months or so. But what kind of mom says, "You're on your own kid?"


In spite of my shortcomings, we are generally successful in our chosen lifestyle. Why do the above things hang over my head so much?

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1. I shave my pug. Serious pug owners think that is abusive. She feels just like a pillow pet and she loves the extra dotage we give her after a shave. LOL


2. I am a drop-off mom, and I love it. After years and years of being the girl scout leader, co-op teacher, den mother, my kids can now take classes and lessons that don't require me to be there. Heaven!


3. I still have to nag my 11-14 kids to brush their teeth & deodorize their pits.


4. I think most teenage girls are psycho drama queens (my dds excluded).


5. I let my kids fail instead of nagging them. They learn really fast that way. LOL


6. I drink cheap wine and coffee. I am very frugal and so I train my taste buds accordingly.


7. I can't buy Samoa ice cream or I eat it all before anyone else can have any.


I'm sure there are more. I don't feel the least bit guilty of any of those. I've reached the age now that I have no shame, if I do then I make the appropriate changes. Life is too short for guilt.

Edited by True Blue
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For Dh's birthday I told him I would do the ironing. He upset me a tad a bit ago and I told him I would do his ironing only when I had everything else done.:blushing: It had something to do with me working late into the evening while he watched TV. Over the last few days while the baby has been sleeping or outside with the kids, I have ironed over 60 items of clothing. 60! Can you imagine the pile?


No, I can't. There's a good reason I don't iron! :001_smile: We have one and all that, but.... If there's a job interview or a wedding or funeral, it makes an appearance; otherwise I just don't. It's amazing how much line drying the clothes helps me in my quest to avoid it. 60 items?! :tongue_smilie: I feel your pain.

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I'm letting my kids watch Prince Caspian right now. It is a rainy day and the 4yo wanted to watch a movie.:blushing: All they have to finish during the movie is math. And I'm going to make them sort socks, I think.


I am still reading The Spartan to Dd (it has been almost 2 months) and I still have 100 pages to go. It is the book that never ends. Since I have only been reading The Spartan, Dd7 has had to read all her other history books to herself. But, then, Dd7 is pretty much teaching herself at this point. You'd think she'd resent that.


For Dh's birthday I told him I would do the ironing. He upset me a tad a bit ago and I told him I would do his ironing only when I had everything else done.:blushing: It had something to do with me working late into the evening while he watched TV. Over the last few days while the baby has been sleeping or outside with the kids, I have ironed over 60 items of clothing. 60! Can you imagine the pile?


I was going to do year round schooling, but I decided I couldn't handle finishing in August. Now I'm only on week 22 of school and am stressed out. Math will be done this month. Hopefully, that will free up some other time. But we have a good 12 weeks left of some subjects. I am only halfway done English. Oh my. And the kids are watching a movie.:001_huh: What am I thinking?


The house is never all picked up. Never. I will not use the boys' bathroom unless I have just cleaned it.


I drink Dr. Pepper in the morning. I hate tea and coffee.


I have 8 inches worth of papers to file.


My kids have repeatedly and respectfully asked me to sew on their Awanas and Tae Kwon Do patches. I hate sewing on patches. Oh, that reminds me, I stopped working with them on their Awanas verses. Ds6 teaches himself one a week and Dd7 has done her second book in the past two months or so. But what kind of mom says, "You're on your own kid?"


In spite of my shortcomings, we are generally successful in our chosen lifestyle. Why do the above things hang over my head so much?


I drink Pepsi. In fact, no one wants to be around me if I don't have my Pepsi. Though I think it's the sugar more than the caffeine that I'm addicted to. And yes, I do know how bad it is for me. At least I don't let my kids drink it!


And I WISH I had a bathroom that I didn't have to share with a 3 yo boy. I swear, I clean it ALL the time and it will smell like pee again in about 2 hours. (I even stand over him making sure he aims well......he does a pretty good job......so WHY does it smell like pee?!?!?!?)

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I haven't exercised in at least two months.


I let my son sleep until 11 almost everyday.


