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Do you drink soda?

Do you drink soda?  

  1. 1. Do you drink soda?

    • Yes I do
    • No I dont
    • other-- you have to explain how there is an other to this question!

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I was going to vote "no", but then I realized that I will drink soda if it's all there is to drink at a party, say, so there's my "other." :D Kind of "only under duress."


I never buy it to have in the house, nor would it ever occur to me to order any with a meal (okay, kind of an exception - once a year or so we'll end up at a local restaurant that has Raspberry Lime Rickeys from the fountain. They are Good). But I didn't grow up drinking soda and don't really care for it, especially cola. Meh. Don't particularly care for bubbles in my drinks, generally.

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Never. I realised when I was quite young (late teens?) that soda, as you call it, is a source of empty calories and no nutrition whatsoever. I was interested in health and so stopped drinking it and haven't drunk it since.

There are so many nice things to eat and drink that are of some value- I knew soda was addictive too and that if I started I might not be able to stop.

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OK, I was naughty and selected 'other' because I'm not clear on the definition of soda. I get that it means sweet fizzy drinks (as opposed to soda water or soda powder), but is it just the sugary ones like colas etc, or the slightly healthier ones like unsweetened sparkling mineral water or sparkling juice? Because I don't drink Coke, Pepsi, shop bought lemonade etc. But I do very occasionally have pure sparkling apple juice or home made lemonade, and likewise I very occasionally use soda water or tonic water as a mixer with spirits and/or freshly squeezed lemon juice.

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OK, I was naughty and selected 'other' because I'm not clear on the definition of soda. I get that it means sweet fizzy drinks (as opposed to soda water or soda powder), but is it just the sugary ones like colas etc, or the slightly healthier ones like unsweetened sparkling mineral water or sparkling juice? Because I don't drink Coke, Pepsi, shop bought lemonade etc. But I do very occasionally have pure sparkling apple juice or home made lemonade, and likewise I very occasionally use soda water or tonic water as a mixer with spirits and/or freshly squeezed lemon juice.



Just the bad for you coke, pepsi, dr. pepper, Sprite, MT DEW (MY FAV)))! You get the idea!

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Just the bad for you coke, pepsi, dr. pepper, Sprite, MT DEW (MY FAV)))! You get the idea!


Ok, I downgrade my "not very often" to "hardly ever."




Rosie- babbling here because she's bored and impatient because Dh still won't be home for another three and a half hours and we haven't seen him since Sunday arvo.

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Geez Peela, not all of us have Thermomixes for raw foodie smoothie making, you know :tongue_smilie:





I am into pink juices at the moment. Carrot, celery, beetroot and apple. It is such a pretty colour! I make a litre in the morning and put it in the fridge for the day and it's gone by evening.


But some of the people I make lunch for are pre diabetic, and they have a splash of juice and then fill up the glass with soda water. I dont like fizz much myself, and I can't help thinkig of all that plastic wasted in bottling water. But I guess everyone is taking babysteps.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I put other. I don't keep it in the house and I don't drink it when in a restaurant. However, I'm not above having a coke slurpee once or twice a summer, and I often will take ginger ale to our yearly picnic outing at the beach.

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I don't like soda, so it's no great virtue not to drink it. I do like sweet tea, Chik-Fil-A's lemonade and Sonic's limeade, all of which have lots of empty calories. I don't indulge more than a couple of times a week, and I like them enough to spend the calories on them.

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I drink a couple of cans every day. I tried cutting it out once, and got horribly dehydrated because I can't stand the taste of water-even if it is filtered and has slices of lemon/lime in it. I haven't suffered any ill effects from drinking that much soda-I've never had a cavity, I hardly ever get sick, and I'm not overweight.

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Until a few years ago, I drank about 5-6 cans/day. Then I quit.


But I voted 'Other' because sometimes a waitress brings me one, and the straw accidentally gets in my mouth, and I accidentally drink it. This seems to happen about once a week. Wierdest thing...


But in theory, I drink no soda.

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Well I chime in as the "yes" that's willing to say it, seems the most responses are from the "no" and "other" crowd.


I drink soda almost exclusively. I love my Pepsi and Mt. Dew. I know it's not good for me but I can't stand straight water, not even with the squeeze of lemon, lime or orange that's supposed to make it more palatable. When it gets really hot I will drink Kool-aid instead but that's to cut back on the sodium because I swell when it's hot and I have to much salt.

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I had to quit all caffeine 20 years ago because of ovarian cysts. It was incredibly rough since I drank almost nothing other than Dr. Pepper from the time I got up until I went to bed.


For a long time afterwards, I had one caffeine-free root beer each evening with dinner. I haven't had any type of soda at all in several years now.

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About once a week. I don't keep it in the house, though, or I'll drink more. I've noticed that when I'm pregnant, I get more and harder braxton hicks when I drink soda (caffeinated Pepsi). When I nursing, my milk supply drops. So I've wondered what else it affects that I don't know about.

Sure is yummy, though:)

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Not very often, and nothing with HFCS or artificial sugars.




Same here. I was getting sick every time we ate out, then one day I noticed that I got sick at a friend's house when all they had was soda available. So I did an experiment recently and realized that if I have a soda with HFCS I feel nauseous and get a headache (it sometimes lasts a couple of days) but if I have one with sugar I'm fine. Good thing they are more expensive... keeps me from drinking them all the time. :D

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Once or twice a year, usually when we're grilling out, we'll buy a locally brewed root beer or honey-sweetened ginger ale. I like to sample local root beers while traveling, too. In some parts of the world, the only safe thing to order in a restaurant has been soda... Also, they have a lovely soda in Norway which pairs nicely with Norwegian hot dogs :D

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I voted yes, since "other" was worded so precisely. :lol:


I don't consider myself a "soda drinker", but I have a Mt Dew every couple of months, and steal a taste of dh's soda once every couple of weeks. We only buy it for parties or company. It gives me a terrible tummy ache to have more than a few sips. :tongue_smilie:

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I selected the ever debatable "other". I do not buy any soda for the house and I would never order a soda out. But I do tend to steal small sips of my dh's diet coke when we go out to eat or if he brings home one with pizza.


My dc have never had soda and I am hoping to keep it that way as long as I can ;) Now, if my dh were to fill out this poll he would be sad, because I refuse to buy it for the house. So, he has to resort to drinking 5-6 glasses when we go out. It is so crazy, that waitresses actually mention how crazy it is how much he drinks.

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sometimes a waitress brings me one, and the straw accidentally gets in my mouth, and I accidentally drink it. This seems to happen about once a week. Wierdest thing...


But in theory, I drink no soda.


LOL Why doesnt dh believe me when chocolate happens to jump into my cart without me knowing about it at the grocery store? I agree with your, weirdest thing :lol::lol::lol:

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