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What are a few of your comforting things?

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Bath salts

Uncle Lee's Orange Ginger Chai

Beanpod Vanilla scented candle

Our down comforter

Popcorn (Air popped with real butter, salt, and sometimes brewers yeast)

Tulips (forced inside, or all over my yard)

a good pinot noir

reading aloud to my girls (Gone With the Wind, right now)

Edited by Luann in ID
I keep adding to my list
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Open windows and listening to birds. Takes me right to my happy place.


Believe it or not~running until I think I'm going to pass out.

Everything looks better after a good sweat.


A medium book~not brain candy, but not War and Peace either.


My husband. He's got some strong shoulders to lean on.



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Not that it is easy to find this anymore, but I grew up around tobacco farms and the smell of the farm in the fall when the tobacco is drying in the barn. It is such a sweet, crisp smell and it always reminds me of my Grandpa that I adored who died when I was 10.


Honestly, and I know it sounds corny, but when I am stressed, blue or anyways out of sorts, the only thing that truly calms me down is snuggling up with my husband. Snuggling up to him on the couch or wherever charges my batteries and comforts me like nothing else. He is my security blanket.

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Comforting things:


Coffee, especially with dh &

talking things through

praying and scripture reading

hugging my loved ones


fuzzy slippers

black tea with honey and milk

popcorn with family

the smell of harvest

open windows

a clean house, clutter grates on my nerves




sitting in the grass

sitting by the fireplace

cuddling with my dh

having my feet or neck rubbed

the smell of bread baking

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Something warm to drink. Candles. A fur blanket (faux)...really, anything super soft :) My dh and dd (not things, but definitely comfort!). I don't know why, but I am thinking of comfort in terms of winter- when it gets really dark out early and we burrow in for the night :) Game boards, books, a bbc movie :D

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1. Shopping: seeing the bright colors & organized aisles helps me feel more organized inside.


2. Scrapbooking.


3. Writing.


4. Road trip.


5. Reorganizing furniture.


6. Getting rid of stuff.


7. Cleaning.


8. A shower, doing my nails, any kind of personal care. Not always, but it can offer a fresh perspective on things.


9. I hate sleeping, but things do often look better in the mornings.


10. Screen time makes things worse.


11. Taking care of one thing that I most dread: making a dental appt, paying a bill, filing taxes, making a phone call. I don't have to dread it for a logical reason.


12. Time alone, esp outside the house--Starbucks, maybe.


13. Time w/ dh. Real time, not a short, stressful blip. But not so much time that there's pressure for it to be REALLY PERFECT, lol. A Saturday morning together, esp w/out kids, is *wonderful.*


14. Going out to breakfast.


15. Sitting on a porch in the early, dewy part of morning w/ hazelnut coffee. But I only get up that early if someone makes me & makes coffee. :D


16. Going anywhere in the middle of the night. (For fun, not emergencies.)


17. The ocean.


18. Painting.


19. Sitting in bed w/ my kids late at night when dh is working & reading poetry & them liking it.


20. Discussing literature w/ someone who cares.

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4. Road trip.






This. is one of the most stressful things you can mention to me:tongue_smilie: Funny how different we all are! I tense up inside thinking of it. I think traveling is a necessary evil.

Comforting?:001_huh: I would love to hear how you find it comforting. It might help me over my travel phobia.

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Rainbow Valley, by L. M. Montgomery

Pride and Prejudice, by Austen - either the book or the A&E video

Moser Roth chocolate from Aldi - honest, it's better than either Hershey's or Cadbury, I think!

A quiet house - but only for so long

A spontaneous hug from a munchkin

Spontaneous song fest whilst doing dishes. (Poor upstairs neighbors!!)


Mama Anna

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This. is one of the most stressful things you can mention to me:tongue_smilie: Funny how different we all are! I tense up inside thinking of it. I think traveling is a necessary evil.

Comforting?:001_huh: I would love to hear how you find it comforting. It might help me over my travel phobia.


:D Dh & I took a road trip from Dallas to Canada & then back down Hwy 1 for our honeymoon. I wouldn't choose that again, but, er, my imagination was a little limited w/ regard to honeymoons at the time.


Dh is kind-of ADD. When we try to talk about things here at home, he takes so long thinking of an answer, he forgets the question. He has to go to the bathroom. He wants to know if I want coffee, & then he goes to get a snack. Then he asks if it will bother me if he plays his guitar. (As if there's any hope of a conversation if his attention is split!) Otherwise, he starts snoring & then denies that he fell asleep. :glare:


When we drive anywhere for 30 min or more (I esp love trips that take more than a day, because night time conversations are best), we have the best conversations. Sometimes we argue about imaginary things for hours & then laugh about how weird that is. Other times we talk about faith & philosophy. Road trips are one of the times dh is most willing to discuss the future.