I don't like my dd much of the time lately. She's just so... 18.


I love it when my dh goes out of town on business.


I finally broke down and got a Facebook page and I'm now addicted.


And that's enough for now. ;)

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No, I can't. There's a good reason I don't iron! :001_smile: We have one and all that, but.... If there's a job interview or a wedding or funeral, it makes an appearance; otherwise I just don't. It's amazing how much line drying the clothes helps me in my quest to avoid it. 60 items?! :tongue_smilie: I feel your pain.


Dh wears business attire 6 days/week. I try to have 2 weeks worth of pants for him, because I am sometimes traveling while he stays home. He is given lots of dress shirts for birthdays/Christmas and will not get rid of any, so he could wear a different shirt each day for almost two months. If I don't iron, he'll just work through his closet until he runs out. I really only punish myself when I let it pile up.:tongue_smilie:

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I drink Pepsi. In fact' date=' no one wants to be around me if I don't have my Pepsi. Though I think it's the sugar more than the caffeine that I'm addicted to. And yes, I do know how bad it is for me. At least I don't let my kids drink it!


[b']And I WISH I had a bathroom that I didn't have to share with a 3 yo boy[/b]. I swear, I clean it ALL the time and it will smell like pee again in about 2 hours. (I even stand over him making sure he aims well......he does a pretty good job......so WHY does it smell like pee?!?!?!?)


I really am very sorry that you have to share. I would have to clean the toilet every time I used it if I was sharing with my 4yo. Even if it wasn't dirty, I would be thinking about all the times he has peed all over it.

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7. I do not speak respectfully to my kids much of the time. I want to, and each morning I pray for help doing so, and then the attitudes, and back talk, and screaming, and fighting, and destructive behaviours start and I open my darned mouth and forget to be patient and loving and gentle with my words. Somedays I feel like a drill sergeant simply bellowing all day long.


since you put it out there, can ask about this? I honestly don't understand it. It sounds like a vicious cycle, but since you're the adult, you are able to control yourself if you want to, aren't you? I don't get when people who wouldnt lose control with their boss, their waitress, their social worker, etc.... claim they just can't get through the day without losing control with their kids. Meanwhile, the kids are learning how to behave from their parent, thus reinforcing the lack of respectful copmmunication. The kids aren't going to magically start acting alike angels anytime soon, so the only thing you don have caontrol over is your own reaction.

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1. DH and DS20 each bought me a fifth of Jack Daniels for Christmas last year.

2. I could live on Coke Zero and Mr. Goodbars. DH and the adult kids are trained to bring me these regularly or suffer the consequences.

3. I hate to babysit my grandchildren.

4. My kids don't have a bedtime. Sometimes they fall asleep on the couch in their clothes.

5. I don't clean the kid's bathroom, I make them do it. I won't set foot in it.

6. There are crayon marks on my walls that will probably be there forever.

7. My driver's license expired and I haven't gotten it renewed because I feel like I am now living off the radar and I find that exciting.

8. I play World of Warcraft. Often. The kids know the names of my toons.

9. I tried K12 through a cyber charter.

10. I am going to eat a very large piece of DS20's birthday cake in the next few minutes and deny it to him later today when he gets home.

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I don't get when people who wouldnt lose control with their boss, their waitress, their social worker, etc.... claim they just can't get through the day without losing control with their kids.


I understand where she's coming from. The only answer I can give is that fear (of whatever) can keep you from "losing it" with your spouse/others. Your kids generally won't have that kind of power over you.

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:lol: We had a horrible moth infestation and it took a LOT of work to get rid of it! I feel your pain.


I now keep rice, flour, and several other items in our deep freeze so they never hit the cupboards until we are closer to needing to use them.




Yup, me too.


I took everything out of my cupboards, washed them out, and tossed anything not in a super well sealed can/jar/other container. They can get into plastic bags. :willy_nilly:


I keep my dry goods in the freezer now.

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Well, I guess the only thing that makes me less than perfect is that I'm too humble.









