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Books that made you cry . . .


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Just holding Mary Beth Chapman's book in my hands made me cry like a baby. But I already knew at least the main parts of the story- it is the true story of the tragic loss of their sweet daughter when she was accidentally hit by a vehicle driven by one of their older children. It was a wonderful book and testimony, but I cried all the way through it.

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Only one, and it always does....it is the rescue of the downed fliers by the Bedouin in the desert in Wind, Sand, and Stars, the chapter called "Prisoner of the Sands" Here is a quote:


[Y]ou will dwell forever in my memory yet I shall never be able to recapture your features. You are Humanity and your face comes into my mind simply as man incarnate...All my friends and all my enemies marched towards me in your person. It did not seem to me that you were rescuing me: rather did it seem that you were forgiving me. And I felt I had no enemy left in all the world.

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Honestly? It was a book for school. The last chapter in Lincoln: A Photobiography. I lost it when it discussed the contents of his pockets on the morning he died :(.


I always cry at the end of To Kill a Mockingbird, and I've read it ten times. The whole last scene with Boo Radley, and Atticus sitting by Jem's bed all night... (sniffle)


The part that always gets me is, "Jean Louise, stand up. Your father's passing.":crying:

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The Birchbark House I read this to my girls a few years ago and practically bawled like a baby when the brother dies. (sorry, spoiler) I just couldn't stop - even when we would put it down and pick it up the next day - here come the tears again. My girls thought something was really wrong with me!


Also, Where the Broken Heart Still Beats had me sobbing through the entire book. Oh, and Where the Red Fern Grows was one that got me every single time I read it, too!


I wonder why adult fiction doesn't make me cry as often (or ever) like JV or children's books? I might feel sad or upset (I had to put The Good Earth down for a week or so before I could finish reading the last half - if you've read it you probably know why), but never enough to get the tears rolling. Maybe it's because I make it a point to not read books that I know will be tragic? Tamara, the Mary Beth Chapman book you describe would turn me into a puddle - I would never want to read it because of the subject matter being too terribly sad.

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The last one? Sun Horse Moon Horse (for school) by Rosemary Sutcliff. Bawled my eyes out. BUT if you can make me cry, that author is on my forever list.


Another one that makes me cry is CRY NO MORE by Linda Howard. A mom whose son was kidnapped (and sold for adoption) finally finds him, meets with his 'parents' first and gives them a packet containing all of her health records and doesn't ask to see him-she leaves it up to them. Cry my freakin eyes out every time.

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I'm a crier, so that's not unusual for me when I read (or watch movies). The last book that made me cry is The School of Essential Ingredients.


:iagree:That one made me cry too!


also Mary Beth Chapman's Choosing to See and

Karen Kingsbury's Summer



My husband doesn't understand how I can become so emotionally invested in books, but my kids know it just isn't that unusual for Mom to cry while reading.

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Thank you all! I'm not really a crier either, and was surprised at how emotional I got over Winter Garden; it felt good and I look forward to reading some of these other suggestions!


Kristin Hanna's Firefly Lane made me cry.

I picked up Winter Garden at your suggestion, but I haven't started it yet.


Oh, I enjoyed her writing, I might have to pick that one up!


The first book I thought of was "Winter Garden"! It's RoughCollie's fault - she recommended it to me.


Glad I'm not the only one. :blush:

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Honestly? It was a book for school. The last chapter in Lincoln: A Photobiography. I lost it when it discussed the contents of his pockets on the morning he died :(.




The part that always gets me is, "Jean Louise, stand up. Your father's passing.":crying:

I'm so glad you mentioned this book. I have it but I have not read it yet. Now I am going to have to read it. Thank you. :001_smile:

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The Book Thief, The Poisonwood Bible, and My Antonia are the most recent ones. I'm also reading Cutting For Stone right now and have already cried even though I'm only a few chapters in. :tongue_smilie:


Books that always make me cry are The Giving Tree (seriously I can't get through it!) and Love You Forever.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Another one that makes me cry is CRY NO MORE by Linda Howard. A mom whose son was kidnapped (and sold for adoption) finally finds him, meets with his 'parents' first and gives them a packet containing all of her health records and doesn't ask to see him-she leaves it up to them. Cry my freakin eyes out every time.


I've often enjoyed Linda Howard's books so I borrowed Cry No More from the library after you mentioned it. And, yes, I cried also at the part mentioned above even though I knew that it was coming. Thanks for mentioning the bok, justamouse.




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I've often enjoyed Linda Howard's books so I borrowed Cry No More from the library after you mentioned it. And, yes, I cried also at the part mentioned above even though I knew that it was coming. Thanks for mentioning the bok, justamouse.





I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Every person I've lent it to calls me, crying, when they get to that scene. :D

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The Kite Runner. I finished that book and just wept.



Marley and Me was another one. Of course, I read it shortly after I lost my great dane, so that may be why it hit me so hard.


I also cried reading The Last Song. My DD begged me to read it, so I did. I didn't expect it to affect me at all, and was surprised when it did.

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I've never cried as much as when I read The Notebook. I sat there, in the middle of the night (because I couldn't put it down earlier to go to bed), and bawled, and tried to read through my tears, saying, "No! No! No!"


It was horrible. Horribly wonderful! :D


The Notebook didn't affect me at all, but I don't think I was 'into' the book enough....kept getting confused and wondering too much about which one she would pick....


Now...Message in a Bottle....I am ashamed to admit....I sobbed so hard that my then husband woke up and thought someone IRL had died.


I don't even like that author that much....very fluffy....:tongue_smilie: But when he had the dream in Message where he is feeling all guilty like he is 'cheating' on his dead wife....and dead wife says in the dream, 'silly man who do you think sent her to you?' I just about lost it.


Now that I've admitted that I will happily return to making my list of books to read based upon this thread.


Thank you. Thank you very much.

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