If it's a real road trip (4+ hours), we'll usually buy a small bag of jelly beans to share. I hated jelly beans before we got married, but in Montana, he insisted we buy a bag, & we spent the rest of the trip feeding them to ea other. I gave him the jalapeño flavored ones. Blech.


We also started writing songs together on our honeymoon. Dh comes from a very musically talented family, so his own musical abilities were...maybe underestimated? when we married. He would NOT try writing music AT ALL. But we played song games, & he got more comfortable w/ that sort of thing, & now a GOOD Saturday AM means coffee & working on songs together for a few hours.


Although he can't play his guitar & drive, he'll bring it w/ him if we're not going to visit family (I think there's been 1 road trip in 10 years that fit this description), & we talk about ideas while he drives & then work on them in the hotel. We grew up w/ dads who have similar taste in music but somehow were exposed to different songs, so it's also fun to realize which songs the other one doesn't know.


What else? The kids are amazing. They'll sit in absolute silence for hours, just enjoying the view. The closeness, w/out all the JUNK of home, daily life, stress, bills, obligations--is something we all love. It's funny how a single room in a hotel can feel so much better than an entire house. But at least we realize that it's fun to visit & perhaps good to strive for more minimalism at home, but not a way we actually want to live, re: one room & no hobby stuff. :D


Does that help? Everybody is in such a good mood when we're on the road or out of town. We *see* ea other better.


If I could afford to fly, & the TSA suddenly realized we weren't terrorists, I'd enjoy that at least as much or more, though. I've only flown a few times, mainly just short trips between Houston & Dallas, but I LOVE to fly. It still feels like an adventure to me.


So does setting out in a well-packed vehicle in the wee hours of the AM or the velvety dark of night.


Ok, in the middle of the day in the middle of the desert in the middle of the summer, some of us might be cranky in the car. Blech. ;)

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I forgot to add...the smell of horse!!! Sometimes, I will just bury my face in their coat and take a big wiff :D.


Oh, how I miss that smell. When I had horses, they were the best comfort to me. I could just be with them all day.


But now, I guess I would have to say chocolate, hot cocoa, sitting out of my deck watching the birds and squirrels.

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My "Contentedly Blah" playlist on my iPod. It's just a collection of music that reminds me that it's okay to not be "up" all the time.


Quiet time with a good novel and a hot cup of tea.


Quiet time to listen to a good audio book and work on a project with my hands. Completing a smaller project (anything from cleaning out the "to file/ to do" basket to refinishing a piece of furniture) usually lifts me up quite a bit and gives me some confidence.

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Open windows and listening to birds. Takes me right to my happy place.


Believe it or not~running until I think I'm going to pass out.

Everything looks better after a good sweat.


A medium book~not brain candy, but not War and Peace either.


My husband. He's got some strong shoulders to lean on.




I wish you were my neighbor!!!! I love the birds! LOVE them. I have learned the different bird sounds while running. I LOVE to work up a good sweat. LOVE it!!!!!



4. Road trip.


6. Getting rid of stuff.


7. Cleaning.




These things! LOVE these things. Since a road trip is out of the question in the immediate future, I'm cleaning and getting rid of stuff!!!



The sound of the ocean.


LOVE this!!!! Really. I don't like sunbathing by the ocean. But, I adore the sound of the ocean.


Jack Daniels :D


But, perhaps this is not the type of thing you had in mind! Doesn't seem to go with "Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes." :lol:


Um. I'll agree.


And, finally, the feel of my pink pillow. I've had my pillow since I was a baby. TINY baby. My mom made it. It's been EVERYWHERE!!!! I have to have it to sleep. Seriously - if we ever had a fire - after the kids - my pillow is the first thing I'd grab. Yes. Before family pictures. Really.

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Ice Tea with fresh lemon from my kitchen - not lemon from the restaurant - I've heard stories


Debussey, Chopin, Bach, Vivaldi, Schumann, and Ravel


Dh's hugs - very comforting


Godiva Double Chocolate Cheesecake which I haven't had in a really long time because I am making a supreme effort to lose weight.


The sweet snuffling sounds that Oreo, the smallest of our bottle fed lambs, makes when she cuddles in my neck.


The soft quacking noises our show ducks make when they are happy.


The very first quilt I ever made. It's so simple compared to the kind of quilting I do now, but at the time it seemed like such a huge endeavor and it reminds me of what I can do when I put my mind to it.



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Being warm and having a very quiet house.


Being warm and hearing birds and sprinklers.


Being warm and being by the ocean, robust creak, waterfall or other natural loud water source.


Being warm and hearing only the trees rustling in the forest.


Being warm.

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My cats

First days of spring - the hope and promise of it all

The smell of the earth after a light spring rain

The smell of horses - yes, even their poo

"Girl days" with DD

Laughing with my Mom

Hanging out with our good friends

and sometimes

just being by myself, without any one needing a blessed thing from me and just being allowed to 'be' and savoring that moment for the 5 minutes that it will last

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