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s/o: Friendly roll call(started by a newbie herself)

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Someone brought up a great point about starting a new roll call thread. Just figured I'd jump in!!! Since I'm new, this may not be what they are normally like...but here goes my attempt!


About me: Mommy of 4, married to dh for 11yrs. Just pulled my kids out of ps, but had planned on homeschooling from the beginning.


I love anything to do with art, fiber, horses, nursing, and classical education. I am a very mixed bag of a person, as I was raised by a state legislature and an artist!!!!


Dh is a very grace filled, non-denominational pastor and he works in the energy industry. We met at seminary.


I also, have a set of mirror twins...maybe Ishould get them into tennis and they can be famous? :)

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I'm Paula. I've been married 17 1/2 years, have a very cool 12 1/2 ds, and we are 3 weeks from finishing our sixth year of homeschooling.


I have a big dog and a fat cat. Our yard is full of tall pine trees and I like to lie in the hammock and look up. I like to read and write. I have books in every room in my house and rough draft manuscripts in a few select spots. My goal is to write full-time once ds graduates.


We plan to homeschool through high school and that thought doesn't make anxious as it once did, thanks to many ladies on this board.

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I'm Nakia. I've been married to Patrick (my high school sweetheart) for almost 12 years, and we have three little girls. I have always homeschooled them. I am a nurse, and my husband is an electrician.


We live in the country and own dogs, cats, and goats. I love photography, reading, running, baking, and talking. :D

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Hi, I go by Ruby here on the board.

married 15 yrs.

3 kids dd15, dd12 ds 8.5

10th year homeschooling. ecclectic. trying out cle for younger this year. have been involved with a co-op for 5 years. spend my time helping my husband with his online store- selling Amway product (among other things) , mom's taxi service to the kiddos, love books but don't have much time to read. Conservative christian family, very patriotic, live on 5 acres in Northern Ca. 3 cats. Have enjoyed the boards. Ruby

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Welcome to all the newbies!


I'm Shelly. DH and I have been married 16 years, together for 21 years. We have three girls, who are 11, 8 and 6; three dogs; two guinea pigs; and a hamster. We are going into our fifth year of homeschooling, and we just moved to Texas.


I like knitting, reading and genealogy. I love history and planning curriculum for history. I am addicted to soda and coffee. I am passionate about my faith and my family.


More than you probably wanted to know!

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Mommaduck, married to my highschool sweetheart and mama to 7 ducklings. The oldest is headed to Catholic highschool and is aiming for MIT. We've homeschooled from the beginning. I'm a seamstress by trade and love fiber arts, but my time is taken up solely by my family now. I'm a semi-crunchy mama, not as crunchy as I used to be, but hope to get back to it. I love good literature, history, genealogy, and theology.

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Hi, I'm Dorothy, been married almost 6 years (this time). My oldest is in public school partially due to a joint custody arrangement. We plan to homeschool our younger kids at least until high school, more likely until college.


I worked almost 20 years as an Executive Assistant for various small pharmaceutical companies and DH is a VP and analytical chemist for a small generic pharmaceutical company. I have degrees in Business Admin./Marketing, Biology and everything except my student teaching for Elementary Education (I like school :D). I'm still getting used to being a SAHM since I've been home less than 5 years and I'm probably the worlds worst housekeeper.


We have the best of both worlds in that we live in a very secluded, forested neighborhood but within 15 minutes of major highways and employment.

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Great idea! We are finishing our second year of HSing and looking forward to next year already. My oldest dd will be in 4th grade and my youngest in K. My husband is a firefighter and I used to work as a chiropractic assistant. We started out with boxed curriculum and are working our way into a classical/CM style! I have really learned a lot from you wonderful people.

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I love biking, reading books and bread baking (I have a pain au levain rising as we speak, and a sourdough starter right next to it for Saturday's bread).


