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What disappears around your house?

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Well, besides food. :D Socks? Remote controls?


I never seem to have tissue paper when I want to wrap something, although I'm always buying packs of it. :confused: My husband can never find his flashlights. How about you?

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My clothes have started disappearing. The kids do all the folding and putting away and dd1 is *almost* big enough to wear my shirts. They seem to end up in her closet every few weeks until I explain they are MINE. They don't have a problem getting everyone else's clothes put away correctly though.

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My HAIRBRUSH! It is always missing. I have given the kids numerous combs and their own brushes, but some how they always use mine. Drives me NUTS! (Can you tell this is a touchy subject for me? :lol:)


Other than that tape (the 3 yo loves to tape everything), scissors, pencils, MY (they're mine...mine...mine people) sharpie pens, wash clothes, and baby wipes (again...the 3 yo....she likes to clean with them :glare:).

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Socks. No one can ever find a matched pair of socks. In January, I threw out all of the unmatched socks and worn socks and bought everybody new socks.......and we are down to not even a weeks' worth each. I'm pretty sure the cats aren't eating them!


So what's the deal?

Do we have a Sock Gremlin running around?



ETA: Oh, and Baby Shoes! I had 7 Pairs at one time, and could only find one of each shoe! I had to put him in one Blue Moose shoe and One Red Hedgehog shoe, and just misquoted Dr. Seuss at anyone who raised eyebrows....(One foot, two foot, red foot, blue foot....)

Edited by Debora R
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Scissors and rulers. I think I buy a ruler every time I go to Walmart, yet whenever a boy needs one for math, no one can ever find one! For scissors, my dh finally tethered a pair to this yellow tub of pens we have on our counter by tying it with twine. So at least one pair is around for me to cut off Boxtops!

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Scissors is the worse. One year I bought 10 kids scissors in August and by December we were down to 1. Despite deep cleaning and lots of purging, those other 9 have never reappeared. So I always stock up at the back to school sales because there is never enough of those.


Hairbrushes and combs are also frequently misplaced. They do usually reappear but not when we actually need them.

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According to my husband, EVERYTHING disappears! But that's only because he doesn't consistently put things in the same place so he can find them again. Of course, if they WERE in the right place he wouldn't be able to find them because they'd be behind something else, not right out in plain sight at eye level!



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Money, sanity, peace and quiet, my youth...:D
:iagree: :lol:


Pencils, pens, erasers, tape, scissors, protractors, compasses, glue stick caps, rulers... We start out with wonderful little organizers, and then it's like a bomb goes off.


Oh, and spoons, for some strange reason!

We lose spoons too; I think dh takes them to work with his lunch and somehow they never make it out of his classroom or car. :glare:


But the big one around here seems to be baseball team caps and cups for the boys' jock straps. It's not like they don't have a home (in their baseball gear drawer or under-bed bin). But somehow someone is always searching the house before a game or practice for their cap and cup.

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:iagree: :lol:



We lose spoons too; I think dh takes them to work with his lunch and somehow they never make it out of his classroom or car. :glare:


But the big one around here seems to be baseball team caps and cups for the boys' jock straps. It's not like they don't have a home (in their baseball gear drawer or under-bed bin). But somehow someone is always searching the house before a game or practice for their cap and cup.


Oh, yeah! My husband always says our forks are disappearing, but he's the only one who leaves the house w/them!


When I get asked where a protective cup is, I always say, "I don't know. I wasn't the one who wore it last." :lol:


The joys of boys!

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The couch eats the pencils, at our place. Bookmarks make their way into dd6's books and never. come. back. out. Dd3's barrettes and clippies. Graham crackers (bought specially for the girls' snacks) make their way down dh's gullet accompanied by milk and leave behind a mostly empty box half-way through the week. My hand-stitching needles go somewhere - no clue where!


And we live in a small apartment!


Mama Anna

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Guest janainaz

Yeah, besides the 18 different remotes for the TV -


pencils, keys, sunglasses, Netflix disks, tweezers, and nail clippers

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Money, sanity, peace and quiet, my youth...:D


Pens, pencils, glue...and anything that I put 'somewhere safe, out of the kids reach'. Its like an ironclad guarantee it'll never be found again...unless I ask the kids to find it. They usually do :001_huh:

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My ink pens. I have to hunt every time I need a pen. i can find pencils, crayons, etc., just not pens.

I keep grabbing the one off the counter each time I leave the house - they are all in my purse. Then I can't find one when I need one, as there isn't one on the counter. :D



My keys have a home - on the hook by the door. They are supposed to live happily with the other keys. Somehow, though, they keep jumping into dh's pocket. :glare:


Everything else usually multiplies around here, especially paper.

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Money.... Money oh wait more money and cups, dh takes whatever cup he can find to work for coffee, it's like he's afraid to use his travel mug that was bought just for that purpose, well he hasn't taken Cali's sippy cups yet. Cell phones... Cali likes to hide our cell phones.

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Well, besides food. :D Socks? Remote controls?


I never seem to have tissue paper when I want to wrap something, although I'm always buying packs of it. :confused: My husband can never find his flashlights. How about you?


PENCILS foremost! Then socks, shoes (that aren't mine so I should know where everyone else shoes are), remote, phone, baseball bat and gloves....think that's it for now! Oh yeah, grammar and math books, but I think that one is planned.:D

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tape! Scotch tape, masking tape - apparently my kids think tape is the grandest thing, b/c I can never find any!


Also, scissors. I finally bought a pink pair (I have 3 boys) and told them the pink pair is not to ever leave my computer desk. That has helped!

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