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What curricula have you tried that you LOVE??

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I love Sonlight and FIAR . . . but have never done them in their entirety, lol! I love the idea behind them (using good literature to learn about a whole lot of subjects, and to inspire a love of lit in general), and their kind, gentle, kid-friendly approach.


I really think just reading to kids (especially books they like) is enough homeschooling when they are young (say before 11 or 12). It's also important to provide books for them to read to themselves when they are able.


If they want to do math, the parents could offer them materials for that, too, of course.


Good thing this is just an opinion thread, lol!:)

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Peak With Books


Young Discoverers Series


Let's Read and Find Out Science series

Tanglewood Curriculum (the framework for my curriculum planning)


If Tanglewood's website ever gets taken down, I'm going to cry :blushing::sad:

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A Child's Geography: Explore His Earth by Ann Voskamp. This book is so great! It incorporates things like chapter narrations on postcards, great copywork, activities, how to reach out to others, and a great booklist.


It is written from a Christian world view and it is wonderful. I hope more people will find it!

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I've been homeschooling since preschool with my oldest two now in 6th... the ones I've loved and kept with all along (or till the program's finished):


Reading Reflex

Sequential Spelling

Getty-Dubay Italic penmanship

Singapore Primary Math

Science Detective

Editor in Chief

Grid Perplexors

Hayes Outlining book


Newer additions that I'm loving:


MCT LA (used Island and Town so far)

K12 Human Odyssey (still in Ancients)

CPO Science (used Life so far)

Jamestown Best Short Stories

WWE for my younger dd

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Math Mammoth (obviously :tongue_smilie: )

Life of Fred


Elementary Spanish on Discovery Streaming

The Teaching Company for history and science courses

CPO Science

Campbell's Biology: Exploring Life

Hewitt & Suchocki Conceptual Physics & Conceptual Chemistry



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Math Mammoth (obviously :tongue_smilie: )

Life of Fred


Elementary Spanish on Discovery Streaming

The Teaching Company for history and science courses

CPO Science

Campbell's Biology: Exploring Life

Hewitt & Suchocki Conceptual Physics & Conceptual Chemistry




Jackie, what level is the Conceptual Chemistry book? I bought the Physics book for something like $3 and we love it. It was suppose to supplement Rainbow Science but I think we used it more than the RS text for the physics section.

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Jackie, what level is the Conceptual Chemistry book? I bought the Physics book for something like $3 and we love it. It was suppose to supplement Rainbow Science but I think we used it more than the RS text for the physics section.

It's listed as college-for-nonmajors, but I'm thinking of having DS use it in 8th. I compared it to Conceptual Physical Science Explorations, which combines Physics (by Hewitt), Chemistry (Suchocki) and Earth/Space (written by Hewitt's daughter), and which is used in high schools and lower level CC courses. The Chem part of Explorations looks like a somewhat abridged version of Conceptual Chemistry, so I don't see why a high school student or even 7th/8th grader couldn't do it. It's very similar in format and style to Hewitt. Plus, since Pearson just released the 4th edition of Conceptual Chemistry, all of the video lectures for the 3rd edition are currently available for free on Suchocki's website. I think you could use the lectures with either CC or the Explorations book. I haven't decided yet whether I want to use the two separate texts (Conceptual Physics, Conceptual Chemistry) for a semester each, or use the Explorations book (which seems to be a little heavier in Physics than Chem).



Edited by Corraleno
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Tanglewood Curriculum (the framework for my curriculum planning)


If Tanglewood's website ever gets taken down, I'm going to cry :blushing::sad:


Ok I have to ask, (I may regret this, my kids do alot already:confused:) What is Tanglewood???


FIAR- I think I'll keep coming back to "row" titles even when we're doing the history cycles, the books are so great and the conversations we have as a family are special.


What is FIAR? I know its five in a row, but what is five in a row?


David Attenborough


I LOOOVE the Blue Planet and Planet Earth! The birds of paradise mating dance is awesome! (and thanks to that program I DO get that DUMB song stuck in my head... and I NEVER heard it before I heard it on Planet Earth :glare:)

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It's listed as college-for-nonmajors, but I'm thinking of having DS use it in 8th. I compared it to Conceptual Physical Science Explorations, which combines Physics (by Hewitt), Chemistry (Suchocki) and Earth/Space (written by Hewitt's daughter), and which is supposedly used in some high schools and lower level CC courses. The Chem part of Explorations looks like a somewhat abridged version of Conceptual Chemistry, so I don't see why a high school student or even 7th/8th grader couldn't do it. It's very similar in format and style to Hewitt. Plus, since Pearson just released the 4th edition of Conceptual Chemistry, all of the video lectures for the 3rd edition are currently available for free on Suchocki's website. I think you could use the lectures with either CC or the Explorations book. I haven't decided yet whether I want to use the two separate texts (Conceptual Physics, Conceptual Chemistry) for a semester each, or use the Explorations book (which seems to be a little heavier in Physics than Chem).




You always offer a wealth of information and new ideas. Thank you. I have as of yet to formulate a science plan for 7th grade. Apologia General was fine for my middle child but this one...!

