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S/O Strangest Name You Ever Heard:

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Years ago, an OB I know was delivering a baby -- not driving the baby from one place to the other -- the OB was in a Delivery Room at a hospital :glare:


anyway, the OB told one of the nurses in the course of the delivery that the baby was presenting or whatever the phraseology with 'dystocia.' Not sure, but think it means that a shoulder is presenting first instead of the head.


After all was said and done, and all was well, and the mom was holding the baby girl, of course the mom was asked what she was naming the baby. Mom asks the OB: 'What was that word you used?' The OB and the nurses look at each other and begin listing words they used: 'Uterus, contracting, clamping down, placenta, dystocia.........' 'THAT'S IT!' the mom says. She asks how it is spelled, and she names the baby Dystocia.


THAT is the strangest name I have ever heard.

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I worked as a social worker for a while, and I encountered many strange names. Two that stick out in my mind are Karizma and Rio de Janeiro. There was also the sibling group of John, Johnathan, Johnte, and Johntia.


I read the birth announcements once, and there was a baby named Princess Destin. All I could think of was a little baby in a tiara waving a tube of diaper cream like a wand.


Get ready for the flood of urban legends in this thread. Everyone knows someone whose aunt's cousin's sister's best friend taught a [fill in the blank with the urban legend name of your choice].



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I worked as a social worker for a while, and I encountered many strange names. Two that stick out in my mind are Karizma and Rio de Janeiro. There was also the sibling group of John, Johnathan, Johnte, and Johntia.


I read the birth announcements once, and there was a baby named Princess Destin. All I could think of was a little baby in a tiara waving a tube of diaper cream like a wand.


Get ready for the flood of urban legends in this thread. Everyone knows someone whose aunt's cousin's sister's best friend taught a [fill in the blank with the urban legend name of your choice].




See what you've done: I had an admin ass't about 13 years ago and her dd's name was : Princez (pron. Princess)

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When I was doing my student teaching, many years ago, there was a little boy names PoJo?!?!?!? Who would name their child PoJo? He was taken away from his parent by social services and was adopted. When he was adopted, the new parents changed his name to Joe. He was so excited to tell everyone at school his name was not PoJo any more, but now Joe. I think I started crying for joy after I found out. Why someone would do this to a child is beyond me.:mad:

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I know a couple who named their boy Liberty. A girl yes, a boy?


I have traced my family history way, way, way back to the 1600s. One of my male ancestors was Freedom Lippencott. His wife was Hope. Their son was Liberty.



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Jadzia (named after Jadzia Dax from Star Trek: DS9) -- She was the newborn granddaughter of a lady at my church growing up. The Grandma was NOT thrilled with this name.


No kidding, we saw a commercial van around town about 5 months ago advertising, "Perfectly Planned by Candida" (it was a party planning company).


My neighbor growing up was a dentist. His name was Dr. Paine.

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I have traced my family history way, way, way back to the 1600s. One of my male ancestors was Freedom Lippencott. His wife was Hope. Their son was Liberty.




Might have been good then, but I'm betting now it'll be shortened to Libby.

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Jadzia (named after Jadzia Dax from Star Trek: DS9) -- She was the newborn granddaughter of a lady at my church growing up. The Grandma was NOT thrilled with this name.


No kidding, we saw a commercial van around town about 5 months ago advertising, "Perfectly Planned by Candida" (it was a party planning company).


My neighbor growing up was a dentist. His name was Dr. Paine.


Was this when you were in the Seattle area? 'Cause my dh was reading the first page of this thread over my shoulder when he said, "I know a dentist named Dr. Paine." (and we are in the Seattle area-using area loosely)

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This isn't a weird name, but it's unusual and cool - Sophronia Adeline Roseberry. One of my dh's relatives ( my dd is doing some geneology).


A friend of mine has nephews named Captain and Concord.


My dh sat next to a woman on his flight home from Paris last year, and her sons were named Pirate and Zeppelin. Turned out her dh was the lead singer of the band Korn.

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Was this when you were in the Seattle area? 'Cause my dh was reading the first page of this thread over my shoulder when he said, "I know a dentist named Dr. Paine." (and we are in the Seattle area-using area loosely)


YES! I grew up on Mercer Island. His name was Dr. Bob Paine. I think he would be in his 90, or over 100 by now because I lived on MI from 1968 - 1995, and he was about 75 when he retired, and they moved in the mid-80's.

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I went to school with:


Richard "Dick" Head

Kristina "Kris" Cross

some one named Polyester


My aunt taught:

Orangejello (or RANJ el low) and Lemonjello (le MONJ el low)


and I have seen:


Female (prouncned Feh Mal LAY)


and several that I am pretty sure were contrived from whatever the mother was screaming during childbirth.

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Hatevil Nutter. Yep, that's my (obviously Puritan) great-great-something grandfather's name!


Marmaduke Sylvester - on dh side of the family, of course! :001_smile: More funny than strange. I threatened MIL I would name ds after him.

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Liberty Ann and Justice (twins) with the last name of Farrel.


(Liberty and Justice for all)


I encountered a woman last week with the name of Virgin Mary. :confused:


I worked with Red Cherry at one time.


I was working as a receptionist when I first got married for a very prominent attorney. Of course, his calls were screened. I asked very nicely, "Who shall I say is calling, please?" His answer, "Spider Webb."


I thought it was a prank and hung up on him. He called back and informed me that his name was Spider Webb the Third. He evidently thought he was important enough that I would know who he was. :001_smile:

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I taught a Doctor _______. Doctor was his first name.


Went to college with Robert Pepper, who was in med school at the time. He's practicing medicing now in south Texas somewhere.:001_smile:


A distant relative, Phyllis, married a man whose last name is _illis.

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Was this when you were in the Seattle area? 'Cause my dh was reading the first page of this thread over my shoulder when he said, "I know a dentist named Dr. Paine." (and we are in the Seattle area-using area loosely)


Have you seen the dentist where Trader Joe's is named Dr. Loving? I think I'm remembering that right. I'd like a dentist named Dr. Loving. :lol:

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I'd like a dentist named Dr. Loving. :lol:


Where we live, there is a dentist named Dr. Love. My husband, who is a designer, keeps threatening to make the dentist promotional t-shirts that say, "Drilled and Filled by Dr. Love!"



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My older brother had a kid in his class named Skylab, because Skylab was passing overhead when he was born.



i actually think Skylab is pretty cool! i've told my husband that it's a good thing we aren't having any more kids because i've taken a liking to the name Kaiser von Loopy lately... ;)


i have a great-great aunt named Icy...why you would want to impart the virtue of frigidness on your daughter is beyond me!

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That's sad that there are 2 kids out there. I wouldn't have believed it or thought it was an urban legend if I hadn't known this lady for so long. She mentioned that the girl was removed from her birth parents and the foster family was in the process of adopting last year. They were going to legally change her to Abby.

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