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I'm asking for prayer for dd. I'm scared.

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Well, we woke up today and it is gone. Thank God! There might be the slightest swelling on the left (largest) side. But that may be my imagination.


I'm wondering if I should still take her since there is nothing to show the doc or if I will leave well enough alone for now. Maybe it is time for a simple well child check.

In the future I'll try not to freak out over something I've never seen before.


Thanks you all for your prayers, insights and help. I was able to get some sleep last night.


Dd took my hand and had me feel her neck just below and slightly behind her right ear. There is a huge lump. A good 2 inches of swollen tissue. The other side is the same just not as bad.


I don't have a clue as to what it could be. My first thought is cancer of some kind. But would that be on both sides of her neck? My hands won't stop shaking.


I'll be making an appointment at the doctor for her tomorrow.

Edited by Parrothead
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I just wanted to tell you that often lumps in this area are just swollen glands from some infection/bug. My daughter had a large one at the back of her neck and with her it turned out to be Mono. I hope you can get her checked out soon and be reassured and I will be praying for you both.

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I'd bet it's swollen glands. Has she been sick lately? By all means call the ped, but try not to worry too much!


Sending peace,



This was my thought too. DS used to have such swollen glands his neck had knobs on it like Frankenstein. He hasn't had any issues though since having his tonsils removed. Are her tonsils chronically swollen? Our doc said it's not uncommon when sick.

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My first thought was swollen lymph nodes, too. My son had one that was huge awhile back - the doctor checked it out and said it was just the nodes doing their job fighting the illness, and then showed me where I could feel all the ones down the sides of his neck that were swollen as well.


Definitely get it checked out, but I wouldn't panic right now.

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Dd took my hand and had me feel her neck just below and slightly behind her right ear. There is a huge lump. A good 2 inches of swollen tissue. The other side is the same just not as bad.


I don't have a clue as to what it could be. My first thought is cancer of some kind. But would that be on both sides of her neck? My hands won't stop shaking.


I'll be making an appointment at the doctor for her tomorrow.


Sounds like swollen lymph nodes. Those are on both sides. Many things could cause this - from Mono to colds to a cat scratch (cat scratch fever). Sure, there are other causes that can be more serious, but those are also highly unlikely...especially at such a young age.


I would take her to the dr. Most likely, the colds in Jan have set up some kind of infection and she needs an antibiotic. Please keep us posted.

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This was my thought too. DS used to have such swollen glands his neck had knobs on it like Frankenstein. He hasn't had any issues though since having his tonsils removed. Are her tonsils chronically swollen? Our doc said it's not uncommon when sick.

She had the knobs like Frankenstein before from black fly bites when we first moved to Maine. These are nothing like those. She had her tonsils out about 5 years ago.

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I will definitely pray right now for her but, let me allay your fears a little. When dh gets a nasty sinus infection, he gets this exact same thing in the spots your describe. The doctor has always sad it was swollen glands.





I'm going to the bathroom and have a good cry so I don't scare dd.

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My son had, and still has a swollen lymph node in that exact spot on his left side. He has had it for 5 years now. When I first noticed it I was freaked out! I took him to the doctor and they ran blood tests. Then a few weeks later more blood tests, and then a few months later more blood tests. Definitely scary! But he is fine. Just a swollen lymph node. Still to this day. Not sure why, but the doc said that it happens. Especially if she is just getting over a few colds. I would take it easy and try not to worry, she will be fine. I know easier said than done. Just try to relax. And do not google!! I am so paranoid when it comes to these kinds of things and that only makes it worse. Praying for your daughter! :grouphug:




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My mother was convinced that I had Hodgkins' disease. I did not. I don't remember what it was--swollen lymph nodes, probably, from what everyone else has said. They went away, and odds are that your daughter's will, too, but you are right to have them checked out. My recollection is that whatever I had is fairly common for kids that age.



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Swollen lymph nodes. They can swell up overnight with even the most microscopic cut or infection (a cold, ear infection, sore throat, etc.), but they take weeks to shrink. Sometimes they never shrink completely and you get what is "scientifically" termed....a shoddy node. They can also become infected on their own and usually a course of antibiotics takes care of it. Make sure she doesn't mess with it....that will interfere with it's capacity to return to normal size. Also, lymph nodes in the neck are especially prominent in kids....kids also tend to have them swell more quickly and larger than adults do.


