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The Girl is MINE, MINE, MINE

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This is so awesomely wonderful, Heather. Just think, not that long ago you were wondering if you should leave your job and travel to the other side of the world to a new, exotic place for a challenging new job. And now you have a lovely daughter. God had it all planned and you could not have even imagined it. I'm just so very, very, very happy for you. :)


I love the way God surprises us! Congrats Heather!

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Well, we didn't understand a word of the entire proceeding but at the end the Judge said to us in English "the adoption decree is final. you must take care of her now."


Which of course, was kind of an abrupt way to end the proceedings but I will take it! :D


I have a daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


oh MY GOSH!! I have been praying for you so much! I am so thnkful the Lord has blessed you in this magnificent way. My your happiness be just beginning. I feel like dancing!



Kiss that baby for me too!



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My younger brother is adopted, and I can't imagine life without him! He is such a godsend in our family. He is the live wire, while the rest of us are pretty quiet/contemplative. Life is never dull when he is around, and I miss him terribly! He lives half a continent away. : (


I know you all will never regret adding Natalie to your lives!



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