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Just for fun: A place I will never live

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You could not pay me any amount of money to live on this island.:tongue_smilie:


Well, as someone who really loves to eat crab legs but can't often afford them, I found myself wondering if these crabs are tasty. Because it wouldn't be all bad living in a place where your dinner strolls right up to your door, you know? :lol:

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I remember that! That is awesome! Love how the people aren't screaming and running, the guys are barefoot on the golf course, and the kids are simply doing their school work. No ADD on the island, apparently.


Rosie, do you mean they have tough immigration laws?


I guess you get used to it. I'm really not sure how though.

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Well, as someone who really loves to eat crab legs but can't often afford them, I found myself wondering if these crabs are tasty. Because it wouldn't be all bad living in a place where your dinner strolls right up to your door, you know? :lol:


Well, there's a thought. Nope, I'm thinking buying them overpriced at the store is still my best option.:D

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The baby crabs would be difficult, I think. They must get everywhere. What does hundreds of dead baby crabs smell like in a car?


I thought of that too. Yikes!


We get these bugs that hatch once a year here. We call them fish flies - I don't know if that's really what they're called though. The closer to the lake you are, the more you get! So, we get a TON on our house!! Anyway, there are so many of them that they create slick spots on the roads. STores have to wipe down their windows daily. The birds LOVE it though!

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I thought of that too. Yikes!


We get these bugs that hatch once a year here. We call them fish flies - I don't know if that's really what they're called though. The closer to the lake you are, the more you get! So, we get a TON on our house!! Anyway, there are so many of them that they create slick spots on the roads. STores have to wipe down their windows daily. The birds LOVE it though!


We get inundated with ladybugs every fall, but they've never seemed creepy to me. Fish flies on the other hand. No, thanks. Couldn't do that. The 17-year cicadas are enough for me.

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The baby crabs would be difficult, I think. They must get everywhere. What does hundreds of dead baby crabs smell like in a car?


Is there a smiley for upchuck? That would be horrendous!


So, other than the island with all the crabs - Antarctica. I hate cold weather and would not want to live anywhere that gets snow, but every other place I can think of that gets snow has at least some redeeming features. I could see situations where I might choose to live in those places, especially if I knew it was for a finite amount of time. I can't see any situation where it would be worth it to live in Antarctica.

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The baby crabs would be difficult, I think. They must get everywhere. What does hundreds of dead baby crabs smell like in a car?


I thought of that too. Yikes!


We get these bugs that hatch once a year here. We call them fish flies - I don't know if that's really what they're called though. The closer to the lake you are, the more you get! So, we get a TON on our house!! Anyway, there are so many of them that they create slick spots on the roads. STores have to wipe down their windows daily. The birds LOVE it though!


We get inundated with ladybugs every fall, but they've never seemed creepy to me. Fish flies on the other hand. No, thanks. Couldn't do that. The 17-year cicadas are enough for me.


We get love bugs. They're annoying and if you don't wash them off your car the bug guts will eat through your paint, but I've never found them creepy. Fish flies sound kinda creepy though.

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Christmas Island


I read about this in National Geographic over 20 years ago and it was freaky seeing photographs of it. I found a youtube video that's even more impressive:




You could not pay me any amount of money to live on this island.:tongue_smilie:


:eek: :ack2: :svengo:

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Rosie, do you mean they have tough immigration laws?


Oh yeah, even tougher than the rest of Australia :tongue_smilie:


I was reading up on Christmas Island months ago and am pretty sure you can't move there even if you are Australian. Naturally, I can't find that written anywhere now so it's possible I'm making it up. I can find that info about Norfolk Island and I don't see why it would be any different. Not that it matters to me, I don't have any desire to relocate there. I don't think I have the energy to add a Chinese and a Malay dialect to my modest repetoire of languages...



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Christmas Island


I read about this in National Geographic over 20 years ago and it was freaky seeing photographs of it. I found a youtube video that's even more impressive:




You could not pay me any amount of money to live on this island.:tongue_smilie:


:eek: I have a feeling I will be having nightmares from that video.

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And I said I would never move back to Missouri either. :lol: What kind of side do you serve with crow?


As I begin the home shopping process in MS, I find that crow tastes better with french fries and a health dose of ketchup. ;):lol: Why did I ever say such a thing? My family refuses to let it go!

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We get inundated with ladybugs every fall, but they've never seemed creepy to me. Fish flies on the other hand. No, thanks. Couldn't do that. The 17-year cicadas are enough for me.


We lived in the Pittsburgh area when they had the 17 yr cicadas. I stayed inside for a month. Those things are AWFUL! They're so big! And, they fly down your shirt (ask me how I know!). The fish flies at least are small and delicate.

