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Please pray for dd's MIL

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My dd's mil is a lunch lady at the school in town. Today, she took the kids out to recess, as she usually does. The kids were playing basketball and the ball went out of bounds. The kids went to run for the ball, and she figured they would just run around...or whatever...anyway, The kids TRAMPLED her....


After she was knocked down, they kept running over her.

Her collar bone was broken, her sholuder was dislocated, her elbow is broken, and we are not sure yet if there are any internal damages or other breaks.


I am shocked and sickened!



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I am just so sick to my stomache. She is in some pretty bad shape. DD and DSIL just drove down to be with her at the hospital. I can't even imagine what these kids are thinking NOW......or if parents have been informed...OY!


I will update her progress as soon as I know what is happening.


I covet your prayers and so does she.



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Oh my. That is terrible. Does she qualify for worker's comp? Chance of the kids to apologize?


I was going to post that someone needs to check on the workers comp paperwork and make sure it gets submitted on time. That is just awful!!!!!!!! I hope the kids realize the gravity of what they've done.

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This literally makes me feel sick to my stomach... I think it goes without saying that she should get workman's comp.


If you ask me ALL of the children that trampled over her should be charged with assault. I don't care HOW old they are. It is unconscionable.


Many, many prayers will be going out for her and her family from here.... not just for a physical recovery but an emotional recovery as well.

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How is dd's mil ? Do you have an update ?

Were several kids involved ? It seems that someone would have seen her,and it's hard to imagine that someone didn't see her standing there, but I can see it happening that once someone is on the ground in front of a crowd that those coming from behind the crowd may not have even seen her, depending on how many kids were involved.

I hope she is doing OK and healing up well.

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How is dd's mil ? Do you have an update ?

Were several kids involved ? It seems that someone would have seen her,and it's hard to imagine that someone didn't see her standing there, but I can see it happening that once someone is on the ground in front of a crowd that those coming from behind the crowd may not have even seen her, depending on how many kids were involved.

I hope she is doing OK and healing up well.


She is now home from the hospital. I found out the kids were playing football, not basketball...and were running in a pack. They knocked her to the ground and pretty much kept going. I am not sure what they thought ... I really think it was a crazy accident and the kids didn't even realize what the consequences of their actions would be.


She has a broken collarbone, her shoulder was dislocated, her elbow is broken and so is her hand...all on the right side...but she was able to have everything set without surgery. I think there was damage to her knee as well. DD is at her house now helping her out and giving the house a clean..etc.

DD's MIL sounds pretty good considering the pain she is in.


Thanks for asking and keeping her in prayers. We are also praying for the children. I am sure they are pretty shaken up over this entire ordeal.



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Thanks for asking and keeping her in prayers. We are also praying for the children. I am sure they are pretty shaken up over this entire ordeal.



Well, after running a woman down and breaking her bones they SHOULD be shaken up. I can understand that some in a crowd, coming from behind, may not have even seen her, once she was already on the ground. But I have a hard time understanding how those that first came in contact with her, and knocked her down, failed to realize they had just knocked down and trampled someone. There should be some consequences for these kids. That's barbaric.

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That's football. There are whole compilations of sideline mess-ups.

So, is it reasonable to run a woman over and trample her and not seem to notice ? Can they not see someone right in front of them while running onto the side lines ? Do they just get going so fast that they cannot stop if someone is in their path ?


Kalanamak, it does make me feel better to think that this could have been totally an accident rather than thinking the kids were just being uncaring for the lady on the sidelines.

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