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3rd grade thread


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If you're going to have a 3rd grader next year, what will you be using? If you have one this year, what are you using and do you like it? What would you change?


This is what I'm thinking of for Becca next year:


MFW Adventures (Bible, history, science, art)

Right Start D/CLE 300 (math)

R&S 3 (grammar)

WWE 2&3 (writing)

Spelling Power (spelling)

SL 2 Adv. readers (reading)

Latin For Children A (Latin, with much trepidation)


I'm also thinking of doing a typing program for her - we're already doing cursive and I have no illusions that she's going to have gorgeous handwriting because mine is pretty bad. Seriously, hers looks as good as mine right now.


Do I have it all covered? She'll also be continuing gymnastics, choir, and AHG.

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I have a 3rd grader right now. She is doing:

Rod and Staff math 4

R&S spelling 4

R&S English 3

R&S penmanship 3 (occasionally) We do copywork and memorization for handwriting as well.

SOTW 3 w/A.G.

WTM style Chemistry at home once a week, co-op science class once a week

Prima Latina

Drawing with Children

Music: a mix of things: R&S music 3, and What Your 3rd Grader Needs to Know, self study of piano and recorder

P.E: Tap, Ballet, and Jazz

Brownie Girl Scouts


*** yours looks like you have everything covered to me

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DS8 is in 3rd, we are using:


  • Foundation & Fighter Verses
  • Cursive copywork from Copycat books
  • KISS Level 1
  • Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization
  • Spell to Write and Read
  • Getting Started with Latin
  • Minimus (supplementing)
  • Natural history, literature, etc. from Ambleside online year 2
  • MEP yr. 3
  • Mrs. Stewarts Piano
  • Outdoor Hour Challenge



He is currently doing Elizabeth's online phonics lessons and we just started repeat readings from the Elson readers.


We've finished Visualizing and Verbalizing, even though we still use the method as needed.


We've dropped:


  • 106 Days of Creation (time / preparation issues)
  • Greek Alphabetarion - needed to work on his reading, will restart next year, combining DS8 and DS6)



SWR is working great with him - he learned how to pay more attention to the sounds. Elizabeth's phonics game is a HUGE hit here. The biggest surprise is KISS Grammar, which is both quick and easy (a good thing for this kid). I'm pleased with our studies this year. Now if only the rest of my life would settle down...

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I had one this year and will have another this year. We work on memorizing maths facts and basic integration of maths into every day things, and chess. Lots of independent reading and reading aloud. Spelling from SWR. Classical writing aesops. Latin for children A.


We only do Latin, English and maths. Everything else is natural learning.

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I will have a third grader next year:


RS Math Level D with CWP 2

R & S English 3

Sonlight 3 (or SOTW 3) haven't decided


Abeka health 3 (we just read these for NYS requirements)

Artistic Pursuits Bk 3 level 1

SWR - I don't want to but it's for the best

Latin - I'm not sure what

Science - chemistry focus but interest led

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- Abeka Arithmetic 3

- Singapore Math 2A/2B



- Abeka Science


Language Arts:

- Writing With Ease 2

- First Language Lessons 3

- Spelling Workout B & C

- Abeka Cursive



- Our own list



- Mind Benders Beginning 1 & 2

- Getting Started with Latin

- Spectrum CAT Test Prep

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So far, this is the plan for my third grader next year:

Math-Horizons 3 and Math Mammoth 3

Latin--Latin for Children A

Writing--Classical Writing Aesop A, Sentence Composing for Elem. School

Grammar--FLL 3 (?)

Classical Studies--Famous Men of Greece, Black Sails Before Troy, The Wanderings of Odysseus

Science--NOEO Chemistry I, GEMS kits to be determined

Geography--Beautiful Feet's US Geography with Holling books

History--homemade US history I (Literature based, with Homeschool in the Woods Time Travelers activities, and other fun stuff.)

Bible--Maybe Telling Gods Story year 1, depending on what I see/hear about it, or maybe Bible Study for all Ages

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I have a 3rd grader right now:


CLE LA w/MCT Grammar Island as a supplement

CLE Reading

BJU Math

Intro. to Classical Studies by Memoria Press

Latina Christiana 1

Elementary Greek 1

Writing Tales 1

Sonlight Readers from core 3 w/other Am. History read-alouds


Gymnastics, art and science in outside classes.

