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A special request from me

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There are a lot of hurt feelings on the board.


We have always struggled on this board to keep a balance and allow a number of different voices to be heard.


It's not easy. People who are conservative theologically and/or politically send us messages telling us how liberal the board is and how unwelcome they feel. People who are liberal theologically and/or politically send us messages telling us how conservative the board is and how unwelcome they feel. This is nothing new.


However, the recent events are bringing the differences to the front on THIS board as well as elsewhere.


Please don't let this happen. If we either exclude, or allow ourselves to be excluded, "they" (sorry to use this indefinite word, but in this context it seems best) have won.


I have three favors to ask you.


1) Please, everyone, go read the board rules again. The rules have evolved over the last eight years for a purpose.


2) Until Friday, I would ask all of you to stop reporting posts unless they are spam or advertising links.


3) Please do not read and react in threads which are clearly intended for those who share a different viewpoint.


Just until Friday, OK? Let's all take a breath. I'm feeling a little angsty myself, and I feel like we've got massive full-moon syndrome going on at the moment.


If you'll all do this, I can go write (hint, bribe, hint).



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Yes ma'am.


Speaking of writing................ I was going to subscribe to your blogs for kindle, but the descriptions are pretty scanty. How often do you blog for those, if you don't mind my asking before I dedicate a whopping two bucks a month for them?

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Even though I've never reported a post, I promise to be extra sure not to this week. :)


And indeed, perhaps we need a "kosher diet" for a little, too?? All this high salt snacking has our blood pressures up. :D


Taking a deep breath, counting to 3, and just chilling.


I want SWB writing, not moderating!!


I say we lay off the "high salt proteins" completely.


Does this mean no bacon? I don't think I can make any promises there. Is chocovine still okay?


So...we behave ourselves and we get new curriculum faster? SOLD! Going to go blow the dust off my halo now! :D






But I do love funny tags, I'm a bad person. :(

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So...we behave ourselves and we get new curriculum faster? SOLD! Going to go blow the dust off my halo now! :D


Me too!!!! I think I've only reported one post, but I will very well behaved this week. :D


SWB, again, I must say, you rock!!!!

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I rarely post on any of the "conservative vs. liberal" type of conversations. However, I want to say "thank you" for having these boards. These boards have been such a blessing to my entire family both in academic advice and helping me to educate my children on other point of views. My husband is about as much of a "political" type of conservative as I think possible. The "conservative" network on TV along with the military channel are his only viewing! I fall in the mid ground....mostly conservative but with a few "liberal" tendencies.....(yes it makes for interesting family dinner talk sometimes....) Anyway, more than once I have read some of the threads and have been able to have a better understanding of why different people believe what they do. I don't always agree, but it helps with understanding. Whether each of us homeschools out of biblical reason, academic reason, or otherwise, we are all homeschooling. Each of us has the ultimate goal of doing what we feel is best for our children, it saddens me that simply because of differences in beliefs the need is sometimes felt to attack one another. Call me crazy, but although I believe my faith is the "true" faith and I will glady share it with you if you ask, I'm not going to "condem" someone for believing or sharing something which is different than my beliefs. My point, which hopefully is obvious, is that I truly appreciate these boards and ALL of the people on them.


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I rarely post on any of the "conservative vs. liberal" type of conversations. However, I want to say "thank you" for having these boards. These boards have been such a blessing to my entire family both in academic advice and helping me to educate my children on other point of views. My husband is about as much of a "political" type of conservative as I think possible. The "conservative" network on TV along with the military channel are his only viewing! I fall in the mid ground....mostly conservative but with a few "liberal" tendencies.....(yes it makes for interesting family dinner talk sometimes....) Anyway, more than once I have read some of the threads and have been able to have a better understanding of why different people believe what they do. I don't always agree, but it helps with understanding. Whether each of us homeschools out of biblical reason, academic reason, or otherwise, we are all homeschooling. Each of us has the ultimate goal of doing what we feel is best for our children, it saddens me that simply because of differences in beliefs the need is sometimes felt to attack one another. Call me crazy, but although I believe my faith is the "true" faith and I will glady share it with you if you ask, I'm not going to "condem" someone for believing or sharing something which is different than my beliefs. My point, which hopefully is obvious, is that I truly appreciate these boards and ALL of the people on them.



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Ay Susan! You have to be one of the most gracious women living!! I suspect that there is much that has been left unsaid in what you wrote here. I can only imagine how "angsty" you are feeling! :grouphug: :grouphug: Thank you you for all that you do and for your grace and poise under, undoubtedly, serious aggravation! :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I rarely post on any of the "conservative vs. liberal" type of conversations. However, I want to say "thank you" for having these boards. These boards have been such a blessing to my entire family both in academic advice and helping me to educate my children on other point of views. My husband is about as much of a "political" type of conservative as I think possible. The "conservative" network on TV along with the military channel are his only viewing! I fall in the mid ground....mostly conservative but with a few "liberal" tendencies.....(yes it makes for interesting family dinner talk sometimes....) Anyway, more than once I have read some of the threads and have been able to have a better understanding of why different people believe what they do. I don't always agree, but it helps with understanding. Whether each of us homeschools out of biblical reason, academic reason, or otherwise, we are all homeschooling. Each of us has the ultimate goal of doing what we feel is best for our children, it saddens me that simply because of differences in beliefs the need is sometimes felt to attack one another. Call me crazy, but although I believe my faith is the "true" faith and I will glady share it with you if you ask, I'm not going to "condem" someone for believing or sharing something which is different than my beliefs. My point, which hopefully is obvious, is that I truly appreciate these boards and ALL of the people on them.