Honestly? It's 11:40 AM and my kids are still in bed and I don't want to wake them up just yet.


I'm supposed to be packing to move, arranging a carpet cleaner, filing, cleaning and I'm on this forum.


I just threw out 2 quarts of wonderful, homemade chicken broth because I didn't use it before it went bad.


The list goes on...

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My kids watch (almost) anything they want. Including Nightmare on Elm Street, Dawn of the Dead, Family Guy, House, Futurama, etc., and we watch it together.


I'm not sure what day I last washed DS's hair.


I forgot to give DD her miralax this morning.


I have not been making DD exercise daily, even though we got "official" Dr's go-ahead.


DD's Violin has not been touched since ...


I let an ex into our lives knowing deep down he was BSing me, and that it wouldn't last long (8 days over 3 weeks to be exact).


We had Wendy's for dinner


I think ds's stimming is ADORABLE!!!! But dd's stims annoy me :(


I have way too many pants to hem


DD want to make a quilt and I told that my sewing machine wasn't working right (I'll do it with her this summer)


That's all for now

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Yup, me too.


I took everything out of my cupboards, washed them out, and tossed anything not in a super well sealed can/jar/other container. They can get into plastic bags. :willy_nilly:


I keep my dry goods in the freezer now.


You also have to wipe the underside of your cupboard shelves very thoroughly, not missing any corners. Why no, I do not have a reason I would care to state for why I know this.


I keep dry goods in canning jars. The wide mouthed pint ones are great for small amounts, and they are stackable. Half gallon ones are just about the same size as canisters, and you can put a whole measuring cup into them. For amounts over half a gallon I use those wide-mouthed tops on 5 gallon buckets. A 5 gallon bucket is just the size of a 25 pound sack of dry goods from Costco, so it's a great size to have.

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since you put it out there, can ask about this? I honestly don't understand it. It sounds like a vicious cycle, but since you're the adult, you are able to control yourself if you want to, aren't you? I don't get when people who wouldnt lose control with their boss, their waitress, their social worker, etc.... claim they just can't get through the day without losing control with their kids. Meanwhile, the kids are learning how to behave from their parent, thus reinforcing the lack of respectful copmmunication. The kids aren't going to magically start acting alike angels anytime soon, so the only thing you don have caontrol over is your own reaction.


The whole point of a thread like this is that it is a place where people can be "real" and admit to some of the foibles that we all have to some degree. This is not a thread where people are asking for advice or condemnation on what they've shared.

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Adding to confessions:


1. I let my kids eat more junk food than I should.


2. I go to TaeKwonDo, Scouts, Airsoft games, and other homeschooling events more for MY socializing than for their benefit! :lol:


3. I don't cook every day. Cooking bores me.


4. My house is never spotless, although I do try to keep the visible areas clean in case someone stops by. Many times the laundry room is a disaster.

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since you put it out there, can ask about this? I honestly don't understand it. It sounds like a vicious cycle, but since you're the adult, you are able to control yourself if you want to, aren't you? I don't get when people who wouldnt lose control with their boss, their waitress, their social worker, etc.... claim they just can't get through the day without losing control with their kids. Meanwhile, the kids are learning how to behave from their parent, thus reinforcing the lack of respectful copmmunication. The kids aren't going to magically start acting alike angels anytime soon, so the only thing you don have caontrol over is your own reaction.



I can't speak for her of course, but for myself I lose it sometimes with the kids. I think the difference is that you can't alwas get away from them, and they know exactly which buttons to push. Not that I hold them responsible for my behavior, but all kids know what will get to Mom the best. It is a vicious cycle though. I am more apt to yell when I am trying to do too many things at one time, and the child I yell at has ignored my request repeatedly and I don't have the ability to go physically get them and give consequences at that moment because I am dealing with something else equally important. But the cycle part is that they know that and ignore me until I yell because I have trained them that way. Knowing better is one thing, being consistently good at it is another thing all together. At least for me.