My twirling girlies are watching a streaming Netflix Pingu right now because I'm desperately trying to get our home ready to rent out in prep for our next move (we're military) in 53 days. I love homeschooling, but DH wants PDG in public for first grade, and we're looking to live in one of the districts that supports Embassy Row in Washington DC next year, and the school we're aiming for represents well over 100 nations! I guess that *would* be a pretty amazing school to attend for first grade... We plan on primarily HSing for the long run, though.


Welcome, again!


ETA!! I HAVE NO IDEA WHY MY THREAD HAS A DOWNWARD POINTING THUMB!!! I'm clumsily using DHs laptop as the girls are on the iMac!!! I PROMISE that I don't want to set the lions set free into the Coliseum.

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education. I am a very mixed bag of a person, as I was raised by a state legislature and an artist!!!!



This may become one of my favorite typo's ! Wonderful variation on "It takes a village to raise . . ." ! :) I can see your bassinet on the House floor or in the state capitol rotunda !


(Oh, I hope you don't mind my posting a bit of fun ! ) (What kind of art do you reference ?)

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I'm JudoMom. I've been married nearly 13 years, and we've got 5 boys and have homeschooled since the beginning, mostly using WTM. We also have 2 American Eskimo dogs, 2 guinea pigs, 5 hamsters, and some fish.


I love my Kindle, and have been using all the free books available to branch out and read more fiction. I did not love Pride & Prejudice, though.


My older 2 boys started in Judo in 2005, and I began in late 2006 (after I lost around 85 pounds) along with my middle son. My 4th son started last year, and my youngest participates when he feels like it. I'm now a 2nd degree brown belt, and hope to make it to black by the end of 2011. I have dreams of running a 5K, but I'm still about 3/4 of a mile short.


Take care ;).

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I am Amber mama to 2 amazing kids through adoption. Married to my science geek husband nels for 4 years. My dd angel girl is 2 but will be 3 in aug. My ds sweet boy is almost 1 year in jun. I am currently mommy schooling dd and plan to homeschool dd in pre k and on.

I am a ps reading specialist (for 4 more weeks!!!). So I have experienced the best of ps and the bad of ps which is why I want to homeschool both of my children.


Oh and I visit mostly on my iPad which has some limitations with quoting/scrolling and loves to autocorrect not alway correctly.

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I am (shockingly!) Caitilin, and I have been married to DH for 13 years this August.


I have always homeschooled our children; we are active in our hs group and co-ops.


I enjoy teaching teenagers, something I NEVER thought I would like; I have recently (this last week!) taught myself to knit; I love to read, watch movies with DH, plan our homeschool year, cook, and spend too much time on message boards. :)


My project this summer will be running our second annual week-long teen Shakespeare camp: this year we are performing (uncut) Much Ado About Nothing.

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I'm Julie. Dh and I have been married for almost 11 years. I have 13 yo dd that's in public school and dh and I have two boys, 8 and 3. We're finishing up our first full year of hsing (we started halfway through last year) and if it weren't for TWTM, I'd have probably put ds back in over the summer :p


We have two dogs, two cats, and a squirrel in the attic.


I love to read and write out long detailed schedules that I never use. I volunteer at our church's office, am some sort of muckety muck in Cub Scout Pack and the Bear den leader. My children think I can sew, but I've destroyed more material in the jaws of a sewing machine than should be legal...

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I'm Laura. I joined the boards last spring but rarely ever post! I guess I am more of a listener than a talker! The boards have been a wealth of information and comfort for me as we begin our homeschooling journey. I have been married for almost 5 1/2 years. I am the parent that stays at home. We have three children, two boys and a girl, all under age 5. We also have a hyper German Shepherd and a lazy English Bulldog. We are going to start doing a little bit of kindergarten work with my oldest this fall when he turns 5. I love reading, the outdoors, learning new things and hanging out with my family.


Nice to "meet" you!

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I love reading these. :D


I'm Tammy. Married to my first love and wonderful Army guy for 23 years. We have three awesome kids, dd 22, dd 20 and ds 12. We have an amazing Border Collie--Ella Bella.


