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My beloved 10 year old cat was mauled and killed by a pitbull yesterday

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Please keep my family and especially my 2 daughters who are really having a difficult time right now. Our beloved 10 year old cat Sam was killed on my on front porch by a pitbull who got loose from up the street. My daughters are devasted and I am also having a very difficult time.


Luckily the dog who also had my 80 year old neighbor trapped in her car, was taken by the police and will not be released to the owner. My only consulation is that it was not a child. My cat may have saved a person. It happened right as the public school kids walk by my house and go to school.


I have never lost a pet in this manner. I am in shock, he was so special and LOVED so much. I know people say their own pets are extra special and have certain qualities, but Sam was special. He was so unique and he was like my son, my little boy. that's what I called him...


So just pray for healing for us all...

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My heart breaks for you and your family. I cannot even begin to imagine how that must feel. Poor Sam. Truly I hope that dog is put down. I will pray.

Around here, the authorities, police and animal control take this very seriously! They had to take my cat for a necropsy and examined the dog and he has claw marks all over his face. My cat faught for his life. The dog is now considered visicous and it would take the owner alot of money and a formal trial etc..to get the dog back and the animal control officier assured us it wont happen. My cat was cornered and could not get away.


I loathe these pitbulls and even more so now.


My daughters are beyond upset and I am having a hard time consoling them

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Your poor cat! And neighbor! And that poor dog.


I never blame the dog. Ultimately it's doing what it's been bred and possibly taught to do. It's always the owner's fault. These things happen because of poor/improper training and restraint. Will the dog's owner at least get fined? If not, you and the elderly neighbor should consider a lawsuit. Ugh.

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Your poor cat! And neighbor! And that poor dog.


I never blame the dog. Ultimately it's doing what it's been bred and possibly taught to do. It's always the owner's fault. These things happen because of poor/improper training and restraint. Will the dog's owner at least get fined? If not, you and the elderly neighbor should consider a lawsuit. Ugh.

I agree it is the owners fault, absolutely, and I do feel sorry for the dog, it was their pet also. Yes, we are considering a lawsuit

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Is that Sam in your avatar?


My 12yo DS & I are :crying:


What a horrible thing, on your own porch. I hope your DDs didn't witness it.



Yes that is Sam in my backyard. My daughter "heard" it happen, but did not see it, and that is what she is having the hardest time with ....

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I keep telling myself that Sam did not die in vain. If it had not been him, it could have been a child. I keep telling myself he died a hero!


:iagree: 100% He did die a hero. Be proud of him. A child could have been mauled or killed. I am so sorry for your loss. I loathe these dogs too AND their irresponsible owners. I found out neighbor's pitbull in our yard the other day. One more time and....let me just say, I live in the county. I'll take care of this myself.

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:grouphug:Your poor girls and Sam...It's heartbreaking, I hope the dog owners pay financially and emotionally.


I hope you are able to follow the case though. We had a local case where a dog mauled an adorable little mutt to death in it's own yard. The owners fought to keep their vicious dog and sued the little dog owners for not properly keeping their pet on a leash.


Your kitty was a hero, and probably saved a human from that mauling. Poor, poor kitty.

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:grouphug:Your poor girls and Sam...It's heartbreaking, I hope the dog owners pay financially and emotionally.


I hope you are able to follow the case though. We had a local case where a dog mauled an adorable little mutt to death in it's own yard. The owners fought to keep their vicious dog and sued the little dog owners for not properly keeping their pet on a leash.


Your kitty was a hero, and probably saved a human from that mauling. Poor, poor kitty.


I hope those ba$tards lost their case.

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How horrible!! I am so very sorry for your loss. Just so tragic. :grouphug:


Although I, personally, love the pitbull breed (my parents own two), I hate the way they are irresponsibly and overly bred and raised by people who treat them so poorly and make them vicious. It's just awful.

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Oh, I'm soooo sorry!!! We, too, have special pets. I pray that you and your family remember Sam for the special kitty he was and that the pain of his loss will be bearable and you experience healing.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

Thank you. I am having a really hard time dealing with it this morning. I keep going into the garage and expect to see him

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Dog breeds are different. Only this weekend, for the first time ever, have I seen a neutered pit. Your cat did not die in vain, it died instead of a small child or a helpless old person. It's not right, and they shouldn't be kept by people without a license. I really think they should be on the same level as keeping other animals that are "dangerous".

I'm really sorry for this tramatic scene that your children and you saw, and pray for healing.

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Here is a credit to another life that may be saved by this post. Our neighbor has a pit bull. Because of reading this, I will never take my cat out in the front yard.


