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Actors in unexpected places. . . . .

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Anyone have this happen. . . . . .


You're watching a movie, minding your own business, and suddenly an actor appears on screen that you NEVER expected to see in that film?


I'm watching Lady Jane on Netflix instant. . . and out pops:


Jean-Luc Picard! What's the Captain of the Starship Enterprise doing in Renaissance England????? :001_huh:


Too weird.

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I missed the whole Stargate phenomena the first time around. Due to this I saw both seasons of Sanctuary before seeing Stargate Atlantis. The guy that plays Nikola Tesla on Sanctuary first did a couple scenes on SGA. It was kinda weird. He was a much better Tesla.

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If you watch I, Claudius Patrick Stewart plays Sejanus. I think British actors play more character roles.


I saw a movie where the red haired guy from CSI Miami was a car parking attendant in a movie.


What I hate is when I recognize someone, but I don't remember where I've seen them before.

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Um, yep. If you go watch the first episode of Angel, you will find Sawyer in the bar. The president, David Palmer from 24 is in The Thirteenth Floor (where he strangely looks much older). Davy Jones is the eldest bad vampire dude in the Underworld Trilogy. I do hate it when I see someone I recognize but don't know where from. I use IMDB a lot.

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Whenever Krycek from the X Files is on a show or in a movie I think "ack! Don't trust him, he has the black oil!"


Also, my friend and I once watched "Practical Magic" when our hubbies were deployed. Luca from ER is the bad boyfriend who dies.

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Whenever Krycek from the X Files is on a show or in a movie I think "ack! Don't trust him, he has the black oil!"


Also, my friend and I once watched "Practical Magic" when our hubbies were deployed. Luca from ER is the bad boyfriend who dies.


LOL! That is exactly what I think!




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LOL...Patrick Stewart was in the Royal Shakespearean Acting Company at one point. I think he'd be pretty sought after for a period film. Better yet was



I got frustrated at one point b/c every time I saw Denise Crosby (Tasha Yar) in anything, she died. That was annoying. It got to the point where seeing her on the screen became a spoiler.

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Whenever Krycek from the X Files is on a show or in a movie I think "ack! Don't trust him, he has the black oil!"



LOL! That is exactly what I think!





She beat me to it!


I tend to recognize actors in other roles. It drives my family nuts when I start listing off all the movies, etc, someone has been in.

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I got frustrated at one point b/c every time I saw Denise Crosby (Tasha Yar) in anything, she died. That was annoying. It got to the point where seeing her on the screen became a spoiler.


My dh had a little crush on her years ago. We named our first dog Tasha. :lol:

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I was watching the Sweeney Todd movie not too long ago, and there was one scene that I just could not get my head around.


Alan Rickman is sitting the in barber's chair, and Johnny Depp is about to shave him.


Well, all I could think of is, Why is Captain Jack about to shave Snape?


I must have missed about 10 mins of the movie trying to work out why Captain Jack and Snape were in Sweeney Todd.

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How about "John Locke/Smokey" showing up in a Sally Field movie? lol

We just saw Places in The Heart and Terry O'Quinn plays the husband of the schoolteacher (she is having an affair with Sally Field's character's sister's husband). He has black hair, a prominent bald spot, and the exact same eyes. We recognized him in the scene where they are all playing cards. Weird!

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Oh! This is our favorite game at our house! We all get into it.... We'll be watching a movie and suddenly everyone is trying to guess where they've seen "that guy" before! So much fun.




Don't invite my dd...she's insanely good at remembering faces. She'll spoil your fun :lol:


My problem is that I BELIEVE what is happening on the screen. So when I see a movie or TV show, I don't really see an actor, I see a character, KWIM?


My dd separates the face from the character and I don't.

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A friend who had only seen Hugh Laurie in "House" couldn't believe it when I showed him to her in Sense and Sensibility, and she was flabbergasted to see him in Jeeves and Wooster!:001_smile:


We've been on a House kick this summer. We'd never watched it before but one night they played a whole bunch of them in a row (on Bravo, maybe?) and now we've watched a ton! There've been marathons that we DVR and then whip through w/o the commercials.


That brings up another funny thing about my dd. I was burying my head in a blanket during a yucky scene and she said:


"You know that's just make-up, right?" :lol: :lol: :lol:


But it's awfuuuuuuuuulllllllll! :tongue_smilie:

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Anyone have this happen. . . . . .