I will say that when I talk of losing it, and I hope most people, that it means occasional yelling out of frustration. It does not mean cursing at the child, belittling them, or name calling. It also does not mean putting your hands on the child while you are mad in any shape or form. If I was 'losing' it like that I would get professional help.


But while we are confessing my adult children love telling the story of when Mom came home from work and smashed the dirty dishes in the kitchen floor. They were all older teens, the youngest was 16, and I had tried everything I could think of to get them to clean up the dishes after themselves so that when I got home from work I didn't face a pile of dishes in the sink before cooking dinner. Oh and of course none of them claimed the dishes and blamed the others. So one day I came home, took one look and calmly started throwing the glass plates, bowls, and glasses in the floor breaking them. Everyone came running and I kept breaking them. I told them since none of them could wash them, we didn't need dishes anymore. I then went upstairs to get changed and cry. The kids cleaned up the mess in the kitchen, and poor DH took me out to dinner that night. Interestingly enough I never came home to a pile of dishes in the sink again. :D

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but while we are confessing my adult children love telling the story of when mom came home from work and smashed the dirty dishes in the kitchen floor. They were all older teens, the youngest was 16, and i had tried everything i could think of to get them to clean up the dishes after themselves so that when i got home from work i didn't face a pile of dishes in the sink before cooking dinner. Oh and of course none of them claimed the dishes and blamed the others. So one day i came home, took one look and calmly started throwing the glass plates, bowls, and glasses in the floor breaking them. Everyone came running and i kept breaking them. I told them since none of them could wash them, we didn't need dishes anymore. I then went upstairs to get changed and cry. The kids cleaned up the mess in the kitchen, and poor dh took me out to dinner that night. Interestingly enough i never came home to a pile of dishes in the sink again. :d



this is awesome!

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I want to get an eye lift. I'm tired of looking tired after 30 years of insomnia. Basset hounds are cute with baggy eyes. I'm not.


We have schooled VERY lightly this week. I feel overwhelmed. I'm so excited about all the curriculum I bought for next year but am still needing to finish up this year.


I'm thrilled youngest is using a computer program. We are getting along fabulously. :D I'm thankful she's doing her math but intend to hand that over to dh when she gets older. I mean he IS the math tutor after all..... (online math is considered extra)


I will try the free online virtual academy this year for dd11. She will be learning about weather patterns. I'm thrilled to do it with her without having to teach it.


I've been very tired and know that I need to snap out of this mild depression. I need to walk daily but I have a different excuse all the time.


I have had the same load of laundry together and waiting to be spot treated and thrown in the washing machine for about 5 days now. I'll put it in the office and close the door so the contractor won't see it.:D


I'm frustrated. Dd11's coach doesn't see how phony and her daughter is. Her dd is nice but she really drives me crazy. She's very sneaky and treats dd mean.


My girls are in their rooms right now and I have a huge mug of hot tea. And the Hive. I'm good to go.


I dread starting the kitchen remodel but can't wait to have a new kitchen.


It's so wonderful to see that sometimes what goes around truly DOES come around. I love that keeping quiet for the past few years has paid off, and true colors were shown by the back biting gossiper.


I'm sick of looking at poop all over our field. MOUNTAINS of poop. Why can't dh just admit he's not a mechanic and hire someone to come fix the tractor so that we can rake out the field and actually plow ourselves out next year instead of hiring someone?


Dh is NOT a handyman either. I can't wait to rip out the cement board in the shower and put back the blue water proof what ever it's called wall.


I'm VERY cranky right now.:glare:

Edited by Denisemomof4
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I understand where she's coming from. The only answer I can give is that fear (of whatever) can keep you from "losing it" with your spouse/others. Your kids generally won't have that kind of power over you.



I see what you're saying, thanks for explaining.

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I will make another confession. Reading about perfect people makes me want to vomit. I have never met a perfect person in my life and I seriously doubt I ever will.


One of the crappiest parts of being a parent is dealing with other parents who insist I am doing it all wrong or I should do it their way. I roll my eyes and laugh at them.

