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What would you do about a garter snake family....

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living in your lawn? Would you try to co-habitate peacefully? Or would you insist on them disappearing?


The problem is that both ds's don't want to have to be careful while playing outside. I insist that they wear shoes while walking in the yard.


As of today there are at least 5 snakes, , maybe more. They are almost always seen and are sometimes practically underfoot on a nice day.


I have flowerbeds and have researched that they are beneficial for that. We will again also be planting a garden, but farther from their home. They are under our walnut tree, so we have always had to watch when picking up walnuts.


So far, we (dh and I) are OK with "live and let live" (if not harmful). Now, the woodchuck is a different story when he eats all our melons... Anyone want one of those?


Ds wants the garter snakes killed and is certain about it...


What says the hive?


BTW, there is also evidence of a large black snake... probably in the neighbor's unused barn.

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I don't know. For me, I guess it wouldn't bother me. I think garter snakes are pretty harmless. Whenever I come across them accidentally, they always slither away. If anything, they should be helpful in controlling any rodent population you might have. But snakes don't bother me either. I actually find them kind of cute so I wouldn't have a problem letting them stay. YMMV.

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I am completely terrified of snakes, so I am not the best person to recommend anything. I do agree that it is probably taking care of other unwanted pests. However, when I lived in FL there was some snakes that "shared" our yard with the neighbor. It always scared me half to death and I did not want to do anything with them. I closed myself inside the house, would not do any yard work, which I truly enjoy, and so on. For me I would call animal protection and beg them to remove the snakes from my yard. They can them take care of the creatures. I do not want to kill them (no courage either), but I do not want them in my yard. Sorry..

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My kids love garter snakes. Their record catch in one day is 21 snakes. I keep hoping that the snakes will be terrified of the giants living on our acreage and make themselves scarce. :lol:


The snakes won't hurt the kids' feet. I doubt the kids would be quick enough to step on one. If they kids do want to catch them, I recommend that they wear gloves. The snakes will make your skin stink. YUCK. But, that washes off, so no biggie really.

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Those snakes would have been gone from my place before I'd have had time to write your question. No snake is tolerated around here (but I don't mind them in national or state parks). Snakes scare me, they scare two of my sons, they scare our ponies, and cats fill in nicely killing the rodents.

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Leave them be. I really like garter snakes, they're beneficial and harmless, and (I agree) likely taking care of nastier things. Black snakes, while a bit more intimidating, are also very nice snakes to have around.


FWIW, I was bit by a garter snake (I believe it was his way of informing me that he was done being held/observed) when I was...8ish?. It was very un-traumatizing. Paper cuts/ skinning your knee hurts more.

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If it impacted our daily lives, I would move the snakes. While they may not be venomous, any snake bite can cause cellulitis. If my boys didn't want to play in the yard, those snakes would be out of there. I wouldn't kill them, but I would remove them to another area much farther away.

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I'm in the complete phobia of snakes crowd. I probably wouldn't live long somewhere that had a yard full of them. Even garter snakes. Nope nope nope!! I see blog posts and stuff all of the time of my friends' kids catching snakes in their yard. I think I would honestly die if my kids touched a wild snake, much less brought it in the house!! Nope, they'd go, or I'd go.


All of that to say, the reasonable part of my brain says they are probably doing you more good than harm, and if you can live with them, than I'd recommend it. I do know that my fear is completely unreasonable. ;)

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Same goes for the big black snake in the barn.


Unless you have poultry or rabbits. This big snake killed a rabbit, a gosling and a duckling before we caught it (wrapped tightly around our prized Lionhead rabbit!) Even so, we don't kill garter or rat snakes unless they cause us a problem. They do us too many favors by keeping down the rodent population.



Edited by katemary63
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Correct me if I am wrong, but don't Garter Snakes hibernate communally? If you know where the hibernation area is (under the Walnut Tree, perhaps) couldn't you just seal that up and they will find another place.


Snakes are not "family" oriented.... if you have a lot of them around it is because they are coming out of hibernation and breeding and then heading off to live their lives nearby and beyond.


Don't kill them. Please.

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They are pretty harmless and yes, they can bite...but it is a pretty pitiful one. I used to catch lizards and snakes as a kid and have been bitten more than a handful of times (not by anything venomous). It doesn't hurt, but it can been annoying because they don't readily let go. You have to relax and let them relax and then they will drop off. No harm done though.

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Get rid of them. This clip is from an Animal Planet special. They eventually lost their house.

Oh, that is just SICK!!!!!! I've never seen anything like that. That family should have sued the realtor. They had to know, it had been on the news.