If the node is bigger than 2 inches, get it checked out. That usually means that the node itself has become infected and needs to be treated.


The only nodes I'd even be slightly concerned about are those that are large, fixed and immovable, and hard. Those that "slip" under your fingers to the touch, feel smooth and are tender are usually nothing to worry about. Lymph nodes are SUPPOSED to swell up...that means they're doing their job.


And, to anyone else who worries about nodes in their kids (it's common for moms to fuss over them)....don't go looking for them. You will ALWAYS find them in kids. Especially around the neck and head area.

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Chuckie, deep breathe. Swollen lymph nodes. I seem pretty prone to these, and I have had my tonsils out too. Sometimes, it helps me to gentle massage the area (not the node itself), alternate hot/cold compresses, and jumping jacks! The lymph sytem doesn't move on it's own, she has to move her body to get the fluids to flow. Has she been pretty stationary lately?


Either way, your in my thoughts!!!! :grouphug:'s

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Several years ago, my now 15 yo found a swollen lymph node on her neck, and, like you, I panicked a bit.


Long story short, it was just a reactive lymph node---so many things, even a scratch on the scalp, can cause lymph nodes to enlarge. Sometimes they never return to their normal size. Hers is still palpable, but much smaller than when she first discovered it.


Like others have mentioned, get it checked out to allay your fears, and, in the mean time, try not to worry, although I know how difficult that is for a mom :001_smile:

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My first thought was swollen lymph nodes, too. My son had one that was huge awhile back - the doctor checked it out and said it was just the nodes doing their job fighting the illness, and then showed me where I could feel all the ones down the sides of his neck that were swollen as well.


Definitely get it checked out, but I wouldn't panic right now.


:iagree: and will be praying for peace as you wait.

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Swollen lymph nodes. They can swell up overnight with even the most microscopic cut or infection (a cold, ear infection, sore throat, etc.), but they take weeks to shrink. Sometimes they never shrink completely and you get what is "scientifically" termed....a shoddy node. They can also become infected on their own and usually a course of antibiotics takes care of it. Make sure she doesn't mess with it....that will interfere with it's capacity to return to normal size. Also, lymph nodes in the neck are especially prominent in kids....kids also tend to have them swell more quickly and larger than adults do.


If the node is bigger than 2 inches, get it checked out. That usually means that the node itself has become infected and needs to be treated.


The only nodes I'd even be slightly concerned about are those that are large, fixed and immovable, and hard. Those that "slip" under your fingers to the touch, feel smooth and are tender are usually nothing to worry about. Lymph nodes are SUPPOSED to swell up...that means they're doing their job.


And, to anyone else who worries about nodes in their kids (it's common for moms to fuss over them)....don't go looking for them. You will ALWAYS find them in kids. Especially around the neck and head area.

Thank you. Apparently I scared dd even though I was trying not to. When I read your post to her she visibly relaxed.





Okay, I'm calmer. Thank you all for holding my hand. This is so different that the Frankenstein knobs. I knew exactly what those were. Yeah, my first thought was Lymphoma. Then just any kind of cancer. Then mono so I googled that. It didn't fit so I stopped googling.


I told dd that she will probably have to have a blood draw and I've bribed her not to cry or scream bloody murder like she did when I took her in for the Frankenstein knobs.

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:grouphug: I had swollen nodes as a kid. Any little infection, runny nose, or cough would cause those puppies to explode. Do not Google this! It is fine. Again, stop yourself from Googling anything related to this. It will be ok. Breathe. Get a drink if necessary.:grouphug:

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My younger dd gets swollen glands near her ears every time she has an ear infection. She never complains about her ears though. If your dd has had a cold its probably just the nodes fighting off infection. I've only had a problem with those glands when I had cat scratch fever and they became so swollen my mom rushed me to the children's hospital over an hour away. She was worried it was cancer as well but it wasn't. Of course, my glands had become so swollen they looked like I had swallowed a ball. If they're just small bumps on your dd I would vote for lymph nodes. Hope she feels better soon.:grouphug:

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My younger dd gets swollen glands near her ears every time she has an ear infection. She never complains about her ears though. If your dd has had a cold its probably just the nodes fighting off infection. I've only had a problem with those glands when I had cat scratch fever and they became so swollen my mom rushed me to the children's hospital over an hour away. She was worried it was cancer as well but it wasn't. Of course, my glands had become so swollen they looked like I had swallowed a ball. If they're just small bumps on your dd I would vote for lymph nodes. Hope she feels better soon.:grouphug:

I was debating the ER. Why did she pick 10p to tell me about it? LOL Looking at her straight on, I can't see anything wrong.

