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What movie have you seen the greatest number of times?

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Lonesome Dove definitely tops the list.


That tops my list too. I named my cat after Clara.


Others I've watched a lot- Princess Bride, When Harry Met Sally, Snowcake, Forrest Gump.

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That's our house withh dd and I both watching Labyrinth. The males of the house all immediately find something really interesting to do.....outside.


"Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here, to the castle beyond the Goblin City to take back the child that you have stolen...."


"Excuse me, did you just say hello?"

"No, I said 'allo, but that's close enough!"




"You have no power over me."


And "Smells baaaad!"

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Joe vs. the Volcano I'm always entertained by this one and it's soo old now.


OMG! You're the only other person I have heard say they liked JvsV! I lLMAO'd at that movie oh, so many years ago. I like visual jokes so I guess that was it.

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Not by my own free will are these films watched often but we have one tv so it goes, Dh watches Spartacus and Ben Hur every time they are on. Dd loved The Nightmare Before Christmas so very much that we have the piano music. She plays it . Every day. Tim Burton and I need to have a talk....

As for moi, Goodfellas. Boondock Saints and Silence of the Lambs I know, like you couldn't have guessed.:lol:

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I've seen "Say Anything" a billion times. I never get sick of it. I love most of the movies from the 80's, including Vacation, Baby Boom, and Funny Farm. My husband and I love Dumb & Dumber, Christmas Story, and It's a Wonderful Life - we've seen those a lot!

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Breakfast at Tiffany's is the one I've probably seen the most.


Closely followed by Much Ado About Nothing (but that's because the kids put that in whenever they decide it's my turn to pick the movie).


Little Women, because my daughter seems to think that is my favorite movie and she always puts it in when she thinks I need "girl time".

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the 1927 Napoleon by Abel Gance (I wrote a 60-page paper on it!)


I saw this at the War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco, with a full orchestra conducted by Carmine Coppola (Francis Ford's father). What a winderful movie going experience. The 3 screen (triptych) sequences were really impressive especially given the film was from 1927.



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I guess I would have to say:


The Court Jester (love Danny Kaye!)

Now, Voyager

The Snake Pit

The Incredible Mr. Limpet

Lord of the Rings trilogy


Movies I've seen a million times because dh plays them to go to sleep:

Big Trouble in Little China :ack2::glare:

The Hunt for Red October

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I guess I would have to say:


The Court Jester (love Danny Kaye!)

Now, Voyager

The Snake Pit

The Incredible Mr. Limpet

Lord of the Rings trilogy


Movies I've seen a million times because dh plays them to go to sleep:

Big Trouble in Little China :ack2::glare:

The Hunt for Red October



The Court Jester is one of my all-time favorites, too! My mom and I used to watch all the old comedies and musicals (the original Absent-Minded Professor, Private Eyes, anything with Fred Astaire, His Girl Friday, Bringing Up Baby, the "beach party" movies with Frankie & Annette... I love them all!)

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I guess I would have to say:


The Court Jester (love Danny Kaye!)



The Court Jester is a hilarious movie! I'm glad someone mentioned it!


My movie is probably Sense & Sensibility - either version. It has been my go to movie for the past 2 years. When I pop it in the player the entire house groans.

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Master and Commander (I love Russel Crowe)

LOTR trilogy....love the appendices also

Pride and Prejudice (love Colin Firth)....the REAL one not that nasty new version *shudder*

Frequency (awesome movie....love Dennis Quaid)

Princess Bride


Runners up:

anything with Russell Crowe (...cinderella man, A beautiful mind, Gladiator...)

Indiana Jones...all of them

Back to the Future trilogy

The Fugitive

Pirates of Caribbean trilogy (yay Capn Jack)


Favorite Comedy:

Pink Panther....old ones, but new ones are good too

Addams Family..old series


OK, so my favorite actors are Russel Crowe, Harrison Ford, Dennis Quaid, Colin Firth, Johnny Depp

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I saw this at the War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco, with a full orchestra conducted by Carmine Coppola (Francis Ford's father). What a winderful movie going experience. The 3 screen (triptych) sequences were really impressive especially given the film was from 1927.




