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Those doing the 2011 book challenge

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Have you picked out your first book yet? Have you started reading it?


My first book will be the last of the Harry Potter series. :001_smile:


I need to pick it up from the library. I don't want to go though because I have a cold and feel yucky. Going to the library means dragging myself out of the house.

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I'm ready to read Anna Karenina so it'll be my first book. I seem to be getting in the habit of starting off the year ambitiously with a long classic. And it fits in with my theme of reading alphabetically by title. (don't know how long that will last but I'm going for it.)


Have fun reading Deathly Hallows!

Edited by Mytwoblessings
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Yes, I started mine this morning. It's an audio-book so I decided I could start a day early, since I won't finish it for a week or two (depending on how much walking I do!). Frances McDormand reading Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day - it's a special on Audible right now for <$10. So far (chapter 1), very cute!


I also have a stack of library books waiting. The Devil in the White City, Pagan Christianity, The Blue Sweater, A Secret and Unlawful Killing, People of the Book, and Cleaving (by the author of Julie & Julia). How to decide?:tongue_smilie:

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My first book will be one that my 15 yo daughter bought me for Christmas. She knows I love historical fiction and reading about Victorian history/society. Lady's Maid by Margaret Forster fits the bill exactly. It tells the story of poet Elizabeth Barrett as seen through the eyes of her personal maid.


I've already started it, and so far, it's wonderful!

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Boring book from me - Square Foot Gardening. We start our seeds early in Texas, and I need to know what I'm doing!


After that - I just don't know. Several in the running, almost all about gardening or child development. I really should finish History of the Ancient World, and move on the The Histories by Herodotus.


None of these books are book-a-week books. :tongue_smilie: How am I going to do this??

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I have decided to go about this a little differently than I originally intended. Since I already established that children's books (of substance) CAN count, I've decided to do this challenge WITH my 10 y/o daughter.


There are so many books I want to read with her- books that I have vague childhood memories of and want to enjoy again- books that are on every "must read" list for kids but that *I* somehow never got around to reading myself- books that are more modern but that just look good- books I have on an ever-growing list of "I'd like to read these with Alexa one day"...


...so here's my "excuse" to just do it.


I told her about it, and she's super excited. She and I are going to choose books together that we are going to read aloud to each other, and we're going to aim to do the book a week together in this manner.


Not sure yet what our first one will be, we will select it today. :)

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I have decided to go about this a little differently than I originally intended. Since I already established that children's books (of substance) CAN count, I've decided to do this challenge WITH my 10 y/o daughter.


There are so many books I want to read with her- books that I have vague childhood memories of and want to enjoy again- books that are on every "must read" list for kids but that *I* somehow never got around to reading myself- books that are more modern but that just look good- books I have on an ever-growing list of "I'd like to read these with Alexa one day"...


...so here's my "excuse" to just do it.


I told her about it, and she's super excited. She and I are going to choose books together that we are going to read aloud to each other, and we're going to aim to do the book a week together in this manner.


Not sure yet what our first one will be, we will select it today. :)


What a beautiful idea!

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I'm going to finish The God Who Is There by Francis Scaeffer which my 24 yo brought back from college, then go on to Radical by David Platt, highly recommended by Heather in NC.

My ds 16 gave me Byzantine by Lawhead (maybe my new fav fiction writer) for Xmas which is sitting on my dresser beckoning, but one of my personal goals for the challenge is to do as many non-fiction as fiction.

Liping Ma is on the list along with a bunch I'm transfering from last year's list.

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Have you picked out your first book yet? I think so. I'm making my own challenges and one of them is to read one vol from the Harvard Classics per month. I'm going to start with The Federalist Papers. So, I know that one.


I have a murder mystery from the library but I can't remember the name just now.


We're also going to be reading The Witch of Blackbird Pond for book club (and I freely confess to holding this one till Jan 1 for The Challenge).


I have a book at librvox chosen for when I do stitch work, as well: The Story of a Soul by St. Therese of Lisieux.


Have you started reading it? Now that would just be cheating. no, haven't. ; ) but I confess to considering it.