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I have a third grader now and he's doing




Daily Language Review

Daily Handwriting Practice: Cursive

IEW Poetry

A mix of literature and writing from K12, MBtP, and others

Phonetic Zoo

Song School Latin

McRuffy Color Math

Math Mammoth

History Odyssey - Middle Ages

Noeo Chemistry

A Child's Introduction to the World

art, music, and gym classes outside the home


Of these, the only thing I wouldn't use again is Daily Handwriting Practice. I discovered Pictures in Cursive part way through this school year, so I think we will switch to that next year and for future children. Everything else has been great and I'm sure we will use it all again.

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My 3rd grade dd is doing the following:


Reading: variety of books based on history and classics


Writing: WWE3, cursive copywork, history and science narrations and once a week "Writing Station" from her spelling program


Grammar: R&S3


Spelling: AAS4


Math: Math Mammoth 3


Latin: Prima Latina


Bible: Grapevine NT study


Memorization: AWANA, CC memorization at home


Art: various art projects found online


Music: CC suggestions at home and violin


History: SOTW2/3 (Just finished 2 and we're onto 3)


Science: Elemental Science (we're just finishing Earth Science and then we'll start Chem in Jan)

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I will have a third grader next year- This is the plan as of now. :) I will probably change my mind a few times. :)


MFW Exploring Counties and Cultures- (History, Art, Music and Science)


Learning Language Arts Through Literture -Yellow

Sonlight Readers- We are working throught the adv 2 list now- slowly

Spelling Workout C


Singapore Math 3A and 3B


We also attend a weekly co-op, My DS will take whatever classes are offered there. Probably an Apologia Science, and a fun history class, like lapbooking or Explore the 50 States.


You will love Adventures! We are doing that now.

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DD is doing 3rd now and DS will be in 3rd next year. DD is currently doing:


Grammar: Language Arts, Grade 3 (Harcourt Family Learning workbook)

Writing: Write 4 Today, Grade 3 plus history and literature narratives

Spelling: Zaner-Bloser Spelling Connections 5

Vocabulary: Wordly Wise 3000, Book 4

Reading: Nonfiction Reading Comprehension workbook; daily independent reading

Literature: family read alouds; weekly narration or assignment, activity or quiz

Math: Harcourt Math, Grade 3

Science: Scott Foresman Science, Grade 3

History: Prehistoric/Ancients to 400 AD using Usborne Encyclopedia, the You Wouldn't Want to Be series and Knowledge Quest Maps of the World

PE: Competitive Gymnastics

Misc: Memorizations; quarterly reports



And for next year, DS will do:


Grammar: The Complete Book of Grammar and Punctuation

Writing: Prompt, Plan and Write, Grade 3

Spelling: Spelling Workout C

Vocabulary: Wordly Wise 3000, Books 2 and 3

Reading: Spectrum Reading, Grade 3; daily independent reading

Math: Teaching Textbooks, Grade 4

Science: Aha! Science

Logic: Mindbenders; Logic Countdown; Analogy Challenges

Literature: Family read alouds

History: Medieval 400 - 1500 AD

PE: Community Sports


At least, that's the plan so far. :D

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My DD is currenty doing:


Math Mammoth 3

R&S 3

WWE 2/3


Elemental Chem for Science

History (just starting this in Jan)

*American history...homemade, lit based, using the Complete Book of American history as a spine

* World history..SOTW 1 (basically reading it and a few projects)

Geography- state study and evan moor mapskills book

Reading- twice a week read along with history, once a week poetry, once a week read a Classic

I can do all things for Art

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My 3rd grade dd this yr:


Language arts:

Growing with Grammar 3

Wordly wise 3

A reason for handwriting cursive

Explode the code 7 and 8

AAS 3 and 4



Singapore math us ed. 2b/3a



Tapestry of Grace, using SOTW

Science: Through co-op

Great Science Adventure Series: Discovering the Human Body

Great Science Adventure Series: World of Vertebrates


PE: through co-op

Art: through co-op


I have recently stopped WWE

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i have a 3rd grader right now. he's doing


Singapore 3b with IP, WB and TB.