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I can't speak for her of course, but for myself I lose it sometimes with the kids. I think the difference is that you can't alwas get away from them, and they know exactly which buttons to push. Not that I hold them responsible for my behavior, but all kids know what will get to Mom the best. It is a vicious cycle though. I am more apt to yell when I am trying to do too many things at one time, and the child I yell at has ignored my request repeatedly and I don't have the ability to go physically get them and give consequences at that moment because I am dealing with something else equally important. But the cycle part is that they know that and ignore me until I yell because I have trained them that way. Knowing better is one thing, being consistently good at it is another thing all together. At least for me.


I will say that when I talk of losing it, and I hope most people, that it means occasional yelling out of frustration. It does not mean cursing at the child, belittling them, or name calling. It also does not mean putting your hands on the child while you are mad in any shape or form. If I was 'losing' it like that I would get professional help.


But while we are confessing my adult children love telling the story of when Mom came home from work and smashed the dirty dishes in the kitchen floor. They were all older teens, the youngest was 16, and I had tried everything I could think of to get them to clean up the dishes after themselves so that when I got home from work I didn't face a pile of dishes in the sink before cooking dinner. Oh and of course none of them claimed the dishes and blamed the others. So one day I came home, took one look and calmly started throwing the glass plates, bowls, and glasses in the floor breaking them. Everyone came running and I kept breaking them. I told them since none of them could wash them, we didn't need dishes anymore. I then went upstairs to get changed and cry. The kids cleaned up the mess in the kitchen, and poor DH took me out to dinner that night. Interestingly enough I never came home to a pile of dishes in the sink again. :D


gotcha, I guess I am picturing a mom snarking at the kids all day, maybe the problem is my imagination. I'm sure an occasional flareup in the heat of the moment can probably happen to anyone.


LOVE your dishes story, and that you did it calmly. And that it worked!!

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Big breath....


I dislike doing anything crafty such as art projects or lap books.


I don't like doing science experiments simply because it's messy.


I wish my kids were workbook kids.


I do not baking with my kids.


I do not use my imagination and I'm not creative at all.


I do not like teaching my kids to read.

With the exception of the last point, this is me.


I also do not know how we will get done with this year's school work and I really don't care. DD will finish math, grammar, literature and spelling. Isn't that enough? It is 8 weeks until the end of school and I gave up on science, history, writing and poetry.


I spend too much time on the computer, and really only care just a little bit.


Dh went on night shift and my house is a disaster. I can't clean the kitchen because his bedroom is above the kitchen. If the kitchen isn't clean what it the point in cleaning the rest of the house?

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The whole point of a thread like this is that it is a place where people can be "real" and admit to some of the foibles that we all have to some degree. This is not a thread where people are asking for advice or condemnation on what they've shared.


I didn't give advice or condemnation but you appear to be referring to me so I'll respond. I think if you're comfortable putting something like this out there, you should probably be comfortable asking some questions and this is an issue where I genuinely have some questions. (And to be honest, some concerns, but I also believe generally that most people are doing their best in the various circumstances they are facing.) My intention was not to attack, advise, or condemn.

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More confessions:


My kids stay up late. Generally they're in bed around 10 pm. Sometimes later. My seven year old will sleep till between 10 and noon. Frequently. And, I sorta like it that way. I often don't wake her up, even though I should to get her going on her school work.


My seven year old is very social, but she doesn't have any close friends that she spends lots of time with. She is in a number of activities, and plays with kids, but she doesn't have close friendships like I remember when I was a kid. I'm lousy about setting up playdates for either of them.


Sometimes I let my kids get up in the mornings and watch tv for a few hours, while I sleep. Like sometimes till noon.


On a related note, my kids watch too much tv. They do it in spurts. No tv for most of the week and then a lot.


I try to feed my kids a balanced diet, but my seven year old is so picky. I offer food, but she mostly refuses it. I don't make a separate meal or anything, but we go out a lot, and she eats a lot of chicken nuggets. My younger one eats a lot of plain spaghetti.


