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Who is ready for school tomorrow? Who isn't ready?

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I'm not ready. I'd like another week off, please. :D


Due to the magic of time zones, we're already half done with our first day. Math done, history done, memory work done, reading done. Piano and science still do go, with a swim practice and scout meeting after that.


I predict that you will all have a great day and a wonderful year.


Go get 'em.

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I'm going to skip Monday this week and start on Tuesday instead. We've had a house full of people for weeks and I want to CLEAN tomorrow, then we can start school. I don't think I could face school with a cluttered house. I just need one day off after the holidays. Just one.


Despite my previous post, my plan is start light this week with the three R's mostly. We are going to add some housecleaning afternoons into the week just to help us get back on track. I feel like you, Karen. The house needs to be de-cluttered before I can fully jump back into school.




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I am completely ready for school. The schoolroom area is tidy and organized, everything necessary is prepped and printed, and we even revised our schedule specifically for this week, since most of dd's outside activities won't restart for another week or two.


Just... please don't ask me about the rest of the house. Especially not my desk. :lol:


Looks like the end of my dining room table now.:tongue_smilie:

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We've had six weeks off and I'm so ready to go back to routine. Of course, Dh is still laid off; the baby I sit will be here and we've got an inconvient doctor's appt in the middle of our school day. But, hey, I'm still going to make a go of it. Wish me luck!


Ooooh, I hear you Kalah! We haven't had six weeks off, but Dh is still laid off and that all in itself makes it hard to focus on school and return to that all important routine. My hat is off to you though, it sounds like you have a lot going and it will be challenging. Best to you as you persevere!




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I'm not gunna. I gave myself permission to start Tuesday. ;)

Me either, er...me too! My dd is coming down with something and my friend needs my help watching her 4yo. I am using tomorrow as a catch up day since DH won't be around to mess things up. I can fold clothes, straighten the house, and work on the school room in prep for school on Tuesday and a realtor to come list the house next weekend.:willy_nilly::blink:

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I'm not ready yet, but we're not actually doing school tomorrow. I was going to take my 16yo to DPS for her driver's license last week, but I was sick on Monday and Tuesday and the car was in the shop on Wednesday and Thursday. Friday was a holiday.


So now I plan to take her to DPS tomorrow. We'll all have one more day of no school. When we went for her permit, we were in line for 4 hours, so I don't expect this to be quick.

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I'm not ready. I'd like another week off, please. :D


Sadly, I am not ready. I have a raging sinus infection and I just don't feel like digging into a full plan. I think I'm going to resort to "open the book to where we left off, and go from there."


Lazy, I know, but there you have it.

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House has already slipped back into chaos after the pre-New Year clean, and dd has school holiday swimming lessons daily this week (a brilliant Australian govt initiative where swimming lessons cost just $1 per day for 10 days of 45 min lessons) but we start nonetheless...

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We are prepared for school. I am absolutely NOT ready to get back to it. This morning has gotten a lazy start. Oldest is just now starting into his lessons and it is 9:15. Youngest son will be a bigger challenge because he never wants to start school anyway. Blah.


It doesn't help that the ps kids got the day off today because it is SO COLD here. :( That doesn't really motivate anyone! LOL

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I thought I wasn't ready - I didn't FEEL ready, and nasty PMS was meaning "Please Mom no School" today - but it's actually going quite well so far. Well, as good as it ever goes with a two and four year old trying to join us. ;) I'm surprised, and pleased! Hope everyone else is hanging in there too.

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I did some prep work last week and was looking forward to starting today. We have pastor and wife coming for dinner tonight and it's 9:45am and I"m STILL in my jammies:lol: Oh well, better get moving. Dh had to go out this am and said he'd be back to "help" me. If I'm still sitting here I don't think I'll get all that much help:tongue_smilie:

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Yep, I think dreading it is the worst part...once we are back to it, it seems pretty good! I reminded everyone that school would start tomorrow (monday) and they said "ok!" NO COMPLAINING!

My son actually said this morning that he was glad we were starting back; he said he doesn't feel so good about himself when he has loads of free time. I was shocked! I think we all feel surprisingly good about being back to school! YAY!

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I was surprised by how pleasant today has been too :p


I really expected a disaster, instead we've actually been enjoying ourselves :D


Am I the only one that forgets how much fun this can be?


Today has been wonderful. I wasn't sure if we'd start or not. I have kids with colds, but we are having a great day. There's been a little bit of bickering and my 5th grade boy is dawdling, but we will persevere. :001_smile:

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Two of my kids are doing much better than I thought. The other child has completely forgotten how to divide. Ugh.


I still have hours of work ahead of me scheduling the things I changed over the break, and I am still completely up in the air about what two of them are doing for history.


On the positive side, the two that are doing just fine are already finished for the day!:D

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Guest Dulcimeramy

In spite of a very sniffly kindergartner with a bad head cold, we got through our morning very well! And then it all went to pieces, because ds11 informed me that there was a leak in his floor and the floor and bed were very damp. He said he meant to tell me two days ago.




Derailed by a crummy old house. We've given up any thought of school for the afternoon, because we are moving the boys into the dining room to prep their room for repairs which we can not afford. They are boxing up their worldly goods to store in the garage.



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Diva's sick, so spent the morning sleeping.


Tazzie, on the other hand, did a page in his workbook, and begged for more.


Princess painted a picture with Daddy, threw a fit cause it wasn't 'right' (don't ask me how not, because we don't know) and threw her artwork into the trash.


So, a good day on the whole...I confess to the fact that I hardly ever plan...I just follow along from where ever we left off, and bless the creators of TOG, SOTW, Saxon, etc.

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We survived! Because of all the appt's ect this morning we only did our afternoon subjects. So the kids had science, the bigs continued with the program we were doing, and all 3 continued in astronomy but ds6 started SL sci K. He was so excited to have his own science books. He also started working on his newest theme pocket (on whales). They did a home ec lesson cooking scrambled eggs for snack, and used child-sized masterpieces for some art appreciation. The big kids also did logic, latin, spelling, and their first day of greek. The SW cancelled for today and rescheduled for tomorrow am, so right in the middle of our morning classes we have to stop to deal with her. I am hoping it will not throw us off for the whole day.

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