; 0 )


Does shooting for an average count? I figure four books/month will average a book per week. I'm thinking that it will take me a while to read the Federalist volume but I'll probably read the Witch of Blackbird Pond and the murder mystery in one week and The Story of a Soul over a few weeks of embroidering. all told, it would be 4 books for the month averaging 1/wk.


Does that count as a book a week or is it supposed to be literal?

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I just bought 4 Ted Dekker books from Amazon and think I will start with Showdown. The next week I am going to CA to visit my adopted mom and we are doing a study on Joseph Prince's books Destined To Reign so that one is next. After those two I don't know. I will be starting my classes by then and it might be a textbook I will end up reading--does that count ;)

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but one of my personal goals for the challenge is to do as many non-fiction as fiction.


My goal is to read more fiction as I find myself reading a lot more non-fiction.


My mom bought ds this set, plus another set I'm not finding right now, for Christmas. They are still a bit overwhelming for him (he's dyslexic) so I will read them aloud with him. There are 12 books in all so I plan on one per month.



I've already added some more books to my list from this thread. :D

Edited by Kleine Hexe
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I have a new biography of Catherine of Aragon, Henry VIII's first wife, to begin with.


Next book is looking intimidating: Chasing the Sun, by Richard Cohen -- a history of our understanding of the sun, from early myths through to current discoveries in physics.

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I'm going to finish The God Who Is There by Francis Scaeffer which my 24 yo brought back from college, then go on to Radical by David Platt, highly recommended by Heather in NC.

My ds 16 gave me Byzantine by Lawhead (maybe my new fav fiction writer) for Xmas which is sitting on my dresser beckoning, but one of my personal goals for the challenge is to do as many non-fiction as fiction.

Liping Ma is on the list along with a bunch I'm transfering from last year's list.


Radical is on my non-fiction list, and Byzantine is on my fiction list! My brother recommended Byzantine - he said it is his absolute favorite fiction book.



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; 0 )


Does shooting for an average count? I figure four books/month will average a book per week. I'm thinking that it will take me a while to read the Federalist volume but I'll probably read the Witch of Blackbird Pond and the murder mystery in one week and The Story of a Soul over a few weeks of embroidering. all told, it would be 4 books for the month averaging 1/wk.


Does that count as a book a week or is it supposed to be literal?


Yes, shooting for an average counts. The goal is 52 for the year. How you get there is up to you. :)

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Not sure, but probably one of the first ones will be The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag by Alan Bradley. It's our book club pick this time & our meeting is in a week, so I need to get started, lol.


Also, a long time ago, I requested Cutting for Stone from the library & I just found out that it's in, so I'll be reading that soon too.


Overall, I think I'm going to try to work on books that I have here at home (vs. library books, which is what I normally read). I've accumulated quite a few books lately through Paperback Swap & I'd like to read some of them, then move them back out of my house. We'll see how I do. I have a hard time not picking out a bunch of books at the library....

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Well, I am currently reading 'The 13th Hour' by Richard Doeutch (sp?) I won't be finished until at least tomorrow or Sunday. Then I will start reading The Last Station by Jay Parini. It is about Tolstoy.



I just finished Doetsch Thieves of Heaven. Very well done. 13th Hour looks great. Just download it to my nook. After tonight I'm on a book buying ban until I whittle down my tbr pile both real and e-book.

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I'll have two going at a time: one for dd's schoolwork (ancients, worldview, etc.) and one for myself.


In the first category, I just started Agamemnon. I read it in college, but I don't remember that. :D


I think in the books for myself, I'm going to start with my early 20th century literature list (which has 8 books) and alternate that with some of the other categories. So for my first book, it's either Howard's End or A Room with a View. Any recommendations on one over the other?


Also, Mathematics: From the Birth of Numbers should be delivered in the next day or two, and I'm going to start reading a few sections of that a week. It's over 1000 pages, so it should last me all year. :001_smile: The same box should have my new NKJV Bible for the year. I read the Reformation Study Bible last year and an NASB study Bible (didn't like that translation) the year before.