This is my last homeschooling kid--ds12. My girls both graduated from homeschooling. I'm suffering from a bit of empty nest syndrome as the second one left the nest a week ago and is getting married soon.

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My name is Lisa, we live in Virginia. I met my dh on Feb. 5, 1988 at a debate tournament at the U.S. Naval Academy. We were good friends until we started dating June 1996. Engaged in October 1996, and Married April 1997 (I really knew how to play "hard to get" :lol:).


I grew up in the SF Bay Area, but moved to GA and So. FL during high school. Came home for high school my junior year, went to college in VA, graduated in 3 years with a dual major. Upon graduation, worked for a compendium of "who's who" in politics, before getting sick of the hypocrisy...ditching it for running a scrapbooking company.


We have 5 children, 2 boys and 3 girls. 10, 8, 6, 3, and 1. Over the years we have used Saxon, Singapore, Sadlier-Oxford, TT, ChalkDust Abeka, FLL, Latin for Children, Veritas Press, SOTW and K12.


Currently, my three oldest are enrolled in a Virtual Academy using K12. In addition we have Bible Lessons, and Latin for Children, and Abeka penmanship/Queens Homeschool Copywork. The children also "play" Teaching Textbooks (they think it's a game, don't tell them!)


We school year round, but during the summer we do health, reading comprehension exercises (5 minutes), penmanship and math continuation/reinforcement. We also have a "Summer Challenge" reading list, but have to come up with a new prize, as Maggie Moo's is closed :tongue_smilie:


Next year will be my oldest's final year with the Virtual Academy, and we will hit the "re-set" button for Jr. High/High School. I can't wait! I'm working out some of the decisions now...


In addition to K12 next year, we will be adding Song School Latin, my 3yo will be starting K4 with Abeka, Latin Prep, So You Really Want to Learn Spanish and Life of Fred (can't wait to get those books!)


Our current plans are to utilize the VA 1st-6th, and homeschool K, and 7-12. This is all predicated on the VA continuing to allow my children multiple levels of placement. In the event that changes, they will all come home -- and we will revert to using K12 for history, art and science.


If you can't tell, I'm long-winded... and like my 10yo, and easily turn an introduction into a monologue :lol:

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I'm Kara. Surlygirlie is what my husband of almost 14 years calls me when I get snippy with him. LOL.


I've got two kids that have been homeschooled from the beginning--so I've been at this for roughly 7 years. WTM boards are where I started researching HSing when Surlette was 3 and then hung around for a few years while I got my bearings (I don't remember my username from the old boards).


I've recently come back to WTM while going through the internal debate of whether I should send Surlette to middle school or commit to continuing this whole journey.


While teaching the kiddos, I have picked up knitting and am relearning how to play piano.

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Welcome! I'm Laura. Dh and I have boy/girl twins who are 11, a dog and a cat. We've homeschooled since 1st grade, primarily using WTM suggestions. We live in suburbia, but desperately want to plop down in the middle of acreage and (at least I) want to arely leave because I dislike the rush and hubbub of the outside world. Of course, since I'm a logical being, I understand it is actually necessary to leave occasionally :-) I like to garden, cook, eat (which I think is why I like to cook ;)), great wine, classic literature and some current well written work, writing fiction, history, theology, and big band era music. Oh, and I like to teach my kids a thing or two every once in a while ;).

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I've been married to my college sweetheart for 17 years. I'm from Oklahoma but have lived all over (dh is military). We currently live in Hawaii. I have 3 kids, 14, 11 and 9 and we've always homeschooled. Next year will be our first adventure into homeschooling for high school. I volunteer in various capacities in our unit and church. I love to read and read about 3 books per week.

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I'm new but I've been lurking for awhile. I don't like to just jump in. :)


I'm Peggy - married to my best friend Jerry for 14 years now. We have 3 boys - all are on the autism spectrum and DH and I have heavy traits also. All but the youngest went to ps for a little while but are home to stay now.


We're pretty eclectic though I love classical education and wish it was how I had been educated. We're active in our church. I fell in love with TOG thanks to this board and have learned so much.