I sympathize With you since we also have a cat that is unique and a huge part of our family.

I pray you and your family will find peace.

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Please keep my family and especially my 2 daughters who are really having a difficult time right now. Our beloved 10 year old cat Sam was killed on my on front porch by a pitbull who got loose from up the street. My daughters are devasted and I am also having a very difficult time.


Luckily the dog who also had my 80 year old neighbor trapped in her car, was taken by the police and will not be released to the owner. My only consulation is that it was not a child. My cat may have saved a person. It happened right as the public school kids walk by my house and go to school.


I have never lost a pet in this manner. I am in shock, he was so special and LOVED so much. I know people say their own pets are extra special and have certain qualities, but Sam was special. He was so unique and he was like my son, my little boy. that's what I called him...


So just pray for healing for us all...


:grouphug::grouphug: for you and yours and especially Sam! :grouphug::grouphug:


:crying: for all the sweet animals who will be labled by other dogs behaviour and

:mad: for all those &$*#@ irresponsible owners who cause such pain!

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OH NO----I'm SO sorry!! :grouphug: And how awful for a 10 year old kitty.


I hope that nasty pit bull is euthanized. Really. I'm sorry if this makes anyone mad----but that breed is so poorly bred and is basically a worthless breed right now because people just do not understand how important it is to have them properly tamed and trained, if possible. :glare:

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Dog breeds are different. Only this weekend, for the first time ever, have I seen a neutered pit. Your cat did not die in vain, it died instead of a small child or a helpless old person. It's not right, and they shouldn't be kept by people without a license. I really think they should be on the same level as keeping other animals that are "dangerous".



Totally agree---people who want one should go through a process to get the license too. Our neighbor has a pit, as do others in our small town. Walking by the neighbor's house, this dog stops and goes still and stares---which to me is a clear indication of aggressive tendencies. Very scary!

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Can we please not turn this thread into a rant about pitbulls? We have been there, done that on this board before. The OP is obviously distressed and devastated about her poor cat's death. Let's just keep this about supporting her and her family.


OP, praying for family today. :grouphug:

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When I was in college my mother was walking the dog I had owned since 4th grade when a pit bull got out of the fenced yard he was in and attacked my dog. He picked him up and shook him like a ragdoll. My mother started screaming and beating the pit with her fists. The owners ran out and pulled him off my dog. The police were called and the owners agreed to pay the vet bill, which was sizeable.


I'm sorry if this upsets anyone, but I loathe pit bulls and those who own them. I believe they subject their family and neighbors to danger. I've had 3 separate vets tell me that this breed is predisposed to this type of behavior regardless of who the owners are and are known to turn from "sweet" to vicious in a heartbeat.


It took my dog weeks to recover and was never really the same after that.


I'm so sorry that your family has had to go through this. Losing a pet is hard, losing one this way is a nightmare. :grouphug:

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Please keep my family and especially my 2 daughters who are really having a difficult time right now. Our beloved 10 year old cat Sam was killed on my on front porch by a pitbull who got loose from up the street. My daughters are devasted and I am also having a very difficult time.


Luckily the dog who also had my 80 year old neighbor trapped in her car, was taken by the police and will not be released to the owner. My only consulation is that it was not a child. My cat may have saved a person. It happened right as the public school kids walk by my house and go to school.


I have never lost a pet in this manner. I am in shock, he was so special and LOVED so much. I know people say their own pets are extra special and have certain qualities, but Sam was special. He was so unique and he was like my son, my little boy. that's what I called him...


So just pray for healing for us all...


I'm so very very sorry! How horrific for all involved. Gosh, this just makes me want to cry. I'll keep your family in prayer. :grouphug:

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:patriot: Hats off to Sam, the hero! Big hugs to you and your family! I am SO sorry!


There should be REQUIRED classes and special licensing for ANYONE who wants to own one of these "tough guy" breeds- like driver education for dog owners. That would weed out at least some of the morons who think it's cool to have an aggressive dog.

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:grouphug:no words:grouphug:


I saw our dog kill another dog, when I was little, and I still remember it vividly. A neighbors little dog, came into our yard and was biting, nipping at our Shepard. Our dog barked, growled and warned the little dog. She finally shook the little dog once, and it killed the other dog. It was very sad. The owners respected the fact that the little one antagonized our dog and came onto our land to do it....but it didn't change the fact that thier dog was gone.


I still remember how heartbreaking it was to see the owner come pick up their pet. I cannot imagine, being the owner. :(

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