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WTM Food Revolution: What's For Supper?

Guest Dulcimeramy

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Guest Dulcimeramy

We had baked whitefish, chickpeas and kale, rice, and salad.


I found the chickpeas and kale recipe here. It is so incredibly, amazingly delicious that we've actually had it twice this week! Even our younger boys (ages 5 and 9) gobble it up. The first time, I made it with purple kale and I do think that is tastier than the green kale.


Our salad was made of red Boston lettuce, spinach, and romaine, cucumbers, celery, radishes, carrots, yellow and red bell peppers, and tomatoes.


Toby, age 5, loves chickpeas. I have a pan full of them roasting in the oven for a snack. I used canned chickpeas (rinsed, drained, patted dry) tossed with chili powder and cumin and a teaspoon of olive oil. They bake at 425 for about 40 minutes. I open the oven every 15 minutes to give them a shake so they won't stick to the pan.


So. What's on your table?

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I laughed out loud when I saw this. I have a sprained ankle, and asked dh to bring dinner home. He brought organic spinach and feta pizzas, and apparently got some kind of craving for fries, so he bought a bag of those frozen Alexia ones. This is literally the first time we have served fries in 2010, and he came upstairs to find us *watching* Food Revolution, at the part where the woman's table is piled with...pizza and fries.


"Well, Dad," said ds8, "We can have some dried fruit with it, at least."


Poor dh.

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Yay! I've been thinking about this all day long!


Dinner: I've got veggies roasting - asparagus, onions, red pepper, lots of garlic, eggplant, zucchini, grape tomatoes (basically everything I had that needed to be used, like, yesterday), tossed with olive oil and balsamic. To be served with whole wheat rotini tossed with baby spinach (also needed to be used yesterday) and feta cheese. I've got some onion parmesan focaccia to along and some oranges. Oh, and tonight, I have mid-grade wine ;).



Are we going to come up with some ground rules? Maybe announce a thing a week we want to change and how we are going to implement it? I need to do something about prepackaged cereal - working on that this evening...

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I'm getting ready to head out the door for baseball (my husband coaches, younger son plays and older son umpires), so I made dinner earlier today.


I tossed a salad of romaine and spinach with several of our favorite raw veggies. I baked a loaf of bread using the master recipe from Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day (I need to get Healthy Breads in 5 and move away from white flour). I also made a pot of pinto bean soup with ham.


We will all get home around 7:30 and I will re-heat the soup and warm the bread. The table is already set, so even though it will be a late one, we will all still sit down together.

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Chicken in the crockpot w/ (canned:001_huh:) cream of mushroom soup & a jar of homemade broth, steamed rice/barley mix, mixed veggies (frozen LOL).


I try...what else can I say...:tongue_smilie: (I do have homemade WW bread rising as I type. Hot bread & honey for desert!:001_smile:)


If I could rid my home of prepackaged cereal....ugh! That deserves a thread of it's own.

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Can y'all post where you live and what time you serve dinner so those of us too lazy to cook can stop in? ;)


Ideally, I'd like to eat healthier all the time but we ended up with chipped beef and gravy over baked potatoes (all from scratch) and strawberries on the side. It was a low veggie night for us, but lettuce and spinach are planted so sooner or later salad will win out. In hindsight, I should have pulled some broccoli out of the freezer, but I'm just not talented at thinking these things up when I'm tired after work.

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Chicken in mushroom sauce, kasha and green beans.


Okay, the mushroom sauce is cream of mushroom soup with sherry added. But it's Amy's Organic cream of mushroom soup, not Campbell's... :tongue_smilie: Okay, and the green beans are frozen (but they are organic!)... this is one of my quickie meals - and kasha is a comfort food for me. :)

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We're having leftover buffet. Choices include:


black-eyed pea soup

baked chicken breasts rubbed with olive oil, garlic, and spices

steak fajitas over brown rice

pork chops with baked potatoes

organic spring green salad

fresh baked bread

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I'm loving this thread! I'm only bummed we won't be home this weekend to try that chicken in milk.....on my list for next week.