I love reading and to my dismay my boys do not. They do like being read to so it works out pretty well. We're in Southeastern NC - DH is a California import but I've lived in NC in various places my whole life. I love most types of music but I confess to 80's hair metal being my fave.


We have three dogs - a lab/golden mix, a basset hound who thinks he's attached to me and a hairy small dog of unknown origin.

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This may become one of my favorite typo's ! Wonderful variation on "It takes a village to raise . . ." ! :) I can see your bassinet on the House floor or in the state capitol rotunda !


(Oh, I hope you don't mind my posting a bit of fun ! ) (What kind of art do you reference ?)


Not at all!!!! My mother is a ceramics, fiber, mixed media artist...with her own gallery. Occasionally, I do piece work for her...but not so much with all the kiddos:)


Oh yeah, growing up was fun...I got to travel a lot...my mother has stories of me asking Supreme Court Judges if they have to pee. My dh laugh because I love to watch C-SPAN!!! :)

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Hi All :) I'm June, married to my best friend and dear husband for 9 years. We have two charming children - Kit 3.5 & Mim nearly 2 who we plan to homeschool (actually, we've already started since what is parenting besides teaching).


I like to talk, read (about everything) & talk, write & talk, knit, crochet, garden & talk, however, strangely enough, I don't like to talk on the phone :D I'm easily distracted, and while searching around the site have found myself forgetting that I did a search and responding to ancient threads :O so, if you see me doing that just whack me on the head or something!! Umm... I really can't think of anything else... oh! we're living in PA.


PS - This might be the shortest post you ever see from me... did I mention that I like to talk ;)

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I'm a homeschooler-at-heart...currently afterschooling, homeschooled my oldest last year, hoping to homeschool in the future. I love these boards...and have learned so much from everyone here.


I feel a little crazy sometimes for spending so much time on a homeschooling board when I'm not a homeschooler...but I have to admit I feel I have more in common here than many other places! I love learning about curriculum and finding ways to engage my kids in active learning...it's just part of who I am, I guess.


I have four kids--ds12 (ps jr high), dd11 (charter school), ds7 (charter school), dd2. We live in a small town without any street lights...can see sheep & horses from my windows...but close to a university town, so there is plenty to do around here! I'm a sahm, dh is an attorney. We have two guinea pigs...(new to the pet thing, not so sure how long they will last around here! PU!)


I love to read, quilt, spend time with my kids. I'm excited for summer to be here so I can have them all to myself! One of my favorite things is to take a nap...

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Just a friendly reminder:


If you live in a low population state and that info is available here, and


If you post the real first names of you and your husband here, and


If your names are unusual (ie., not Tom or Beth),


Then it is not very difficult to find out your home address and phone number on Google.



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I'm Tanya, together with my wonderful dh for 17 years. dh and I grew up in Philadelphia and now reside in Columbus, Ohio. dh is a practicing psychologist and I am a regulatory and public policy consultant for an energy conglomerate. Our ds (6) is intellectually gifted and on the autism spectrum. I have an adult daughter who is blessing me with a grandchild in early November. We have three cats and a dog who thinks she is a cat.


We are full-time before and afterschoolers in the exploratory/gathering materials phase of developing a more formal homeschool program. I enjoy biking, photography, gardening, scrap and lap booking :D


I am whatever the opposite of domestic goddess is :tongue_smilie:

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Just a friendly reminder:


If you live in a low population state and that info is available here, and


If you post the real first names of you and your husband here, and


If your names are unusual (ie., not Tom or Beth),


Then it is not very difficult to find out your home address and phone number on Google.




Good advice!

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Hi. My name is Bridget.

I drink way too much tea.

I can't sing or dance, and it bugs me.

I'm a decent ping-pong player.

I want a chandelier to hang in the barn over the ping-pong table, but I know the chickens kick up a lot of dust so I may reconsider.

I will learn how to play the harmonica once the dog dies because I feel bad when he howls pathetically, so I can wait.

I rarely read fiction for myself.

