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So what did you have to tell your kids not to do...

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I told me son, then about eight not .ever. to sweep the table off with a broom. ever. again. He was standing on the table doing it.


I told the same boy not to ever climb the high doorways at the piano teachers house in bare feet. ever . again.


More will come to mind.

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I just had to tell my son not to swing the gallon sized apple juice bottle over everyone sitting on the couch- shaking it like he was going to splash them...because the cap could fall off if not on tight- and as I was launching into this he spilled juice on the floor, because the lid was loose.




I don't know why I even have to say these things. The kicker is that if I had not witnessed this, bets are he would have not cleaned up the juice on the floor...


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"Do NOT reformat the thermostat!"


"Don't stuff lots of wadded coloring pages into the vacuum inlet."


"Do not paint the walls with the wooden toys!" The paint from the wood toys comes off like a crayon on my wall and doesnt like to come back off!


"Do not remove the screws from the door hinges so that the door falls off!" We had to epoxy the screws in after that!


"Do not hang from the clothes rod!"


"Don't ever drill another hole in my wall with spit and your finger!"


"Don't take the drawers out of your dresser and use them as ladders!"


"Do not dye the carpet with the oil from the air freshener that you were not supposed to take out of the outlet...and dont touch the outlets!"


"Do NOT break the door stops out of the trim!"


"Do NOT use your pretend drill to make the hole in the wall that you made with your spit and finger bigger!"


"Do NOT shove pancakes down the vents!"


Good thing I got my mothers "stay blonde through it all" genes or I would be iron gray headed by now!

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I had to tell my son to never again watch me to make sure I was watching him while he did a dangerous trick on his bike. This was on the way home from the ER after getting stitches in his head because he hit the tree he couldn't see because he was making sure I was looking at him while he did the trick he never got to do because he hit the tree instead! :lol::lol:

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We are constantly telling Becca to stand up and walk like a human, not gallop on all fours like a horse. What the heck?? The kid is almost 8!!!


Hey! I did that till I was 16!! You should see the scars on my knees. If I didn't have real horses to ride right now, I might still be doing it! :lol: Some girls are destined to love horses. It's something you are born with and it will not be denied. Good luck with that! :D (I own 10 equines presently.)

Edited by katemary63
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Oh man, that's an engineer kid! They're the *worst*!!! :-)



Yep! All of those were directed to my then 3yo boy (now 4yo). He takes EVERYTHING apart! Drives me batty. My DH is also an engineer, so I guess it is in the blood. I don't think I will have a nice looking house by the time I am finished raising this kid.

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Do NOT put popcorn seeds up your nose! (we were able to remove them with the back end of a hair pin - the curvy side - without too much incident.)


Do NOT eat bugs! My DS was going through an experimental eating stage at 2 years of age... we found him happily chewing on a black and orange striped bug, with black drool running down his chin... Bleah.


Yep, it's boys. :D

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"Do not climb onto the glass top of your 4' dresser soaking wet from the shower!"


"Do not use the shower curtain rod as one of the 'uneven bars!'"


"Never put wadded-up straw wrappers into your ear canal!"


"Do not poop in the back yard!"


"Never roll an open can of paint down the slide."


"Don't salt your ice cream."


"If you run into a car with your bicycle, ALWAYS tell someone!"


I've got more. This boy (11) has been a riot from the day we adopted him! :lol:

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"Don't jump on Mommy's lap while she's holding - OUCH!!!! - hot coffee!":glare:



"Don't eat books" (to a 4.5yo...happily chewing on "Little Bear") "Don't eat your hair." and "Don't eat your boogers." (I do feed my dc, promise.:tongue_smilie:)

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Stop eating the leaves on the plants at the library!


Stop eating the dirty snow off the bottom of your boots!


Don't eat METAL!!




I could go on for ages :lol:. Dd & things she shouldn't eat. Man alive.


The best ones I couldn't even actually speak, lol. Just shake my head and try not to cry or laugh. Like when dd5 turned the laundry basket (full) upside down, moved it under my purse that hangs near the ceiling, climbed up, got just my keys out, unlocked the knob & deadbolt, went outside, unlocked the carabiner on the chain link fence gate, went to my car, opened just the trunk with my keys, got out a pack of crayons & some soda cans, and came back in to tell me that I had pop & crayons in my car & she got some out! I was in bed as dh had just left for work a little bit previously & I hadn't finished waking up yet.


Oh, dd figured out she could sharpen chopsticks with a knife. At age 4. :001_huh:

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Today to 2 yr old: "Do not bite your brother in the butt."


"Do not shove your brother's p*nis into the shampoo bottle." It was a travel size bottle and it was quite stuck. Thankfully, I didn't have to take him to the ER.


"Do not try to snort jello through a straw"


"Do not teach the baby to do dog tricks and then give him dog treats."

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We are constantly telling Becca to stand up and walk like a human, not gallop on all fours like a horse. What the heck?? The kid is almost 8!!!



OHH me too!!!! And mine is almost 9! But, she makes awesome horse nays. Seriously life like. I just hate when she does this in the grocery store.


Last week while grocery shopping, Dh actually turned to me and said "Man, I bet that kid's parents are embarrassed" and started to distance himself. :001_huh:

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One of my favorites: "Get the ferrets out of the oven, NOW!" We do not try to cook our pets.



and I had to holler across the chic-fil-et as dd was heading to the restroom "Remember, DO NOT wash your hands!" :001_huh: Yea, that one turned some heads.


Dd has suddenly become reactive to anti-bacterial soaps and the industrial strength ones are the worse. Her hands swell, become rashy, red, and start to bleed as they crack from the swelling. I carry special stuff for her in my purse instead.

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Do not throw that hammer! No it is not Mjolnir.


Do not bite the dog!


Do not climb the harp!


Do not turn your whole body to look around while you pee!


Do not throw that shield! I don't care if you're Captain America.


Don't give that to the dog. Eewww. Well don't eat it after she licked it. Just give it to her. sigh

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To my then 4 yo ds, "No, we do not climb up the outside of the stairs."


To same ds when he was 6. I heard him bouncing on his hoppity hop. (one of those balls with a handle on it). Then I heard him stop for a moment and then go up stairs. "J...you may not bounce on the hoppity hop down the stairs!"


To my ever so curious 8yo ds. "No, you don't need to sample all the different colors of food coloring to see if they taste the same."

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It's been a while since they were younger, but my all time favorite:


"No! We do NOT RIDE the ironing board!"


One was on top of it, one was beneath it saying, "Hold on, this is going to be fun!" while trying to push the lever to collapse the darn thing!!!! Gave me nightmares!

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It's been a while since they were younger, but my all time favorite:


"No! We do NOT RIDE the ironing board!"


One was on top of it, one was beneath it saying, "Hold on, this is going to be fun!" while trying to push the lever to collapse the darn thing!!!! Gave me nightmares!


:w00t: :ohmy::smilielol5: Seriously cannot breathe! Sometimes it's a miracle they live beyond childhood, no?


Oh you ladies have no idea how much I needed this thread today. My 2 yo is working overtime to put herself into the Troublemaker Hall of Fame.

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