You're watching a movie, minding your own business, and suddenly an actor appears on screen that you NEVER expected to see in that film?


I'm watching Lady Jane on Netflix instant. . . and out pops:


Jean-Luc Picard! What's the Captain of the Starship Enterprise doing in Renaissance England????? :001_huh:


Too weird.


Oh, this happens to me a lot.


Just last night I was flipping channels and settled on Young Guns (with Emilio Estevez & the rest of the young guys) and who shows up but John Locke?! I was shocked because he is turning up in a bunch of movies I've seen before but never noticed he was in.


Also, when Dh and I were at the movie theater watching Inception, I spent most of the movie trying to figure out in what other movie I had seen the actor who was playing the guy Eames (I believe he was the guy Leonardo met in the bar...) I finally figured it out during the chase/fight in the snow nearish to the end--- he was the guy who played Praetor Shinzon (Picard's clone) in Star Trek Nemesis. He looked sooooo different with hair that it threw me off! :lol:


My dh thinks I'm really strange for being able to rattle off the movies actors have been in. I'm glad to see I'm in such good company!!


Oh, and Chris, thanks for the head's up on 'Locke' being in Places in the Heart..... we're about to watch that to go with our Great Depression study--it would have caught me off guard to see him appear!

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A friend who had only seen Hugh Laurie in "House" couldn't believe it when I showed him to her in Sense and Sensibility, and she was flabbergasted to see him in Jeeves and Wooster!:001_smile:


Hugh Laurie popped up on MI-5 (BBC spy show). And he's just as much of a stinker on that show as he is on House. Hugh Laurie is everywhere, it seems.

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LOL...Patrick Stewart was in the Royal Shakespearean Acting Company at one point. I think he'd be pretty sought after for a period film. Better yet was



Can we just watch that for phonics today? Well, *I* could just watch that for phonics today - not sure the kids would love it quite so much....

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If you watch I, Claudius Patrick Stewart plays Sejanus.


This threw me for a loop about 15 years ago - so freaky-deaky!!! I am glad that we have IMDB these days.


The last time we used it was after my girls and I were watching Father of the Bride with Spencer Tracy. The youngest brother was sooo familiar and then I realized that he was Riff from West Side Story/Gideon from Seven Brides!!

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A friend who had only seen Hugh Laurie in "House" couldn't believe it when I showed him to her in Sense and Sensibility, and she was flabbergasted to see him in Jeeves and Wooster!:001_smile:


We just watched this the other day (Sense and Sensibility, I mean) and my kids thought it was weird to see Snape, Trelawny, and Umbridge in the movie. :tongue_smilie:



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Today I just saw an old Twilight Zone episode (from the 1980's) and Bruce Willis was in it.


I kept staring and staring, thinking, "Nah...why would Bruce Willis be in this old tv show when he's a famous movie star?" He just looked...different. Too young or something. He must have done this episode before his movies.


But it was him, Wikipedia says so!

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Ds and I watched the "Little Women" movie from the early 90s (?) a years ago. When I had originally saw it I only knew Susan Sarandon and Winona Ryder. When we watched with ds I kept thinking about Batman (swoon), Spiderman's girlfriend, and John Connor's (Terminator) girlfriend. It was very distracting. I don't think Alcott had super heroes in mind when she wrote the book. :lol:

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I was watching the Sweeney Todd movie not too long ago, and there was one scene that I just could not get my head around.


Alan Rickman is sitting the in barber's chair, and Johnny Depp is about to shave him.


Well, all I could think of is, Why is Captain Jack about to shave Snape?


I must have missed about 10 mins of the movie trying to work out why Captain Jack and Snape were in Sweeney Todd.


Did you notice that Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail) was in it too?


I didn't realize this the first time I watched it years ago, but last month I noticed Patrick Stewart was in Dune.

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I keep seeing the same actors over and over again on all the British mystery shows I watch. I think it is because since Britain is a small country (compared to US), the actors just keep re-appearing.


DH watches BBC Shakespeare plays and many popular British film and tv stars have appeared in one of those.

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Don't invite my dd...she's insanely good at remembering faces. She'll spoil your fun :lol:

I spoil it for everyone by saying, "Man! Where do I know that guy from?" (Pardon the bad grammar, but that's how it goes, before the Shhhh's start.)


