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Everything posted by homemomandnild

  1. My tenth grader just decided he wants to learn Spanish. Any suggestions for programs? Rosetta Stone is too expensive, as is tutoring at this time. Thoughts on Tell Me More??
  2. We have used LOF as a fun review in conjunction with Singpore Discovery Math. Some topics seem to be explained better in LOF than DM.
  3. You need the $1000 emergency fund first, and if you need to use it, then the first thing to do is replenish it. You may need to adjust the plan to work best for you, but it is much more freeing when you don't have the debt hanging over you. We don't have much in retirement either and struggle with whether to save for college or what next. Most of our income goes to daily needs anyways. When we get a gift, we hold onto it and put it where it will best be used for the long haul.
  4. There is a open 'Christian' group in Wheeling, wv. Just FYI.
  5. Thanks for your reply. My dd likes to group things together differently as well, but I'm trying to get her to stick to a loose schedule this year.
  6. I'm trying to plan out my dd's week, using Sonlight core 200. For those that have used it, about how much time per day do we need to allot for completing it? Bible, History and Literature
  7. mayonnaise doesn't usually freeze well. Beans do freeze well though. We freeze mostly in gallon freezer bags since they lay flat. I would reheat the above dishes in the oven with foil over it to keep them from drying out.
  8. I have a friend that used it with her 13 yr. old this past year, she highly reccommends it.
  9. Thanks for your advice. We're not really near a major city, but I'll keep looking.
  10. My daughter has decided to learn Chinese for her foreign language (she just returned from a mission trip and plans to go back in a few years.) I'm kind of late in thinking about this. I guess I assumed she'd do Sign Language since her father could teach most of it. Any recommendations for a foreign language program for high school? Why did you like it? and are there any you've tried that were not successful? Thanks:)
  11. I hope soon if you mean Rainbow Resource Center:)
  12. Trying to edit a for sale post and I can't seem to find the edit button?:confused:
  13. We spread Cores G and H over three years, so that we didn't feel so pressured to get it all in.
  14. Look into www.nild.net to see if there is an educational therapist near you. Diane Craft has a lot of info. on her website, I don't agree with everything she does, but it is worth checking out. Keep working on the cursive, doing it big on the chalkboard can have a greater impact. At the same time allow him to use the keyboard or dictate to you when you don't need it written.
  15. Three of mine asked about communion, and we told them after they were baptized. Then we talked about why we get baptized and about being saved, it wasn't until we were comfortable with their profession of faith that we allowed them to be baptized. Mine were 5, 7, 7, and soon my current five year old, who has been asking for months, will be baptized. I think mine were rather young, but they do tend to the gifted side and made it clear to us that they understood what it all meant.
  16. The state homeschool group here uses the TerraNova for their group testing. It's similar to the CAT, if you're more familiar with that? We use the survey version. As for whether you should pull out or not, I guess it depends on your reason for testing.
  17. Actually they often teach sursive first in K at private schools. It's better for the brain to learn cursive from the beginning to keep it automatic later. I require all of my LD students to switch to cursive because of all the benefits of it.
  18. Singapore Primary Math with Challenging Word Problem For us too! We also recently added Life of Fred for fun.
  19. If you are near an nild therapist, I highly recommend it for any learning issues. www.nild.net
  20. We are going to do Jacob's Algebra and have Singapore Discovery Math I ready for if 11yo. Ds gets overwhelmned. He's finished Singapore Primary Maths and Life of Fred Fractions which we are supplementing with for fun. My Dd followed this same path, but she was 9. We found NEM too challenging and are switching to Discovery Math. Kathy
  21. We do the work on notebook paper for a few of our books.
  22. We use Saxon 2 to supplement Singapore and it lines up with Primary Math US edition 1B and 2B almost exactly. Saxon is used by a lot of private schools and is somewhat advanced compared to most PS. Singapore is more advanced than Saxon.
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