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Does anyone else think this is inappropriate

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or am I just a crazy conservative momma? I took my ds (7) to Six Flags yesterday. We spent most of the time in the water park area and the kiddie rides area. One of the rides, in the Bugs Bunny kids section, had a tv screen in the wait line. There was a music video playing with a boy and girl kissing. It showed him taking her down kissing across a table with the whole scene being very passionate. Later it showed them close up kissing, with him using his tongue to lick in and around her mouth.


Does anyone else not want to see this while at a park, much less in the kiddie section?

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Innapropriate anywhere in public.


Complain to the management, I have done so in the past and they are usually quick to react. Frequently some teen is in charge of the videos and when his manager corrects his choices something more appropriate is put on.

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Thank you for making me feel better. I told my son not to watch it because it was inappropriate, but I never heard any other parent tell their child not to do so.


I'm going to contact the company tomorrow and complain. He liked it so much and we live an hour's drive away, that I was thinking season passes next year. I won't be buying them if it will be that bad next summer, though.


I agree about the tv's. We didn't have them and we survived!

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We live 15 minutes from six flags and go once a year. There have been many problems with that park. I hope management will do something about this. I have a problem with them showing that anywhere in the park. Why do they have to show this junk anyways to a captive audience?

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OK, I'm kind of a free spirit. I mean, I don't have any problem with all kinds of things many people on these boards would find extremely objectionable.


However, I think that's totally inappropriate.




I opened the thread completely expecting to read the OP and say "so?". ;) And while I don't agree with "yuck" or "ew", I do agree that the TV content was completely inappropriate for public viewing. It must have been a music video?


I'm as upset that kids can't be at a *water park* without screens or electronic media.

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I hate grocery shopping because of all the magazines blaring disgusting headlines, and my kids are 14 and 9! Totally inappropriate.


I agree about the magazines, too. One day I was paying in line, and I noticed my dd was staying back at the magazines. She had an odd expression, so I went over and asked what was wrong. She was standing in front of a cover she didn't want her little brother to see. She showed me and the cover person had on a very revealing, skin colored bikini top. When you looked at it at first glance, you thought she was naked. I thought it was so sweet that she wanted to protect his little eyes!


You know she also just a couple of months ago remarked about half of the magazine covers we had just seen had something about sex on the cover. It was a good conversation starter about how the world views sex and is obsessed with it, and how we view it and God's plan for it.

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Guest janainaz

Our local mall put up TVs to play music videos all over the food court, and I was ticked. I have MTV and VH1 blocked on my TV for a reason, and I don't appreciate sitting down to eat lunch and having TVs showing videos that I don't want my kids to see while we eat. It's invasive to me, and the idea of it makes my blood boil.


I remember walking past Spencer's at the mall and being angry by their window display of fuzzy pillows and underwear that read 'Porn Star'. I don't go in that store for a reason, and I don't appreciate my kids, who can read, being able to view their inappropriate merchandise from the window.

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I hate grocery shopping because of all the magazines blaring disgusting headlines, and my kids are 14 and 9! Totally inappropriate.


OT, but I was in line at a store with ds recently and he asks me, "Mom, what's a prostitute?" Thank you, National Enquirer.



I really don't have a problem discussing this sort of thing with him, but I was totally taken off guard by that one.

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Gross! No thanks! I wish our society was much more "French". Quite reserved and formal in public, passionately friendly behind closed doors.


In case anyone would like to know, there is a truly family friendly theme park that isn't nearly as expensive as most places. It is called Holiday World in southern Indiana. It has a water park as well as rides. Bathing suits are only allowed in the water park...attempting to wear swimwear in the main part of the park or the restaurants will result in being asked to leave. No thongs or string bikinis or speedos allowed...this kind of attire will result in your being bounced. Yes, other types of bikinis are allowed, but believe me, the park management has made it clear that this is a family friendly establishment so make sure your booKs or "big jim and the twins", as dh likes to say, are not about to fall out of what you are wearing because you will be asked to leave. The employees in the water park have very appropriate one piece bathing suits. We never saw a single behind cheek or booK or male anatomy hanging out or threatening to hang out of their bathing suits - the male employees all wear swim shirts and many of the women choose to do so as well. The men's swim trunks were snug at the waist, loose everywhere else, and appropriate in length. Swearing within the ear shot of park employees will result in your being asked to leave.


Holiday World ran a tight ship while we were there and it was a BLAST! Honestly, I was just so completely pleased with their whole set up and the enforcement of the rules. I witnessed one incident of a man being escorted out of the park for foul language (and I am pretty certain from the smell of him that he was under the influence) and one young man trying to head to the main part of the park in his swim trunks and without shirt. He was directed back into the water park changing rooms and emerged with his regular shorts and a shirt.


So, for all of you looking to take a family friendly holiday at a ride oriented park....if you are within a reasonable range of Indiana, I can highly recommend this park.