:iagree: Very wonderfully written, Sandra. I do love this board and the diversity it offers for us all under the umbrella called, "Homeschooling". I do appreciate you all and Susan for allowing this board to be a place of exchange of ideas, sharing, encouragement, and discussion.

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I rarely post on any of the "conservative vs. liberal" type of conversations. However, I want to say "thank you" for having these boards. These boards have been such a blessing to my entire family both in academic advice and helping me to educate my children on other point of views. My husband is about as much of a "political" type of conservative as I think possible. The "conservative" network on TV along with the military channel are his only viewing! I fall in the mid ground....mostly conservative but with a few "liberal" tendencies.....(yes it makes for interesting family dinner talk sometimes....) Anyway, more than once I have read some of the threads and have been able to have a better understanding of why different people believe what they do. I don't always agree, but it helps with understanding. Whether each of us homeschools out of biblical reason, academic reason, or otherwise, we are all homeschooling. Each of us has the ultimate goal of doing what we feel is best for our children, it saddens me that simply because of differences in beliefs the need is sometimes felt to attack one another. Call me crazy, but although I believe my faith is the "true" faith and I will glady share it with you if you ask, I'm not going to "condem" someone for believing or sharing something which is different than my beliefs. My point, which hopefully is obvious, is that I truly appreciate these boards and ALL of the people on them.



:iagree: and also come from a split home - I'm on the liberal side of moderate and dh is on the conservative side of moderate. It really does make for some interesting conversations.

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what's this I'm hearing about blogs for Kindle? :lurk5:

It's SWB's blogs available for you Kindle :D They d/l when she puts em up. I'm terrible at checking blogs, so having them pop up unbidden makes me extra happy (and is, imo, worth 99c per blog a month). Go to the Kindle store on amazon and search Susan Wise Bauer blogs.

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It's SWB's blogs available for you Kindle :D They d/l when she puts em up. I'm terrible at checking blogs, so having them pop up unbidden makes me extra happy (and is, imo, worth 99c per blog a month). Go to the Kindle store on amazon and search Susan Wise Bauer blogs.


*insert whine* I wanna Kindle! Please Mr. Santa! ;)

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*insert whine* I wanna Kindle! Please Mr. Santa! ;)

:D It was part of dh's plan to save money. I'm selling off my books, thereby saving space, and buying whatever I can get that is usable in e-format (cheaper and saving more space). We have a tiny house and it all made sense...... Like Franklin said, that's the best part of being rational, we can rationalize anything :lol:

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Oh yes. And there are thousands of others that do as well. :crying:

It's e-information....... Do you guys have a big tinfoil barrier protecting you from us crazy Americans? :lol:


I really don't understand limits on e-info, it's not like you have to get UPS involved.

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I am sorry that adults visiting an open forum need to report hurt feeling. They all need to grow up. Seriously no one is making them visit and read the post. I can promise you as a conservative Christan people hate my views and equally I hate some of the more liberal views BUT I don't' cry to the moderator please take it away. The way of political correctness we must not make anyone feel uncomfortable. My feeling are hurt.:001_smile:


I have enjoyed this forum for years. I have learned so much regarding homeschooling and also learned about others faith and lifestyles. I see all of that as a good thing. I might not understand or agree but it is part of an adults continuing self education;)

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I think I may have accidentally reported a post on the kilt thread. As I was clicking on something else the page moved & the click actually hit the !. I'm sorry!


:lol:Laughing too hard?


At least you weren't choking ... I am concerned for others, LOL. I think they should not drink and type.

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So I am very new to this forum and seriously thought I read somewhere that Susan was going to make a response to this whole issue. I'm not even sure where to look for this response, has it already been made and does everyone feel so overwhelmed with where to start when they are new to a forum.


I have admired Ken Ham's work for several years now, just really heard about Peter Enns within the last week and still trying to figure out how Susan fits into all this as far as this forum is concerned.(Yes I know that she is the "queen bee" of the forum) Does Susan even have an issue with Ken or is this all being stirred up by supporters of both sides. My concern , seeing this is my first forum, is am I going to waste my time with a bunch of gossiping.

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My concern , seeing this is my first forum, is am I going to waste my time with a bunch of gossiping.


You may want to spend more time on the curriculum and grade forums and less on the general forum. When there is gossip it tends to happen there/here. I've found the other forums stay pretty strictly on track. :001_smile:

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Guest Dulcimeramy
So I am very new to this forum and seriously thought I read somewhere that Susan was going to make a response to this whole issue. I'm not even sure where to look for this response, has it already been made and does everyone feel so overwhelmed with where to start when they are new to a forum.


I have admired Ken Ham's work for several years now, just really heard about Peter Enns within the last week and still trying to figure out how Susan fits into all this as far as this forum is concerned.(Yes I know that she is the "queen bee" of the forum) Does Susan even have an issue with Ken or is this all being stirred up by supporters of both sides. My concern , seeing this is my first forum, is am I going to waste my time with a bunch of gossiping.


How do we tell you without gossiping?


I suggest that you:


1. Read the 'stickied' threads here

2. Visit Susan's blog

3. Visit Jay Wile's blog

4. Visit Ken Ham's website, blog and facebook page


and draw your own conclusions.

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