Looks like my hip feels good enough finally to get back on my mountain bike, and I have ridden more this spring than all last year. Yay!

My work background is in manufacturing, but I have been home now for 3 years.

My kids tell me I have ADD.

The kids: 30, 20, 19 and 11. The adult kids all live within 6 miles of me. The 11 year old is the only one I am homeschooling.

We school year round, started in June 2008, and I pull from all kinds of sources. We are having a blast.

I decided to homeschool when it occurred to me one night that I had to make my then 8yo put away the National Geographic magazine she was reading for fun, and get out the school math homework so I could begin teaching the lesson that there wasn't time for during the day.

Sorry so long. I'm 48. MrTea's been around here for 30 years. He lets me ramble. :)

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I'm Asta. I live all over the world (though not simultaneously). I have done photography for... 31 years? Erp. I have a very green thumb for outdoor plants and plant large gardens where ever I live. I kill indoor plants. :confused:


I have a one eyed brain damaged cat who I gave occupational therapy until she could walk straight, hunt, and do all of her normal stuff again after being injured. No, we don't know what happened. We suspect she got in a pissing match with a bird of prey and lost.


I am incapable of drawing. Anything. (hence the photography)


I like to read weird things like sci-fantasy, vampire hunter novels, and neurology text books.


I'm relatively face blind, but have an eidetic memory for pictures. I have always found this to be odd. Otherwise, I am more or less your standard adult Aspie with two s's. (That is dark humor. If you weren't beat up as a kid in the 70s for "being weird", you won't get it.)


Oh, and I love theology. I will research any kind down to a (insert something rude here) just to prove a point.




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We are going into our fifth year of homeschooling, and we just moved to Texas.



Hey! Me too!


I usually just lurk here and take all your good ideas! I'm Nancy, married to my high school sweetheart for almost 18 years. We're dairy farmers and just moved to the high plains of Texas along with around 2000 cows, 4 kids, 4 dogs (well, 2 moved with us, 2 we've acquired since), 3 goats, a cat and a rabbit. Both sets of parents moved with us along with several other employees and their families. We're still trying to sell our farm in NY so we're also farming there as well. It's been a VERY stressful 18 months. :tongue_smilie:


We've been homeschooling for 4 years now - we pulled the boys out of ps after 2nd and 4th grades. The girls have never been to ps. Our oldest is going to start 8th grade at the ps in the fall which is breaking my heart a little. Hopefully the others will homeschool through hs. We use TOG and MUS for our base and then add a little of this and a little of that as it appeals or seems necessary.

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I'm Sara and I'm not good at verbalizing what I want to say. I'm an introvert who has been married to an extreme extrovert for almost 6 years. My dh is a goldsmith/musician and for the last 3 years I have been a SAHM. This has been my first year homeschooling our dd5 and as the year is finishing I am so happy we made this decision. We recently learned we are expecting and are beginning to prepare our lives for the new addition.

I went to school to become a museum curator and I have a huge obsession with history, especially medieval (just saying it makes my heart flutter). I am an avid reader that has just discovered the greatness of the inter library loan. We live in a small-mid size city that doesn't have a lot of activities for homeschooled children that doesn't involve belonging to a church. So I have a daily struggle to try to find programs and activities for my dd to enjoy. That's a tough task for an introvert though.:tongue_smilie:

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Hi! We're entering into our 5th years (minus a half year in a private MOntessori). We are on the east coast of FL but looking to move. Just NO IDEA where. Have any suggestions???:001_huh:

My dh and I have been married for 10 years. I'm the fair, freckled person on the beach covered in SPF 40 under an umbrella.

My daughter thinks she is the 13th Dancing Princess, my little guy thinks he should be renamed Clutch Indiana Stormtrooper Jones and my water-loving 9yo thinks he is Percy Jackson (he is so peace in the water).