Tonight: crustless quiche made with our own organic eggs, locally-made cheddar and organic milk, and a salad of organic: leaf lettuce, carrots, yellow pepper, topped with a few Craisins and sunflower seeds.


Last night: chicken-veggie stir fry over baked brown rice (chicken, veggies and rice all organic)


Tomorrow night: takeout pizza--- too busy grooming dogs and packing for this weekend's show to think about dinner! :D



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My 15 & 13 yo are making Stew.


Stew with a capital S, the kind served to weary Travelers at Inns...or so they tell me. I have no idea what it will taste like, but know it will have carrots and turnips in it!


They are also making Whole Wheat Molasses Bread because it is plain, brown, and hearty, just like said weary Travelers would get.


And fresh veggies...because we serve those at every meal!


We watched Food Revolution via the internet on Monday night, and dd15 said "Add school lunches to the list of reasons you don't send us to PS." Will do. :)

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We actually ate decent tonight! Decently enough that I'm not embarrassed anyway.


We had venison tacos on whole wheat wraps. There was even fresh raw tomato and lettuce for these today.


Of course, right now my kids are all sharing a couple of sodas...

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We had beef stew and cornbread. The stew is mostly vegetables. I had frozen the stew without the vegetables in it, and I got carried away, and the amount of stew grew and grew ... this always happens with anything I cook in a pot.


At least this time I started out with a big enough pot. Usually I end up transferring it to at least one bigger pot.


So we are having it again tomorrow night.

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I'm loving this thread! I'm only bummed we won't be home this weekend to try that chicken in milk.....on my list for next week.


It's one of our favorite meals. I like to leave the cover on the whole time, except when I baste it so the chicken is really moist, instead of drier roasted chicken. My kids LOVE having it with egg noodles so we spoon the sauce over both.

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That sounds absolutely delicious!


How do you roast the veggies?


Is the spinach cooked (wilted, or whatever)?


I just chopped them, tossed them in a bowl with a few glugs of olive oil and a few sprays of balsamic (very exact, right?), turned them out onto jelly roll pans and roasted them at 450 for about 20 min. With the spinach, I toss it into the hot noodles after I drain them and it just wilts from the heat of the noodles. I do add the same amts of oil and balsamic to the noodles, too, before I dump in the roasted veggies and add salt and pepper before I stir it all up. Ridiculously easy and fairly fast. Once a week or so, I just collect all the veggies that have to go and do this with them. Sometimes I add oregano or basil, too, in which case I use parmesan instead of feta.

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Dinner is in the works.


Tonight's fare:


Korean Vermicelli with a sauce of dried anchovies cooked with olive oil, onions, garlic, mushrooms, tomatoes and Italian Parsley.


A chiffonade of tender steamed Chard (picked this morning in friend's garden).


A Beet, Greek Yoghurt, and Fresh Mint salad.


Fresh Fava Beans Palestinian-style (in the pod, sliced in 3 inch segments and pan roasted with olive oil, tomatoes, fresh Spring-Garlic, fresh Dill and Lemon).



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I Googled "kasha". Is it a buckwheat cereal? Hot or cold? Sounds nutritious. :)



It's buckwheat - specifically roasted buckwheat groats. While I think there is a brand that chops it very fine and markets it as a hot breakfast cereal, traditionally it's served as a savory side-dish to dinner. At Jewish delis they often have kasha varnishkes, which is kasha with bowtie pasta mixed in. You can also make it as a pilaf.


I always make it the way it recommends on the side of the Wolff's kasha box - you beat an egg and then mix the kasha groats in till they're covered, then put in a very hot pan and stir quickly till the egg "disappears", all the kernels are separate and it looks like you never put any egg on in the first place. This seals them and keeps it from getting soggy. Then you put boiling water over it and simmer covered for 10 minutes. Easy peasy, and very quick for a whole grain side dish (and it's gluten-free)! You can get it in the Jewish foods section of the supermarket.