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When I was about 7, I had a lymph node swell up on the side of my neck. It was about the size of one of the bigger marbles. Anyway, my mom took me to the doctor and nothing ever came of it, but it never went away - for twenty some years! I had that familiar lumb most of my life. Then one day, I just happened to feel my neck and it was gone! Ha! I couldn't believe it. Gone, after more then 20 years! Weird. Well wait! Let me check.....yup, still gone.


It's most likely nothing serious. Please let us know. Prayers for you and DD.:grouphug:

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I'd bet it's swollen glands. Has she been sick lately? By all means call the ped, but try not to worry too much!


Sending peace,



:iagree: But I know what it's like to have something scary happen with your baby. :grouphug: Update us after you take her to the pedi. More :grouphug::grouphug:

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Behind the ear is SOOOOO common. It's usually a sinus infection. Really....no worries. Only if they're along the collarbone is there a SLIGHT need for concern. I know it's hard for you to relax, but honestly, at her age and with her history of illness in the past couple of weeks....I don't think it's anything to worry about. We see kids in the office with swollen lymph nodes that would make you pass out......and I don't know of ANY that turned out to be anything but an infection. Anything worse than that is VERY rare in children.

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Behind the ear is SOOOOO common. It's usually a sinus infection. Really....no worries. Only if they're along the collarbone is there a SLIGHT need for concern. I know it's hard for you to relax, but honestly, at her age and with her history of illness in the past couple of weeks....I don't think it's anything to worry about. We see kids in the office with swollen lymph nodes that would make you pass out......and I don't know of ANY that turned out to be anything but an infection. Anything worse than that is VERY rare in children.

Thank you. :grouphug: I just sent you a pm.

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Probably swollen lymph nodes, but listen to me when I say DO NOT GOOGLE SYMPTOMS!!!


It is neither helpful nor accurate and only serves to panic people for no reason.




Just take her in to your doc in the morning. Camp out there until he sees her, or if he's useless, go to the ER for an answer.



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Probably swollen lymph nodes, but listen to me when I say DO NOT GOOGLE SYMPTOMS!!!


It is neither helpful nor accurate and only serves to panic people for no reason.




Just take her in to your doc in the morning. Camp out there until he sees her, or if he's useless, go to the ER for an answer.



I promise, cross my heart and hope to die, I will not google swollen lymph node or any variation thereof.

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Parrothead, poor Mamma.. .don't fret. I know we all panic when something doesn't look right on our babies.

Thankfully, from the responses here, it looks like it's happened to others and has NOT been cancer ;) so hopefully it's a simple virus /glandular issue. And whatever you do, don't google anything!!!

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:grouphug: Hugs and prayers for you and your dd.


And now my completely unrelated and big-headed two cents:


I had mumps when I was about 18. I worked at a flower shop, went to my bridal shower, had my doctor check it out, and had an ugly face for it all... but no other symptoms.


I was fully immunized.


Then, when DS was born, apparently they checked my immunity or something... and told me I needed another MMR shot. I guess they don't work on me.

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:grouphug: Hugs and prayers for you and your dd.


And now my completely unrelated and big-headed two cents:


I had mumps when I was about 18. I worked at a flower shop, went to my bridal shower, had my doctor check it out, and had an ugly face for it all... but no other symptoms.


I was fully immunized.


Then, when DS was born, apparently they checked my immunity or something... and told me I needed another MMR shot. I guess they don't work on me.

Wow. I've heard of the rubella shots not working (they don't immunize me) but this is the first time I've heard of the mumps shot not working.


This is going to be dd's first visit to this doctor. There is not a pedi in this town so she is going to be seen by my PA. I hope it is a pretty straightforward visit without the lecture about booster shots or the "young lady" talk.

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