Life of Fred Fractions

WWE2 and part of 3, and Kilgallon's Story Grammar (loving it so far)

Latin with GSWL

SOTW, New Explorers from Homeschool in the Woods

Geography online

Drawing with Children

Lapbooks on various artists

GWG4 for Grammar

Chemistry from Elemental Science

Spelling Power

Cursive with HWT

Memory work, 20 minutes daily

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Sparkle is in 2nd grade this year. Here's my current plan for next fall. It looks a lot like what she is doing this year. I suspect that my plan will change dramatically before she starts 3rd grade.


English: (not all at once) MCT / Killgallon / The Paragraph Book / The Arrow (Bravewriter)


Math: (not all at once) RightStart / Math Mammoth / Miquon / Challenging Word Problems / Hands-On-Equations


History: SOTW or CHOW


Science: Classical Science or The Elements

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I have a 3rd grader right now. I make up a lot of our own curriculum using living books and hands-on activities. I have the curriculum listed that we do use.


This year we are doing:


Bible - Study on world missions, reading biographies of famous missionaries

History - Study on ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, and other ancient cultures

Geography - Study on plight of children around the world, and in depth look at China, Thailand, and India.

Science - Study on the human body, genetics, and microbiology.

Art - Study on 4 different famous artists

Music - Guitar lessons, Music Ace for music theory, and music appreciation of classical music and a selection of musicians from the past century. Using Connect the Thoughts for classical music history.

PE - Dr Sears Lean Kids program

Language Arts- MCT LA (grammar, vocabulary, and writing) Grammar Island

Literature and Reading - Selection of 8 classic books for him to read and 8 classics for me to read to him.

Spelling - Sequential Spelling (finish 1 and start 2)

Typing - Mavis Beacon Typing

Drama - Readers Theater with brother

Math - Combination of Singapore with living math.

Handwriting - Copywork

Greek - Hey Andrew Teach Me Some Greek 2

French - L'ART DE LIRE Level 1

Arabic - Alif Baa and Arabian Sinbad

Mandarin - My First Chinese Reader Level 1

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It depends on how he does between now and the fall with reading as to when we start some things, mainly Latin and Greek. I imagine we'll start those in the winter instead of the fall...but we'll see.


Math - ??? I think he'll be firmly in the post-Miquon but pre-LOF stage by the fall.:confused: CWP is on the shelf, and that is certain. So many math currics, so little time...:tongue_smilie:


Apples & Pears Spelling B


Copywork & Narration (inspired by both SWB and CM)...he gets dictation with Apples & Pears and that's good enough for now.


The Sentence Family (plus simple diagramming of his copywork)


Lively Latin


Song School Greek (he already knows most of the Greek ABC's...this will be a lot of review and an opportunity to catch lil' sis and brother up to speed)


Piano & general music - by me




US History from our home library...tons of living books as desired.


Science - ??????????


Literature selections from amblesideonline

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My ds will be 3rd grade next year. He's doing American history this year, so he'll be ready for Ancients again. This is the plan right now, but I'm still up in the air on some of it.


Biblioplan Ancients

Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space


BJU Reading 3

Getting Started with Latin

Critical Thinking: various Perplexors from Mindware and others from Prufrock Press

Cub Scouts

Upward Basketball



Math is the big question right now. He is finishing up CLE 2nd grade next month. He's been very bored with so much review, so I'm considering 3rd grade BJU, a mastery program.

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This will be my third third-grader. You would think it would be automatic by now, but it isn't.


Rod&Staff English 3

CHC Speller B or C

Wordly Wise B and C

American Cardinal Reader 3

Seton Handwriting 3

A Beka Math 3

Harcourt Science 4 (half-speed over two years)

Faith & Life 3

American history (Revolution to present, using an eclectic mix of materials)

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Next year, DD will be attending an enrichment program 2 days/week, which will cover art, music, probably history, science, Spanish, and keyboarding along with a few other fun electives.