My problem is that I BELIEVE what is happening on the screen. So when I see a movie or TV show, I don't really see an actor, I see a character, KWIM?


My dd separates the face from the character and I don't.


(((Soul sister))) Ralph Fiennes will always be that Nazi from Schindler's List, b/c that's the movie I first saw him in.


And as a Monk fan, I can't get past the fact that Capt. Stottlemeyer was the killer in Silence of the Lambs!

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And as a Monk fan, I can't get past the fact that Capt. Stottlemeyer was the killer in Silence of the Lambs!


WHAT????!!!! I'll be right back, I have to go IMDb that one...


ETA: No stinkin' way!!! I never put the two together, and I saw Silence of the Lambs many, many times (worked at a movie theater)! I am so glad I didn't know this detail when I was watching Monk. That would have been so weird!






"It puts the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again!" :svengo:

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WHAT????!!!! I'll be right back, I have to go IMDb that one...


ETA: No stinkin' way!!! I never put the two together, and I saw Silence of the Lambs many, many times (worked at a movie theater)! I am so glad I didn't know this detail when I was watching Monk. That would have been so weird!






"It puts the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again!" :svengo:


Oh, no! Did I ruin it for you? At least you found out after the series ended.


Sorry! Really!

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LOL...Patrick Stewart was in the Royal Shakespearean Acting Company at one point. I think he'd be pretty sought after for a period film. Better yet was


I got frustrated at one point b/c every time I saw Denise Crosby (Tasha Yar) in anything, she died. That was annoying. It got to the point where seeing her on the screen became a spoiler.


:lol::lol: Thanks for posting that. DS14 thought it was hilarious ... both because we are huge STNG fans and he participated a Shakespeare club last year, and did a cool comic strip on the Hamlet (Emo) and Laertes (punk) battle.


Don't get me started on Tasha Yar ... I found Ms. Crosby annoying, except for the time she played seductress to a rather "inebriated" Data!

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We just watched this the other day (Sense and Sensibility, I mean) and my kids thought it was weird to see Snape, Trelawny, and Umbridge in the movie. :tongue_smilie:




Umbridge really bothered me because I couldn't place her until my dd told me who it was. She is one of the few characters that was played so well, I actually hated her.

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And as a Monk fan, I can't get past the fact that Capt. Stottlemeyer was the killer in Silence of the Lambs!


No way! That sucks. I love Stottlemeyer. I am so glad I didn't know that before I watched Monk.


I first saw Nathan Fillian as Caleb on Buffy where he plays the devil incarnate. A truly evil character. It was really hard to warm up to him as Mal on Firefly.

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I find it really weird when I see a movie years later, and then notice someone.


Moonstruck: "Hey, Frasier's Dad!"

Godspell: "Hey, Jesus is in the CIA" (Victor Garber, Alias) I think my husband laughed at me for an hour when I yelled that one out.

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I heard Trading Places on the TV tonight. I heard Jamie Lee Curtis say "I'm 24 years old..." and I wondered how long it has actually been since Jamie Lee Curtis could get away playing a 24 year old.. or how long ago I was 24. :lol:








.....to save all you IMDB groupies the trouble the movie was made in 1983. Curtis was born in 1958, she was 25.

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Holy smokes Paula. . . .really? She was 25?


I remember that movie!!! Crazy. I'm not getting old, though - right?


Doesn't seem possible now that she has silver hair and is touting the effects of a healthy digestive system. :lol::lol: Of course back then 25 seemed old.


Of course that was the year I started high school, way back when you didn't go to the high school building until your sophomore year.


Here's the top movies from 83. A Star Wars movie is #1, back before you had to ask whether it was a new Star Wars or an old Star Wars.


No, we're not that old...at.all.

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We've been on a House kick this summer. We'd never watched it before but one night they played a whole bunch of them in a row (on Bravo, maybe?) and now we've watched a ton! There've been marathons that we DVR and then whip through w/o the commercials.


That brings up another funny thing about my dd. I was burying my head in a blanket during a yucky scene and she said:


"You know that's just make-up, right?" :lol: :lol: :lol:


But it's awfuuuuuuuuulllllllll! :tongue_smilie:


The funny thing is, I've not seen House, so to me Hugh Laurie is completely British and definitely not a doctor!

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