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Guest Dulcimeramy

Bob's Red Mill also has gluten-free kasha, available through amazon.


This is one awesome thread!!!!! We're eatin' pretty good for a recession, huh.


Now how do we share the awesomeness in some practical way with Moms who might be reading along but struggling with dinnertime? I know when I wasn't doing so well with the nutrition, I'd read healthy dinner threads and say to myself, "Well, good for you, but I can't do that."


Should we also add how many ingredients our dishes have, and how long to cook? Should we have themes for the week or something, so people can try new things for breakfast and then discuss the experience before we all move on to lunches (for example)?

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I am not a cook, but am starting to try this week. We are vegetarians and try to buy organic when possible.


We had steamed broccoli and leftover homemade vegetarian chili from last night. I am so grateful my daughter just loves vegetables.

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We had:

- Panfried Tilapia coated in batter made with Korean pancake mix & eggs

- White Rice

- Broccoli & Carrots

- Leftover garlic bread

- Leftover Popeye's Chicken (The kids ate so much of the fish that DH

had to supplement from the fridge. Poor Guy.)

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Would anyone be interested in starting a WTM Revolutionaries social group? Then we could post recipes, plans, goals, etc... Or is it more inspiring to see the thread right here in the general forum? I keep finding myself wanting to hit 'reply' to ask how something was prepared! So many yummy looking dinners!

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We are on vacation, but my dd & I split a yummy vegetable panini. She had a Shriley Temple, "No, cherry , please" lol, and I had white wine, but I had about 8 oz of bottled water before I ordered our panini.


For a snack tonight, she had yogurt and I had a little more white wine whilst sitting on the hotel balcony as the sun set over the Atlantic. ;) The wine wasn't organic. lol


Dh says the kids at home had chicken soup my MIL made and dropped off. ( As authentic as it gets).

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Would anyone be interested in starting a WTM Revolutionaries social group? Then we could post recipes, plans, goals, etc... Or is it more inspiring to see the thread right here in the general forum? I keep finding myself wanting to hit 'reply' to ask how something was prepared! So many yummy looking dinners!



I like the focus of a social group, but I find that I often forget to check in. I would love to continue here on the general board.

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Today was co-op day and then we stopped to visit MIL, and she ended up feeding us. For eating at her house we did very well.... She made tuna sandwiches on store-bought whole wheat bread with no HFCS, a few varieties of cheese, fresh grapes and strawberries, and she put out a bowl of cashews for dessert (I can't have the bread or cashews, but I had plenty to eat and the kids ate well). When we got home the kids were hungry because we had eaten much earlier than usual, so I gave them each a slice of whole wheat toast with Nutella and a glass of milk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A Pilaf made with Freekeh (immature "green" wheat that is cracked par-boiled and smoked over wood fires. Delicious stuff!) .


A Lentil and Cauliflower soup.


Rappini (Brocolli Rabe).


Braised Red Cabbage.


Greek youghurt.


Grapes for dessert.



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Guest Dulcimeramy
A Pilaf made with Freekeh (immature "green" wheat that is cracked par-boiled and smoked over wood fires. Delicious stuff!) .


A Lentil and Cauliflower soup.


Rappini (Brocolli Rabe).


Braised Red Cabbage.


Greek youghurt.


Grapes for dessert.




What's in your lentil cauliflower soup? I've never met a lentil recipe I didn't like. I'm imagining very clear chicken broth, carrots, garlic, thyme, kale, hint of lemon.

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What's in your lentil cauliflower soup? I've never met a lentil recipe I didn't like. I'm imagining very clear chicken broth, carrots, garlic, thyme, kale, hint of lemon.


It was less of a recipe, than a "clean-out" of some end-of-the week vegetables ;) :D


So there was a good amount of Cauliflower. Onions. A leek. Garlic (oh yes lots of Garlic). A tomato. Kale. Some curry-powder a friend bring us from Trinidad. Turmeric. Sea-salt.


I think that's it.


You were pretty dang close :D



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