Yup - I did three screenings in one week of the same tour of the film (only I was at the Shrine Auditorium in LA) - I even snuck in a small tape recorder to catch the score, and had a notebook in which, in the dark, I wrote down every shot of the film as I saw it - at home after the third screening I did a rough draft of the entire film. Later when it was at the Cinerama dome in Hollywood (recorded score, no orchestra) I did several more screenings as I was using the paper as an Independent Study project at Chapman College - my 60+ page critical essay on the film got me three college credits!

I have it on video now - and curse F.F.Coppola who is the jerk who won't let a more complete version of the film (yes, Brownlow has fixed it up even more!!!) with a score by Carl Davis be released here. I will need to go to England to see it someday!


I loved this film and wanted to see it since age 11, when the documentary The Charm of Dynamite (about Gance) aired on our local PBS station. I watched it on my 9-inch b/w tv in my bedroom. Shots of the young boy Napoleon with his pet eagle...and the 9-way split screen pillow fight in the dorm room entranced me!!!


I wanted to grow up and BE Kevin Brownlow and restore films. Still envy the guy and all the restorations he has done, and books written - I was born just 20 years too late or I would have written The Parades Gone By...and restored Napoleon!!!!!!!!


PS - the film was first shown in '27...started shooting in 1925. Gance's earlier works are also impressive!!!


Yes, I am a film nerd!

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Master and Commander (I love Russel Crowe)

LOTR trilogy....love the appendices also

Pride and Prejudice (love Colin Firth)....the REAL one not that nasty new version *shudder*

Frequency (awesome movie....love Dennis Quaid)

Princess Bride


Runners up:

anything with Russell Crowe (...cinderella man, A beautiful mind, Gladiator...)

Indiana Jones...all of them

Back to the Future trilogy

The Fugitive

Pirates of Caribbean trilogy (yay Capn Jack)


Favorite Comedy:

Pink Panther....old ones, but new ones are good too

Addams Family..old series


OK, so my favorite actors are Russel Crowe, Harrison Ford, Dennis Quaid, Colin Firth, Johnny Depp


No - Russell is MINE! You can't have him!!!

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That would have to be Tombraider.

Someone gave me a free VHS copy when I began grad school and I would pop it in every night when I would study. I liked the background noise and the sense of adventure. I watched/listened to it almost every night for about 9 months.


As soon as I finished the majority of my courses - and all I had left was my thesis - I stopped watching it and haven't watched it since.


The runner up would have to be The Ten Commandments. DH and I have watched this together every year since we began dating.

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Rocky Horror Picture Show has to be up there since I used to go watch it every weekend in Berkeley in my late teens/early 20's. Yes, I dressed up, brought props, the whole nine yards. now you know.:blushing:




hahahaha!! me too...and all my friends...but we were on the east coast....I still can't believe my dad would take us and wait out in the car to bring us home. he was a trooper. I would NEVER EVER have allowed my kids to take part in all that....LOL!



The other movies I have seen a ton of times were


Young Frankenstien

Blazing Saddles

Monty Python & the Holy Grail

Fiddler on the Roof

The Marx Brothers Big Store

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Because I was a teenager in the 1980's, I have seen Top Gun and Dirty Dancing more times than I want to admit. One of these days, Goose will survive the plane crash. Because I teach AP Calculus in the hood, I have seen Stand and Deliver a lot.


However, if we are talking about movies I watch now because I love to... Sound of Music (which my DH refers to as Guns and Nazis because he thinks it would draw a bigger audience) and Remember the Titans.

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I either seem to watch a movie once or 100 times but not much in-between :D. Movies that I have seen close to 100 times :tongue_smilie::


Anne of Green Gables

Top Gun

The Princess Bride

All of the Star Wars

The Lord of The Ring trilogy

Days of thunder

Frequency (I was surprised to see this on someone else's list too, I thought it was just me)

9 to 5


Fried Green Tomatoes

50 first dates

The Illusionist


I think that's it.

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All y'all Colin Firth folks, have you seen "What a Girl Wants"? The leather pants :lol:



Sixteen Candles

Pretty Woman

Dirty Dancing

Breakfast Club


Girls Just Want to Have Fun (SJ Parker)


Forest Gump (run Forest run)

Cutting Edge

Hope Floats

Sweet Home Alabama

Wild Hogs

Day After Tomorrow



I am sure there are more but my brain isn't working right now. I love to sit down with a coke and :lurk5: and watch a movie.

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