Oh and I just turned 40 on Mother's Day. :glare:

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Hi, I'm May and I homeschooled for 6 years. This year my dd is attending 10th grade at Christian highschool but it's been a rollercoaster of a year. DH and I are thinking of bringing her back home. I've been lurking since 03 and stand in awe of the wisdom and advice I've gained here. In fact, most of my curriculum decisions were based on what I read here. So thanks one and all:001_smile:

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I'm Lynne. I've been married to dh for 8.5 years. I have two kids listed in my signature. I've been afterschooling them, but will be homeschooling full time starting the next school year.


I speak French fluently and love to scrapbook. I've traveled to many different places, but there are still more places I would love to go. I also like to read and swim.

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Hi, I'm Kelly. I am more of a lurker than a poster, but I'm trying! I have been married to dh 16 years and have always homeschooled. Even though I have been homeschooling for 10 years, I still feel as is I have much to learn. I am so glad I found this board.

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Hi - newbie here too :001_smile:


Dh and I have been married 18 years (as of next week :)). We're in our 10th year of homeschooling.


We have 3 children:

Ds15 was homeschooled through 8th grade and is currently in ps for 9th grade (loving it and doing very well)


Dd11 has been homeschooled from the start. I'm just reading the WTM all the way through for the first time and wishing I had read it from the start!


Our little guy (ds8) has multiple disabilities and keeps us hopping with doctors and therapists but he is a major joy and blessing. He is part time in spec ed and part time at home with me.


I'm enjoying being here and looking forward to hanging around more this summer.

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Hi, I'm Dawn. I too am more of a lurker than a poster, but I have stepped off the edge and jumped into a few conversations already.


I have been married to my HS sweetheart for 23 years this month. We have one bio son who turned 21 yesterday, a bio daughter who is 18, both of them went to public school. (DD graduates next week) and a just turned 6 year old that we adopted 4 years ago. We are homeschooling the youngest. We started with Heart of Dakota and lapbooking the letters of the alphabet but we finished last month and I haven't chosen anything for sure for next year.


I was diagnosed last Aug with MS so I am learning all I can about that and homeschooling at the same time. Somedays it seems I have taken on more than I should. We have 2 cats and just discovered our little one is allergic to them as well as dustbunnies (which I have billions of) wheat, eggs and milk.


I think that is about all there is to tell. I am reading the threads here in earnest trying to figure out how we will proceed with our homeschool classroom in the future.



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Before arriving at this homeschooling mom stage of life (we're beginning K with our oldest), life has taken me through stages as an exchange student in SE Asia, anthropologist, and elementary teacher. I'm a fledgling mountain dulcimer player. My walk with Christ has come out of a varied journey through Methodist and United Church of Christ churches as a child, with pit stops to explore Islam, Catholicism and other ideas in my 20s. I'm married to an elementary teacher, and tutor math online to 4th - 8th graders.


Now I'm picking out education strategies and curriculum to begin the homeschool journey, and feeling just a wee bit sad that we can't do it all. :)

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Hi, I'm Tiffany! I've been married for 12 years and am the mama to three boys, 9,6 and 3, and two girls, 8 and 4. We are having a baby this summer but the ultrasounds are conflicting so I guess we'll be surprised. We've homeschooled from the beginning, and while I never intended to go beyond 2nd grade, we love this lifestyle too much to change now. My dh is USAF and we are getting used to the DC area, but I hope we can move to NC when his commitment is up in two years. I'm not so fond of crowds!:001_smile:

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I am a happy stay-at-home military wife married 20 years and I've been home schooling only dd since 5th grade and just about done with 9th grade now. I was a lurker for *years* on the old board and still lurk more than I post here.


I am an avid book reader, usually have 2-4 books going at once and I am a serious sci-fi addict. We have 2 cats, one fat and one tall and I wish I could have 100 more and save all the strays.


I love reading about everyone and wish I was more creative and could describe myself in more intriging and interesting ways. :(

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I am Dawn, married to Jim for almost 15 years now. He is a CPA and I am a former high school counselor and before that I taught ESL, History, and English in the PS. (and plan to keep my credentials current)


I have 3 boys who are homeschooled.