At home we will be doing:


Strayer-Upton Practical Arithmetics (continued from this year)

Lively Latin

Webster's Spelling (compliments of Donpotter.net)

A unit study on the 50 states (geography)

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I have one right now...:D




Sonlight Core 2 History/Geography and Read-Alouds (we've practically finished this)

"A Child's Geography"

finished 2 co-op science classes in Dec.

co-op Texas history class thru our hs group

CLE LA 300s + Growing with Grammar 3

HWOT 4th grade cursive

Writing with Ease 3

CLE Math 300s and Singapore 3A/3B

McGuffey Readers (to practice reading aloud)

Prima Latina and Conversational German

Megawords I

Topics from the Core Knowledge Sequence (science, art, music, social studies, poetry selections)





Wordly Wise 3000 (I will never use this again. My 2nd grade son literally cried the first time we did this and my daughter rolls her eyes at it.)





For 4th grade, I'm making the transition out of CLE LA to MCT+GWG. That's why I've got both CLE and GWG listed. And, we do a lot of math and science. Next year, I'll also be continuing Core Knowledge Sequence (we really, really like this).

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My current third grader ds:


Bible - BSF (Isaiah)

History - Middle Ages - using some of AO yr 2

Lit. - AO selections, Elson book 3, Mom's approved Free Reading Shelf

Math - Singapore 3

Eng. - FLL3, SWO C, Dictation, narrations (oral, moving to written), Cheerful Cursive

Science - Sonlight's Discover and Do Level 1 w/ kit and Let's Read and Find Out Series

Latin - GSWL






My 3rd grade dd next year.....


A lot will depend on what we accomplish the rest of this year....

Bible - BSF (Acts)

History - Early Modern and American - AO selections and other

Lit. - AO selections, Elson book 2?, Mom's approved Free Reading Shelf

Math - CLE 2 and/or Singapore 2

Eng. - FLL3, SWO B/C, Dictation, narrations (oral, moving to written), HWOT Cursive

Science - Let's Read and Find Out series

Latin - GSWL (if she's ready)




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Our two biggest successes this year have been switching from RightStart Math to Math Mammoth and using Evan-Moor's Paragraph Writing workbook.


We enjoyed RS until about halfway through Level C, when we started to not enjoy it. Dd finally told me she needed harder math. We switched to MM 3B after RS C and dd has had nary a complaint and is doing well. She needed something that moved more quickly.


We've been loosely following WWE 3 this year. Dd was getting very bored with narrations, even though she is narrating (well) selections that are up to five pages long and accurately condensing them into 5-8 line summaries. I figured it was time to learn the mechanics of a paragraph. She has really enjoyed Paragraph Writing and is proud of her new skills.



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My daughter is 9 & in 3rd grade this year. Here's our current schedule.


SCIENCE - Rod & Staff Science Grade 3 & Christian Liberty Press Nature Readers (Books 2 & 3). (FWIW, I don't really recommend R&S science...kinda boring. We really love the nature readers though!).

MATH - CLE (Love)

GRAMMAR - Rod & Staff English 3-we do most of this orally (Switching to BJU next year, but love R&S too).

WRITING - Writing with Ease Level 2. Writing Strands (Like a lot, but switching to BJU).

SPELLING - Spelling Plus & the Dictation Resource book (Love) We also use Megawords 1. It's good too...not sure we'll continue with book 2 though. Still undecided.

PENMANSHIP - Cursive Copywork. (Love)

HISTORY / GEOGRAPHY - Abeka Grade 3 (Love)

ART - "How Great Thou Art" (DVD program & materials) (Love)

INDEPENDENT READING - My daughter has a big "book basket" with lots of wonderful choices & we also visit the library a lot. I also still read aloud to her daily (Love)

CO-OP (Bi-Weekly) - Animal Habitats, Story of the World II, Board Games

EXTRA CURRICULAR - 4-H, AWANA, Guitar, Field trips.

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Mine is in my sig. The only thing I would change is science. Apologia is ok....but personally I think it would be better for older kids (like 5th grade). I know lots of people disagree, but while my kids do understand it and are learning some things, they certainly can't remember alot of this. We spend alot of time reading things that I know they won't remember, so it seems like a waste of time. We had much more fun last year using R.E.A.L. science.