My almost six year old still uses a pacifier. My seven year old drinks milk from a bottle when we are reading books at bedtime. We all lay on my bed and I read, and the bottle lets her drink while lying down.


My kids love crafts, but I hate doing them, so we don't do them as often as I should. I make an effort on occasions, but I feel like it is never enough. I also REALLY REALLY hate playing with them. Board games and card games and such are one thing. But pretend games make me want to climb the wall.


Yesterday I ate ice cream in the afternoon and told my kids they couldn't have any.


My almost six year old has an anxiety disorder and is on celexa. I never thought I would medicate a five year old, but it's made a huge difference. She should probably be in counseling, but she's not. She was, but it didn't really seem to make much difference. She's doing so much better, and it's so expensive.


Oh, and my kids play World of Warcraft. They don't have their own accounts or anything, but they play on my husband's. They're supervised and everything, but that's how my oldest got good at subtraction, looking to see how many turns she had left.

Edited by Terabith
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Loving this thread!


1) I am NOT Martha Stewart. By a long shot. My house is a wreck, and I have no idea where to start. I try to keep it to a minimum, but, there's just too much involved at the moment.


2) My laundry... need I say more?


3) I'm addicted to coffee. And I'm passing on my addiction to my older two under the guise of getting them to focus. Which it does, but still...


4) I started smoking again b/c dealing with DS unmedicated was making me lose my mind, which brings me to...


5) DS is being medicated again because I can't handle my own kid.


And, perhaps the worst one...


6) DD is a much better mommy at 9 than I am at 32. Maybe if I had grown up with little brothers and sisters, I would be better at playing with them and such, too. Right now, I think my twins are much better bonded with her than they are with me.

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Forgot one, the only reason I got up at 8 this morning was because I remembered there was cookie dough in the fridge.



This made me laugh out loud!! :lol: (and then, of course, the kids ask "What is so funny?")


Personally, knowing there is coffee in the morning ready to be made does help get me downstairs!

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I confess that I'm very angry that Specialmama felt that she had to delete her posts.


I confess that Wendi's admission to wanting to vomit over reading about perfect people made me :lol:


I think Specialmama was treated very unfairly and I need to log off and not think about it.


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I confess that I'm very angry that Specialmama felt that she had to delete her posts.


I confess that Wendi's admission to wanting to vomit over reading about perfect people made me :lol:


I think Specialmama was treated very unfairly and I need to log off and not think about it.


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I'm x-posting here too (from the s/o thread):

Hey wait, I hope the dead animal isn't from my post! I don't have dead animals lying around, I have two cages that need to be cleaned out.

Which is gross, I know. My house is clean, we eat good food , we have nice school days... but this is the little gross thing I need to go deal with.


On a happier note I think I've solved the mold problem. I think it's actually something called efflorescence. Some kind of mineral salt maybe?? Anyways I'm not up to dealing with it at the moment. I'm from a beach town, I know all about black mold and battling that stuff... it's not that.


It's called dropping the ball, it happens to the best of us.

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nm. it all has gotten out of hand

No, I don't think it has gotten out of hand. I think, as always, the Mommy Wars are still going strong. One could be the perfect wife and mother and still get judged negatively because of it. Too much of a good thing and all that.


For me the thread was fun and enlightening. I'm not as alone as I thought I was. And thank God for it. :grouphug:

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I confess that the other thread condemning this thread made me want to say something very uncharitable.:glare:


I confess that I sometimes eat 5 chocolates when I only allow my DD to have 1, and I tell her it's because "I'm the mom!"


I confess that I allow DD12 to sometimes sleep in her clothes because she doesn't want to change.


I confess that since I work on the computer, sometimes I stop in the middle to just browse, but still act as though I am working.


I confess I sometimes let my DD just wear a hat when I really should make her wash her hair.


I confess that I sometimes will not wash clothes until people start complaining that they have nothing left to wear. And I NEVER iron. So there.

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I confess that I've spent time on this board this week instead of tending to my personal hygiene and household duties.


I confess that I have 1/2" of dust covering every surface of my home and dog hair covering the floor and furniture.