When we lived in CT, we had a lot of garter snakes in the spring and fall, when they were coming in an out of hibernation. We had stone walls, and they were living in them. Otherwise, we almost never saw them. I really wouldn't hurt the snakes. Leave them alone. Your kids will enjoy watching them, and they are beneficial.


I have always welcomed non-venemous snakes in our yard, but that video has given me the heebie jeebies. If any of you are at all afraid of snakes, don't watch that video.

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Wow, that video is frightening!

We have a birdbath, no standing water, so I hope that an infestation wouldn't happen. I've never seen any snakes close to our house in the past 3-4yrs since we discovered these yard guests.


I think we will keep them, unless these yard guests start to be more troublesome than beneficial.

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Get rid of them. We DO have garter snakes in our yard. They haven't come out yet this spring. Last year we saw 10ish the first day they were out. We got rid of close to 20 altogether. They had a hole about 15 feet from our front porch. Sorry, but I'm not sending my baby out to play in front of the kitchen window if there is a snake hole there.

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I guess I don't really understand the problem with non-venomous snakes that live outside?


I can understand getting rid of them if there was a serious problem but we have had garter snakes in our yard since my dad was a child (4th generation in the same house) and their numbers haven't increased to the point of it becoming insane, in fact I think they have stayed about the same. (my non substantiated proof is the fact that I garden in the same garden I helped my grandmother garden and my kids are avid snake-catchers just as I was as a child) Nobody has ever killed a snake on purpose on the property that I can remember.


I can't imagine not letting my kids play in a yard that had garter snakes, it is pretty hard (but not impossible) to get bit by a garter unless you pick it up and they tend to scurry away.


To me non-venomous snakes in a yard make it more interesting to go outside and play.

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I guess I don't really understand the problem with non-venomous snakes that live outside?


I can understand getting rid of them if there was a serious problem but we have had garter snakes in our yard since my dad was a child (4th generation in the same house) and their numbers haven't increased to the point of it becoming insane, in fact I think they have stayed about the same. (my non substantiated proof is the fact that I garden in the same garden I helped my grandmother garden and my kids are avid snake-catchers just as I was as a child) Nobody has ever killed a snake on purpose on the property that I can remember.


I can't imagine not letting my kids play in a yard that had garter snakes, it is pretty hard (but not impossible) to get bit by a garter unless you pick it up and they tend to scurry away.


To me non-venomous snakes in a yard make it more interesting to go outside and play.


Some of us just have a fear of snakes. I've even seen reports that appear to show a fear of snakes might be inborn in some (not all) people (previously, only loud noises and falling were considered inborn fears). I can let spiders walk all over me (and have). I don't mind wasps or bees. Snakes, however, do NOT live on my property. Hubby and one of my boys do them in for me. The other two boys have my (probably inherited) natural fear.


I can tolerate seeing snakes in national and state parks (and we would never even think of killing them there), but even then, I don't go first. I let one of my snake tolerant family members go first and point any snake out to me ahead of time so I can be ok with it. If I stumble upon one, it's the pits for me. I need advanced notice.

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I am afraid of snakes, but managed to live 4 years with a nest of garter snakes in our front yard. My girls delighted in seeing them, and watching them dash for their hole whenever they played in the front yard. The snakes definitely weren't hanging out in the grass while the kids ran around. We lived in a development that had sprung up in farmland, so I always felt like the snakes were there first and deserved to stay.


I was pleased at raising kids who didn't share my fear of snakes, until we moved to Texas! Our area in Oregon didn't have poisonous snakes. Texas is a different matter entirely. I've had to reteach my girls to stay away from snakes.

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Snakes freak me out to absolutely no end. If my children were bothered by them and I hope I would get rid of them post haste. If I had had snakes in my yard as a child I would have NEVER gone outside. Thankfully for me they freaked out my dad too. My dh is not a fan either.


My oldest ds is not bothered by them. He picked up a "harmless" one by the tail. A baby at that. It bit him. So I'm glad it's not poisonous but I'm thinking getting bit by any wild animal is a good way to get an infection. Ick! My oldest ds is horribly afraid of spiders though. It's good to empathize with other people's sensitivities, ick factors, and downright fears.

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Some of us just have a fear of snakes.QUOTE]


So, if ds requests plaintively to have the snakes removed, should I move them to the field behind us? If we do, will a black snake find this new home in the yard? Garters stay small and I like that idea. I am happy to read that they do not increase in numbers exponentially.