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Holy cow. I'm going to have a THIRD grader. (gulp) The plans so far:


Must Accomplish:


McRuffy Color Math (finish gr 2, move on to gr 3)


First Language Lessons 2


Writing with Ease 2 (using our own passages from science, history and lit)



Hope to Accomplish:


Song School Latin


Introduction to Classical Studies


Ambleside lit and some history/geo (finish yr 1, move on to yr 2)


Spanish - hope to hire a private tutor or move on to La Clase Divertida 2


"free-range" science with short narrations and fun experiments

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Here's my plan for my upcoming 3rd grader


Math Saxon 54

Language Arts Rod & Staff English 3, Calvert Spelling & Vocabulary Cd-rom 4, Pentime Penmanship 3

Latin Lively Latin BB 1

History Story of the World Vol 3: Early Modern

Science McGraw-Hill Science 3


Everything else is covered by informal studies

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I have a 3rd grader now.


We're using Dance Mat Typing online, and she mostly enjoys it (when I remind her to practice), it's totally hands-off for me, and she's getting pretty good at touch-typing. I'm VERY happy with it.


We're most of the way through Latina Christiana I, which has been a slog, but I'm trying to get it done so we can move on to First Form, which sounds a lot better. We're also using Learning Latin Through Mythology as a fun supplement - it's nowhere near enough to stand alone, but it's enjoyable and they're retaining some new words.


I'm not using a reading or spelling program at all anymore, and for grammar we're using Language of God, which I like and dd tolerates. She's definitely learning, but doesn't appreciate the repetition (needs it, but doesn't appreciate it).


I'm hoping she'll finish Miquon this year, but took a couple months off to work on getting times tables down with Kumon. This is the only Kumon math we've used, and it was just what she needed to get those memorized and now she's fast.


We're halfway through SOTW3, and still enjoying it.


We're using Fizz, Bubble, Flash and Elements With Style for science - I highly recommend them both. I did look at Adventures With Atoms and Molecules, but not until we'd already started these, and I think that would have been good too but probably not lasted the whole year.

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We will have one next year. We will use:


Sonlight Core 1 (beefed up a tad)

Sonlight Science 2

Sonlight readers intermediate



MCP phonics C (maybe)

AAS level 2/3

HWT 3/4

Teaching Textbooks 3

lapbooks and notebooking pages

Artistic Pursuits book 1

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I like everything we're doing, although we may switch from CC to a local co-op. I went with CC because it's national and we were moving once a year, it's hard to find a good local group when you move that often. (We should be here 2 to 3 years.)


I start LfC in January. I have been preparing myself by working through the Latin Alive DVDs and my own Latin Alive student book. It's been really helpful, I read through several other books and programs to no avail, but working through Latin Alive has worked. After working through it a bit, I've been able to appreciate and use my best helper book, "The Everything Learning Latin Book" by Richard E. Prior. I own and plan to work through Wheelock's after I finish Latin Alive.


We switched from HOD to MFW Adventures a month ago, and the kids have really enjoyed the switch. My daughter also really enjoys MCT. I'm learning a few things from it as well, it's fun and educational!


I got an online subscription to Read, Write, Type for my 5 year old and when he's finished, I'll retire his subscription and give it to my daughter and let her use it to learn to type. I really wish there was a simple program that focused on asdf jkl; frf juj kiki dede, with some games, that's how I learned to type and it was effective and fun, but there doesn't seem to be anything like that out there, they all focus on words. (And, we have a Mac, so our choices are more limited.)

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Tentative 3rd Grade plans:


MFW ECC or SL Core 2 (jury is still out though we have long term plans to use MFW. I might wait a year to give the younger son some time to be ready for ECC.)

Elemental Science (Bio or Earth)

Math Mammoth 3rd


Phonics Road OR AAS/Rod & Staff English 3 (jury is still out on this as well)

Literature (Sonlight & HOD lists work here)


There are always extras but those are the core plans. :001_smile:

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I too will have a third grader next fall/winter (we're starting fresh in January so we're "behind" a semester... here's what I am planning so far:



Probably Saxon Math 3 after we finish Saxon Math 2. Saxon works well around here.

