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Very trivial poll about laundry

What irks you more about laundry?  

  1. 1. What irks you more about laundry?

    • People leaving clothes turned inside out.
    • People leaving items in their pockets.
    • Neither--I love laundry. It's my life.
    • Laundry--I don't do no stinking laundry.

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Guest ME-Mommy

Can I vote "other"?? I find BOTH pretty annoying. :glare: NO, really, JK...I think things left in pockets are more annoying...unless it's $$.


My brand new dryer has residue from gum that went through in someone's pocket...

Edited by ME-Mommy
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Which frustrates you more? When your family leaves laundry inside out-socks, shirts, the bottoms of pants? OR When your family leaves items in their pockets--like crayons, lip gloss or an ipod? I am so sick of laundry. Can you tell?


Left items, definitely. It used to be the inside out socks, until a helpful soul on this forum suggested I wash them as is, and my life drastically improved. I now flip shirts to fold but leave socks alone, and let each take care of his own. The incidence of inside-out laundry has drastically diminished. :001_smile:

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My kids do the laundry for the most part, but socks are the bane of my existence. I have a basket full of odd socks. We (they) also hang a lot of clothes. That's when I can't stand the inside out nonsense. If you're going to go to the trouble of hanging it up, why can't you turn it right side out?!?

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I actually love to do laundry - the laundry room is my escape. I like the hum of the dryer, which drowns out all other sounds, as I throw another load in or fold the load I just took out.....sick, huh? It's also the warmest room in the house during our cold winters! Folding warm towels...


In spite of the above, I answered "left inside out" for the thing that irks me the most. Someone else said they quit turning things right side out, which is what I did, also. It has helped a little. However, I have found that I've ended up missing more stains, which are much harder to get out after they've been washed.


Oh, during colds season, my biggest irk is finding shredded kleenex in my washer. I wish they'd just stay inside the pockets!


Sheri :)

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stuff in the pockets!! and dh is the only offender in that area. his uniforms have a zillion pockets and he keeps stuff in every. single. one. of them and I always seem to miss one. he doesn't even bother to take the belt off.

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I couldn't vote, because neither of those options really bothers me, but I definitely don't LOVE laundry!! :D


However... at night when DD is getting undressed I'm always right there to help, since I have to braid her hair everynight or deal with a rats nest in the morning. So I tend to check pockets/turn right side out right then. The only clothes I have to turn the right way/check pockets for are my own!

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I voted stuff in pockets, but that is not really my issue. I dont have the inside out problem because I wash it the way it comes in. If you dont care enough to turn it the right way, I dont care enough to fix it for you. (this is for ages 5 and older).

What gets to me is when they do yard work and then bundle up their clothes. Then I go to throw them in the wash only to be littering my feet and the floor with twigs, leaves, and grass. Plus this sends me into a sneezing fit with my allergies. So the stuff is not really in the pocket, but all over the clothes themselves. I really wish they would shake their clothes off first!

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I said inside out since I have to turn it right side out when folding. Items in pockets just get washed. Dh has learned to keep his flash drives out of his pockets after two went through the dryer. :D


Of course, someone :blush: once left a black white board marker in her pocket that went through the load of whites. Very very luckily the cap stayed on and nothing was ruined.

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I voted "I don't do no stinking laundry" However that's not entirely true., everyone does equal amounts of laundry in our house (same with the dishes). I don't get sick of doing it, because I don't do it often enough to get sick of it. On average I do it once every 5th load or so.

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I voted when they leave things inside out. My kids generally never put anything in their pockets so that's not something I deal with much. However those nasty sweaty socks that are half inside out and half waded in a ball really chap my hide.


Yes! Especially when they have grass in them. Blech!


:iagree: (Or when they have baseball field clay in them mixed with the sweat and grass pieces. :glare: ) Fortunately the only things here that tend to get left in pockets are Lego pieces, so nothing really gets ruined. And the boys know that whatever money I find in the dryer is mine, so they usually don't leave any in their pockets (and if they left their entire wallet - I'd give it back; it's more of the countless coins that go through the wash that become mine).


But items inside-out? Oh those bug me to no end. Socks, pajama bottoms and tops, t-shirts, baseball pants (that really need to be turned right-side out to have any hope of coming clean) ... as of now, I'm nice enough to turn everything right-side, but they'll get to an age where that won't be happening anymore. :tongue_smilie:

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:iagree: (Or when they have baseball field clay in them mixed with the sweat and grass pieces. :glare: )


I have actually thrown some things like this away rather than wash them. One year they came home from camp and everything smelled sooo bad that I threw it all away. It had clay, pond scum, mildew and other things I could even identify. :ack2:

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I vote other. I expect nothing - the clothes are dumped in the basket and I sort them out. That's fine. They have other chores. I don't love laundry, but checking pockets/turning things right way out is just part of the process.




This is how I look at it. I got tired of being angry the whole time I was sorting clothes. I finally just decided that I wouldn't let it bother me, that I would just do it as part of my laundry job. I don't get angry sorting laundry anymore.

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I don't care if the clothes are turned inside out -- they get washed the same way they get put into the hamper. Interestingly, my kids picked up on that faster than did my husband LOL; they are the least offending parties when it comes to that.


My son always leaves things in his pockets, though. My mom used to keep whatever she found and auction it to the highest bidder at dinner. If no one wanted the item, she started listing chores that we had to do collectively until one of us apologized for being careless -- some nights she got out of dinner cleanup, nighttime rituals, and weeding because none of us wanted a melted crayon or long-forgotten rock that had been in our pocket :) she had eight of us, though. I don't know if the payoff would be as worthwhile for someone with a smaller family! [i won high bid on a few items, including a love poem my brother wrote to his then-6th grade crush -- still have it, still love to bring it out and read it to him! Best $8 I ever spent.]