I confess that I have dirty dishes in the sink.


I confess that I don't always listen to DS when he talks to me...I zone out sometimes. This distresses me, because having lost 1 child already, I am very much aware that our time together is not guaranteed and may be very limited. I need to cut myself some slack here. I am, only human.


I confess that sometimes I don't change my sheets until the BO smell bothers me.


I confess that sometimes I don't clean my shower until it starts to grab for me to not get out. LOL :lol:


I confess that I routinely exaggerate, especially when I'm overwhelmed and being overly self-critical.


I confess that I am harder on myself than anyone would ever be with me, except maybe my over critical mother. Hmmm, wonder where I got THAT from!


I confess that confession is good for the soul!

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I confess that I love dipping into my kid's Halloween candy


I confess that yesterday I mixed up the small white heart pill for my dog with the small white thyroid pill for my cat. I got a new script filled at a new place. The heart pill is now an oval shape and it's yellow. ;)


I confess that I said I was mad and logging off, went to go take care of some stuff around the house, then saw that I hadn't shut the laptop. So I keep coming back for more.


I confess that I was very happy to see Dulceramy (?) apologize.:001_smile:

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I confess that I am happy that DH is head of the household and therefore I take less responsibility for our decisions as a family.


I confess that my kids are currently playing with baby bunnies that they found in the yard.


I read the above as 'happy that DH is OUT of the household'. I was all :confused:



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I'm x-posting here too (from the s/o thread):

Hey wait, I hope the dead animal isn't from my post! I don't have dead animals lying around, I have two cages that need to be cleaned out.

Which is gross, I know. My house is clean, we eat good food , we have nice school days... but this is the little gross thing I need to go deal with.


On a happier note I think I've solved the mold problem. I think it's actually something called efflorescence. Some kind of mineral salt maybe?? Anyways I'm not up to dealing with it at the moment. I'm from a beach town, I know all about black mold and battling that stuff... it's not that.


It's called dropping the ball, it happens to the best of us.


The most galling thing about you, Helena, is that you like Creeping Charlie, a.k.a. ground ivy. Thinking of that always gives me a good chuckle when I'm out battling weeds.

My confessions:

I've *warehoused* my children at schools.

I watch The Real Housewives.

I don't iron or sew on buttons for anyone unless under duress.

We sometimes eat in front of the TV while watching feel-good drivel.

As Mr. Bill would say, "Oh, nooooooo!" :D

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I confess the kids are eating pizza pops and soda for lunch because we are at my mother's house and the maid is here so we have to hide in the basement and are not allowed to use the kitchen for another 2.5 hours. And they have no milk or such in the house right now. So pizza pops and soda in front of the tv in the basement for them.

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since you put it out there, can ask about this? I honestly don't understand it. It sounds like a vicious cycle, but since you're the adult, you are able to control yourself if you want to, aren't you? I don't get when people who wouldnt lose control with their boss, their waitress, their social worker, etc.... claim they just can't get through the day without losing control with their kids. Meanwhile, the kids are learning how to behave from their parent, thus reinforcing the lack of respectful copmmunication. The kids aren't going to magically start acting alike angels anytime soon, so the only thing you don have caontrol over is your own reaction.



You know, this morning I got up at 7 (which is unusual for me because I HATE mornings) and started cleaning. After I checked in here I got out the vacuum and vacuumed every inch of this house. Then I swiffered so all I had to do was come home after dropping ds at preschool and mop.


I got home to a bowl of dried ramen noodles spilled on the living room furniture, everything I had asked dd to put in her room (where the in-laws are sleeping) was just crammed in corners (after I CLEANED those corners yesterday), and lost it.


Those are the situations I can't handle. A waitress or clerk might be rude to me, but I have the option of speaking to a manager or supervisor and making them aware of unacceptable behavior. DD has no one to answer to but me and, while I am not a screamer generally, I lost it all over her this morning. It was rude, disrespectful behavior and I expect significantly more from her than that. She is certainly old enough to know to treat people (and yes I am a person) better than that.

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