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How long have you been visiting TWTM boards?

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Guest happytohomeschool
Welcome. We are glad you are here.




Thanks :)

I just have to now figure out how to add my avatar, siggy and read the WTM :tongue_smilie:

I'm in the process of trying to figure out what is working for us, what isn't and how to make it all work. I just heard about this forum and so I'm hoping to glean some wisdom from all of you :D

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I think 6 years or so. I know I was lurking on the old boards and still mostly lurking on the new boards. With an occasional post on both. I know I started visiting years before I had DS since I was researching various home schooling methods at the time because DH and I had determined that we planned to home school our future children. It may be 7 years rather then 6, I can't remember if I joined when I was in community college or before. I'll still with 6 for now though.

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I don't really know. I used to read the old boards sometimes, but always found them clunky and hard to get through. I probably posted every once in a while. That would have been in 2002 or so. Then I joined this new board in August 2008.

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I've been coming here for as long as I can remember, but only visited the curriculum boards, and under a different name - because I didn't have four kids at the time. ;) I joined under my new user name over a year ago (has it been two now?) when I pulled dd out of school and started to homeschool again. So I took a couple of years off when everyone was in school.

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So, when did the boards first come online? I've been around since the beginning. I bought the first edition of TWTM shortly after it came out- in '99? We were still living in Tokyo at the time but planning our move back to the States. It will have been 10 years in July since we arrived back in the USA and I know that I was reading the boards in the spring of 2000 to plan my curriculum for fall 2000.


I used to post a lot more in the early days. After my oldest graduated, I didn't have quite the same drive to connect here because so many of the high school students represented here are the very highly motivated & high achieving variety and my younger two, while bright, have learning profiles that don't fit the pattern of students who tend to be most successful with a TWTM approach. I have had to adapt my goals and methods to the children in front of me and that has taken me to places other than a primarily classical education.

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I put ten years, however, it's been longer. I remember all the hoopla about Y2K and the fact that the boards read 1900 for a while instead of 2000.


When I first joined, I could read all the boards. It's much busier now so that I'm lucky to read the high school and college boards and only occasionally the General and K-8 boards.


I'm very grateful for this board as it's been a huge part of my homeschooling support system.


A big thank you to Susan Wise Bauer for providing this great venue.




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I don't really know. I used to read the old boards sometimes, but always found them clunky and hard to get through. I probably posted every once in a while.


Same here. I signed up here two years ago, but did mooch about on the old boards occasionally for probably two years before that.



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I put ten years, however, it's been longer. I remember all the hoopla about Y2K and the fact that the boards read 1900 for a while instead of 2000.



I was going to say eight or nine, but reading your post reminds me that I too remember all of the Y2K hoopla although at the time I was more of a lurker. My son was enrolled at a Montessori school and I suspected that eventually we would homeschool as was indeed the case.


Wow. Time does fly.



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Just what the question asked.


10 years for me. In the last 2 years I've done much more schooling & chauffeuring and am spending less time on the boards. I pop back on for a few weeks, see what I've missed, and then go off for several months. Glad I came back last month - I'm using MCT and love it! :tongue_smilie:


Diane in Phoenix (for those around in the old days!)

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I know it was before I was pregnant with my 4th. We had terrible dial-up access and I would only visit the boards occasioanlly. The old format drove me a little nuts.


But I say think for 10 years, because it may be nine. It was so long ago, my brain is now quite fuzzy on lots of details regarding my life. :001_smile:

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...with a lot of other people -- from VegSource for some reason I never understood. A LOT of people were being banned and I think a lot of us found ourselves at the WTM boards. (Is that the exodus Joanne mentioned??? When was that?). Anyway, I lurked a lot in those days and didn't really start posting much until the past few years--maybe a couple of years or so before the board went to the current format.

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I'm surprised at how many people say they've been here over 10 years, and yet I don't know most of them.


10 years ago there was 1 board. The titles would say things like "Spring-Summer 1999." Some posters used first and last names. It was a fairly close-knit group.


A lot of the original posters have left. So were there simply a lot of silent lurkers? :001_huh:

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