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What school supplies that are not considered typical do you find indispensable?

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coffee? I keep a big cup of it warm all day long.

post-it flags to mark our place in workbooks

dry-erase markers - use them for all the time

BIG sketch paper and BIG grid paper - we've started doing math with colored pencils on grid or sketch paper instead of in a notebook and it is terrific.

blank books - we are using them for lots of our writing now

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Plaster of Paris!


Do you mark your pages with it???


(When I grew up, I thought it was rot-gut wine....Paris...France....wine...to get you plastered. Hey, I thought "euthanasia" was a student movement in India along the lines of the SDS, which was in the news quite a bit when I was young.)

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I'm joking. Although, there are THOSE days...



You made me laugh out loud! Thanks!


Are golf pencils and stubby little markers considered typical? We go through gaggles of both and I don't know how I did without when my oldest was younger.


I'd also third (fourth, fifth?) the cookie sheet/cafeteria tray sentiment. I use cheapo dollar store cookie sheets to contain crafty messes, play doh, and paint. This is probably the best three bucks I ever spent.

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Rings for flashcards (hole-punched in the corner)


Click pens with the 4 colors (for me). I have about 4 of them stashed different places, so I'm all set to grade in red or write in whatever color.


Post-it tabs here too! They're used in all our books, workbooks, answer keys, etc.


A vertical file holder for the kids to turn in their work for grading. It's not this one, but it's a similar idea. (Mine's metal with wicker.)

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I am shocked at how many candles we go through. And, yes, Post-its of all sizes.


I mentioned on here before that the only "school supply" my daughter requested this year was a Swiss Army Knife. She'd been reading the Dangerous Boy and Girl books or whatever those are called, and the knife was a must-have after that. It certainly gets used.

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A classroom bell. When we started homeschooling four years ago I bought one, I told the girls that when I ring it, they must come to the class quickly and quietly. I hardly use it, but when I do they become bizarrely obedient. I don't know why it works, I would never expect it to, but it does. :)


Dry erase boards and pens (the ones where the tip isn't cut at an angle).


Metallic markers for coloring in swords, weapons and gold etc.


Red ballpoint pen for correcting (the girls just seem to take that red pen more seriously :confused:)


My little old architect lamp, it comes in handy all the the time.

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  • Dry erase boards (personal size and large sizes) and markers of all colors!
  • Lyra Ferby colored pencils (we have the Smencils too, but use the Lyra ALL the time)
  • Craft Trays from Lakeshore learning are great to tote stuff around and keep things in place
  • Dymo labeler/Brother P-touch labeler
  • laminator
  • Timer
  • big revolving organizer


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diet coke (you do NOT want to know me without it!)

comb binder!


And this is a typical school supply...but maybe not in the quantity I use it...REAMS of paper. And I do mean reams. I go through about five to seven reams of paper per week. Over a year that's a lot of paper!!!

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Where do you get cafeteria trays - besides a cafeteria? I think we could use those.


I think I got mine at a garage sale but you can get them at Amazon or I've seen them at restraunt supply stores. I like the full size ones the best (14 x 18) but I also have a smaller one that is nice as it fits in the dishwasher.



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I'm joking. Although, there are THOSE days...



Yeah. That's what I was going to go with! But only for the teacher, and only after hours, or it messes with my concentration :tongue_smilie:


My laminator. My Ibiclick Clickman. (That's the UK A4 version of the GBC Proclick system that fits US paper.) I love that machine!


A sense of humour would have been useful. But instead I have a 9yr old dd...

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Ditto the computer/printer, pencil sharpener, three hole punch.


Also: glass jars and ziplock baggies. I have so many things stored in them

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pool table with formica cover - nice and big and indestructible


red ink pens


clipboards and pencil holders


CD players - music and foreign languages and McGee and MacArthur and AM radio


copier - everything


cats, dog, birdfeeders - to rest the eyes and mind when reading for a long time


view - of the outdoors with, hopefully, something relaxing to look at


book bags - everything


Staples tables = desks


index card boxes - mostly the giant ones; not tiny


shelves - all over the place


musical instruments




and all the usual stuff - white boards, markers, ref. books, 3-ring notebooks, art supplies, etc.

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Those post-it strips that you use to keep your place in books. At least that's what WE use them for! We have magenta, bright green, lots of colors. Love 'em!




:iagree: I can't live without post-its.



dry erase squeegie

E-race lapboards


What are these two things?



Timers - one for each child. Or one for each location where they need to be used! (math tests, piano practice, timing lessons, etc.)


I also like personal dry erase boards - we use them for spelling, math and as a hard writing surface.


:iagree: We hardly use paper because we use the lap dry erase boards.



I will add modeling clay and/or Think Putty. It's get stress reliever for me, and helps the kids to have some thing to fiddle with during lessons.

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