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My personal goal is to work through books I already own (or have ordered!) in 2010 or books from the library LOL


I'm starting with The Abolition of Men by CS Lewis. I'm going to attempt to join the Liping Ma reading club in the social group here and a reading club for 10 Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child. The library has Her Daughter's Dream waiting for me (some fiction!)


I also want to read SWB's two history tomes this year. I'm partway through HOtAW.


A fun and cheerful start to 2011.


I'm going to try and track/review books at Good Reads.

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My first is The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. I have heard good things about it but it has been sitting on my shelf for a few weeks now- along with several others.

I figure its a good book to start off a new year with.


I have decided I would like to make sure I read one fiction book per month, because I tend to only read non fiction. My first will probably be The Dragon Keeper by Robbin Hobb, whose books make me so obsessive that all life stops until I finish them, which is why I rarely read fiction. But being it is summer holidays here and all and I dont even have a homeschooling year to plan, and I havent worked out what I am going to do with the rest of my life yet :) , why not read a novel?

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Radical is on my non-fiction list, and Byzantine is on my fiction list! My brother recommended Byzantine - he said it is his absolute favorite fiction book.




That's cool:001_smile:. Now I'm really excited about Byzantine! I love the King Raven series and my dd said the King Arthur series had her biting her nails!

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I just went to check my library book pile and the best title is "Queen of Fats," about omega 3s. Why not start 2011 with an oomphy sounding title? I'm not sure when I'll start it actually. We're watching Lord of the Rings in the evenings, and I'm working on handicrafts while I do that. The kids won't let me read on the train. Ds is still asleep (and it's 10.30!) maybe I'll go start now :)



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That's cool:001_smile:. Now I'm really excited about Byzantine! I love the King Raven series and my dd said the King Arthur series had her biting her nails!


I just ordered Byzantine from the library yesterday! I'm glad it got great reviews.


I started my first book yesterday, Enchantment by Orson Scott Card. He is a new author to me, so we'll see how I like it. I will also be starting Mansfield Park tomorrow because I need to finish it by Friday for our Jane Austen literature study. Younger dd and I are midway through The Voyage of the Dawn Treader so we will probably finish it next week too. I guess I will be off to a running start ;)

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I'm going to finish The God Who Is There by Francis Scaeffer which my 24 yo brought back from college, then go on to Radical by David Platt, highly recommended by Heather in NC.

My ds 16 gave me Byzantine by Lawhead (maybe my new fav fiction writer) for Xmas which is sitting on my dresser beckoning, but one of my personal goals for the challenge is to do as many non-fiction as fiction.

Liping Ma is on the list along with a bunch I'm transfering from last year's list.


Love Lawhead. Byzantium is good, loved Patrick and the Pendragon Cycle (may have to unbox those and reread them, its been years).

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I just ordered Byzantine from the library yesterday! I'm glad it got great reviews.


I started my first book yesterday, Enchantment by Orson Scott Card. He is a new author to me, so we'll see how I like it. I will also be starting Mansfield Park tomorrow because I need to finish it by Friday for our Jane Austen literature study. Younger dd and I are midway through The Voyage of the Dawn Treader so we will probably finish it next week too. I guess I will be off to a running start ;)


I read Ender's Game this year by O.S.Card and really like it. Off to check out Enchantment...

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I'm not one to read one book at a time, never have been able to do that. But, I think I'll start the Chronicles of Narnia, I've never read them. But, just before the challenge started, I had started Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee so I'll probably pick it up again too--I stopped reading so I could include it in the challenge.:D I also have an audio book and another book that I've been reading that I need to finish, but I doubt I'll count them since I've been with them for awhile now.

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I'm reading Look Again by Lisa Scottoline. Really like it so far.


OC Mom...The Devil in the White City is one of my favorite books, I hope you enjoy it!


Look Again is the 2nd book on my list! I'm glad to see you are enjoying it so far.


My first book is Crazy Love by Francis Chan.


I also LOVED The Devil in the White City, and I highly recommend it as well.

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