I grew up as a missionary kid in Africa.



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I'm Scout and I'm also very new here and learning lots.

I'm a SAHM and loving it. Before DD arrived, I worked in children's ministry for 20 years.

I love to read, garden, cook and organize.


My accomplishment of the day: made homemade granola for the first time.

Yummy! Why didn't I do this long ago?

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I'm Lisa, and I've been homeschooling for seven years now. I never posted on the old boards because the format was distracting to me (though I know some of you loved it!). I am here more often than I should be, especially now that it is gardening season :). I have learned so very much here!


I live with my family in a house we are building ourselves. It is waaaay up in the mountains, so we use solar panels and other "green" technology to produce enough power to run the computer and so forth. I love it, except when I really really want Asian takeout.


We are hard to define... hmmmm... generally "crunchy" I guess, attend the Orthodox church, love old movies. DH and I are on different ends of the political spectrum, he loves AC/DC and I love alt. music, he likes PB and J and I won't touch it. I am about to get pretty hard core with diet, increasing our veg intake to about 2 million pounds per day. No one in my family knows this yet (insert maniacal laughter).


I have kiddos with special needs and special gifts, making for an eclectic blend of materials and techniques.


I can't think of anything else to add, especially as it is super pretty outside and the garden is calling ;).

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Hi there, I go by Jazzy on the boards and live back in a large forest, not too far from the northcoast of the U.S. I am also married to my high school sweetheart- 23 years now.

We have three sons, one is graduated from PS and attending college. This is our 2nd year homeschooling, our first year on our own. Last year middle son used a charter school. We are really enjoying doing things on our own and this year our youngest son is a K'er. We already know homeschooling is the lifestyle for us.

I am also semi-crunchy, love landscape and gardening but kill house plants. :D

I used to be a lisenced nurserywoman/landscaper until complications with my last pregnancy left me with some permanent health challenges.


As a kid we had horses and showed in the local Arabian circuit. I have also had shelties since a kid. I am addicted to herding as a sport and farm-work. This year I have branched off and now have two border collies and love them!

DH and the rest of the men in my family are total vintage Ford muscle car addicts.


We are attempting to work toward an off the grid lifestyle and could be considered something of preppers.

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Brand new here, and delighted to have found this forum.


Our household is my husband (a writer who works from home), our son, who is just finishing Grade 8, and me. Plus two indolent housecats. People ask if we drive one another crazy being home most of the time, but we've managed to avoid fisticuffs so far. :001_smile:


In what I can only figure must be a grand gesture of universal humor, I've been blessed with a math-loving kid. Whereas high school precalc was very nearly the death of me. So far, we've been able to make it work.


We've always homeschooled and plan to continue through high school, which seems to surprise a lot of people.


My proudest accomplishment of late? Reading all 600-some pages of the high school board in four days.


So pleased to meet you all.

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Brand new here, and delighted to have found this forum.


Our household is my husband (a writer who works from home), our son, who is just finishing Grade 8, and me. Plus two indolent housecats. People ask if we drive one another crazy being home most of the time, but we've managed to avoid fisticuffs so far. :001_smile:


In what I can only figure must be a grand gesture of universal humor, I've been blessed with a math-loving kid. Whereas high school precalc was very nearly the death of me. So far, we've been able to make it work.


We've always homeschooled and plan to continue through high school, which seems to surprise a lot of people.


My proudest accomplishment of late? Reading all 600-some pages of the high school board in four days.


So pleased to meet you all.


I bow down to you.




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I'm Melanie, married to a great guy and mama to three wonderful kids who have always been home with me. I favour an eclectic WTM and CM-inspired unschooling approach to education. Yes, it works! ;)


I currently host an Internet community for wise women who are consciously creating their lives. I am also a writer, Reiki Master and manifesting coach.


I love to read and usually have several books going at once, which includes something to further my personal education and something 'fluffy' for me to enjoy. I especially love good young adult fiction, historical fiction, sci-fi and fantasy.


I have loved reading through this thread and getting to know people better!!

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