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Time for a "What are you reading?" thread...

Guest Virginia Dawn

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I just checked out Crunchy Cons, because of all the board talk.


I also have a Brother Cadfael mystery, and two Dorothy Sayers mysteries in the line up.


I'm reading Little House in the Big Woods to the littles, and my 9yo ds says it is so good it's torture. Lol. I'm also reading Abe Lincoln: From Log Cabin to White House, but he isn't as enthusiastic about that one. :D

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I am reading Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry for ds and I in school. I am also reading the sequel Let the Circle be Unbroken. I had never read it and I thought we might continue with that as our next read-aloud. I'm not sure yet, the issues addressed in that book are a little more mature, so I might hold off on that until ds is a little older.


I am also getting ready to start Common Sense by Thomas Paine. I just finished Case for the Creator - student edition.

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Death by Supermarket, Not on Our Watch,Endangered Minds and listening to The Omnivore's Dilemma.


So basically, I'm reading about actual death and atrocities in Africa and how I'm potentially killing my children's bodies and brains by factory food and television. Ya know- light reading :D


Actually, I'm learning a lot, and I'm enjoying exercising my brain!


I tried to get into Love in the Time of Cholera, but I just can't sink my teeth into it. And I've also tried reading A New Earth just to see what all the hubub is about it, but I just keep picking up other books instead.


Crunchy Cons is on my "short" list. :001_smile:

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I'm reading Stinking Creek (The Portrait of a Small Mountain Community in Appalachia) by John Fetterman. I quit re-reading East of Eden for now because I don't have time to really get into it and it is quite a long book and worthy of more attention. On Friday, dd and I stopped at the library book sale in our tiny town and I bought three boxes of books. Most of them were a set of Britannica's Great Books and I am wondering why I bought them. I'm very interested in this book and in The Walk West (sequel to A Walk Across America) by Peter and Barbara Jenkins. I guess I find hillbillies, long walks, and cultural explorations more interesting than Plato or Freud or Whoevertheheckelseisdeemedgreat. Oldest ds was very excited to see The Walk West and immediately checked out A Walk Across America from the school library. He doesn't show it as much, but we're the same kind of nerd:D


Oh, and 11yodd and I are reading Farmer Boy.

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Parenting by the Book - John Rosemond


About to read Geno! the biography of Geno Auriemma, UConn Women's basketball coach! I was walking through our local library - (B'ham, AL) - and it was sitting on the display shelf! Too funny - we loved and followed women's bball when we lived in CT-

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I just finished Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh.


I'm currently working on the following:

The Liturgical Year, Dom Gueranger (it's 15 volumes that span an entire year, so this is just an ongoing project)


The Building of Christendom, by Warren Carroll


A Natural History of Latin, by Tore Janson


Faithful Unto Death, by Caroline Graham


Handful of Dust, by Evelyn Waugh


That's all for now...:blush:

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Everything I want to do is Illegal by Joel Salatin


A whole bunch of books about chickens (skimming these)


Parents and Children by Charlotte Mason


The Well of Lost Plots by Jasper Fforde (dh reads this out loud to me in the car, "editing" the language as he goes)


Listening to Pinocchio in the car with dc



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Charlatan: American's Most Dangerous Hukster, the Man Who Pursued Him, and the Age of Flim-Flam, by Pope Brock


Alex and the Ironic Gentleman, by Adrienne Kress (pre-reading for my son)


This Perfect Day, Ira Levin (Haven't read it since high school. My daughter is on a kick for distopian books, and I thought of this one and decided to re-read it.)


I just finished Making Time: Lillian Moller-Gilbreth - A Life Beyond Cheaper by the Dozen, which I very much enjoyed. It did make me feel like a bit of a wimp, though, seeing how much she accomplished with her life. I just keep chanting to myself, "Just remember, she had household help. Just remember, she had household help . . ."

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Just finished Animal, Vegetable, Miracle and now I'm reading Omnivore's Dilemma. Yes, I love food. :)


Also working thru Raising Lifelong Learners, wish I started it when the kids were younger! Oh well.

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"This Organic Life" by Joan Dye Gussow. About eating locally which I am very interested in and set in New York which makes very helpful to me.


Just finished a re-read of "The Well-Trained Mind" by SWB


Starting to work through "The Well-Educated Mind" by SWB


"T.R.: The last Romantic" a biography of Theodore Roosevelt I believe by Brand, thoug it is upstairs by my bed and I'm not climbing!


Today I am starting "The Year of Living Biblically" by A.J. Jacobs

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A 1950's book on family fun ideas called "Family Pleasure Chest" (Did you know they complained about too much t.v. too!)