Oh, also drinks pop-water-ice tea are free for the whole day with convenient re-fill stands everywhere and free sun-screen. There are sun-screen stands all over the place.



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More than the content of the video, I find it sad that people need to watch TV/videos/etc while waiting in line at an amusement park. It's like those who drive around town with the TV going in the car, so their kids are plugged in 24/7. This is far more troubling then seeing a couple teens kissing on a crappy pop music video.

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Our local mall put up TVs to play music videos all over the food court, and I was ticked. I have MTV and VH1 blocked on my TV for a reason, and I don't appreciate sitting down to eat lunch and having TVs showing videos that I don't want my kids to see while we eat. It's invasive to me, and the idea of it makes my blood boil.


I remember walking past Spencer's at the mall and being angry by their window display of fuzzy pillows and underwear that read 'Porn Star'. I don't go in that store for a reason, and I don't appreciate my kids, who can read, being able to view their inappropriate merchandise from the window.


I feel the same way about Victoria's Secret displays as well....

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So what do you do when two teenagers are on the ride in front of you and pretty much portraying the scene you saw on the video with some extra included? We kept running into them at the park!


Why don't people think about the children around them? I feel like our society no longer even tries to protect our children's innocence.

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So what do you do when two teenagers are on the ride in front of you and pretty much portraying the scene you saw on the video with some extra included? We kept running into them at the park!


Why don't people think about the children around them? I feel like our society no longer even tries to protect our children's innocence.


You know, I'm probably bold enough to have asked them to stop and complained to an employee if they did not.


I agree about the innocence issue. Adults seem so concerned about teen pregnancy, yet society seems to be pushing kids into relationships sooner and sooner. Where my sister lives in TN, the public schools now have dances for 4th graders. Why does a 4th grader need to have a date to a dance? She said that a teacher she knows in one school said that the 3rd graders can't wait to have a date to it the next year. In fact, most have boyfriends/girlfriends already.


I guess it's just another great reason to homeschool!

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I guess I am extreme. We walked into one such place at Wisconsin Dells. I promptly returned to the admissions, got a refund, and left. Ugh. :tongue_smilie:

I think I would have done that, except I didn't see this until it was almost closed, and our tickets were free ones he had earned through reading, so I'm not sure they would have given me anything.

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I'm definitely trending towards liberal, but I totally agree with you about this one. Why on earth wouldn't they be playing WB cartoons? Isn't that their brand? Or they could play information about other fun rides in the park. While I agree that kids (my own included) are too "plugged in" these days, I don't actually have a problem with monitors in the lines. I can remember being six or seven and queuing two hours in 95 degree heat. I think I would have greatly appreciated having something to occupy my mind besides counting the people in front of me. Of course, I'd have much preferred Tweety Bird or a video of the big roller coaster to a gross video of two people sucking face.

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Does anyone else not want to see this while at a park, much less in the kiddie section?

I sympathize. Every time my kids go to the eye doctor (to which we've been several times recently), they are told to watch the movie during the exam, and it's been a terrifying (to them) scene that has left an impression for days. I mean -- glowing, evil eyes? snarling dogs? And the doctor just keeps intoning "watch the movie!" Ugh. If they want to show something, can't it be neutral? Or do all kids but mine watch this stuff?


I agree about the innocence issue. Adults seem so concerned about teen pregnancy, yet society seems to be pushing kids into relationships sooner and sooner.

And, what's more, everyone's supposed to have a boyfriend starting at 5 years or whatever, but God forbid anyone gets married at 18. Or 20. Or 25.

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I sympathize. Every time my kids go to the eye doctor (to which we've been several times recently), they are told to watch the movie during the exam, and it's been a terrifying (to them) scene that has left an impression for days. I mean -- glowing, evil eyes? snarling dogs? And the doctor just keeps intoning "watch the movie!" Ugh. If they want to show something, can't it be neutral? Or do all kids but mine watch this stuff?


Seriously? I never heard of such a thing. Didn't you tell your eye doctor that this "movie" is frightening for your kids and that you did not want them watching it, and that he needs to come up with a different way of examining their eyes? Or better yet, look for a different eye doctor. That is so weird!!!


As for the OP, did you write an email? You definitely should write one and complain! I agree that's definitely inappropriate for a family amusement park, especially the kiddie section. I would not have been happy with that, either! I would not have left the park as one person said. But I probably would have stopped at the customer service area or whatever afterward to complain (plus I'd still email or write a letter when I got home).

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Curious to see what management had to say. Definitely inappropriate!


I've not been able to talk with them yet. It seems that because they are beginning to be closed during the week, I'll have to leave a message. I'm going to actually try on the weekend when they are open. I want to talk with someone first, then I'll mail a formal complaint to the location they suggest.

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I don't think it has much to do with entertaining those in line as it does advertising to a captive audience.


Good point. All the more reason to make a complaint so that they know any marketing attempt such as this, is a failed one. Although, many parents I encounter aren't even aware of what their children are watching - so I am not so sure they will get many other complaints. But I would still make mine known.

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