We also play a lot of mathy games, read stories, etc.


Language Arts

This is hard because she is a delayed reader. I'm hoping to finish up The Reading Lesson by fall, and get her near on grade level. At that point, I'd look at something like Primary Language Lessons, or FLL, or something. And lots of reading, I hope. Maybe Natural Speller at some point.



She and her 5th grade brother will be learning more about American History, starting with the American Revolution and going from there. We're using a mix of Mara Pratt's American History Stories, Time Travelers cds, good books from the library, a few movies...



I'm not sure yet. We're launching into a semester of chemistry - using a chemistry kit, library books and the Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia, so I'd like maybe to tackle physics (one semester), earth science and space science (the other semester). Recommendations?


Art and Music

I'd like to make a study of American artists and composers.



She loves her ballet classes, so we plan to continue with that. She may also join the choir at church. Since we have free access to it through a library system, we may start using Rosetta Stone Spanish soon too.

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Like so many others, my plans aren't set in stone for next year yet. But here's what I think we'll be doing:



MEP Year 3



Nature Study a la AO

BFSU (finishing 1st book in the fall & starting the 2nd thereafter)



SOTW2 (finish)

SOTW3 (we'll get about halfway through)

Native America on the Eve of Discovery: The Story of the First Americans, Book II by Suzanne Strauss Art

something for U.S. history... AO suggests This Country of Ours but I might end up using History of US

Our Island Story (a la AO)


World Traditions & Geography

I'm not sure yet... we're scheduled to look at literature from pre-colonization Australia/New Zealand/Pacific islands, Africa, and maybe Japan. This year we did India (looked at some of the Ramayana), Islam (Ayat Jamiliah), and Mayan culture (kids version of the Popol Vuh). We'll do something similar next year.

Geography: I have no idea right now. Sweetie has strongly disliked AO's geography suggestions, so I may look at Mater Amabilis instead



MCT Island Level

Spelling: either Webster's Speller or Phonetic Zoo

AO for literature suggestions



Alex et Zoe: finish book 2, start 3?



continue piano

AO artist study

AO composer study

more Waldorfy arts :)


It'll be a full year, that's for sure. Good fun!




Edited to add:


We're using this fun website out of India for our cursive practice sheets. Dd liked the font.


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I forgot something
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We are doing 3rd grade right now. This is what has worked for us:



Just finished Singapore 3A, going into 3B when we resume next week.


Language Arts

FLL3, WWE3, reading books assigned by our co-op's literature groups, reading books on her own, occasional Zaner Bloser spelling handouts, and refreshing her memory about phonics by watching her younger sister do CLE 100. We will start Vocabulary Cartoons next week. FWIW, we started out using Word Wisdom by Zaner Bloser for vocabulary, which was a bust because the format is set up for public school use and I dreaded trying to schedule it. Plus, the vocabulary was kind of lost in a lot of workbook pages.



We started using SOTW2 in the fall, but fell off the wagon. We will pick it back up in January. We'll throw geography in there, too, since I feel it's an area where my daughter is lacking.



We follow TWTM recommendations for this and are studying Chemistry this year using Adventures in Atoms & Molecules along with the Usborne Science Encyclopedia. This has worked well for us.


Art and Music

Both of my daughters attend an outside art class, study recorder at co-op, and will resume piano lessons in a few weeks (we took a break due to finances).



Finish Prima Latina and try to get Latin Prep 1. (Not a fan of Prima Latina, honestly.)

Co-op classes: yoga, literature group, science club.

We also discuss Scholastic News and Weekly Reader News once or twice a week.

Girl Scouts every other week.

Hope to resume swimming when we get our tax return!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I will a 3rd grader next year and have planned.


Math: Math Mammoth LB 3A-B

Spelling: AAS 2

L.A.: FLL 2/3

Penmanship: HWT Cursive

Handwriting: WWE 2

Science: Apologia Zoology 1

Reading: HOP Master Reader

History: Finish MOH 1

Geography: Road Trip USA (Confessions of a homeschooler)

Extra: Have her sit in with her little sister for FIAR Vol. 1 and join in if she's interested.