I can tell that ds is trying hard not to show how much he doesn't like them. It is not an all-out fear, but he won't play long outside and we have a nice backyard to play in. It could be a lesson in overcoming fears, but I don't want to push that. We have discussed the fact that 2 snakes have been there for at least 3 yrs with no harm done. I am reassuring him that with sneakers and socks, they cannot bite him. I will wear gloves in the flowerbeds, which are overrun with crabgrass!

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Some of us just have a fear of snakes.QUOTE]


So, if ds requests plaintively to have the snakes removed, should I move them to the field behind us? If we do, will a black snake find this new home in the yard? Garters stay small and I like that idea. I am happy to read that they do not increase in numbers exponentially.


I can tell that ds is trying hard not to show how much he doesn't like them. It is not an all-out fear, but he won't play long outside and we have a nice backyard to play in. It could be a lesson in overcoming fears, but I don't want to push that. We have discussed the fact that 2 snakes have been there for at least 3 yrs with no harm done. I am reassuring him that with sneakers and socks, they cannot bite him. I will wear gloves in the flowerbeds, which are overrun with crabgrass!


I don't think a fear of snakes is entirely rational. Knowing they aren't poisonous doesn't help me at all. If you are noticing your ds having problems I would remove them. I tried to "help" myself not be afraid of snakes when on a field trip to the zoo in elementary school. I really gave them a good look at the snake house. It did the opposite. I was extra freaked out and for years I couldn't stretch my feet to the bottom of my bed...because of the snakes that might be down there of course. I was old enough (5th grade-ish) to know that was stupid. But I could not stop being freaked out.

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Some of us just have a fear of snakes.QUOTE]


So, if ds requests plaintively to have the snakes removed, should I move them to the field behind us? If we do, will a black snake find this new home in the yard? Garters stay small and I like that idea. I am happy to read that they do not increase in numbers exponentially.


I can tell that ds is trying hard not to show how much he doesn't like them. It is not an all-out fear, but he won't play long outside and we have a nice backyard to play in. It could be a lesson in overcoming fears, but I don't want to push that. We have discussed the fact that 2 snakes have been there for at least 3 yrs with no harm done. I am reassuring him that with sneakers and socks, they cannot bite him. I will wear gloves in the flowerbeds, which are overrun with crabgrass!


I agree that I don't think a fear of snakes is rational. Yes, I would have them removed, but probably farther away than just a field. I'd want to make sure they were outside their traveling range and weren't likely to return.


My sister and mom have a greater fear than I do. Neither will touch the woods or anywhere they think there MIGHT be snakes. It's truly a phobia and isn't going to get better by anything other than maybe anti-phobia training of some sort.


The black snake is likely to stay in the barn where his prey is (rodents).

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This is how I feel about snakes, any snakes, benefits of snakes mean nothing to me....EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE! Round them up, gas them, chop them in half, shoot 'em, nuke 'em, burn the property, whatever it takes.


Any snake who dares show it's face anywhere in my line of vision is MY SWORN ENEMY!


Maybe I'm not the best person to give a reasoned response to such a question. This is what would happen here as my husband knows that if a snake is outside, I will never leave my home again!



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I guess I don't really understand the problem with non-venomous snakes that live outside?


I can understand getting rid of them if there was a serious problem but we have had garter snakes in our yard since my dad was a child (4th generation in the same house) and their numbers haven't increased to the point of it becoming insane, in fact I think they have stayed about the same. (my non substantiated proof is the fact that I garden in the same garden I helped my grandmother garden and my kids are avid snake-catchers just as I was as a child) Nobody has ever killed a snake on purpose on the property that I can remember.


I can't imagine not letting my kids play in a yard that had garter snakes, it is pretty hard (but not impossible) to get bit by a garter unless you pick it up and they tend to scurry away.


To me non-venomous snakes in a yard make it more interesting to go outside and play.



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OK, another warm day and this family has invited all their FRIENDS! Today there was a writhing mass of snakes!!! Ughh!!!

I can take 1-2 or even 5 snakes, but when they are all squirming on top of each other.... and that video, for heaven's sakes!!


Our only option is to lure them into a bucket and walk them out to a field. I can't see that our yard can support close to 20 snakes! I hope it will be far enough away that they don't return... Anybody know if they return to where they were born?


Actually dh thinks he will put them in a bucket and do an environmental recycling project and drive to a forest.

Edited by bnbacademy
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Update: We expected to capture many snakes on such a lovely weekend, but I think the word got out... we were able to catch and release 5 snakes who are now enjoying their new forest home.


I'm glad I recommended that the ds wear gloves, since these snakes DO resist this process. I have one reptile curious son and one... not so much.

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