I just make my son clean out whatever gunk is left in the bottom of the washing machine, if it was he who left stuff in his pockets. Not a punishment or anything, just a "Hey, looks like you need to clean out the washing machine. Again LOL." For him that seems to be the most effective reminder to clean those pockets out.

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My top 3:


Burying wet/damp items in the bottom of a hamper


Changing a mind about an outfit they've just put on and then tossing it in the dirty clothes because they're too lazy to hang it back up. Rots my socks.


Throwing dirty items on the floor in or near the laundry room, as if *close* to the hamper makes it o.k.

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Mmm, I just don't like picking clothes up off the floor. I don't *love* laundry, but it's one of the least irksome chores for me. However, I HATE when clean clothes are handed out to the kids and they don't put them away...and then a few days later I notice CLEAN clothes mixed in with dirty!!! I hate that! Do not make more work for me. Teens do their own laundry for the most part, though.

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Mmm, I just don't like picking clothes up off the floor. I don't *love* laundry, but it's one of the least irksome chores for me. However, I HATE when clean clothes are handed out to the kids and they don't put them away...and then a few days later I notice CLEAN clothes mixed in with dirty!!! I hate that! Do not make more work for me. Teens do their own laundry for the most part, though.


You mean when you have folded clean clothes in the dirty basket. I've had this happen and it makes me crazier than I already am.

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I can't vote. Nobody leaves anything much other than $ in their pockets here--certainly nothing that would ruin the laundry. That would be #1 for me, though, if they did.


Wrong-side-out would make me nuts if I still cared. Now? If your socks are in a ball, they get "washed" that way. Too bad for you if they're still slightly dirty & slightly damp. :001_smile:


My #1 pet peeve of *my* laundry situation is clean clothes being dumped in the laundry.


2. (Actually tied for #1) Non-clothing items dumped their: for ex, a piece of fabric you played w/ which is obviously not dirty but made of cloth, so the fastest way to get back to playing is to stash it in the laundry. Everybody knows mom will never find it there!


3. Having to do it at all. The commitment involved: once it's wet, you really have to follow through w/ the rest of it. :lol:

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I wash balled up laundry as is.


No one has ever left anything in their pockets. But they're still young.


I would think that things in the pockets would be worse, because they could potentially ruin all the clothes (lipstick or something.)


I'm a pretty fuss-free laundry person. I don't even care if the dirty laundry doesn't make it to the basket. I just toss it in there as I go by. I also don't mind if the toilet seat is up or down.

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I need the Other.

I REFUSE to turn people's clothes for them or empty their pockets. What is in your pocket is your responsibility. If you want your shirts right-side out, please turn them before you wear them if needed.




I don't love laundry or hate it. I do it as required. I teach the children to do it as able. If you don't like the way I do your laundry, by all means please do it yourself.

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Wow, this is a toughy. I would have said leaving stuff in pockets except my dsd leaves her pants scrunched up in a half inside out, half accordion way that irks me to NO END! ...All 12 pairs she wears each week...in summer...with underwear inside somewhere she thinks I should find so that I can bleach them.

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I voted Leaving Items in Their Pockets, though to be honest that person is usually me. I always have a tissue in my pocket and often forget to remove it before I do laundry. Now that we have a front loader the tissues mostly don't even make it out of the pocket, so no big tissue mess. I think the worst thing left in the pocket was when dh left a whole pack of gum in his pocket. That did come out and there were many wads of gum stuck to the inside of the washer. It took a Looong Time to remove the gum but it left a minty fresh fragrance that lasted almost a week! :tongue_smilie:


The balled-up socks used to annoy me, but since my ds's have been doing their own laundry for the past few years I no longer have that headache.



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What annoys me most is when clothes have been thrown in the hamper than are not dirty! When someone wears something for an hour or when it is easier to throw it back in the hamper than to put it away.


It's 95 degrees here and I've been finding way too many long pants and fleece sweatshirts in the laundry!

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Inside out clothes. We don't put much in our pockets, that usually just my husband, and he always empties his pockets before dropping his clothes 3 inches from the hamper. :glare:


But the kids with the inside out clothes,with me in a hurry to get the laundry in while the baby is sleeping and the washer is available (we are in an apartment) and guess what, there was a spot that should have been treated on that inside out shirt!

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I chose the last one lol. The laundry does not get done nearly as often in the summer as the rest of the year. :001_smile:


Neither of those things bother me because my kids don't leave things in their pockets, and if things go into the laundry inside out then they get put away inside out. I don't turn clothes. The kids are good about remembering now.

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Things in pockets: pens that leak all over the rest of the load, chocolate (ditto), Kleenex that gets shredded to bits and gets all over everything, dog food (used for bribes for dogs, then forgotten), lollipops, receipts.

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Who is it that ain't doin' no stinkin' laundry? Lemme at 'em!

This is a funny poll. The only time it irritates me about stuff left in the pockets is when it is candy, a pen, or a wad of tissues.

I don't care about papers and money being left in pockets.

Money laundering, :lol:

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I vote "other." I really hate it when clothes are left inside other clothes. Dh has a habit of wearing a few layers of tshirt, and takes them off at the same time, instead of individually. Then they end up in the washing, together, and usually half in the right way and half the wrong way. Pick one, for goodness sake, and do it all the way!






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