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I would appreciate your thoughts and prayers

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I'm praying for you, Nakia. Feel free to email if it would help to have an online friend who cares.


Focus on the Family offers some free support. Maybe talking to someone there would help.


They have this on their website:

Need family help?

Call (800) A-FAMILY (232-6459)



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I would make an appointment with a counselor even if you were the only one going. It can make so much of a difference! You need someone IRL to speak to and it needs to be someone objective and trustworthy - and preferably not a family member.




It would be best if the two of you could sort things out with a marital counselor together, but if not, maybe you could go alone.


I pray for restoration for your marriage, and for true HAPPINESS and PASSION!

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Nakia, I'm certainly sorry to hear that you are struggling. We've recently been through some tough times ourselves :ack2:. Things get quite bad for us when DH's depression (anger & irritability) flares. He is on medication for life, yet a couple of times a year he has what I call "male PMS" which lasts for about two weeks. I try to be patient and wait it out but sometimes it just stinks!

IMO, the two toughest jobs in this world are being a parent and being married. I'll be praying for you and your DH that you can pull through this time and come out even stronger.

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Ditto on the advice to TRY to talk to someone- even if you're the only one going. Many large churches have counseling ministries that charge on a sliding scale. Focus on the Family is a great place to call for references for Christian counselors - BTDT. I will be praying that you will be encouraged and that hope can be restored.

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I would make an appointment with a counselor even if you were the only one going. It can make so much of a difference! You need someone IRL to speak to and it needs to be someone objective and trustworthy - and preferably not a family member.


Yes! Get a counselor now. If you can get him to go that's even better. But if he's not onboard, YOU go.

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It would be best if the two of you could sort things out with a marital counselor together, but if not, maybe you could go alone.


I pray for restoration for your marriage, and for true HAPPINESS and PASSION!


:iagree: Hugs and prayers to you.

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