A book on honey (one of a whole pile of books I have on honey) - I take being in a hive very seriously!:D


A rather silly teen mystery set in modern Japan called "Missing in Tokyo" (I'm pre-reading it for my ds10 and will not let him read it due to bad language).


I have "Crunchy Cons" waiting it's turn!

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Freethinkers by S. Jacoby, Silver Swan by Benjamin Black,An Irish Country Doctor by Patrick Taylor and Silence by Shusaku Endo. I plan on reading The Serpent's Tale by Ariana Franklin. I loved Mistress of the Art of Death as it was such interesting fiction-science, anti semitism, apostasy , forensics- cannot be beat for a great cuddle up novel. Silence is highly recommended for a reader that enjoys philosophical and ethical quandries. I am listening to ...I Am Legend by R. Matheson . Yeah, that one, the vampirism as viral contagion story. What can I say ? I enjoy everything from Hegel to Stephen King and all the writers in between.

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I'm reading Freddy the Politician by Brooks (And may I just say -- Mrs. Wiggins for President!), Animal Vegetable Miracle by Kingsolver, Encore: Finding Work That Matters in the Second Half of Life by Freedman, and Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back by Frank Schaeffer.

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Just finished "These Is My Words" on the plane home. Cried and cried. Ds said, "Mom, why are you crying?"

"Oh, it was just a sad book -- and I'm tired."

"Was it fiction?"


"But Mom, you know that means it's not true! So stop crying!"


(Hallelujah - the boy has learned something!)

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Currently reading


  • Murder on the Appian Way (murder mystery set in Ancient Rome)
  • The Year of Living Biblically
  • Six Easy Pieces: Essentials of Physics Explained by Its Most Brilliant Teacher (interesting, but not my definition of easy, so I'm taking forever to finish it)



Recently finished


  • Desert Solitaire
  • Assassin's Apprentice


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I just picked up Crunchy Cons at the library. Gee, I feel so trendy.:lol:

I'm also reading Sense and Sensibility. I have been on a Jane Austen kick lately. I just returned Pride and Prejudice, both the book and the movie(BBC).

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1. Re-reading Pride and Prejudice

2. Reviewing The Good Earth for my book group tomorrow

3. We just started reading The Wind in the Willows together

4. Just finished reading The Wizard of Oz together

5. Also at the ready for me to read is The Namesake

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Still reading The History of the Ancient World by SWB.


Just started Backyard Giants: The Passionate, Heartbreaking, and GLorious Quest to Grow the Biggest Pumpkin Ever by Susan Warren.


Started re-reading Brain Longevity by Dharma Singh Khalsa, which is really pretty good (but some of his later books leave me wondering if he's actually a nutjob).


And a couple of dozen books that I got about a chapter from finishing and decided, "Okay, that's enough of that," and tossed to one side. Do those count as "have read"? or "currently reading"? "not quite finished"?

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I just checked out Crunchy Cons, because of all the board talk.


I also have a Brother Cadfael mystery, and two Dorothy Sayers mysteries in the line up.


I'm reading Little House in the Big Woods to the littles, and my 9yo ds says it is so good it's torture. Lol. I'm also reading Abe Lincoln: From Log Cabin to White House, but he isn't as enthusiastic about that one. :D


I am reading The Well Trained Minds Forums - Parents' Forum General Board. That is about all my mind is capable of reading these days. Seriously! :blink:


I am reading The Bobbsey Twins - Baby May to the girls.


There are several books on my night stand partially read, but I haven't been getting to bed early enough to read anything. This too shall pass.

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I'm not in school (again) and so I get to actually pick my own reading.


SWB's Ancient History book. I borrowed this from the library. I'm wondering if I should buy it at this point. It seems like a keeper.


Homeschooling our Children, Unschooling ourselves.


Thanks to this thread I think I can get to 50 on my reading list at my blog. I really need a nice even number:tongue_smilie:

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I'm reading Bart Ehrman's latest, God's Problem and the Three Trillion Dollar War by Joseph Stiglitz (this is just flat out depressing, but important). Next up, Miracle at Speedy Motors! I'm also listening to Religion in the Axial Age, a Teaching Company class.

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The Mermaid Chair by Sue Monk Kidd.


This book has been made into a movie. I saw it on the Lifetime network a while back. I had to giggle, though. During a Catholic funeral scene, they were singing, "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" which was written by Martin Luther.


Well, it struck me as funny at the time. LOL

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For the family read aloud, we just finished The Castle in the Attic, and started Faded Love, Hank the Cowdog #5 last night.


Hank the Cowdog is such a fun series. Over the course of about five years, my husband read aloud -- with different voices for each character -- the first thirty or so that were then in the series. Enjoy!




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