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We finally left FL at about 3pm on Sunday, after the whole moving truck mess. The trouble continued with the trip, including multiple stops, having to call the police on some nefarious guys looking to rob us (I think) at a rest area at 2:30am. (One guy came up to "case" dh first and the 2 other guys came up later in car with no license plate to try and get money out of him - they left when the driver noticed me on the phone in the van behind dh.) We finally got to Durham, NC at 6am Monday morning!


Well, the dc and I did - we left dh sleeping at a truck stop an hour away. He just couldn't keep going, but I wasn't able to sleep with 6 dc in the van!:glare::tongue_smilie: It was horrible. I got up at 5:30am Sunday and didn't go back to sleep until 10pm last night.


However, everything was better as soon as we got to Durham. The house is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I didn't know how much the other house was affecting me (the 7 foot ceilings, cave-like darkness, etc.) Everything just seems to be right in the house.:D Maybe it is just that we are all together again - last night when I came into the driveway and saw my oldest ds's car in the driveway, I felt like all was good with the world again.;)


So, I am sitting at Chik-fil-A right down the road from the house, enjoying the free Wi-Fi and free breakfast (every Tuesday this month!) while the dc play in the playland.


Have a great week!!!!

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You had 7 foot ceilings? Wow, I do hope you like this house much better!


Welcome to North Carolina!


Yes, most older trailers have 7 foot ceilings. It meant that dh was forever hitting his head on ceiling fans!:lol::tongue_smilie: The new house has 8 foot ceilings in most of the house and cathedral ceilings in the living room.

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So glad you made it there safe. So glad you like your new house. So glad your family is all together again. :) Congratulations and hope to hear from you often!


Amen and amen!!


Adding another AMEN! So glad you all made it! I'm sending you good thoughts and wishes for wonderful neighbors, and many years of Happiness!

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So glad you finally made it, and happy that your ordeal is over!


We had a terrible nightmare of a move from SC to MI in late 2009 - I could certainly feel your pain!


Enjoy your new home and community. North Carolina is a great place to live (from someone who's never lived there, but always wanted to!).



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Having seen the size of your dh... who in their right mind would try to rob him. I wouldn't pin him as the guy you want to mess with.

And OMG... you lived all that time with 7 foot ceilings? Yowza. YOu're a good woman Renee. YOu deserve the BEST from here forward. Sounds like a big ++ update (-the truck thing. We went through that moving from NJ to here).

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Having seen the size of your dh... who in their right mind would try to rob him. I wouldn't pin him as the guy you want to mess with.

And OMG... you lived all that time with 7 foot ceilings? Yowza. YOu're a good woman Renee. YOu deserve the BEST from here forward. Sounds like a big ++ update (-the truck thing. We went through that moving from NJ to here).


:lol: Isn't that the truth - most people are AFRAID of him! :tongue_smilie: The guy seemed like he was on something and drugs will make you do really dumb things. What is ironic is that if they *had* taken everything that we owned, they might have been able to have a good yard sale, but that is about it.:lol:


I have gotten my library card and the library is 3/4 of a mile from my house. I am not sure if this is good or bad. Dh is making noises about getting internet at home, but we will see. He's working a 2nd job right now (weekends) and looking at a 3rd. He figures that would pay for internet for me.;)

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Congratulations on your move. Where did you live in FL? We are getting ready to leave S. FL (I have lived here in the same county for 45 years) for East Tennessee in 43 days. We have a vacation home in NC also but it is very remote (we love it for that reason). I hope your new life and home is blessed with happiness.



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