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How many hours of sleep do you get?

On average, how many hours of sleep do you get per day?  

  1. 1. On average, how many hours of sleep do you get per day?

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I always have the intention of going to bed earlier because I need my sleep and am usually tired during the day. It never works out that way though. I always seem to get more energy in the evening. I just can't seem to resist it when everyone else is asleep and the house is silent. I use that time to myself to read a book and usually end up playing the one more page game. So I average around 6 hours a night most nights.

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I said 4 and that is a good night. I have a 12 mo baby that was a NICU baby. She is still only nursing, and due to FTT earlier, she still nurses a lot at night. Because of her "mobility" I can no longer sleep while she nurses, because when she is done, she will try to get off the bed and have a hay day. So, during her 4 night nursing sessions, I lay there awake. ;)


I could use A LOT more, which could be why I am so sick right now. :glare:

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I'll go with the not enough answer. I work nights until 1 AM 4 nights a week and Saturday nights, I work 10 hours (8:30 pm to 7 AM). I am chronically sleep deprived. I probably average about 5-6 hours but I really need at least 8. On my nights off, I try to sleep a little more but my body does not always cooperate.

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I ideally prefer to get 8 hours, but for the last year or two I have been having insomnia issues and am lucky to get 7, and quite often, its 5 or 6 (but I make up for it then with a nap).

I dont handle lack of sleep very well but I am just learning to live with it- getting upset and stressed about it doesn't help at all.

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I get between 6 and 8. At the moment it's pretty broken, as the kids have all been sick, and also one of them is using a bedwetting alarm system. But normally it's more restful. My toddler sometimes breastfeeds during the night, but since we co-sleep, I don't have to be particularly awake.

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I average 4 hours by choice.




Have you always needed less than average or did you train your body to be able to do this?


I discussed the possibility of sleep training with a colleague just this week. How to sleep less while still keeping up one's energy levels and mental performance? My colleague is into adventure racing and extreme sports and needs more time in his week to train! While they are racing, his team will average 2 hours of sleep for days on end (some races are a week long!), and he'll do this when focussed on a project, but always ends up 'catching up' on sleep after the race or deadline.


When my children were babies, I always said I need at least 4 hours of uniterrupted sleep to function. Now that I am again used to around 7 hours of sleep a night, I find a few nights in a row with less than that draining. I wonder if this is what I'm now used to, rather than what I actually need

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Not enough. Some nights, I'm lucky to get an hour...I literally wake up every.single.hour. Some nights, I'm lucky to fall asleep by 4, and the kids are up by 530 lately.


Weekends, I'm blessed. My husband knows that I'm lucky to sleep by 4 am most nights, so he leaves me to sleep until I wake up. Plus, with the lidocaine infusions Friday night, its usually the best sleep I get all week.


Sleep is a vicious cycle for me. I can't sleep because of pain, then the pain is worse because I haven't slept, then I sleep even less because of pain...Either I hit a wall and pass out for 10 hrs finally, or Friday comes first. Or I break down, take my breakthrough meds at bedtime, and pray for a few hours solid sleep. Unfortunately, those are like taking Tic Tacs lately, I need the dose adjusted, or a completely new med. *sigh*

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Colleen, Have you always needed less than average or did you train your body to be able to do this?

Hi, Hannah! Is SA rife with World Cup fever yet?:) I've always slept less than average. I guess to a degree, I do feel like my sleep habits are mind over matter but it's also just what my body is used to. Once in a blue moon I'll get 7-8 hours of sleep and it actually makes me more tired. The more I sleep, the more lethargic I feel.


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Hi, Hannah! Is SA rife with World Cup fever yet?:)


There's something about it on the news every day...complaints about the way tickets are sold, airline price wars, etc.

The Soccer City stadium was completed 150 days ahead of schedule, so there's been celebration about that.

The excitement is building. South Africans are 'last minute' people, so I'm sure it will grow a lot bigger in the next 132 days.

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On average, how many hours of sleep do you get per day?


Typically I get about 6-8 hrs of interupted sleep a night and then a 1-2 hr nap during the day every other day or so. I tire easy and right now when the extreme cold outside... I am having a harder time breathing so I need to get rest in afternoon to make it through the evening when the younger two kids are home.

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