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My ds9 is being hospitalized.

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I am heartbroken. We put him in a day program yesterday and last night his behavior was just so violent that we had to call his psych and ask about full hospitalization. I know it's the best thing for him and for us all, but my momma's heart is breaking. I'm afraid for him. I'm afraid for us. I'm feeling tremendous amounts of guilt. I can't function today except to make the necessary phone calls for him and take him a change of clothes and such. I, myself, just want to curl up and pretend this is all a nightmare and I'll wake up tomorrow. :crying::crying::crying:

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I am heartbroken. We put him in a day program yesterday and last night his behavior was just so violent that we had to call his psych and ask about full hospitalization. I know it's the best thing for him and for us all, but my momma's heart is breaking. I'm afraid for him. I'm afraid for us. I'm feeling tremendous amounts of guilt. I can't function today except to make the necessary phone calls for him and take him a change of clothes and such. I, myself, just want to curl up and pretend this is all a nightmare and I'll wake up tomorrow. :crying::crying::crying:


:angelsad2: It's so hard, I know. Try not to feel guilty, though. You're doing what you need to do for now, and hopefully this will provide the catalyst for things to get better. You'll get through this. Praying that things get better for you soon. :grouphug:

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Guest momk2000

We went through the same thing with our dd(9yrs) last year. I was also full of guilt and absolutely heartbroken when we had to admit her. Although it was a very difficult time for all of us, it was absolutely the best thing we could have done for her. The psych team was able to get to the root of her problem, and she is now doing wonderfully.

I will keep you in my prayers. :grouphug:

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I am heartbroken. We put him in a day program yesterday and last night his behavior was just so violent that we had to call his psych and ask about full hospitalization. I know it's the best thing for him and for us all, but my momma's heart is breaking. I'm afraid for him. I'm afraid for us. I'm feeling tremendous amounts of guilt. I can't function today except to make the necessary phone calls for him and take him a change of clothes and such. I, myself, just want to curl up and pretend this is all a nightmare and I'll wake up tomorrow. :crying::crying::crying:


Oh honey, I am so so sorry. I cannot even imagine what you are feeling. It's so hard having special kiddos. Lots of hugs to you. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Praying for you.


You ARE doing what is best for him right now. I know it is extremely difficult but it is for the best. In the hospital they can get to the root of his problem and treat this the best way possible.


Hang in there and don't be afraid to ask for help/support from those around you locally that offer.

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:grouphug: Sue, I also live in Pa, and my best friend (in Pa.) had to hospitalize her then 10/11 year old ds for similar issues a few summers ago. If it would be helpful to correspond with another parent who's BTDT, please email me here and I can connect you two. She's a wonderful, supportive lady, and will understand what you're going through. I wish you and your family the best.



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Thank you everyone. Sorry I haven't updated. It's been a whirlwind. I took clothes to him last night and couldn't see him b/c he was having a real tough time adjusting (tantrum, crying, screaming, etc.). He was really upset. It took everything I had not to break down the door and run to him. :crying: I spoke to him on the phone when I got home and he sounded better. He was watching a movie and had cake and ice cream for some other child's bday. He made a friend. I was so encouraged. Dh went to visit him this am and said that after only 1/2 hour ds9 said he should get back to his group. I'll go see him later this afternoon. Sounds like it is a good place. The staff has been great. Still don't know what's wrong, but somebody there mentioned mood disorder. I've always sustected bi-polar but just couldn't wrap my brain around a 9yo having bi-polar...MY 9yo having bi-polar. Somehow ADHD or ODD or something like that was easier to swallow. Bi-polar (undiagnosed) runs in my family I think. My Dad likely has it (undiagnosed). I likely have it although have always been treated for uni-polar depressions...wrongly I suspect. I now have to call my OWN psych to discuss more vehemently the possibility that I do have bi-polar and start correct meds. Ugh. It's a struggle and I am tired. Thanks for all your prayers and hugs and encouragement.

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I am heartbroken. We put him in a day program yesterday and last night his behavior was just so violent that we had to call his psych and ask about full hospitalization. I know it's the best thing for him and for us all, but my momma's heart is breaking. I'm afraid for him. I'm afraid for us. I'm feeling tremendous amounts of guilt. I can't function today except to make the necessary phone calls for him and take him a change of clothes and such. I, myself, just want to curl up and pretend this is all a nightmare and I'll wake up tomorrow. :crying::crying::crying:


Oh sweetie, so sorry!!



Sheryl <><

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Just an update. He is doing well there..as we suspected...b/c his behavior is typically only an at-home behavior. :glare: We suspect that he has food problems going on..as in he is sooo picky and doesn't take in enough calories to function well and thus any behavior problems are exacerbated. It is a 2 part issue, kwim? The social worker thought we were crazy...that ds was "playing us" but we as the parents just KNEW. The kids was STARVING himself b/c he hated the hospital food. Maslov's hierarchy, ya know? He needed to eat before he could focus on his "feelings". ANd he hadn't eaten all day b/c he hates the food there. AND they had him on restricted diet for some crazy reason! :glare: Once we got that taken care of, he was ok. Dh got him an emergency meal from McDs (not our first choice, but it was realy an emergency). Once he ate he was FINE! We see him today for a sign-out on the campus! :D Hopefully he can come home Fri. Thanks for the prayers and encouragement.

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