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Phonics Road


Have fallen in love with HOD though we will just start using it for real in the fall.

CKE series for Science

Diana Waring History Alive! (LOVE her CDs)





Goodness, we have used a lot haven't we? ;)


Oh...and FIAR is a unit study type program for elem. kids where you read the same book each day for 5 days. Each day there are activities to choose from in diff. subject areas...math, science, geography, history, la, art, etc. that go along with that story. GREAT books, easy to use program, fun...wish we had done more of it. In fact...might be a great summertime thing!

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Since the thread for most hated curriculum was such a hit, lets see what others LOOOOOVE and do not want to give up (EVER!):D


After almost 17 yrs......my list is still very, very short.


Sing Spell Read Write


Horizons Math


Literary Lessons from LOTRs


Kinetic Physics


Foerster algebra


Didache's History of the Church (Love the artwork)


That's it. There really isn't anything else that I can think of that I can recommend without any reservations/qualifications.

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CLE Reading (rescued my non-reading 1st grader)


Sonlight Readers

Sonlight Read-Alouds (Mr. Popper's Penguins is still talked about in our house)


Child's History of the World (2nd grader is on-the-edge-of-her-seat with this textbook)

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You always offer a wealth of information and new ideas. Thank you. I have as of yet to formulate a science plan for 7th grade. Apologia General was fine for my middle child but this one...!


I am having this issue as well. Apologia worked well for my other guys, especially since we supplemented extensively with other high school and college text books, library books and TC videos. I need a new plan for 12 y/o "swimmer dudette." ;) Tell me about Conceptual Physics....Can I use it with a 7th grader??? Now I am intriugued. I thought it was for high school....hmmmmmmmmm



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SOTW - next year will be the 8th year that I have used it as part (or all!) of my history plans and I am sad that my time with it will be over!


TT Math - lifesaver. I own 5,6, Pre-Alg, Alg 1, Alg 2, and Geometry. Next year I will add 7 and Pre-Calc :)


The Lively Art of Writing


I think that is it! This is my 14th year of homeschooling and I am amazed at how often I have changed things up. Usually, though, it is because I am picky and like to tailor things to the child as closely as I can, not because something was a real bust!

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Saxon for grades 6/5 and up


Math It


Latin for Children - really anything from Classical Academic Press!


Writing with Ease


Religion books from Catholic Heritage Curriculum


Catalogs - these aren't curricula but I use them as references to develop book lists


Lightning Literature for both Lit and Writing in high school


Various Teaching Co. lectures - mainstays in our high school


Writeguide - online writing tutors

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We love Five in a Row!! It has been so much fun to dig deeper into each story. We also use a lot of resources at homeschoolshare.com. My children love math and we use Saxon. I know there are a lot of other "fun" or more "colorful" programs out there, but they love to count on that number board!


On the other side, we hate Learning Language Arts through Literature. For us it was disjointed and weak. I also hate a lot of the Evan Moor books--ick!

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FIAR :001_wub:


Phonics Pathways


As far as math, I love whatever doesn't bring my girls to tears, which is currently MUS for my twins and Singapore for my oldest. Saxon was a bust here; Horizons was great for early elementary.


My twins are also loving Writing Strands--it's perfect for them!

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Vocabulary Vine

Teaching Textbooks

Notgrass Exploring America

Spelling Power

Explode the Code

Abeka Health


:001_wub: Can I just say that I love your blog, it's beautiful and I also wanted to say that we are doing nearly the same thing next year only we're doing World history instead of US. My older two will be using the second half on Notgrass EWH and Trail Guide to World Geography adding in extra books to make the study fuller. Another coincidence, i'm in TX too!!!

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TT math--for high school non-mathy kid

Lightning Lit Brit Lit, Shakespeare Comedies/Sonnets, Am Lit

R&S grammar 2-8


Singapore PM in combo with MEP

Notgrass World and US history

Vocabulary for Achievement grades 6-12

OPGTR with Little Patriot readers

Edited by Jen S in Va
forgot some
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  • I really like Ambleside Online for upper grades (years 7+). I like most of the books in the lower years, but never seem to stick with it at that level. I do plan to add in SWB's history books at this level as they become available. (Since my younger 2 are in 2nd and 4th grades, all of them should be ready for them, though my oldest didn't use any and my second will only use the Middle Ages book.)
  • Charlotte Mason methods (oral and written narration, living books, and dictation in particular, though we use many of the other methods/techniques, also)
  • Rod and Staff English--We have tried many grammar programs, and this is the one that is the most effective and least boring. (Though grammar will never be a favorite class for any of us)
  • Miquon math (alone or with another early elementary program, this has provided a firm foundation in math for all 4 of my children)

While there are many other curricula I like (SOTW, Singapore Primary Math, Singapore NEM, MUS upper levels, Reading Reflex, Alphaphonics, Alphabet Island phonics, Sequential Spelling, Apologia secondary science, BJU elementary science, WTM upper grades writing suggestions), the above are the only "non-negotiable" items in our school.

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