Bible: Awana TNT & Girls in Action

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Wow, I can't believe she'll be a 3rd grader this fall...:sad:


Here's what I'm considering:


English: Modern English Lessons (Google book), Imitations in Writing (Fables + Fairy Tales), Dictation, Narrations and Copywork


French: L'Art de Lire Levels 5-6


Latin or German...we'll see which one...


Math: Singapore 3 and CWP 3


Science: Eclectic units...Burgess Bird Book with John Audubon, Astonomy, etc.


History: Introduction to Classical Studies but only the lessons for D'Aulaires Greek Myths and Golden Children's Bible, Famous Men of Greece and Ancient History (D. Mills)


Literature: D'Aulaires Greek Myths, Men of Athens, Heroes, The Trojan War, The Little Princess, The Little White Horse, etc.


Geography: Maybe Tree in the Trail and Minn of the Mississippi or maybe Mapping the World with Art (Ellen McHenry, I think that is the name...)


Art: Child's History of Art, Picture Study, etc.


Music: Piano with theory and composer study


Ballet most likely and possibly adding Girl Scouts or something similiar...

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This is what I'm using with my 3rd grader this year:


SL 4 (Bible, History, Science, Read-Alouds and Readers, but NO LA)


A Reason for Handwriting - Cursive

CLE Math


IEW Poetry Memorization

La Clase Divertida



Piano, Ballet, Swim Team, Girl Scouts


Honestly, the only thing I might change if I felt up to more one-on-one work is switching out CLE LA for FLL. CLE LA is fine, but I really like the looks of FLL.



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Great thread! So fun to see what everyone else is up to :)

Here is what I am thinking we'll do:

Preparing Hearts for His Glory

BJU English 3

BJU Math 3

AAS 3 (if we finish 2 by then)

Rosetta Stone - once we get into the groove of the new curriculum

Art - tag along with little bro's FIAR studies and do the art with them

Music - maybe BJU, we still have to try out the grade 2 program we bought months ago!

PE - soccer, dancing, swimming, or whatever she happens to choose at the time!

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Next year, I plan for my 3rd grader to use:


History: SonLight Core 3

LA: MCT Town (all books)

IEW Fables, Myths, & Fairytales

Spelling: SWO E

Math: Singapore Math PM 5

Spanish: Getting Started With Spanish (finish off whatever don't complete this year), Galore Park's So You Really Want to Learn Spanish 1 (first half, going slowly), Rosetta Stone

Science: old version of SL Science 3 (bio sciences w/o the creationist stuff)

Music: fiddle lessons, piano lessons

PE: Ballet, Ski, Run, etc

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Hmmm...next year....I'm not set in stone yet, but here goes:


Phonics Review: finish ETC series...book 7 & 8 and beyond the code

Spelling: AAS (finish 3, 4, possibly start 5?)

Grammar: Growing with Grammar 3

Writing: WWE2 alternated with Write Source; also may use the Prompt, Plan, Write books and E-M Daily Editing so he can start learning to edit

Formal Reading: Pathway Readers finish grade 3, complete 4 w/ wb

Vocabulary: Daily Vocabulary from Evan Moor (very informal)

Math: MM 3A-B, supplement Horizons 3

Handwriting: Whatever is after HWT cursive book for grade 4 (he's 1/2 way through 3) or we'll just use our daily work as practice likely

History: Finish SOTW 3; SOTW 4 w/ Activity guide, possibly HO Modern as well...if I start it at the beginning

Science: I hope Nancy Larson, Science 2....if I can't afford that I will likely use RSO Earth and Space

Art: Atelier 2

Latin: Song School Latin (with younger tagging along)--this is maybe, we may wait till 4th to focus on reading more

Extras: Homeschool PE Class, Hockey, Karate and Scouts


I NEED a music something, but I can't seem to make music happen. I mean we listen to it, but I need something TOTALLY scripted for this. I like the looks of Calvert's Discoveries in Music.

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