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I said I would NEVER move back to Texas! Crow doesn't taste as bad as I thought it would ;)!




...hee hee hee...I would never live anywhere but Texas! Born and raised, and seriously, I don't think I could move out of the state...good thing DH agrees! :)

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Utah. Probably shocking to hear, coming from a Mormon. I lived there for 9 months in college, and still have family there, and I enjoy visiting and always have fun, but the super-saturated-with-Mormon-cultural is a wee bit much for me. I like my religious diversity. :p


California. Born there. Raised there. Left there. Never going back.

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I will never live in America. :tongue_smilie:




See now I would have always answered Australia...but only because every other episode of Crocodile Hunter involved him finding "the world's most deadly..." and in a brief moment the camera crew would slightly pull back and you see the play set or lawn furniture that indicated that was someone's "Down Under" backyard.


That may work as a tourism lure for my sons but I'd feel creepy. Y'all are brave.:001_smile:

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So I would have said any place without tall trees, green grass, lots of rain, a very small amount of snow, and access to a coastline not beach. (Can you tell I am from the Pacific NW LOL. Beaches are nice to visit, no offense, but i LOVE our rugged and wild coast.) Guess where I found out I have to move to in 6 weeks! SLC, Utah *sigh* I'm a little nervous! (Or a lot nervous!)

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So I would have said any place without tall trees, green grass, lots of rain, a very small amount of snow, and access to a coastline not beach. (Can you tell I am from the Pacific NW LOL. Beaches are nice to visit, no offense, but i LOVE our rugged and wild coast.) Guess where I found out I have to move to in 6 weeks! SLC, Utah *sigh* I'm a little nervous! (Or a lot nervous!)

Oh you'll looooooooove SLC!!! I should probably amend my post and say I could never live in Utah -unless I could get a place in downtown SLC. Gorgeous, clean, friendly city. :)

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Ha! I seem to live almost entirely on crow. It's tough meat. :)


A bit gamey though! ;)




Bill (maybe Austin :tongue_smilie:)


Houston has surprised me!!! And this from someone who grew up in Seattle. Now I have Pine and Palm trees :D.


(you would have to drag me kicking and screaming to Dallas!)

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So I would have said any place without tall trees, green grass, lots of rain, a very small amount of snow, and access to a coastline not beach. (Can you tell I am from the Pacific NW LOL. Beaches are nice to visit, no offense, but i LOVE our rugged and wild coast.) Guess where I found out I have to move to in 6 weeks! SLC, Utah *sigh* I'm a little nervous! (Or a lot nervous!)


SLC is beautiful. Well ok, it looks much better in the winter than it does in the summer but it's a great place to live year round.

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So, other than the island with all the crabs - Antarctica. I can't see any situation where it would be worth it to live in Antarctica.


I was thinking that I had lived in just about all climates and while I didn't love some of them I managed but I think Antartica would really be pushing my ability to manage. I have watched a few documentaries on the south pole and all of them left me feeling scared. I wouldn't een want to take a chance in a place like that.

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Anyplace with cold winters. I'll take my state's unbearably hot summers over freezing temperatures any day.


:iagree: Wholeheartedly agree!! I'm a wimp in the cold. We spent a week in December in Whistler BC a couple of years ago. It was really beautiful and fun for a couple of days to pretend to enjoy the change of weather but at the end I was SO ready to go. Too cold.


We get love bugs. They're annoying and if you don't wash them off your car the bug guts will eat through your paint, but I've never found them creepy. Fish flies sound kinda creepy though.


Love bugs. Yep. Some years they are so thick you can hardly go outside and look up into the sky because they get in your face so badly. It isn't always that way though.

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:iagree: Wholeheartedly agree!! I'm a wimp in the cold. We spent a week in December in Whistler BC a couple of years ago. It was really beautiful and fun for a couple of days to pretend to enjoy the change of weather but at the end I was SO ready to go. Too cold.




Love bugs. Yep. Some years they are so thick you can hardly go outside and look up into the sky because they get in your face so badly. It isn't always that way though.


Where I live (right above the Dade countyline) we don't even get love bugs anymore. I think you don't see them until you get up to around Stuart in Palm Beach County. I love the weather here. I'll take the heat over the cold any day of the week, but I wish it wasn't so CROWDED!! The traffic and crowds everywhere really get to me. I get so tired of it all. I wish there were a place in Florida that was undiscovered that nobody knew about that was still on the beach (ocean side) that was quiet and calm, warm and beautiful with clean water and not a lot of people. That would be so perfect. :)

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